- 21 Grand
- 3020 Broadway
- Abrahamson Brothers
- Ace Electric Sign Company
- Acme Ambulance
- Acme Grill
- A. G. Ferrari
- A.H. Rose and Company
- Albert S. Samuels Company
- Aldinger and Lapp
- Alta Telegraph Company
- Amador Marble Company
- AMCO Chemical
- American Bag Co. Building
- American Creamery
- Anderson's Carpet House
- Andrew Gross Custom Hatter
- Andrew Williams Store
- Andy's Car and Restaurant Service
- Anker and Co.
- Ann's Cafe
- Antone Garcia
- Art's Crab Shak
- Athens Athletic Club
- Atlas Gas Engine Company
- Aurora Saloon
- Bab's Milk Depot
- Barbour Chemical Works
- Barnes-Tibbitts Company
- Barnes Wright
- Bay City Iron Works
- Bay City Roller Flour Mill
- Bay View Pure Water
- Bella Belmont
- Belle Vue du Lac; Rendezvous de Chasse
- Bercovich Furniture
- Best Steel Casting Company
- Betty Lou Foods
- Biff's Coffee Shop
- Bigums Silver Lion
- Bireley's
- Bischoff's Surgical House
- Black Dot Cafe
- Blue Bird Potato Chip Factory
- Boero Manufacturing Company
- Boole Shipyard
- Borden's Creamery
- Bow and Bell
- Boxcraft Paper Box Company
- Broadway Bowl
- Broadway Saloon
- Broadway Theatre
- Brooklyn Brewery
- Bruning Brothers Candy Company
- Buffalo Cafe
- Burma Lounge
- Busey-Mihan Furniture
- Cafe Sahara
- California Cotton Mills
- California Flax Mills
- California Jute Mills
- California Pickle and Sauce Company
- Canary Cottage Roadhouse
- Caporgno & Co. Mortuary
- Cardinet Candy Company
- Carnegie Brick and Pottery Company
- C.F. Salomonson
- Chapel of the Oaks
- Charles Hoffman & Company
- Chevrolet Assembly Plant
- Cine 7 Theater
- Clancy's
- Claremont Theatre
- Clarence Bullwinkel Ford
- Clark & Henery Construction Company
- Claude Salmon Company
- C. L. Best Company
- Clinton Mills
- Club Triangle
- Coast Sausage Company
- Coleman Studio
- College Bowl
- Colombo Baking Company
- Colonial Cafeteria
- Confucius Restaurant
- Contra Costa Laundry
- Corn Nuts
- Cottage Dining Room
- Cotton Brothers and Company
- Creamcrest Dairy Products
- Creole Café
- Crombie Nursery
- Cryer & Sons Boatyard
- Crystal Laundry
- Dahl Chevrolet
- Dahlke's
- Daniel D. Dwyer
- Dave's Coffee Shop
- Davidson and Licht
- de Fremery Wharf and Land Company
- Della's Tea Cup Cafe
- Diamond Dairy
- Dime and Dollar Store
- Dimond Bowl
- Dimond Theatre
- Doggie Diner
- Domoto Brothers Nursery
- Don Neher Motors
- Dr. Bly's Celebrated Artificial Limbs
- Dr. Layne
- Duck Kee Market
- Eagle Box and Manufacturing Company
- Earle C. Anthony Packard Showroom
- East Bay Ambulance
- East Bay Electric Lines
- East Bay Sanitorium
- East Oakland Brewing Company
- East Oakland Hospital
- East Oakland Planing Mills
- East Oakland Pottery
- E. B. and A. L. Stone Company
- Edwards Jewelers
- Eilers Music House
- E.K. Wood Lumber Company
- Electrical Products Corporation
- Elsa's Coffee Shop
- Emil Villa's Hickory Pit
- Empire Foundry Company
- Encinal Home Mill
- Esquire Theatre
- Ettore Products Company
- Excelsior Pharmacy
- Fageol Motors Company
- Farmers and Merchants Savings Bank
- Faulkner's Freezer
