- 1 For All Mural
- 55th Street Garden
- 5920 San Pablo Mural
- 59th Street Firehouse
- Actual Cafe
- Actual Cafe murals
- All Nations Pentecostal Prayer Clinic
- American Natural Food and Cafe
- A Verb for Keeping Warm
- Bay Public School
- Berkley Maynard Academy
- Cartoon Mural
- Charles Alexander Klinkner
- de Rome House
- Dietz-Boyer Estate
- Dollars Market
- Downs Memorial United Methodist Church
- Forthrite Printing
- Fratellanza Club
- Freeman's Park
- Gateway Theatre
- Glow Glass Studio Walls
- Golden Gate
- Golden Gate Baptist Church
- Golden Gate Branch Library
- Golden Gate Community Association
- Golden Gate District WWI Memorial
- Golden Gate Recreation Center
- Golden Gate Recreation Center mural
- Golden Gate Second Saturdays
- Herman Goelitz Candy Company
- Hinky Dink's
- Klinknerville
- Love Our Neighborhood Day
- Nature Mural
- No Color Lines mural
- Nunu's Giraffes
- Oscar the Grouch Mural
- Paradise Park Cafe
- Pedal Power to the People Mural
- Pepples Donut Farm
- photos/1955 San Pablo Avenue at 55th
- Piedmont French Cleaning and Dye Works
- PLACE for Sustainable Living
- Play Oakland Mosaic Trash Cans
- Rebuilding Together Oakland
- San Pablo Flea Market
- Stanford Hotel
- Star Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
- St. Columba Church
- The Compound Gallery
- The First-Ever San Pablo Stroll
- The Grease Diner
- The Pallet Space Murals
- Triple Point Cohousing
- Triumph the Church & Kingdom of God In Christ
- Victory Burger
- Zombie Village