- 1001 Warfield Apartments
- 100 Black Men of the Bay Area Community School
- 101 things to love about Oakland
- 1020-1022 Bella Vista
- 10k2 Plan
- 10K Plan
- 10th Avenue Historic District
- 10th Street Woman Mural
- 10th & Wood
- 1111 Broadway
- 1200 Lakeshore
- 1226 12th Street
- 1-2-3-4 Go! Records
- 12th St. BART Station
- 12th Street
- 12th Street Dam
- 12th Street Public Restroom
- 145 Athol
- 145 Monte Cresta Apartments
- 14th and Harrison Mural
- 14th Avenue Taco Truck
- 14th Street Supply
- 159th Infantry Regiment
- 15th and Webster Murals
- 15th Annual Fiesta Filipiniana
- 1601 Clay Street Building
- 166th Police Academy
- 16th Quarterly Report
- 16th Street Station
- 1700 Broadway
- 1700 International Fence Mural
- 1721 Webster
- 17th St. and Martin Luther King Jr. Way Murals
- 1801 Jefferson
- 1815 Leimert
- 1819 7th Avenue
- 182 Orange Street
- 1843 Greenack Drive
- 1868 Boardman map
- 1869 Railroad Collision
- 1895 Arrest of 9 City Councilmembers
- 18th Annual Back-to-School Shoe Giveaway
- 18th Annual Creek to Bay Day
- 18th Annual Sigma Gamma Rho Youth Symposium
- 1902 Railroad Collision
- 1906 San Francisco Earthquake - Effects on Oakland
- 1909FSAcademy
- 1913 Hills Fires
- 1918 Flu Pandemic
- "1928 Model" View Home
- 1943 Hills Fires
- 1946 Oakland General Strike
- 1949 Plane Crash
- 1956 Jet Crash
- 1968 Mills College Fire
- 1970 Hills Fire
- 1973 Oakland A's
- 1976 Temescal Downzoning
- 1984 Printing
- 19th Annual Oakland Creek to Bay Day
- 19th St. BART Station
- 1 For All Mural
- 2002-2009 Illegal Strip Searches
- 2007 City of Oakland Salary Data
- 2010 East Oakland Deer Killing
- 2011 Police Salaries
- 2011 Salary Data
- 2012-2013 Grand Jury Report
- 2012 Police Salaries
- 2013-02-02 First Friday Shooting
- 2013-02-10 Safe Oakland Speaker Series: Robert Wasserman
- 2013-02-23 Open Data Day
- 2013-02-27 Book Lecture - Oakland Public Library - Robert Stanley Oden
- 2013-03-01 Solutions Salon
- 2013-03-06 Short Term Strategies, Long Term Solutions
- 2013-03-09 District 5 Townhall Meeting
- 2013-03-09 Short Term Strategies, Long Term Solutions
- 2013-03-20 Short Term Strategies, Long Term Solutions
- 2013-03-23 Short Term Strategies, Long Term Solutions
- 2013-03-24 Oakland Wiki retreat
- 2013-05-23 Meeting - City Slicker Farms/Community Design
- 2013-06-08 grommet
- 2013-06-08 test
- 2013-06-08 xxx
- 2013-06-23 Wiknic
- 2013-07-18 Crime Response Town Hall Meeting
- 2013 BART Strikes
- 2013 Budget- Decision
- 2013 Budget Info Page
- 2013 Crime Drop
- 2013 Housing Fair
- 2013 Planning Notes
- 2013 Planning Notes 2
- 2013 Police Salaries
- 2013 Post Season
- 2013 State of the City - Quan
- 2013 Summer Employment Opportunities (Parks & Recreation)
- 2013 Summer Programs
- 2014-02-27 Meeting - City Slicker Farms/Community Design
- 2014-06-08 Safe Oakland Speaker Series: Safety is a Human Right
- 2014-12-2 What's new
- 2014 African American Parent Conference
- 2014 Ballot Measures
- 2014 Campaign Ads
- 2014 Campaign Violations
- 2014 City Auditor Election
- 2014 City Council Elections
- 2014 East Bay Parent Resource Fair
- 2014 Election Events
- 2014 Election Portal
- 2014 Election Results
- 2014 Local Hero Awards
- 2014 Mayoral Campaign Finances
- 2014 Mayoral Election
- 2014 Mayoral Election Results
- 2014 Mayoral Tweetup/2013-11-26 Meeting Notes
- 2014 Mayoral Tweetup/planning chats
- 2014 Salary Data
- 2014 School Board Election
- 2014 State of the City - Quan
- 2015 Budget Info Page
- 2016 City Council Elections
- 2016 Election Portal
- 2016 Ghost Ship fire
- 2016 Jack London Celebration
- 2016 State Senate District 9 Election
- 2018 Election Portal
- 206 Lee Street Apartments
- 2100 - 10th Avenue
- 2101 Club
- 21 Grand
- 21st Annual Women's Hall of Fame
- 21st Century Community and Learning Center
- 2212 Wine Bar
- 2398 Valley Street
- 23rd Avenue Baptist Church
- 23rd Laundry
- 24-580-980 Interchange
- 245 Lee Street Apartments
- 24 Hours
- 24th Street Mural
- 25th Street Collective
- 25th Street Mini Park
- 26th Annual African American Cultural Celebration
- 26th Street Deb Mural
- 2nd Biennial Quilt Show: Preserving Our Past - Designing Our Future
- 2nd Friday Jingletown Art Walk
- 2 Star Market
- 3020 Broadway
- 3034-3040 Richmond Boulevard
- 3148 Fruitvale
- 31st and MLK mural
- 3225 Grand Avenue
- 347 - 14th Street
- 35th Ave Mosaic Tile Trash Cans
- 35th Street Smooi Mural
- 3600 MacArthur
- 365 Hillside Avenue
- 3768 Allendale
- 381 Orange Street
- 3 Point Celebration mural
- 3 Sovereigns
- 4001 Howe mural
- 40farms
- 40th Street Webster Parklet
- 4101 Lakeshore Garage Mural
- 415
- 415 Society
- 4166 MacArthur Mural
- 4169 Piedmont Avenue
- 420 Evaluations Oakland
- 421 Fairmount
- 442nd Regimental Combat Team Memorial Redwood Tree
- 4460 Howe Street
- 469 Van Buren
- 480-482 Chetwood St.
- 4 Elements Mural
- 4M Foods Mural
- 4th Annual Baseball with the Pros
- 4th Annual Cambodian New Year Celebration
- 4th Annual Full Service Community Health Fair
- 510
- 5108 Manila Mural
- 510 Day
- 510 Journal
- 5237 Mural
- 552 Montclair House
- 55th and Market Traffic Light
- 55th Street Garden
- 55th Tire & Service
- 581 - 18th Street
- 5920 San Pablo Mural
- 59th Street Firehouse
- 5th and Center Production
- 5th Annual African American Caregiving and Wellness Forum
- 5th Annual Maddie's Pet Adoption Days
- 5th Annual Manzanita Community Peace Walk
- 601 City Center
- 629 Oakland Avenue
- 62nd and San Pablo
- 66th Avenue Gateway Park
- 700 Franklin Street
- 73rd Avenue Rollercoaster
- 7 Seas Lounge
- 7th and Booker Mural
- 7th Annual East Bay AIDS Walk
- 7th Annual Oakland Indie Awards
- 7th Street
- 7th Street BART mural
- 7th Street Pumping Station
- 808 Laurel Mural
- 814 Alice Street mural
- 81st Avenue Branch Library
- 829 Vermont Mural
- 82nd Produce Murals
- 833 Erie Street Apartments
- 858 Rosemount Mural
- 85th Avenue Mini Park
- 88th Avenue Mini Park
- 8th and International Mural
- 8th Annual Oakland Indie Awards
- 8th Annual Walk to End Poverty
- 8th Street Old Oakland murals
- 922 Alma Place
- 963 - 18th Street
- 9th Annual Oakland Indie Awards
- 9th Annual Pride Run & Walk
- 9th Avenue Terminal
- A-1 Mufflers & Custom Works
- A.A. Moore
- Aaron Court Apartments
- Aaron Fibush
- Aaron Green
- Aaron Metals
- AARP Tax Help
- AASK-Adopt a Special Kid
- AB-1513
- AB933
- abandoned lots
- Abbey Arms Apartments
- Abbington Arms Apartments
- Abbott Apartments
- ABCO ArtSpace Mural
- Abel Guillen
- Abel Guillen/Positions
- Aberdeen Gardens Apartments
- Abesha Ethiopian Cuisine
- A Better Way, Inc.
- AB&I Foundry
- Ability Resource Center
- About Us
- Abraham Bercovich
- Abraham Jonas
- Abraham Lincoln (bust)
- Abraham Ruelas
- Abrahamson Brothers
- Abrahamson Building
- Abrahamson family
- Abstract Mural
- Abura-Ya - Japanese Fried Chicken
- Abyssinian Missionary Baptist Church
- Academics for Success
- Acala Studios Murals
- Access for Infants and Mothers Program(AIM)
- ACCESS Program-Women's Health Rights Coalition
- Accolades for Oakland
- Ace Architects
- Ace Electric Sign Company
- Ace Monster Toys
- Acme Ambulance
- Acme Apartments
- Acme Athletic Club
- Acme Fire Extinguisher
- Acme Grill
- Acme House of Music
- A Community of Helping Hands Mural
- Acorn Industrial
- Acorn (neighborhood)
- Acorn Wellness Center
- Acorn Woodland Elementary School
- A Coté
- Acta Non Verba
- Action Alliance for Children (AAC)
- Activities Among Negroes
- Activities Among Negroes/Mon, Dec 03, 1923
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Apr 06, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Apr 06, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Apr 12, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Apr 13, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Apr 13, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Apr 19, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Apr 20, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Apr 20, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Apr 25, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Apr 27, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Apr 27, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, April 26, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Aug 02, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Aug 03, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Aug 09, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Aug 15, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Aug 16, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Aug 17, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Aug 2, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Aug 24, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Aug 24, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Aug 29, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 06, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 07, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 07, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 09, 1923
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 12, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 13, 1925
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 13, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 14, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 15, 1929
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 16, 1923
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 23, 1923
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 27, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 28, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Dec 28, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Feb 02, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Feb, 02, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Feb 03, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Feb 07, 1932
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Feb 08, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Feb 09, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Feb 10, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Feb 15, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Feb 17, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Feb 22, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Feb 23, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Feb 24, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 03, 1932
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 04, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 06, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 12, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 13, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 16, 1927
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 17, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 17, 1932
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 19, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 20, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 20, 1929
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 24, 1932
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 25, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 26, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jan 27, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jul 05, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jul 06, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jul 11, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jul 18, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jul 19, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jul 20, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jul 27, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, July 20, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, July 6, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 01, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 01, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 07, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 08, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 13, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 14, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 15, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 15, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 20, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 21, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 22, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 22, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 28, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 29, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 29, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Mar 02, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Mar 08, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Mar 09, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Mar 14, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Mar 15, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Mar 16, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Mar 21, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Mar 23, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Mar 28, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Mar 29, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Mar 30, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Mar 30, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, May 04, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, May 04, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, May 11, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, May 18, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, May 18, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, May 23, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, May 24, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, May 25, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, May 25, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, May 31, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, May 3, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 01, 1925
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 02, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 02, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 04, 1923
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 09, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 09, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 11, 1923
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 15, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 16, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 16, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 22, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 23, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 23, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 25, 1923
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 29, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 30, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Nov 30, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Oct 03, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Oct 04, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Oct 05, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Oct 12, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Oct 12, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Oct 14, 1923
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Oct 14, 1934
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Oct 18, 1925
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Oct 18, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Oct 19, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Oct 24, 1926
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Oct 26, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 02, 1923
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 07, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 13, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 14, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 14, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 16, 1923
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 20, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 21, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 23, 1923
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 27, 1931
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 28, 1924
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 28, 1930
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 30, 1923
- Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Sep 6, 1931
- Activity Addiction
- AC Transit
- Acts Full Gospel Church
- Actual Cafe
- Actual Cafe murals
- Adam Myatt
- Adam Shirk
- Adam's Mediterranean Grill & Café
- Adams Point
- Adams Point Mosaic Project
- Adams Point Neighborhood Group
- Adams Point Neighborhood Walks
- Adding Tags
- Addis Ethiopian Restaurant
- Address Renumbering
- A. D. Eames
- Adelaide E. Goddard
- Adelbert Wilson
- Adele Apartments
- Adeline 580 Trumpeter
- Adeline and 26th street art
- Adeline Manor Murals
- Adesso
- A D McDevitt
- Admin documentation
- Adrien G. Chauche
- Adverse Possession
- A.D. Wilson Building
- Affordable Care Act Counseling and Enrollment
- Affordable Healthcare Coverage Sign-up Event
- Affordable Housing in Oakland
- Affordable Housing Week
- African American
- African American Caregiving And Wellness Forum 2014
- African American Education (Historical)
- African American Heritage through Storytelling
- African American Museum and Library at Oakland
- African American Quilt Guild of Oakland
- African American Quilt Guild of Oakland Demonstration
- African and African American Tales and Song
- A Friendly Place
- Afrikatown
- Afro-American Council
- After the Crisis: the thought of Ivan Illich Today
- Afton Apartments
- Against Hired Guns
- Agaricus albolutescens
- Agassiz Society
- AGE Department Stores
- A. G. Ferrari
- Aggregate Space
- A Great Good Place for Books
- Agricultural Pavilion
- Aguilar Lake Apartments
- AHA mural
- Ahn's Quarter Pound Burger
- A.H. Rose and Company
- Ahsan Baig
- AIDS Project of the East Bay
- Aimee Eng
- Aimee Semple McPherson
- Aim for the Stars Mural
- Ainsworth Family
- AirBART (Discontinued)
- Air Ferry
- Air Pollution
- Air Pollution West Oakland May 2014
- Air quality resources
- A Journey of Promise mural
- A. J. Snyder Block
- A.J. Synder
- Akintunde Ahmad
- A.K.P. Harmon
- AK Press
- Akwaaba Hall
- Ala-Costa Center for the Developmentally Disabled
- Aladdin Apartments
- alaMar Kitchen & Bar
- Alameda
- Alameda Alliance for Health
- alameda belt line
- Alameda Bicycle
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District
- Alameda County
- Alameda County/ACCESS Program
- Alameda County Administration Building
- Alameda County/Adoptions Program
- Alameda County/Alameda Children's Services
- Alameda County Birth Control League
- Alameda County Board of Supervisors
- Alameda County/California Children Services
- Alameda County CASA program
- Alameda County Child Abuse Prevention Council
- Alameda County/Child and Youth Crisis Team
- Alameda County/Child Health,Disability Prevention
- Alameda County/Children and Family Services Dept
- Alameda County Community Food Bank
- Alameda County Courthouse
- Alameda County Courthouse (1873)
- Alameda County Courthouse (1875)
- Alameda County Dental Society
- Alameda County/Dependency Mediation Program
- Alameda County Dept. of Child Support Services
- Alameda County/Dept. of Public Guardian/Conserv.