- F C Talbot
- Fearey and Moll
- Federal Drug Company
- F. E. Knowles & Company
- Fernwood Ranch Dairy
- Ferrante's Italian Restaurant
- Ferro Enameling Company
- Field and Lee
- First National Bank of Oakland
- Fisher and Taylor
- Fisher Lumber
- Flecto Company
- Flint's Bar-B-Q
- F.O. Haussler
- Foreman and Clark
- Foremost Dairies
- Foster's Cafeteria
- Fowler Block
- Fred Bammann Hardware
- Fruitvale Hotel
- Fuller and Goepp Company
- Fulton Lunch
- Gas Kitchen Grill Room
- George's Laundry & Dry Cleaners
- Giorgetti Products
- Golden Gate Cracker Company
- Golden Rule Flouring Mill
- Golden State Ostrich Farm
- Golden West Brewing Company
- Granny Goose
- Gray Shop
- Great China Restaurant
- Great Western Power Company (Historic)
- Great Western Power Station
- Grodin's
- Grotto Restaurant
- Ground Gripper Shoes
- G&W Markets
- Hagstrom's Food Stores
- Half Moon Cafe
- Hammer-Bray Company
- Hanlon Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Company
- Harlem Quarter
- H. Dombrink Company
- Helen's Bar-B-Que
- Herman Goelitz Candy Company
- H. G. Prince & Company
- Hickmott Canning Company
- Hill Top Tavern
- Hinky Dink's
- Hiroshi Yoshiike
- H. Jones & Company
- H.M. Sanborn Nursery
- Hook Brothers & Company
- Hooper's Chocolate
- Hudson and Butler Funeral Home
- Humboldt Park Hotel
- Hunt Canning Company
- Hunters' Inn
- Hyman's Women's Shop
- Hy's Restaurant
- Idle Hour
- Independent Iron Works
- Industrial Plastics Service
- Ingram's Food Products
- International Harvester Company of America
- International Motor Cars
- Irene Sargent's
- Irwin, Gurnett, and Company
- Jackson Brothers Pharmacy
- Jackson Furniture
- James H. Long
- James Maxwell Men's Wear
- Jenkins Original Bar-B-Que
- Jenny Wren Stores
- Jesse Schafhirt
- J.H. Medau Dairy
- J. J. Kelly's Marble Works
- J. J. Kennedy
- J. O'Connor Company
- John Breuner Furniture Company
- John Cox Mortuary
- Johnson Electric Washer Co.
- Jones' Bazar
- Jordan Printing Company
- Joseph E. Morgan
- Joseph McCall
- Judson Manufacturing Company
- Junge's Lunch Room
- J.W. Tucker and Sons
- Kaiser-Frazer dealerships
- KDIA Radio Station
- Keva Mattress Company
- Key Realty Company
- Key Route Inn Florist
- King's X Bar
- Kozy Cafe
- Kraft-Phenix Cheese Company
- Lake Camera Shop
- Lakeshore Lounge
- Lakeside Hotel
- Lakeside Roof
- Lamp Post Bar
- Lancaster's Sporting Goods
- Laurel Refrigeration
- L. C. Firestine Ford
- Lehnhardt's Candies
- Lemkau's Market
- Lemos Brothers
- Leona Heights Sulfur Mine
- Leona Quarry
- Liberty French Baking Company
- Liberty Ornamental Iron Works
- Lincoln Theatre
- Lineman's Club
- Link Dennis'
- Louis R. Wicker
- Love's Pagan Den
- Luigi's Bohemian Grotto
- Lusk Cannery
- Lyon Storage and Moving
- MacFarlane's Candy Company
- MacMarr Stores
- Madden & Sheedy
- Magnavox Company
- Magnolia Hall
- Mahogany Eucalyptus and Land Company
- Manhattan Marble Company
- Marchant Calculating Machine Company
- Margaret Burnham Cottage Candies
- Marshall Steel Company Cleaning Plant
- Martin M. Hoffman Co.
