- 1801 Jefferson
- 4460 Howe Street
- 469 Van Buren
- Abrahamson Building
- A.D. Wilson Building
- Alameda County Courthouse (1875)
- Albany Hotel
- Alden Farm
- Alhambra Apartments
- Ali Baba Ballroom
- Alsinor Apartments
- Arbor Villa
- Athens Apartments
- Athens Athletic Club
- Auditorium Village Housing Project
- Auditorium Village School
- Ayala's Park
- Bacon Block
- Barbour Chemical Works
- Barnes Wright
- Bay Public School
- Bay View Villa
- Belfast Beverages
- Belle Vue du Lac; Rendezvous de Chasse
- Bell Theatre
- Bermuda Building
- Betterway Famous Family Restaurant
- Beulah Heights Grammar School
- Beulah Heights Orphanage
- Beulah Park
- Big Bear Tavern
- Bishop Playhouse
- Blake & Moffitt Building
- Blue Bird Potato Chip Factory
- Borland Building
- Broadway Bank Building
- Broadway Block
- Broadway Bowl
- Broadway Theatre
- Brunswick Hotel
- B.W. Reagan Estate
- Caldwell Court Apartments
- California Medical College
- California Pickle and Sauce Company
- Camp Dimond, Boy Scouts of America
- Canary Cottage Roadhouse
- Capitol Theatre
- Casa Rosa Apartments
- Cathedral of Saint Francis de Sales
- Centennial House
- Central Block
- Chimes Theatre
- Cine 7 Theater
- Claremont Theatre
- Clarence Bullwinkel Ford
- Clarendon House
- Club Triangle
- Cole Grammar School
- College Avenue Free Market
- Columbia Theatre
- Cottage Dining Room
- County Receiving Hospital
- Curtis Forrest House
- Cutting Mansion
- Cypress Structure
- Dalziel Building
- Davis Block
- Defenders' Recreation Club
- Delger Mansion
- Dewey Theatre
- Diamond Dairy
- Dietz-Boyer Estate
- Dietz Opera House
- Dolphin Pharmacy Mural
- Downtown Merchants Parking Garage
- Downtown Post Office (historic)
- Durant Elementary School
- Eagle Box and Manufacturing Company
- Earle C. Anthony Packard Showroom
- East Bay Sanitorium
- Eden Dale
- E.K. Wood Lumber Company
- El Capitan Apartments
- Elks Club Building
- El Rey Theater
- Elsa's Coffee Shop
- Everts Block
- Examiner Building
- Fabiola Hospital (historical)
- Fannie Wall Children’s Home and Day Nursery
- Farmers and Merchants Savings Bank
- Fernwood
- Filbert Apartments
- First Schoolhouse
- First Universalist Church
- Fisher and Taylor
- Fisher Lumber
- Florence Block
- Foreman and Clark
- Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist
- Fox - Orpheum Theatre
- Franklin Theater
- Fraternal Hall
- Free Baptist Church
- Fricke Building
- Fruitvale Congregational Church
- Fruitvale Hotel
- Fruitvale Theatre
- Fuller and Goepp Company
- Gas Kitchen Grill Room
- Ghirardelli House
- Golden Gate Congregational Church
- Golden Gate Hotel
- Golden State Ostrich Farm
- Golden West Hotel
- Grace Methodist Episcopal Church
- Grand Central Hotel
- Grant School
- Gray Shop
- Grodin's
- Grove Street Pier
- Haddon Apartments
- Hale Brothers
- Hall of Records (Historic)
- Hamilton Hall
- Harbor Homes Housing Project
- Harbor Homes School
- Harmon Conservatory
- Hassler Memorial Fountain
- Hays School
- H.C. Capwell family home
- Helen's Bar-B-Que
- Henshaw Building
- Herbert Hoover Junior High School
- H. G. Prince & Company
- High Street Homes
- H. Jones & Company
- Hook Brothers & Company
- Hotel Athens
- Hotel Avalon
- Hotel Clay-Ten
- Hotel Crellin
- Hotel Galindo
- Hotel Piedmont
- Hotel Pine
- Hotel Pix
- Hotel Pleasanton
- Hotel Royal
- Hotel St. Paul
- Hotel Vendome
- Humboldt Park Hotel
- Hunters' Inn
- Hy's Restaurant
- Infinite Potential Mural
- Jack London Village
- Jackson Lake Hospital