- Alameda County/Developmental Disabilities Council
- Alameda County/Eden Children's Services
- Alameda County/Family Court Services
- Alameda County Family Health Line
- Alameda County/Family Law Facilitator
- Alameda County/Food Stamps
- Alameda County/General Assistance
- Alameda County Health Care Services Agency
- Alameda County Historical Society
- Alameda County/History
- Alameda County/HIV and Hepatitis C Testing Program
- Alameda County Homeless Youth Collaborative
- Alameda County/Immunization Assistance Program
- Alameda County/Improving Pregnancy Outcomes Prog.
- Alameda County Infirmary
- Alameda County Law Library
- Alameda County Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
- Alameda County Measure BB
- Alameda County/Medi-Cal
- Alameda County/Oakland Children's Services
- Alameda County Probation Department
- Alameda County Public Defender's Office, Oakland
- Alameda County/Temp. Assistance to Needy Families
- Alameda County Title Insurance Co. Building
- Alameda County/Tobacco Control Program
- Alameda County/WIC Program
- Alameda County Youth Development, Inc.
- Alameda Hospital Emergency
- Alan Blueford
- Alan Blueford Center for Justice
- Alan Cohen
- Al-Awdi's Mini-Mart
- Alaysha Carradine
- Albany Hotel
- AlbaStudios
- Alben R. Froberg
- Albers Brothers Milling Company
- Albert A. Pennoyer
- Albert Bercovich
- Albert Brown Mortuary
- Albert E Carter
- Albert E. Norman
- Albert F. Roller
- Albert Gurnett
- Albert H. Elliot
- Albert Hunter
- Albert L. Black
- Albert Miller
- Albert P. Brayton
- Albert P. Stiefvater
- Albert S. Samuels Company
- Albert Vander Naillen, Jr
- Albert W. Burrell
- Alcatraz Hall
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Alcoholics Anonymous East Bay Intergroup, Inc.
- Alcohol Policy Network/YPP
- Alcopark parking garage
- Al Davis
- Alden Farm
- Ale Industries
- Alem All Foreign Auto
- Alexander Zuckermann
- Alexandria Apartments
- Alexa Weber Morales
- Alexi Filippenko
- Alex Zavell
- Alex Zuckermann Bicycle Pedestrian Path
- Alfonso Dominguez
- Alfred A. Cohen
- Alfred B. Nye
- Alfred C. Dietz
- Alfred Henry Cohen
- Alhambra Apartments
- Ali Baba Ballroom
- Alice Street Bakery Cafe
- Alice Street Energy Harvester
- Alice Street Firehouse
- Alice Street Mural Project
- Alician Apartments
- Allendale
- Allendale Elementary School
- Allendale Park
- Allendale Park Community Council
- Allendale Recreation Center
- Allendale Theater
- Allen D. Wilson
- Allen Murray Dunham
- Alliance Academy Middle School
- Alliance Academy Murals
- Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (Oakland Office)
- All Nations Pentecostal Prayer Clinic
- All Out Comedy Theater
- All Page
- All Power to the People Mural
- All You Need is One Chance Mural
- Alma Lavenson
- Aloha Club
- Aloy Excel Evol Resq Mural
- Alpine Hotel
- Alsinor Apartments
- Alta Arms Apartments
- Alta Bates Emergency (Berkeley)
- Alta Bates Emergency (Oakland Summit Campus)
- Alta Bates Showcase Thrift Store
- Alta Bates Summit Medical Center
- Alta Telegraph Company
- Alta Vista Apartments
- Alton-Brighton Apartments
- Alturas Apartments
- Aluna
- Alvin A. Coffey
- Always Faithful Mural
- Alynn Mags Lady Mural
- Alynn-Mags-Milli Production
- Amador Marble Company
- Amanita velosa
- A Market Mural
- Amasa Wright Bishop
- Amazona's Pizza
- Amba
- Ambassador Arms Apartments
- Ambrosia Wysinger Jones
- AMCO Chemical
- Amedee Marier
- Amedee Sourdry
- Amelia Earhart
- Amelia Sue Marshall
- American Auto Repair Murals
- American Bag Co. Building
- American Creamery
- American Indian Child Resource Center (AICRC)
- American Indian Model Schools
- American Legion of Honor
- American Natural Food and Cafe
- American Red Cross Bay Area Chapter
- American Rhododendron Society Show and Plant Sale
- American Steel Murals
- American Steel Studios
- American Steel Studios presents Art + Industry 2014
- Amigo's Auto Body Mural
- Amor Eterno
- Amtrak
- Amy Tan
- Ana Belle Apartments
- Analog
- "Anansi" Sculpture
- Anarchists
- Anatoly's Tailoring & Men's Clothing
- Anca Mosoiu
- Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (A.A.O.N.M.S.)
- Ancient Meditations Mural
- Ancient Order of Foresters
- Ancient Order of United Workmen
- Anderson's Carpet House
- And How Are the Children Mural
- Andre Fontes
- Andrew Anderson
- Andre Ward
- Andrew Demcak
- Andrew F. Williams
- Andrew Gross Custom Hatter
- Andrew Hatch
- Andrew J. Gregg
- Andrew J. Moon
- Andrew Lysander Stone, Jr
- Andrew Mousalimas
- Andrew Park
- Andrew Park/positions
- Andrew “Pete” Peterson
- Andrew S Ruch
- Andrew Williams Store
- Andy Samberg
- Andy's Car and Restaurant Service
- Anemal Meck Sory Piece
- Anfilo
- Angela Davis
- Angels and Masks Mural
- Anglo California National Bank Building
- Animurals
- Animurals/2016 Restoration
- Anker and Co.