- Martland, Peart and Elkington
- Marymont and Upright
- Maxwell Hardware
- Mayflower Doughnuts
- McCauley-Woolsey
- McKee, Tashiera and Wahrhaftig
- McNeill's Men's Shop
- Mercantile Box Company
- Merguire-Ritchie Chevrolet
- Miller and Warnecke
- Miller Milling Company flour mill
- Mirabeau Restaurant
- Moore Dry Dock Company
- Morris Plan Company
- Moulin Rouge Theatre
- Mulkey's Furniture
- Murphy's Express
- Mutual Stores
- Nan Yang
- National Dollar Stores
- Navlet's Nursery
- Neldam Restaurant
- Neldam's Danish Bakery
- New Industries of Oakland – 1920
- New Lucky's
- Newman Tool, Die & Machine Works
- New Oakland Free Market
- Nofog Corporation
- North Pole Club
- Oakland Auto Camp
- Oakland Bank of Commerce
- Oakland Bank of Savings
- Oakland Brewery
- Oakland Brewing and Malting Company
- Oakland Brick Company
- Oakland Cable Railway
- Oakland California Towel Company
- Oakland Call-Post
- Oakland Cotton Mills
- Oakland Cream Depot
- Oakland Daily News
- Oakland Enquirer
- Oakland Flouring Mills
- Oakland Free Market
- Oakland Gas Light Company
- Oakland Harbor Development Company
- Oakland House
- Oakland Ice & Cold Storage Company
- Oakland Illustrated Guide
- Oakland Laundry Company - Calou's Linen Service
- Oakland Lumber Company
- Oakland Pickle Factory and Vinegar Works
- Oakland Post-Enquirer
- Oakland Preserving Company
- Oakland Scavenger Company
- Oakland Sunshine
- Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company
- Oakland Water Company
- Oakland Wholesale Grocery Company
- Olander's Saloon
- Oliver Manufacturing Company
- Oriental Nursery
- Oscar's
- Our Mother's Milling Company
- Overland Cafe
- Pacific Coast Borax Company
- Pacific Coast Canning Company
- Pacific Iron and Nail Works
- Pacific Saw Works
- Pacific Tank and Pipe Company
- Palace Candy Shoppe & Bakery
- Pantages Theatre
- Parcells Safe Company
- P. C. Frederickson
- Pearson's Hardware
- Pedal Express
- Peerless Laundry
- Peoples Water Company
- Peters Brothers Shoes
- Peterson's Grocery Store
- Piedmont Avenue Lanes
- Piedmont Consolidated Cable Company
- Piedmont French Cleaning and Dye Works
- Piedmont Meat Market
- Piggly Wiggly Stores
- Pig’n Whistle
- Pioneer Beverages
- Pioneer Planing Mills
- Pioneer Saloon
- Plaza Drive In
- Pomin's Ivy Corset Store
- Pon Honor Stores
- Pope & Talbot Lumber Company
- R. A. Doty Star Cars
- Railroad Exchange Hotel
- Raimondi's Paint & Wallpaper
- R. A. Shuey Creamery
- Ravazza & Franco
- Redwood Roundup
- Reich and Lievre
- Remar Bakery
- Remillard Brick Company
- Renod's
- Ringside Cafe
- Roberts Rambler
- Robin Hood Inn
- Rollerland
- Ronayne Sisters Millinery
- Rose's Place
- Rosso's Cottage
- Royal J. Kennedy
- Saddle Rock Restaurant
- Samm/Dalton/Cooper Mansion and Cooper Brothers Grocery
- Sanford's Restaurant
- Schnebly, Hostrawser, and Pedgrift
- Sea Wolf restaurant
- Security Bank and Trust of Oakland
- Serenader Bar
- Sherman, Clay & Co.
- S. H. Kress Co
- Showboat Restaurant
- Silver Dragon Restaurant
- Simon Hardware
- Si's Charbroiler
- S.M. Friedman Company
- Snug Harbor
- Standard Beverages
- Standard Gas Engine Company
- State Radio and Music
- Stephens' Restaurant
- Sterling Furniture Company
- Stock Brothers Seattle Bar
- Stone Quarries (Historical)
- Sturgeon and White
- Summerfield's
- Sunset Telephone Company
- Swan's Market
- Taco Charley
- Taft & Pennoyer
- Telegraph Avenue Savings Bank
- Tepper's Beer Garden
- The Curtain Store
- The Hermitage
- The Jubilee
- The Lighted Candle
- The Owl Drug Company
- The Pancake Queen
- The Percolator Restaurant
- The Saw Mill
- The Vauban
- Thomas Brothers Maps
- Thunderbird Lodge
- Tientsin Cafe
- Tiki Tom's
- TJ's Gingerbread House
- Tom Lovely's Buffet
- Toscana Sourdough Bread
- Tsuji Photo Studio
- Tuttle Cheese Co.
- Union Diesel Engine Company
- Union French Bakery
- Union Iron Works
- Union Machine Works
- Union Pacific Laundry
- United Canneries Company
- Valentine's Fine Foods
- Vallance Nursery
- Van the Stove Man
- Venus Mills
- Vienna Chemical Steam Dyeing Works
- Virginian Restaurant
- Wanto Co.
- Washington Brewery
- Waters & Sons Creamery
- Weinstock-Nichols Company
- Wentworth Boot and Shoe Company
- Western American
- Western Fuel Company
- Western Laboratories
- West Oakland Mutual Loan Association
- W. F. Stone Shipbuilding Yards
- White Brothers Mill
- White Log Tavern restaurants
- White-Wallace Company
- Williams Dairy
- William W. Dames
- Willowbrook Dairy
- Winedale Company
- Winston's Bakery
- Wonderland Park
- W. P. Williams Cycle Co.
- Your Black Muslim Bakery
- Zombie Village