- John Cox Mortuary
- Jonas Building
- J.W. Tucker and Sons
- Kaiser-Frazer dealerships
- Key Route Inn
- Key System Mole and Ferry Terminal
- Klinkner Hall
- Kozy Cafe
- La Clede House
- Lakefield Apartments
- Latham-Glenn Mansion
- Latham Square Bus Shelter
- Latham Square Flagpole
- L. C. Firestine Ford
- Liberty Ornamental Iron Works
- Lincoln Theatre
- Link Dennis'
- Lowell Junior High School
- Luigi's Bohemian Grotto
- Lusk Cannery
- MacArthur-Broadway Shopping Center
- MacDermot Mansion
- MacDonough Theatre
- Magill Apartments
- Manual Training and Commercial High School
- Mardonia Apartments
- Margaret Apartments
- Marymont and Upright
- Masonic Temple
- Melba Apartments
- Memorial Park (historical)
- Mer Tranquil
- Metropole Hotel
- Mexican Baptist Church
- Miss Field's Seminary
- Mission Motel
- Montclair Observation Tower
- Monte Bell Apartments
- Montgomery Ward & Company Building
- Mosswood Maternity Home
- Muri-Ell Apartments
- National Dollar Stores
- New Oakland Free Market
- New Shanghai Cafe and Terrace Bowl
- North Oakland Branch Library
- Norwegian Danish Methodist Episcopal Church
- Oak Knoll Naval Hospital
- Oakland Auto Camp
- Oakland City Hall/1879
- Oakland Cream Depot
- Oakland Exposition Building
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 31 (demolished)
- Oakland Hospital
- Oakland House
- Oakland Ice Arena
- Oakland Iron Works
- Oakland Motordrome
- Oakland Photo Theater
- Oakland Pickle Factory and Vinegar Works
- Oakland Preserving Company
- Oakland Produce Exchange
- Oakland Seminary for Young Ladies
- Oakland Trotting Park
- Observation Place
- O.G. Bubblegum Headquarters
- Oliver Manufacturing Company
- Olympic Hotel
- Orpheum Theatre
- Overland Cafe
- Overland House
- Pacific Female College
- Pacific Press
- Pacific States Refinery
- Pagoda Hill
- Palm Knoll
- Pay Less Drug Market Centre
- Peck House
- Peerless Laundry
- Peralta Playland
- Peterhof Castle
- Peterson's Grocery Store
- Physicians Building
- Piedmont Baths
- Piedmont Grounds
- Playter Block
- Plaza Drive In
- Point Oakland Firehouse
- Poirier House
- Polytechnic College
- Pullman Hotel
- R. A. Doty Star Cars
- Ray Building
- Redwood Roundup
- Rockridge Elementary School
- Rockridge Woman's Club
- Rollerland
- Roosevelt Hotel
- Rosmar Manor Apartments
- Rosso's Cottage
- Saint Mary's College
- Sather Block
- Schutz Building
- Second Congregational Church
- Senator Theater
- Sevening Building
- Shell Mound Park
- S. H. Kress Co
- Simon Hardware
- Sinawik Cabin
- Si's Charbroiler
- S.M. Friedman Company
- Snell Seminary
- Snow Museum
- Southern Pacific Passenger Depot (historical)
- Standard Beverages
- St. Andrew's Catholic Church
- Star Theatre
- St. Joseph's Portuguese Church
- Stock Brothers Seattle Bar
- Taft & Pennoyer
- T & D Theatre
- Thayer Building
- The Centennial
- The Pines Estate
- The Roundhouse
- Thorn Road Bible School
- Tiki Tom's
- Tompkins Roller Coaster
- Tremont House - Golden Eagle House
- Tubbs Hotel
- Twentieth Century Market
- Union Construction Company
- Valley Auto Garage
- Venetia Apartments
- Virginian Restaurant
- Walsh House
- Wanto Co.
- Washington Hotel
- Waters & Sons Creamery
- Wayne Apartments
- Webster Street Bridge
- Welsh Presbyterian Church
- West Oakland Home
- Westphal Building
- Wetmore House Group
- Wetmore Pardee Building
- Willem de Fremery Mansion
- William Cavalier and Company
- Williams and Slade Building
- Wilson House
- Ying Suey Restaurant
- Ysabel Manor Apartments