- Anna Head
- Annalee Allen
- Annalee Allen archive of articles
- Anne Brigman
- Anne Campbell Washington Office Hours
- Anne Campbell Washington/Positions
- Anne Gust Brown
- Anne Kirkpatrick
- Annette Starr Bruce Hudson
- Anne Woodell
- Annie Campbell Washington
- Annie Glud
- Ann Martin Children's Center
- Ann's Cafe
- Annual Events
- Annual “Green T” Golf Tournament
- Annual Healthy Kids Day
- Another Day in Paradise Mural
- Ansel Franklin Hall
- Anselm H. Jayne
- Anson Barstow
- Anthony Batts
- Anthony Boucher
- Anthony Chabot
- Anthony Chabot Regional Park
- Anthony Di Franco
- Anthony Holdsworth
- Anthony McMillan
- Anthony Toribio
- Anthony Valdivia
- Anti-cruising efforts
- Antone Garcia
- Antonio Davis
- Antonio Maria Peralta
- Antonio Maria Peralta House
- Ant Tees Mural
- A. Page Brown
- Apartment Buildings
- A Pep Talk to City Council Video
- Applied Materials & Engineering
- Apply for AC-OCAP Anti-Poverty Board Membership
- Apply for a Passport
- Appomattox Club
- Apr 3rd- Mayoral Candidate Public Safety Debate
- April 10th Community Design Review of Proposed Dog Play Area
- April 16th How to Start Your Business Event
- April 18th, 2013 Training and Education Session on Sexually Exploited Minors
- April 23, 2013 Public Safety Committee Meeting Notes
- April 24 2013 Safe Oakland Series: Justin McCrary
- April 27th, 2013 Public Safety Town Hall
- April 28, 2013 Can Oakland Afford to Be Safe? Meeting Notes
- April 30- Laney College Mayoral Candidate Forum
- April events
- April Job and Educational Resource Fair
- April Pools Day
- April Sinclair
- Aquatic Graffiti Art Exhibit
- Arabella Martinez
- Aramis M. Fouche
- Arbor Cafe Mural
- Arbor Manor Apartments
- Arbor Villa
- Arbor Villa Palm Trees
- Arcade Hotel
- Archibald Ford
- Archie F. Williams
- Architects of Oakland (Contemporary)
- Architects of Oakland (Historic)
- Architectural History of Oakland
- Architecture Portal
- Architecture Portal Tags
- Archway School
- Ardmore Apartments
- Aria Grill & Cuisine
- Ari'el Stachel
- Arion Trio
- ARISE High School
- Arizmendi Association of Cooperatives
- Arizmendi Bakery - Lakeshore
- Arizmendi Bakery - San Pablo
- Arlene Apartments
- Arlington Hotel Building
- Arnie Fields
- Arnie Fields/Positions
- Arnold Vernon Baranco
- Arnold White
- Arnstein - Field & Lee Star Showroom
- Arrasmith Apartments
- Arrival Mural
- Arroyo Viejo
- Arroyo Viejo Creek
- Arroyo Viejo, Lucky A's
- Arroyo Viejo Park
- Arroyo Viejo Recreation Center
- art
- Art And Soul Oakland Festival
- Art Cars
- ArtComplex
- Art deco
- Art doings at the Malonga Casquelourd Center For The Arts
- Arthur D. King
- Arthur F. Mathews
- Arthur Mac's Snack Shack
- Arthur Mac's Tap and Snack
- Arthur Navlet
- Arthur P. Holland
- Arthur Tashiera
- Arthur W. Potter
- Artichoke Productions
- Articles with Neighborhoods
- Art is Love Mural
- ArtIsMobilUs
- Artist Mural
- Art League of the East Bay
- Art Murmur
- Arts and Culture
- arts collectives
- Art's Crab Shak
- Artsy Geek
- A's 20 Game Streak
- A Safe Place
- Asa Howard House
- Asa White
- Asa White House
- AscenDance Mural
- Ashley & Evers
- Ashmun C. Henry
- Ashrose Mural
- Asian Branch Library
- Asian Community Mental Health Services (ACMHS)
- Asian Health Services
- Asian & Pacific Islander Youth Promoting Advocacy
- Asian Pacific Psychological Services (APPS)
- Asian Resource Center
- Asian Resource Center Gallery
- Asian Youth Services Committee (AYSC)
- Ask.com
- Ask Oakland Wiki
- Asmara Restaurant
- A's Move
- A's Oaktober Rally
- A's Paraphernalia in Windows
- Assata Shakur Mural
- Assata Teach-In
- Assembly Bill 1616
- Assemblymember Bonta Community Town Halls
- Associated Students of Berkeley City College
- Associated Tax Service
- A's Spirit Week
- Astro Circle
- Astro Dog Park Controversy
- A's Videos
- A Taste of Denmark
- Athen B. Gallery
- Athen B. Gallery Wall One
- Athenian-Nile Club
- Athenian-Nile Club Building
- Athens Apartments
- Athens Athletic Club
- Athens Colored Elites
- Athol Court Apartments
- Athol Plaza
- At-Large City Council member
- Atlas Building
- Atlas Food Market & Grill
- Atlas Gas Engine Company
- A Tradition of Service to a Community Mural
- Attack on Titans Mural
- Atthowe Fine Art Services
- Attitudinal Healing Connection (Art Esteem)
- Attitudinal Healing Connection, Inc
- Auditorium Village Housing Project
- Auditorium Village School
- August 18, 25 and Sep 4 MGO Candidate Forums
- August 26th Oakland Women Mayoral Candidate's Forum
- August 27 and 28 Democratic Party Debates
- August 28th Chamber District 4 Candidate Debate
- August 28th Wellstone Democratic Club Endorsement Meeting
- August events
- August Schilling
- Augustus Laver
- Aunt Mary's
- Aurelia Reinhardt
- Aurora Apartments
- Aurora Saloon
- Authentic Engagement Talk
- Automechs
- Autumn Lights Festival
- Avalon Apartments
- Avenal Apartments
- Avenue Terrace Park
- A Verb for Keeping Warm
- AvéVista
- A Villain-Thropic Evening
- Avon Apartments
- Awaken 3515 Grand Ave
- Awaken Cafe
- Awards
- Award Winners
- A.W. Brodt
- Aw Pottery
- A. W. Smith
- A W White
- Axel Warenskjold
- AXIS Dance Company
- Ayala Park
- Ayala's Park
- Aydelotte's Business College
- Ayodele "WordSlanger" Nzinga
- Aztlan Nation
- Babe Ruth Baseball League
- Bab's Milk Depot
- Baby Ray
- Baby World Mural
- Bacheesos
- Back Flip Mural
- Back In Action Massage Therapy
- Back to Center Bodywork
- Back to School 2013
- Back to School 2014
- Back to the Roots
- Bacon
- Bacon and Beer Festival
- Bacon Block
- Bacon's Palace of Sweets
- Bacon Tuesday
- Badger's Park
- Baggy's By The Lake
- Bahá'ís of Oakland
- Baja Taqueria
- Baker family
- Baker-Taylor Funeral Home
- Bakery El Sol
- Bakesale Betty
- Balance Point Chiropractic
- Ba Le Sandwich Shop
- Bama Mural
- Bambino Thrift Shop
- Bammann family
- Banana Blossom Thai Cuisine
- Bananas (Child Care Referral)
- Bang Data
- Bangkok Palace
- Banjo Man
- Ban on Nighttime Street Protests
- BAPS/How to bottomline?
- Barbara Lee
- Barbara Newcombe
- Barbara Parker
- Barbara Parker/Positions
- Barbecue in Oakland
- Barbosa Prince
- Barbour Chemical Works
- Barbra Higgins
- Barcelona Apartments
- Bar César
- Barclay Simpson
- Barclay's Restaurant & Pub
- Bar Lago
- Barlata
- Barnes-Tibbitts Company
- Barnes Wright
- Barney Hilburn
- Barney’s Gourmet Hamburgers
- Bars
- BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) History
- BART Bicycle Lockers
- Bar Three Fifty Five
- Bartlett
- Bartling House
- BART Plush Train
- Baseball History
- Baseball Players from Oakland
- Battambang Restaurant
- Bauer Apartments
- Bauske House
- Ba Vo Restaurant
- Bay Area
- Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair
- Bay Area Bikes
- Bay Area Bike Share
- Bay Area Black Comedy Competition and Festival
- Bay Area Black Expo
- Bay Area Community Exchange
- Bay Area Derby Girls
- Bay Area Hispano Institute for Advancement (BAHIA)
- Bay Area Mural Program
- Bay Area Outreach Recreation Program (BORP)
- Bay Area Pallets LLC
- Bay Area Public School
- Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame
- Bay Area Scores
- Bay Area Sisters and Allies
- Bay Area Technology School (6-8)
- Bay Area Transit (1984)
- Bay Area Women Against Rape (BAWAR)
- Bay Bridge Gateway Park Project
- Bay Bridge Inn
- Bay Bridge Trolls
- Bay Center Associates for Educational Services
- Bay City Alternators Mural
- Bay City Baseball Club
- Bay City Iron Works
- Bay City Roller Flour Mill
- Bay Farm Island
- Bay Friendly Demonstration Garden
- Bay Localize
- BAY-Peace
- Bay Public School
- Bay Raptor Mural
- Bay Street
- Bay Strength
- Bay View Pure Water
- Bay View Villa
- Bay Wolf Restaurant
- BC Bugs Cain
- BC Horn
- B-Dama
- Beacon Apartments
- Beacon Mural Series
- Be A Mentor
- Bearcat APC
- Bearing Brothers
- "Bear Nursing Cubs" sculpture
- Bear of Oakland
- Beast Crawl
- Beast Oakland
- Beatrice McCall
- Beats Rhymes and Life
- Beaumont Park
- Beautiful Struggle mural
- beautiful trucks
- Beauty and the Beast Mural
- Beauty's Bagel Shop
- Bebe Patten
- Because We Can
- Bechtel Building
- Becky's Chinese
- Bee Aware Mural
- Beebe Memorial Cathedral
- Bee Building Mural
- Bee Healthy Honey Shop
- Bee Healthy Honey Shop Mural
- Beer
- Beer Baron
- Beer Revolution
- Belfast Beverages
- Bella Belmont
- Bellanico Restaurant & Wine Bar
- Bella Vista
- Bella Vista Elementary School
- Bella Vista Park
- Bella Vista Park mural
- Belles & Chimes
- Belle View Nursery - Nolan's Botanic Garden
- Belle Vue du Lac; Rendezvous de Chasse
- Bellevue-Staten Building
- Bell Theatre
- Belnido Bungalow Apartments
- Belva Davis
- Ben and Nick's
- Ben Davidson
- Ben F. Edwards
- Ben Fong-Torres
- Beniamino Benvenuto Bufano
- Benjamin F. Stetson
- Benjamin Geer McDougall
- Benjamin H Pendleton
- Benjamin Maloon
- Ben's
- Bercovich Building
- Bercovich Furniture
- Berger family
- Bergeron's Mural
- Berj
- Berkeley
- Berkeley Addiction Treatment Services
- Berkeley and Emeryville Borders
- Berkeley ferryboat
- Berkeley Food and Housing Project
- Berkeley Free Clinic
- Berkeley Liberation Radio
- Berkeley Youth Alternatives (BYA)
- Berkley Maynard Academy
- Berkshire Apartments
- Bermuda Building
- Bernard Charles Cuvellier
- Bernard Connolly
- Bernard Maybeck
- Bernie Lean
- Berquest family
- Bert Corona
- Bertha Port Park
- Bertha Wright
- Best Donut in Oakland Contest
- Best Lines from Peter Y. Liu's OakWiki page
- Best of the Oakland Police Department Community Survey
- Bestor Robinson
- Best Steel Casting Company
- Best Taste Restaurant
- Best Tweets from Mayoral Candidates
- BetaLab
- Beth Bagwell
- Beth Eden Baptist Church
- Beth Jacob Congregation
- Bethlehem Lutheran Church
- Beth Pierre Wilson
- Better Homes and Gardens | Reliance Partners
- Betterway Famous Family Restaurant
- Betti Ono Gallery
- Betty Lou Foods
- Betty Marvin
- Beulah Heights
- Beulah Heights Grammar School
- Beulah Heights Improvement Club
- Beulah Heights Orphanage
- Beulah Park
- Beulah Rest Home
- Beverages
- Beverley David Thorne
- B.F. Ferris
- B.F. Schlesinger & Sons
- Bible Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
- Bibliomania
- Biblioteca Popular Victor Martinez
- Bica Coffeehouse
- Bicycle Stores
- Bicycling
- Biff's Coffee Shop
- Big Bear Tavern
- Big G Burger
- Big History editathon 1
- Big O Tires
- "Big Peace IV" sculpture
- Big Things Mural
- Bigums Silver Lion
- Bikeabout 2 (Oakland Wiki Goes Analog)
- Bike Clubs
- Bike East Bay
- Bike Events
- Bike Fest
- Bike Jousting
- Bike Lanes
- Bike Routes
- Bikes 4 Life
- Bike Style Mural
- Bike Theft
- Bike to Action with the Library
- Biketopia
- Bike to Work Day
- Biking Advocacy
- Bilger Quarry
- Bill Aboudi
- billboards
- Bill King
- Bill Louie's Corner
- Bill Russell
- Bill Sturm
- Billy Martin
- Billy North
- Binh Minh Quan
- Binny's
- Biomedical Companies
- Bird Eye Garage Mural
- Bird Flu Mural
- Birdland Jazz
- Bird on a Branch Mural
- Birds of Lake Merritt
- Bireley's
- Bis
- Bischoff's Surgical House
- Bishop Floyd L. Begin Plaza
- Bishop O'Dowd High School
- Bishop Playhouse
- bissap baobab
- Bitcoins in Oakland
- Bites at the Lake
- Bites in Uptown
- Bites off Broadway
- Bittersweet Cafe
- BJ (Dog)
- Black Arts Movement Business District
- Blackberry Bistro
- Black Bloc
- Black & Brown Unity Mural
- Black College Expo
- Black Colored Giants
- Black Cowboy Parade and Heritage Festival
- Black-Crowned Night Heron
- Black-Crowned Night Herons
- Black Dot Cafe
- Black Family History Day 2014
- Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame
- Black Girls Code - Love Is Respect Hackathon
- Black History
- Black History/Bibliography
- Black History Month/2013 Events
- Black History Month/2014 Events
- Black History Month/2017 Events
- Black History Month/2018 Events
- Black History Month/2019 Events
- Black History Month/2020 Events
- Black History Month Celebration at Chabot
- Black History Month Event
- Black History Month Fashion Show
- Black Hole Cinematheque
- Black Liberation mural
- Black Liberation Walking Tour
- Black Lives Matter Forum
- Black Minus Afrika
- Black Organizing Project
- Black Owned Businesses
- Black Panther Mural
- Black Panther Party
- Black Pioneers at Mountain View Cemetery -- History Docent Tour
- Black Spring Coffee Company
- Black Success Conference
- Black Swan Books
- Black Vines 2014
- Blair's Park
- Blake Block
- Blake & Moffitt Building
- Blank and Cables
- Blessing of the Animals
- Blind Tiger mural
- Block the Boat Protest
- Blossom Rock Navigation Trees (California Historical Landmark)
- B-Love's Guesthouse
- Blue Bird Potato Chip Factory
- Blue Bottle Coffee
- Blue Building Mural
- Blues City: A Walk in Oakland (2003)
- Blue Sky Coffee Shop
- Blues Mural
- Blum Mural
- Blum Oakland
- BMD Owl Mural
- BMD Snake Mural
- BMT International Security Services
- Board of Education
- Bobby Hutton
- Bobby Seale
- Bob Motter Auto Body Repair Shop
- Bob Wilkins
- Bocanova
- Bodie A. Wallman
- Boeing School of Aeronautics
- Boeing School of Aeronautics/Popular Aviation
- Boero Manufacturing Company
- Bollywood America
- Bolt Bus
- Bomb Squad Mural
- Bonanza
- Boniere Bakery
- Bonnie Brae Apartments
- Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt
- Book Clubs
- Bookmark Bookstore
- Books About Oakland
- Books Portal
- Bookstores
- Boole Shipyard
- Boom Box Man
- Boom Box Mural
- Boost! West Oakland
- Boot and Shoe Service
- Booth Memorial Hospital
- Boots Riley
- Borax Smith’s Red House
- Borden's Creamery
- Border Lofts
- Borgo Italia Bar & Caffe
- Borland Building
- Borland House
- Bottoms Up! Mural
- Bouhaben family
- Boulton Apartments
- Bow and Bell
- Bowman B. Brown's Building and Annex
- Box & Bells
- Boxcraft Paper Box Company
- Boxing
- Boyd Log Cabin
- Bozo Miller
- Bracero Program
- Bradley Building
- Brad Lomax
- Branch History Talks
- Brand X Huaraches Murals
- Brask Brothers
- Brass EBMUD Fire Hydrant
- Bratton Report
- Breaking the Impasse
- Breakroom Cafe
- Brekke's Cafeteria
- Brenda Roberts
- Brenda Roberts/positions
- Bret Harte
- Bret Harte Boardwalk
- Bret Harte Middle School
- Brett Cook
- Breuner Building
- Brian Johnson
- Brianna Noble/BlackLivesMatter Mural
- Brian Shaw
- Bridge and Tunnel
- Bridge Container Mural
- Bridge Mural
- Bridges to Health Free Medical and Dental Clinic
- Brighter Than Blight
- Bringing in the Abundance Mural
- Broadening Participation in Local Government
- Broadway
- Broadway Auto Row
- Broadway Bank Building
- Broadway Block
- Broadway Bowl
- Broadway Liquors
- Broadway Pet Hospital Mural
- Broadway Saloon
- Broadway Smog mural
- Broadway Theatre
- Broadway Valdez District Specific Plan
- Broadway Wholesale Cleaners
- Brookdale General Hospital
- Brookdale Park
- Brookdale Recreation Center
- Brooke Levin
- Brookfield Branch Library
- Brookfield Village
- Brooklyn
- Brooklyn Basin (development)
- Brooklyn Brewery
- Brooklyn Colored School
- Brooklynization of Oakland
- Brooklyn Presbyterian Church & Parish Hall
- Brooklyn ship
- Brookside Baptist Church
- Brookside Lane
- Brookside Manor
- Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
- Brothers Barber Mural
- Brothers Furniture
- Brotzeit Lokal
- Brotzeit Mural
- Brown Berets
- Brown Couch Cafe
- Brownie McGhee
- Brown Sugar Kitchen
- Brown to Green: Sheet Mulching 101
- Bruce Apartments
- Bruce Beasley
- Bruce Buckelew
- Bruce Lee
- Bruce Lee Marital Arts Studio
- Bruce Lee Martial Arts Studio
- Bruce Lee Mural
- Bruce Pizzichillo and Dari Gordon
- Bruning Brothers Candy Company
- Brunswick Hotel
- Bryan M. Sastokas
- Bryan Parker
- Bryan Parker/positions
- Bryant Terry
- B-Side Baking Co.
- BSide BBQ
- Bubble Ordinance
- Buck Wild Brewing
- Buddhist Church of Oakland
- Bud Foster
- Budget Process Transparency Ordinance
- Budget Town Hall Meetings
- Bud Snow Snake Mural
- Buffalo Cafe
- Buffet Fortuna
- Building Names
- Building Projects
- Bullhook Ban
- Bun Mam Soc Trang
- Bunny Ranch Billboard
- Burckhalter Elementary School
- Burckhalter Tennis Court
- Burger Boogaloo 2013
- Burger Boogaloo 2014
- Burkhalter Park
- Burma Lounge
- Burma Superstar
- Burning Man
- Burnt Oak Gallery
- Burnt Oak Gallery Mural
- Bus Drivers
- Busey-Mihan Furniture
- Bushrod Neighborhood
- Bushrod Park
- Bushrod Recreation Center
- Businesses
- Business Improvement Districts
- Bus Rapid Transit
- Buss Automotive Mural
- Buster Crabbe
- Buswell Block
- Buttercup Grill & Bar
- Butterfly Mural
- Buying a House in Oakland
- B.W. Reagan Estate
- By Creator
- By Zine Type
- Caballo Hills
- Cab and Cink Mural
- Cactus Rock
- Cafe 3016
- Cafe Colucci
- Cafe Crush
- Cafe Dareye
- Café Dejéna
- Cafe Encina
- Café Eritrea D'afrique
- Cafe Lakeview
- Cafe Romanat
- Cafe Sahara
- Cafe Van Kleef
- Caffe 817
- Caffe Diem
- Cage Match: Donut Savant vs Colonial Donuts (Lakeshore Location)
- Cahill & Sbarbaro Building
- Cakeland Gallery Mural
- C.A. Kohler
- Calafia Armada
- Calcot Place Murals
- Caldecott Tunnel
- Caldecott Tunnel Fire
- Caldwell Court Apartments
- Caleb Ditchfield
- California Association of Student Councils (CASC)
- California Capital and Investment Group
- California College
- California College of the Arts
- California Concordia College
- California Cotton Mills
- California Cotton Mills Studios
- California Distinguished Schools in Oakland
- California, Earth's Paradise: Oakland, Its Eden
- California Flax Mills
- California Foundries, Inc
- California Genealogical Society & Library
- California Highway Patrol
- California Historical Landmarks in Oakland
- California Hotel
- California Jute Mills
- California Mayflower Society
- California Medical College
- California Military Academy
- California Pickle and Sauce Company
- California Police Activities League
- California poppy
- California Quail Mural
- California Slender Salamander
- California Spring Garden Show
- California State Association of Colored Women's Clubs
- California Trails
- California Voice
- California Waste Solutions
- California Youth Crisis Line
- Calou family
- Calvin Simmons
- Calvin Simmons Middle School
- Cal-Works/OUTREACH
- Calypso Queen mural
- Camacho Family Farms
- Camber Restaurant and Bar
- Cambodian New Year Celebration
- Camera Lending Program
- Camera Meeting
- Cameron Brian
- Cameron Built Homes
- Cameron Thompson
- Cameron Withgot Wolfe
- Cam Huong Bakery Mural
- Cam Huong Restaurant
- Camino of Rancho San Antonio
- Camino Restaurant
- Campaign Finance Reform
- Campaign Finance Violations
- Campaign Literature
- Campbell House
- Campbell Village
- Camp Common Ground
- Camp Dimond, Boy Scouts of America
- Campgrounds
- Camp John T. Knight
- Camp Merchant
- Camron Hall
- Camron-Stanford House
- Caña
- Canada Arms Apartments
- Canada Geese
- Canary Cottage Roadhouse
- Candela Fine Printing
- Candelaria
- Cannon Dill
- Cantin & Cantin
- Cape & Cowl Comics
- Capitalists
- Capitol Theatre
- Caporgno & Co. Mortuary
- Captain Liquor Murals
- Captain Satellite
- Captain William Thomas Shorey and Shorey Street
- Capt. Henry E. Nichols House
- Capwell-Barber Building
- Car Care Automotive Murals
- Cardinet Candy Company
- Carla Bley
- Carl Bauhofer
- Carl Chan
- Carless in Oakland
- Carl Finley
- Carlos Nava
- Carlos Nava Mural
- Carl Rudolph Krone
- Carl Warnecke
- Carmen Flores Recreation Center
- Carmen Ghirardelli
- Carnegie Brick and Pottery Company
- Carnegie Libraries
- Carniceria Hernandez Murals
- Carnivals that Visit Oakland
- Carol Anne O'Marie
- Carol Burton
- Caroline Chin
- Caroline Square (former)
- Carpe Diem at Loakal
- Carrie Judd Montgomery
- Carrington Steps
- Carr Jones
- Carroll Fife
- Carter Gilmore
- Carter Gilmore Sports Complex
- Cartoon Mural
- Cary Kent
- Casa del Lago Apartments
- Casa de Paz
- Casa Jimenez
- Casa Madera Apartments
- Casa Maria Luisa
- Casa Rosa Apartments
- Casa Segura
- Casa Segura Mural
- Casebolt Dakin
- Casey Family Programs
- Cash for College Workshop
- Caspar Hopkins
- Casper Banjo
- Caspers
- Castle Apartments
- Castlemont
- Castlemont Community Market
- Castlemont High School
- Castle Rea Villas
- casual carpool
- Catalytic Converters Mural
- Cathedral Building
- Cathedral of Christ the Light
- Cathedral of Saint Francis de Sales
- Catherine Montalbo Personal Image Consultant
- Catholic Charities of the East Bay
- Catholic Worker Mural
- Cato's Ale House
- Cattaneo Block
- Cat Town
- Cat Town Cafe
- Cat Town Cafe Murals
- Causa Justa-Just Cause
- Caution Mural
- CBS Wall
- CDP Oakland Initiative/Draft 1
- Ceasefire
- Cecilia Apartments
- Cedar Croft
- Celebrate the Closing of the National Lodge
- Cemetery at The Hights
- Censure
- Censure of Desley Brooks
- Centennial House
- Center for AIDS Services
- Center for Contemporary Music
- Center for Family Counseling
- Center for Independent Living
- Center for the Education of the Infant Deaf
- Central American Refugee Committee
- Central Block
- Central Building
- Central Building & Loan Association Building
- Central Concrete Supply Co Inc
- Central East Oakland
- Central National Bank building
- Central Pacific Railroad Depot
- Central Reservoir
- Central Reservoir Field
- Central Reservoir Park
- Central Station development
- Centro de Juventud
- Centro Legal de la Raza
- Century Buffet
- Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa
- Cerebral Palsy Center for the Bay Area, Inc.
- Cesar Chavez
- Cesar Chavez Day Celebration
- Cesar Chavez Park
- César E. Chávez Branch Library
- César E. Chávez Education Center
- C.F. Salomonson
- Chabad Jewish Center of Oakland & Piedmont
- Chabot (disambiguation)
- Chabot Elementary School
- Chabot Field
- Chabot Observatory (Historic)
- Chabot Park
- Chabot Space and Science Center
- Chabot Woman's Home
- Chai Thai Noodles
- Chalkupy
- Chamber of Commerce Poll
- Chamber of Commerce - Pulse of Oakland Breakfast
- Champa Garden
- Champions for Children 2013 5K Walk & Run
- Chancellor Arms Apartments
- Channel Park
- Chao’s Rosewood Furniture
- Chaos Without Peace Within Mural
- Chapel of Memories
- Chapel of the Chimes
- Chapel of the Oaks
- Charlene's Community Closet
- Charles A. Bon
- Charles Alden Black
- Charles Alexander Klinkner
- Charles and Lucretia Bates House
- Charles Apartments
- Charles B. Parcells
- Charles Burckhalter
- Charles Butters
- Charles Campbell
- Charles Carroll Marsh
- Charles Crocker
- Charles De Lauer
- Charles D. Pierce
- Charles Edward Kingsford Smith
- Charles E Lloyd
- Charles E. Snook
- Charles F. Ott
- Charles F. Tilghman
- Charles Goodall Lee
- Charles G. Reed
- Charles Haven
- Charles H. Greenman
- Charles H. Lee
- Charles Hoffman & Company
- Charles Houston Bar Association
- Charles J. I. Devlin
- Charles Jurgens
- Charles Jurgens Company - Lux Theater Building
- Charles Knox Marshall
- Charles Kramm, Jr.
- Charles K. Robinson
- Charles Mau
- Charles Miner Goodall
- Charles M. MacGregor
- Charles Newton
- Charles Peter Weeks
- Charles Pinky De Baca
- Charles Ray Williams
- Charles Ray Williams/Positions
- Charles Richard
- Charles S. Greene
- Charles S. Greene Library
- Charles W. Dickey
- Charles Wilkins
- Charles W. McCall
- Charles W. Wendte
- Charley and Humphrey
- Charlie Finley
- Charlie O
- Charlie Smith
- Charlie Tye
- Charlotte Anita Whitney
- Charlotte Hatfield Garthwaite
- Charmian Kittredge London
- Charming Oakland (poem)
- Charros Club
- Charter Schools
- Chase Bank (Downtown Branch)
- Chateau de la Colline
- Chateau Salle Apartments
- Chatime
- Chauncey Bailey
- Chauncey Taylor
- Chauncey W. Gibson
- C.H. Blesse
- Cheemah Mural
- "Cheemah" Sculpture
- Chef Edward’s Bar-B-Que
- Chef Lau's Restaurant Mural
- Chef Paul
- Chelsea Peretti
- Cherese Henderson
- Cheshire Cat Clinic
- Chester H. Miller
- Chet Dippel
- Chevrolet Assembly Plant
- Chevrolet Park
- Chez Simone
- Chicana history
- Chicano Movement
- Chicano Revolutionary Party
- Chief of Police
- Chief Resilience Officer
- Child Assault Prevention Training Center
- Child Care Links
- Children and Family Services
- Children of Violence : PBS Documentary
- Children's Fairyland
- Children's Fairyland Annual Gala
- Children's Home Society of California, Oakland Branch
- Children's Hospital/Center for Child Protection
- Children's Hospital/Ctr for the Vulnerable Child
- Children's Hospital/Department of Psychiatry
- Children's Hospital Emergency Medicine and Trauma Care Center
- Children's Hospital Oakland
- Children's Hospital Oakland/Southeast Asian Clinic
- Children's Hospital/Parent-Infant Program
- Children's Hospital/Pediatric AIDS/HIV Program
- Children's Hospital/Teen Clinic
- Children's Memorial Statue
- Chimes Creek
- Chimes Theatre
- Chinaka Hodge
- Chinatown
- Chinatown Dragon Mural
- Chinatown Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt
- Chinese American Citizens Alliance
- Chinese American History
- Chinese Camp
- Chinese Community United Methodist Church
- Chinese Exclusion Act
- Chinese Garden Park
- Chinese Independent Baptist Church
- Chinese Presbyterian Church of Oakland
- Chinn Chung Wah
- Choices Mural
- Cholita Linda
- Chop Bar
- Chopstick Chinese Restaurant
- Chopsticks Urban Art Space
- Chris Bolton
- Chris Dobbins
- Chris Granillo
- Chris Granillo House Mural
- Chris Jorgensen
- Chris Saunders
- Christian and Missionary Alliance Gospel Tabernacle
- Christian Cathedral
- Christmas On The Moon
- Christopher Hinds
- Chris Treadway
- Chryst House
- Chuck Johnson (musician)
- Chuck Johnson (Soul Beat)
- Chuck Light Hummingbird mural
- Churches, Mosques, Synagogues and Temples of Oakland
- Church of All Faiths
- Church of Perfect Liberty
- Church of Saint Leo the Great
- Church of St. James the Apostle
- Church Of The Good Shepherd
- Church of Tonga
- Cielito Lindo
- Cille's Market & Liquor Store Mural
- Cinco de Mayo 2013
- Cinco de Mayo Festival
- Cine 7 Theater
- Cinnamongirl
- Circuit Launch
- Circuses that Visit Oakland
- Ciro's
- Citizen’s Pedestrian Advisory Committee
- Citizens' Police Academy
- Citizens' Police Review Board
- Citizens’ Police Review Board Community Event
- City Administration Building
- City Administrator
- City and Port of Oakland Employees' Chorus
- City Auditor
- City Camp Digital Divide Session Notes
- City Camp Oakland
- City Camp Session Notes
- City Center (Neighborhood)
- City Charter
- City Council
- City Council Contested Votes
- City Council/District 1
- City Council/District 2
- City Council/District 3
- City Council/District 4
- City Council/District 5
- City Council/District 6
- City Council/District 7
- City Council Districts
- City Council Meeting July 30 2013
- City Council Meeting Sept 17 2013
- City Council Members (historical)
- City Departments
- City efforts to clamp down on civil unrest
- City Government
- City govt wage survey
- City Grille
- City Hall Anniversary Party
- City Loans to Oakland Businesses
- City of Berkeley/Public Health Clinic
- City of Oakland Aquatics
- City of Oakland fireboat
- City of Oakland Walking Tours
- City of Oakland Website Survey
- City Slicker Farms
- City Slicker Farms Saturday Bike Tour
- City Slickers April Second Saturday Tour 2014
- City Stables
- Citywide Sports Basketball League
- Civic Center
- Civic Center Post Office
- Civic Hacking
- Civic Hack Night
- Civicorps Job Training Center
- Civicorps Schools (formerly East Bay Conservation Corps)
- Civic Tech Tools
- Civilianization of Internal Affairs
- Civil Unrest
- C. J. Hirschfield
- ckan
- Claiborne Lavelle Shaw
- Clancy's
- Clara Elizabeth Chan Lee
- Claremont Avenue
- Claremont Country Club
- Claremont Hills
- Claremont Hotel
- Claremont Manor Apartments
- Claremont Middle School
- Claremont Path
- Claremont Pines
- Claremont Theatre
- Clarence Bullwinkel Ford
- Clarence Cooper Mortuary
- Clarence N. Cooper
- Clarence Wetmore
- Clarendon House
- Claridge Hotel
- Clarion Hotel by airport
- Clark & Henery Construction Company
- Clarmon Castle Apartments
- Classic Cars West
- Claude B. Barton
- Claude Clark
- Claude Salmon
- Claude Salmon Company
- Clausen House
- Clausen House Thrift Shop
- Clawson
- Clawson Elementary School
- Clay Building
- Clay N. Burrell
- C. L. Best Company
- C. L. Dellums
- C. L. Dellums Amtrak Station
- C. L. Dellums apartments
- Clean Up Mural
- Cleveland Cascade
- Cleveland Elementary School
- Cleveland Glover
- Cleveland Heights
- C. L. Greeno Building
- Cliff Apartments
- Cliff Durant
- Clifford E. Rishell
- Clifford McCaslin
- Clint Eastwood
- Clinton
- Clinton Day
- Clinton Mills
- Clinton Shrine
- Clinton Square Park
- Clipper Card
- Clipper Customer Service Center
- Clips Beer and Film Tour
- Clitocybe salmonilamella
- Closed Due to Civil Unrest
- Clothing Donation Bins
- Clothing Town Mural
- Cloyd Peart Clevenger
- Club Triangle
- Clyde Lamkin
- Clyde Sunderland
- Coach Sushi
- Coast Guard Island
- Coast Sausage Company
- Code for America resources
- Code for Oakland 2011
- Code for Oakland 2012
- Code for Oakland 2012/Project Ideas
- Code for Oakland 2012/Wiki Project Team
- Codes it would be cool if we could embed
- coffee
- Coffee Mill murals
- Coffee With a Beat
- Coffee with a Captain
- C.O.G. Miller
- Cogswell Monument
- Cohen-Bray House
- Coit Hotel
- Coke Escovedo
- Colby Park
- Cole Elementary School
- Cole Grammar School
- Coleman Studio
- Cole's Pure Honey Company
- Coliseum
- Coliseum Area Specific Plan Community Meeting
- Coliseum City
- Coliseum City Workshops
- Coliseum College Prep Academy
- Coliseum Drive-In
- Coliseum Gardens Park
- Coliseum Industrial (Neighborhood)
- Coliseum/Oakland Airport BART Station
- Coliseum Swap Meet
- Collected at Four 32
- College Avenue
- College Avenue Free Market
- College Avenue Presbyterian Church
- College Bowl
- College Preparatory School
- Collinwood Apartments
- Colombo Baking Company
- Colonial Cafeteria
- Colonial Chapel
- Colonial Donuts
- Colonial History
- Coloso
- Columbia Gardens
- Columbian Gardens Park
- Columbia Outfitting Company Building
- Columbia Park
- Columbia Theatre
- Comedy For All Ages
- Comida Corridor
- Commercial Union Hotel
- Commis Restaurant
- Common and less common things you might find on Oakland's streets
- CommonWealth Cafe And Public House
- Communication Workers of America Mural
- Communite Table
- Community Budget Forums 2015
- Community Child Care Coordinating Council(4C's)
- Community Collage Mural
- Community Cutlture ChildCare
- Community Democracy Project
- Community Education Event On Dog Ordinance
- Community Egg Hunt
- Community Food and Justice Coalition
- Community Foods Market Mural
- Community Gardening / Urban Edible Gardening Programs
- Community Garden in Lakeside Park
- Community Gardens
- Community Health Fair and Forum
- Community Meeting on City of Oakland Department of Race & Equity
- Community Policing
- Community Policing Advisory Board
- Community Policing Officers
- Community Policing Summit
- Community Pride Event
- Community Proposals
- Community Proposals/A Bond to Fix Roads
- Community Proposals/CDP Oakland Initiative
- Community Proposals/Citizens Police Commission
- Community Proposals/Citizens Police Commission/Candidate Opinions
- Community Proposals/City Calendar
- Community Proposals/"City Hall To Go" proposal
- Community Proposals/City Learning Lab
- Community Proposals/Expand protections for tenants against illegal evictions
- Community Proposals/Fully staff the fire department
- Community Proposals/Limit City Council's Ability to Meet Behind Closed Doors
- Community Proposals/Term Limits for City Council
- Community Rejuvenation Project
- Community Spring Tea
- Community Truancy Assistants
- Compala Mural
- Comparison of Bklyn Crime to Oakland
- Compassionate Friends
- Compassionate Health Options
- Complete Door Service
- Compliance Director
- Compost
- CompostCon
- Compost Events
- Concentra (Oakland)
- Concept Forty-Seven
- Concordia Park
- Concordia Tennis Court
- concreteworks
- Condominiums
- Confer & Willis
- Conflicting Oakland Wiki Philosophies
- Confucius Restaurant
- ConnectOakland
- Connell GMC Pontiac Cadillac
- Connie Cezon
- Connie's Cantina
- Connie's Cantina Mural
- Con Ojos Indigenos Mural
- Consignment Shops
- Container Cranes
- Contemporary Art Museum of Oakland
- Continental Club
- Contra Costa Laundry
- Contra Costa Water Company
- Convention Center
- Conversations at The Lake Merritt -- African-American Poetry
- Cookie Lavagetto
- Coolidge Unmarked Police Car
- Cool Neon Funhouse Production
- Cooperatives
- Cops and Kids: Ice-cream Wednesdays in July
- Copyrights
- Copyrights (Planning Page)
- Cora "Mom" Green
- Corazon del Pueblo
- Cordova and Castello Streets
- Cordova Apartments
- CORE (Communities of Oakland Respond to Emergencies)
- CORE Pet Preparedness Workshop
- Cornelius Henry Brosnahan
- Corner Market Mural
- Corn Nuts
- Corpus Christi Church
- Corte Algerica Apartments
- Cortez Apartments
- Cosecha
- Cosmic Cycles
- Cosmopolitan Hotel
- Cosmopolitan School
- Co-Soap
- Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act
- Costs of Occupy Oakland
- Cottage Dining Room
- Cotton Brothers and Company
- Counter Culture Labs
- County Receiving Hospital
- Couple's Relay
- Courage Mural
- Courtland Creek
- Courtland Creek Mural
- Courtland Creek Park
- Courtland Creek Park Mosaics
- Courtney Ruby
- Courtney Ruby/Positions
- Courtyard Oakland
- Covenant House
- Covered California
- Covered california en frutvale ave oacland ca 94601
- Covered California Town Hall
- COVID-19
- COVID-19/How to Help
- COVID-19/News
- COVID-19/What to Do
- coworking spaces
- Cowrie Village
- Cox
- Cox Cadillac Showroom
- Coyote Counter Collective
- C. P. Bannon Mortuary
- Crayone Panda Mural
- Creamcrest Dairy Products
- Create Life Mural
- Create Mural
- Creating a Healthy Community mural
- Creations Of The Creators: Healthwise Inventions by African Americans
- Creative Framing and Gallery mural
- Creative Growth Art Center
- creative mornings
- Creative Reflections Barber Shop
- Creative Warriors Mural
- Creature Comfort Holistic Veterinary Center
- Creature Comfort Mural
- Creature Features
- Creole Café
- Crepevine
- Crestmont
- Crisis Resources
- Crisis Support Services of Alameda County
- Critical Mass
- Critical Resistance
- Crocker Bank Building
- Crocker Highlands
- Crocker Highlands Elementary School
- Crombie Nursery
- Crossburgers
- Cross of Trees
- Crosswalks
- Cryer & Sons Boatyard
- Cryptoparty
- Crystal Laundry
- CSAA Building
- Cuisine Noir
- Cultural Equality Mural
- Culture is a Weapon Mural
- Cumbia
- Curiosity Hacked Oakland Lab
- Current Issues
- Curt Flood
- Curt Flood Field
- Curtis B. Roberts, Sr.
- Curtis Forrest House
- CurtisStreetFarm
- Cutting Mansion
- Cuyler Lee
- Cuyler Lee Packard and Maxwell Salesroom and Garage Building
- C. W. Howard
- Cybelle's Pizza Restaurants
- cyberhobo
- Cyber Wizard Institute
- Cycle Sports
- CYF Christian Youth Fellowship
- Cypress Freeway Memorial Park
- Cypress Structure
- Cypress Village
- Cyrus Farivar
- dac-faq-v1
- Dad Moore
- daforce
- Dahl Chevrolet
- Dahlke's
- Daisy Pauline Schafer
- Dalziel Building
- Damian Lillard
- Damon's Landing
- Damon Slough
- Dana Cafe
- Dana King
- Dana King/Positions
- Dan Bortz
- Dance of the Dead Mural
- Dancing Under the Stars
- Dan Fontes
- Dangerous Dame
- Daniel Alarcón
- Daniel Belknap
- Daniel Camacho
- Daniel Clowes
- Daniel D. Dwyer
- Daniel E. Easterbrook
- Daniel Galvez
- Daniel V. Lewis, D.D.S.
- Dan Kalb
- Dan Kalb/2013-02-28 Listening Session
- Dan Kalb/Events
- Dan Kalb/Positions
- Danny Wan
- Dan Siegel
- Dan Siegel/Positions
- Darnell Williams
- Darrel Apartments
- Dashe Cellars
- Data.OpenOakland
- Daud Abdullah
- Daughters of the Civil Rights Movement Speak
- Dave Brubeck
- Dave Newhouse
- Dave's Coffee Shop
- Dave Stewart
- Davey D
- Dave Young Kim
- David Bascom
- David Bercovich
- David B. Hope
- David Bradford
- David Carrick House
- David E. Glover Education and Technology Center
- David Gans
- David Glover
- David Hewes
- David L. Mills
- David McClure
- David Pierce Barstow
- David Polka
- David Polka Athen B Mural
- David Ralston
- David Ruth
- Davidson and Licht
- Davidson Stairs
- David Wallace
- David Weingarten
- Davie Fest
- Davie Tennis Stadium
- Da Vinci's Pasta & Pizza
- Davis Block
- Davone Bess
- Dawn Redwoods
- Dax Lee's Part Deux
- Day in the Park 2014
- Day Laborers
- Day of the Dead Cafe
- Day of the Dead Festival
- Day On The Green
- Dead Eyes Parking Lot Mural
- Deaf Counseling Advocacy and Referral Agency
- Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum
- Deanna Santana
- Deanna Santana Interference
- Deb
- Debate Logos
- Debbie Does Cakes
- Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies)
- Deborah Edgerly
- December events
- Decolonize Mural
- De Domenico Building
- Deebo
- Deegs Money Mural
- Deep East
- Deep Oakland
- Deep Oakland Signs
- Deer
- Defenders' Recreation Club
- de Fremery
- de Fremery House
- de Fremery Park
- Defremery Pool
- de Fremery Recreation Center
- de Fremery skate park
- deFremery To Honor African American Veterans
- de Fremery Wharf and Land Company
- DeLauer's - Kay Jewelers Building
- De Lauer's Super News Stand
- Del Courtney
- Delger Block
- Delger Mansion
- Delilah Beasley
- Deli & Meat Market
- Deli & Meat Market Murals
- Della's Tea Cup Cafe
- Del Rey Apartments
- Del The Funky Homosapien
- Demetrius "Hook" Mitchell
- Demolished Buildings
- Dennis Evanosky
- Dennis family
- Dennis Leon
- Dennison Street Bridge
- Department of Student and Family Services
- Derek Norris
- de Rome House
- Derrick Jones
- Derrick Newton
- Desco
- Desert Yard
- De Shields family
- Design Action Collective
- Desi Mundo
- Desley Brooks
- Desley Brooks/positions
- Despicable Me Minions Mural
- Destiny Arts Center
- Deutcher Club
- Development Without Displacement: Resisting Gentrification in the Bay Area
- Dewey High School
- Dewey Theatre
- Dewey Tucker
- D. Franklin Oliver
- D.G. Gibson
- Dia de la Independencia
- Día de la Raza
- Dia de las Americas
- Dia de los Muertos 2013
- Dia de los Muertos 2014
- Diamond Dairy
- Diamond Mural
- Diaspora Dance Mural
- Dick Buek
- Dick's Donuts
- Dick Spees
- Diesel Bookstore
- Dietz-Boyer Estate
- Dietz Opera House
- DIG Cooperative
- Diggery Inn
- Digital Arts and Culinary Academy
- Digital Divide
- Digital Literacy
- Digital Roots Studio
- Digital Underground
- Dignidad Rebelde
- Dille Building
- Dime
- Dime and Dollar Store
- Dimond Avenue Mormon Chapel
- Dimond Bowl
- Dimond Branch Library
- Dimond Café
- Dimond Canyon
- Dimond District
- Dimond Gateway Mural
- Dimond Gateway Peace Park
- Dimond Night Out
- Dimond Night Out 2014
- Dimond Night Out 2015
- Dimond Park
- Dimond Recreation Advisory Council Meeting
- Dimond Recreation Center
- Dimond's Hidden Jewels Mural
- Dimond Theatre
- Dine And Unwind Restaurant Series
- Dinosaur Mural
- Diocese of Oakland
- Directory of Directories
- Dirty Thirty Wall
- Disability Employment Awareness Conference and Training for Supervisors and Managers
- Discovery Center West
- Discovery Science Center
- Discovery Shop
- Dishonesty Vs Integrity Mural
- Displacing Gentrification: a peoples' forum
- District 3 Community Cleanup
- District 6 Empowerment Meetings
- Districts
- Dive Bars
- Diversity
- Diversity Works
- Divine Raw Foods
- DJ Agana
- DJ Rabeat
- DJ Rogermas
- Doan's Tailor Shop
- Dog Fighting
- Dog Garage Mural
- Doggie Diner
- Dog Shit Park
- Dogs in Parks
- Dogtown
- Dogtown Redemption (film)
- Doing Research
- $Dollarocracy$ mosaic
- Dollars Market
- Dolphin Mini Park
- Dolphin Pharmacy Mural
- Domain
- Domain Awareness Center
- Domain Awareness Center/Candidate Opinions
- Domain Awareness Center Draft Privacy Policy
- Domingo Ghirardelli
- Dominguita Velasco
- Dominic Tarr
- Domoto Brothers Nursery
- Donald Covington
- Donald Lawrence Marshall
- Donald Macleay
- Donald P. McCullum
- Donald P. McCullum Youth Court
- Don Barksdale
- Don Budge
- Don Lofgran
- Donna Lake Apartments
- Donnalou Stevens
- Donna's Tamales
- Don Neher Motors
- Don Perata
- Don Reed
- Don't Fret mural
- Don't Fret wheatpaste people
- Dontrelle Willis
- Don't Waste Water Mural
- Donut Savant
- Donut Star & Star Wok Express
- Dope Game 2
- Dopo
- Doris Mae Apartments
- Dorothy DeBolt
- Dorothy DeBolt 5K Family Fun Run/Walk
- Dorothy Lazard
- Dos Gallos Mural
- Doty Face Mural
- Double D BBQ Wall
- Double Dutchery
- Doughnut Dolly
- Douglas Dacre Stone
- Douglas G Barnes
- Douglas Sweeney
- Dover Street Park and Community Garden
- Do What You Love Mural
- Downs Memorial United Methodist Church
- Downtown Merchants Parking Garage
- Downtown Oakland
- Downtown Oakland Association
- Downtown Oakland Historic District
- Downtown Oakland YMCA
- Downtown Post Office (historic)
- Downtown Property Owners Association
- Downtown public bike repair station
- Dragon Mural in Marin Way
- Dragon School Murals
- Dragons City
- Drake's Brewing
- Drake's Dealership
- Draw Oakland
- Dr. Bly's Celebrated Artificial Limbs
- Dr. Chloe Annette Buckel
- Dr. Comics & Mr. Games
- Dream Act Mural
- Dreamcatcher Mural
- DreamCatcher Youth Program
- Dream Day 2014
- Dream's Arms Mural
- Dreams of the Champions Mural
- Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream
- Drinking (With Kids)
- Driver Plaza
- Driveway Follies Halloween Show
- Driving
- Dr. J's Closet
- Dr. Layne
- Dromore Apartments
- Drones
- Drought
- Drummer Boy Aaron
- Dr. William Bamford House
- Duane Deterville
- Duck Kee Market
- Dudley C Brown
- Dudley C. Stone
- Duel Brae Apartments
- Duende
- Dumpstered
- Dunn Block
- Dunsmuir Estate Park
- Dunsmuir Hellman House
- Duplex Cone
- Durant Elementary School
- Durant Field
- Durant Manor
- Durant Mini Park
- Durant Motors
- Durant School
- DUSTY/Learn Thru Laughter
- Dyeing
- Dyke Central
- e-40
- E. A. Daly
- Eagle Box and Manufacturing Company
- Earle C. Anthony Packard Showroom
- Earl Hines
- Earl Neil
- Earl Neil/The People's Revolutionary Gospel
- Earl Warren
- Early Head Start
- Earn It! Keep It! Save It!
- Earn Your Bike Program
- Earth Day 2013
- Earth Day 2014
- Earth Day 2015
- Earth Day Today
- EarthEXPO
- EarthHoney Chocolate, Inc.
- Earth Sanctuary Mural
- East 10th and 5th Avenue Mural
- East 23rd Stairway mural
- East Bay
- East Bay Agency for Children (EBAC)
- East Bay Alliance Church
- East Bay Ambulance
- East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation
- East Bay Asian Youth Center (EBAYC)
- Eastbay Astronomical Society
- East Bay Auto Camp
- East Bay Bike Party
- East Bay Children's Book Project
- East Bay Children's Theatre
- East Bay Coin Laundry
- East Bay Community Recovery Project
- East Bay Counseling Choices
- East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse
- East Bay Dragons
- East Bay Electric Lines
- East Bay Express
- East Bay Food Not Bombs
- East Bay Genealogical Society
- East Bay Innovation Awards
- East Bay Laundry
- East Bay Leadership Foundation
- East Bay Maker Faire
- East Bay Mini Maker Faire
- East Bay Mini Maker Faire 2013
- East Bay Mini Maker Faire 2014
- East Bay Municipal Utility District
- East Bay Negro Historical Society
- East Bay Open Studios
- East Bay Open Studios/2013
- East Bay Perinatal Medical Associates-Fruitvale
- East Bay Rats Motorcycle Club
- East Bay Regional Park District
- East Bay Regional Private Sewer Lateral Program (PSL)
- East Bay Sanitorium
- East Bay ShareFest
- East Bay Solidarity
- East Bay SPCA
- East Bay Structural & Termite Company
- East Bay Tenant Laws and Resources
- East Bay Tweed Ride
- East Bay Water Company
- East Bay Water Company Building
- East Bay Wilds Native Plant Nursery
- east bay works
- East Bay Zoological Society
- East Coast Meets West Coast Mural
- Easterbrook Bird Fountain
- Easter Egg Hunt in Montclair Park
- Easter Events 2013
- Easter Events 2014
- Easter Events 2015
- Easter Seals Bay Area
- Eastlake Music Festival
- Eastlake YMCA
- Eastland Apartments
- Eastland family
- Eastmont
- Eastmont Branch Library
- Eastmont Computer Clubhouse
- Eastmont Hills
- Eastmont Town Center
- Eastmont Transit Center
- Eastmont Wellness Center
- East Oakland
- East Oakland Boxing Association (EOBA)
- East Oakland Brewing Company
- East Oakland Community Project
- East Oakland Culture
- East Oakland Health Center
- East Oakland Hospital
- East Oakland in the Media
- East Oakland Planing Mills
- East Oakland Pottery
- East Oakland Pride Elementary School
- East Oakland School of the Arts
- East Oakland Sports Center
- East Oakland Street Railway
- East Oakland Switchboard
- East Oakland Youth Development Center
- East Peralta
- East Piedmont Heights Tract
- Eastshore Park
- EastSide Arts Alliance
- Eastside Arts Cultural Center Murals
- Easy Liquor
- Eat Real Festival/2013
- Eat Real Festival/2014
- E. B. and A. L. Stone Company
- Ebell Society
- Ebonics
- Ebony Beauty Supply
- Ebony Museum of Art
- E. Burton Weber
- E.B. Walsworth
- E Clampus Vitus Chapter 13
- Econo Jam Records
- Economic and Workforce Development
- Economic Development at City Camp 2013
- Economic History of Oakland
- Economic Pages
- E.C. Sessions map
- Eddie Lorrigan
- Eddie McGah
- Eddie "Rochester" Anderson
- Ed Elisian
- Eden Dale
- Edgar A. Cohen
- Edgemere Manor Apartments
- Edgewater
- Edgewood Apartments
- Edible
- Edible Parks Program
- Edison Computer
- Edison Elementary School
- Ed Kelly
- Edmond D. Hogan
- Edmond P Sanford
- Edmund H. Shea, Jr.
- Edna Apartments
- Edna Brewer Middle School
- Edna Wallace Hopper
- Edouard "Edward" Remillard
- Edsel Matthews
- Edson Adams
- Edson F. Adams
- Ed Sue
- Eduardo Pineda
- Educational Scholarships
- Education Events
- Education Guidance Center (EGC)
- Edward Borein
- Edward C. Robinson
- Edward C. Sessions
- Edward Gibbons
- Edward Gibson
- Edward Hoskins
- Edward Marquis
- Edward M. Lundegaard
- Edward Payson Heald
- Edward R. Carpentier
- Edward Shands
- Edwards Jewelers
- Edward T. Foulkes
- Edward T. Henshaw
- Edward Tompkins
- Edwin Clausen
- Edwin Hawkins
- Edwin Markham
- Edwin Meese
- Edwin Meese III
- Edwin Meese, Jr.
- Edwin W. Woodward
- Ed Yarick
- Effie to Portland
- Egbert B. Stone
- Egbert Souse's
- Egrets
- Egypt Theatre Arts Center
- E.H. Woolsey
- Eihab Discount Store Mural
- Eilers Music House
- Einar Oas
- Einstein for Oakland
- Einstein's Platform
- Eisenback-Strough Showroom
- E.K. Wood House
- E.K. Wood Lumber Company
- El Agavero
- Elaine Brown
- Elbo Room
- El Campanil
- El Capitan Apartments
- El Centenario
- El Centenario Taco Truck
- El Cortez Apartments
- Elder Abuse Workshop
- Eleanora Vernon de Fremery Minetti
- Elected Officials
- Elections
- Electra Kimble Price
- Electrical Products Corporation
- Electric Embers
- Electric Loop Tract
- El Espolón Mural
- Elevate Oakland
- El Gusano
- El Huarache Azteca
- Elihu M. Harris
- Elihu M. Harris State Office Building
- Elijah's University for Self-Development Inc.
- Elijah Turner
- Elijah Whitaker
- Eli's Mile High Club
- Eli's Mile High Club/Legend of Frankie and Eli
- Elite Fitness
- Elizabeth Flood
- Elizabeth House
- Elizabeth Sherman
- Elks Club Building
- Elks Hall - Scheeline Building
- Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
- Ella Baker Center Mural
- Ellen Kenna House
- Ellen White Colton
- Ellen Whiting
- Ellis A. Haines
- El Manantial Taco Truck
- Elmer Keeton
- Elmhurst
- Elmhurst Branch Library
- Elmhurst (historical)
- Elmhurst Lyons Field
- Elmhurst Park
- El Mirador Apartments
- El Novillo Taco Truck
- El Ojo de Agua
- Elon D. Ormsby
- El Paisa
- El Rey Theater
- Elsa's Coffee Shop
- El Taco Bike
- El Taco Zamorano
- El Taco Zamorano Mural
- El Taco Zamorano Restaurant
- El Tapatio
- Elyssium Advanced Skin Care
- Ely W. Playter
- Emancipation Training Center
- Embarcadero (Embarcadero Cove) Neighborhood
- Embassy of the Refugee Mural
- Embrace the Dimond District
- Emergency Numbers
- Emergency Numbers/header
- Emergency Preparedness
- Emergency Rooms
- Emerging Tech Hub
- Emerson Apartments
- Emerson Elementary
- Emeryville
- Emeryville Community Action Program
- E.M. Gibson
- Emil C Hahn
- Emil Hagstrom
- Emilie M. Chabot
- Emil's Burger
- Emil Villa
- Emil Villa's Hickory Pit
- Emily Elliott Pardee
- Emma Marwedel
- Emmanuel Francis Joseph
- Emma Shafter Howard
- Emory Douglas
- Empire Foundry Company
- Employment Skills Symposium
- Empyrean Towers
- Encinal Home Mill
- Encinal Tower
- Encuentro Cafe and Wine Bar
- Endgame
- En El Libro Tu Libertad Mural
- Eng family
- English Lutheran Church
- Enoch H. Pardee
- Enoteca Molinari
- Enssaro
- Environmental History
- Environmental issues in Oakland
- environmental justice organizations
- Environmental Prevention in Communities (EPIC)
- Envision Academy
- En Vogue
- Ephraim Field
- Epic Beard Man
- Epic Charter School mural
- Episcopal Church of Our Saviour
- Eponyms
- Equal Access Survey
- Equity West
- Era Art Bar and Lounge
- eRACISM Mural
- Erastus Kelsey
- Ercivan Martin
- Eriberto Perez-Angeles
- Erica Fischer
- Eric Fernsten
- Ericka Huggins
- Ericka Huggins Mural
- Eric Sogard
- Erie Apartments
- Erika Mailman
- Erin Punzel
- Ernest A Rossi
- Ernest Doty
- Ernest Doty Fence Mural
- Ernest Hollander
- Ernest N. Lombardi
- Ernie Raimondi
- Ersie Joyner
- ER Transmission Building
- Escandalo Con Pelusa
- Esquire Theatre
- Estates Drive Reservoir
- Estetica Unisex Mary's Mural
- Esther's Orbit Room
- Eston Cheney
- Estria Foundation
- Estria Miyashiro
- Estuary Channel Park
- Ethel Moore
- Ethel Moore Memorial Building
- Ethics & Good Government Working Group
- Ethiopian Community and Cultural Center
- Ettore Products Company
- Eucalyptus
- Eucalyptus Tunnel
- Euclid Court Apartments
- Eudora Proctor
- Eugene Edgar Trefethen
- Eugene H. Barbera
- Eugene H. Tharp
- Eugene Pasqual Lasartemay
- Eugene Porter
- Eugene Stachler
- Eugene Thurston
- Euromix Delicatessen
- Evan Schloss, LMFT, LPCC, Counseling and Therapy
- Evelyn Dent Mitchell
- Evelyn Ellis Smith
- Evening School (Historic)
- Even Start Family Literacy Program
- Event Notes
- Everett & Jones Barbeque
- Evergreen Cemetery
- Everts Block
- Eviction Defense Center
- Evolve mural
- E-Waste Recycling
- Examiner Building
- Excelsior Pharmacy
- "Excess Real Estate Transfer Tax"
- Executive Inn & Suites
- Exidia glandulosa
- Explore
- Eye from the Edge A Memoir of West Oakland, California
- Ezra Decoto
- Fabiola Hospital (historical)
- Face Garage Mural
- Face House Mural
- FACES for the Future
- Face to Face: Action. Healing. Solidarity.
- Fageol Motors Company
- Failed Speed Bump Requests in Oakland
- Fairfax
- Fair Game
- Fairlawn Hotel
- Fairmount Apartments
- Fairview Park
- Fairway Park Donuts
- Fairyland for Grownups
- Faith Fancher
- Faith Presbyterian Church
- Fallfest 5K Run/Walk
- Family and Friends of Murder Victims
- Family Bridges, Inc.
- Family Planning Specialists
- Famous Oakland Musicians
- Famous One's Mural
- F.A. Muller
- Fang Mural
- FANily
- Fannie Franklin Wall
- Fannie Wall Children’s Home and Day Nursery
- Fanny Babbit Ainsworth
- Fanny Jackson Coppin Club
- Fantastic Negrito
- Faricita Hall Wyatt
- Farley's East
- Farmer Joe's Marketplace
- Farmers and Merchants Savings Bank
- Farmers' Markets
- Farmers Market Tips and Tricks
- Farming Resources
- Farms
- Farmstead Cheeses and Wines
- Farmstore
- Farnoosh Fathi
- Farol Apartments
- Fastmetrics
- Fat Bottom Bakery
- Fathom
- Fathom Mural
- Faulkner's Freezer
- Faultline Artspace
- Faultline Artspace Murals
- Fauna
- Favianna Mural at Oakland Museum
- Favianna Rodriguez
- F C Talbot
- Fearey and Moll
- Featured Entries
- February events
- Feddie Eddie's Car Wash & Auto Detailing
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Federal Drug Company
- Federal Programs and City Politics: The Dynamics of the Aid Process in Oakland (book)
- Feelmore Adult Gallery
- F. E. Knowles & Company
- Felix Mitchell
- Felton Taylor
- Fence Murals
- Feng Ru
- Fennel
- Fenton Home Orphanage
- Fentons Creamery
- Feral Change
- Fernando José Corbató
- Fernando's Tires Mural
- Fernwood
- Fernwood Ranch Dairy
- Ferrante's Italian Restaurant
- Ferro Enameling Company
- Festival at the Lake
- Few and Far Mural
- F.E. Weston
- Field and Lee
- Fifteenth Street House Group
- Fifth Avenue Marina
- Filbert Apartments
- Filippo's
- Fill the Coliseum Day
- Film And Discussion About Ferguson, Race and Justice
- Filming Locations
- Filmon Barber Shop
- F.I. Matthews House
- Financial Center Building
- Financial Misconduct
- Find a Job
- Find and Flip Event
- Finding John Murphy
- Fire
- Fire Alarm Boxes (Historic)
- Fire Alarm Building
- Fire and Arson Prevention Townhall
- Firebrand Artisan Breads
- Fire Building Mural
- Fire Department (Historic)
- Firemans Fund Insurance Company Building
- Firestone Tire & Rubber Building
- Firestorm Memorial Garden
- Firewood Cafe
- Fireworks
- First African Methodist Episcopal Church
- First Baptist Church
- First Choice Auto Repair & Brakes
- First Christian Church
- First Church of Christ, Scientist
- First Church of the Buzzard
- First Congregational Church
- First Covenant Church
- First Friday Shorts
- First Fridays in Oakland
- First Methodist Church
- First National Bank Building - Lionel Wilson Building
- First National Bank of Oakland
- First New Jerusalem Baptist Church
- First Oakland Black-Eyed Pea Festival
- First Presbyterian Church of Oakland
- First Schoolhouse
- First Swedish Baptist Church
- First Thursdays on Grand Avenue
- First Trans-Pacific Flight
- First Trinity Lutheran Church
- First Trust & Savings Bank - American Bank Building
- First Unitarian Church of Oakland
- First Universalist Church
- First Wednesday
- First Western Building & Garage
- Fisher and Taylor
- Fisher Lumber
- Fist Of Flour Pizza Company
- Fitchburg
- Fitchburg (historical)
- Fitchburg Well Field
- Fitzgerald and Union Plaza Parks
- Five Star Pizza & Deli
- Fixit Clinic
- FixLeaf
- Flagg Brothers
- Flagg Brothers/Flagg Built Homes
- Flammulaster rhombosporus
- Flax Art & Design
- Flax Mural
- flea markets
- Flecto Company
- Fleischmann's
- Flight Deck
- Flint's Bar-B-Q
- Flippers
- Floats Like a Butterfly, Stings Like a Bee Mural
- Flood Prevention
- Flora
- Flora Restaurant & Bar
- Florence Block
- Florence Fletcher
- Florence Wysinger Allen
- Flower Lounge
- Flows of humans and capital in the Bay Area
- Floyd L. Begin
- Flyers
- FM Smith Park
- FM Smith Recreation Center
- fog
- F.O. Haussler
- Follow Oakland Protests from Home
- Fong Get Moo
- Fong Wan
- Food
- Food Assistance
- Food Desert
- Food & Drink Festivals
- Food for Thought Mural
- Food History
- Food Justice
- Food King
- Food Organizer's Guide (1984)
- Foods Co.
- Food Shift
- Food Truck Permits
- Food Truck Pods
- Food Trucks
- foopee
- Foothill Boulevard
- Foothill Meadows Extension
- Foothill Square (neighborhood)
- Foothill Square Shopping Center
- Foothill Theater
- Forage Oakland
- Forbitten City
- Foreclosure in Oakland
- Foreman and Clark
- Foremost Dairies
- Forest Apartments
- Forestland
- Forest Pool
- Forge Pizza
- Forgotten Mailbox Posts
- Form and Reform - Kraftworks
- Former Murals
- Forrest C. Shaklee
- Forrest family
- For Those Still to Come Mural
- Forthrite Printing
- Fortune Restaurant Mural
- Forty Years Strong: Dimensions Dance Theater
- Forum on Keeping Oakland Affordable
- Forum on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Minors
- Fossils in Oakland
- Foster's Cafeteria
- Fouche's Funeral Home
- Foulkes Building
- Foundry of the Future Mural
- Four Guardians Mural
- Four Square for Adults
- Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist
- Fourth Sunday Races
- Fowler Block
- Fox Courts Mural Project
- Fox News Theatre
- Fox Oakland Theatre
- Fox - Orpheum Theatre
- Fox West Coast Theaters
- Fraggle
- Frameworks
- Frances Albrier
- Francesco's Restaurant
- Frances E. Willard Club
- Francis Cutting
- Francis Jackson
- Francis Kittredge Shattuck
- Francis Marion "Borax" Smith
- Frank Bilger
- Frank B. Ogden
- Frank B. Rodolph
- Frank C. Havens
- Frank Colbourn
- Frank Epperson
- Frank Henry Lathrop
- Frank Herch
- Frank J. Youell
- Frank Kennedy Jackson. Jr.
- Frank King
- Frank K. Jackson
- Frank K. Mott
- Frank K. Mott/Mayor Mott Says
- Franklin Building
- Franklin Burrill
- Franklin Elementary School
- Franklin Park
- Franklin Plaza
- Franklin Recreation Center
- Franklin Rhoda
- Franklin Square (historical)
- Franklin Theater
- Franklin Warner
- Frank M. Smith
- Frank Ogawa
- Frank Ogawa Firescape Garden
- Frank Ogawa Plaza
- Frank Oz
- Frank R. Fageol
- Frank R Girard
- Frank Robinson
- Frank Rose
- Frank Youell Field
- Fratellanza Club
- Fraternal Hall
- Frazier Report
- Freda Ehmann
- Fred Bammann Hardware
- Fred Blackwell, Jr.
- Fred C. Turner
- Fred C. Turner Shopping Center
- Frederick A. Webster
- Frederick Burrell Ginn
- Frederick Delger
- Frederick G. Cottrell
- Frederick Heinrich Wilhelm Meyer
- Frederick Herman Meyer
- Frederick H. Meyer
- Frederick H. Reimers
- Frederick Leroy Confer
- Frederick M. Campbell
- Frederick Morse House
- Frederick Reimers House
- Frederick Rhoda
- Frederick Schimmelphenig
- Frederick Soderberg
- Frederick W. Henshaw
- Fred Finch Children's Home
- Fred Frith
- Fred Garretson
- Fred Korematsu
- Fred Maggiora
- Fred Morse
- Fred N. Morcom
- Fredrick Apartments
- Fred Silva
- Fred Voorhees
- Free
- Free and low-cost dentists
- Free Baptist Church
- Free Boating Open House
- Free Breakfast for Children Program
- Free Broadway Shuttle
- Free Computer Access in Oakland
- Free Computer and Internet for Low Income Oakland Students
- Freedom Farmer's Market
- Freedom of Oakland award
- Free Dump Sites in April 2014
- Free Eats in Oakland
- Freeing Land for Food: Urban Greening Projects and Gentrification
- Free Legal Advice for Your Small Business
- Freeman & Cox-Roach & Kenney Mortuary
- Freeman's Park
- Free Marriages at City Hall
- Freemasonry
- Free Mobile Eye Clinic
- Free Montgomery
- Free Montgomery Building Mural
- Free Monthly Legal Clinic For Low-Income Entrepreneurs
- Free Mulch
- Free Oakland UP
- Free Pussy Riot Mural
- free soil & compost
- Free Teen Driver Safety Classes
- Free Telescope Viewing
- Free Things to Do in Oakland
- free transport
- Freeway Murals
- Freeway Variety
- Free Wireless in Oakland
- Fremont
- Fremont High Annex Mural
- Fremont High School
- Fremont Pool
- Frenswa Raynor
- Frequency of Special Meetings
- Fresh and Best 2
- Fresh Masa
- Frick
- Fricke Building
- Frick Middle School
- Friday Nights Live
- Friday Summer Nights at the Park
- Friedman Building
- Friends Of
- Friends of Faith
- Friends of Joaquin Miller Park
- Friends of Mountain View Cemetery
- Friends of Oakland Parks and Recreation
- Friends of Sausal Creek
- Friends of the Oakland Public Library
- Frogs
- From the Evolution to the Revolution Mural
- front page/0
- Front Page/Announce
- Front Page/Events
- Front Page/Featured Article
- Front Page/Get Involved
- Front Page/Nearby
- Front Page/Nearby/0
- Front Page/Neighborhoods
- Front Page/Portals
- Front Page/sandbox
- frontpage tmp
- Front Page/Topics
- Front Page/What we have been up to
- Frontpage Wireframe
- fruit trees
- Fruitvale Arms Apartments
- Fruitvale AT&T Building
- Fruitvale Avenue
- Fruitvale Avenue Railroad Bridge
- Fruitvale Ave Taqueria Sinaloa
- Fruitvale BART Bikestation
- Fruitvale Bart Parking Lot Mural
- Fruitvale BART Station
- Fruitvale Baseball Park
- Fruitvale Bridge
- Fruitvale Bridge Park
- Fruitvale Christian Church
- Fruitvale Collision Center
- Fruitvale Community Bulletin Board
- Fruitvale Congregational Church
- Fruitvale District
- Fruitvale Elementary School
- Fruitvale, Florida, Ferguson and Beyond: A Summit about Ending Mass Criminalization in Oakland
- Fruitvale Gang Injunctions
- Fruitvale Gateway Building
- Fruitvale Hotel
- Fruitvale Masonic Temple
- Fruitvale Medical Building
- Fruitvale Plaza Park
- Fruitvale Presbyterian Church
- Fruitvale Professional Building
- Fruitvale Station (film)
- Fruitvale Station (neighborhood)
- Fruitvale Theatre
- Fruitvale Transit Village
- Fruitvale Unity
- Fruitvale Village Paseo Farmer's Market
- Fuck the Fourth Sale
- Fuga
- Fuller and Goepp Company
- Full House Cafe
- Fulton Lunch
- Fuming Guerilla
- Fun and Trivia
- Fungi
- Funktown Arts District Mural
- Funktown Farm Community Garden
- Funky Aztecs
- Funny Oakland Videos
- Fun Things to Do on Memorial Day
- Fun things to do while watching Oakland City Council Meetings
- Furtography Pet Pics
- FuseBox
- Future Oakland
- Future Shock Oakland
- Gabriel Martinez Jr.
- Gail Berkley-Armstrong
- Gail Murphy
- Galeria Beso Maya
- Gallagher's Liquors
- Gandhi Mural
- gang injunctions
- gangs
- Garage Murals
- Garber Park
- GAR Civil War Memorial (Monument & Plot)
- Garden House
- Gardening and Farming Portal
- Gardening and Farming Portal Tag Page
- Gardening Events
- Gardening Resources
- Gardening Tips
- Gardening Workshops at the Trials Garden
- Gardens
- Gardner B. Morgan
- Garfield Elementary School
- Garfield Park
- Gartes Tires Mural
- Garthwaite family
- Gary Payton
- Gary Pettis
- Gary Yee
- Gaskill
- Gas Kitchen Grill Room
- Gateway Gardens Park & Pavilion
- Gateway Market Mural
- Gateway Theatre
- GATS and Lords Wall
- Gaye Lenahan
- Gayway Gulch
- Gazzali's Supermarket
- G. C. Coleman
- GearBox Gallery
- Geared 4 Kids: Family Bike Ride
- G-Eazy
- Geddin's Big Town Records
- GED Preparation
- Gene Hazzard
- General Liquors
- General Neighborhood Renewal Plan
- Genova Delicatessen
- Gentrification
- Gentrification in Oakland
- Gentrification is not Sustainable Mural
- Geodesic Bird Dome
- Geoffrey Pete
- Geoffrey's Inner Circle
- Geography
- George Babcock
- George Berkel
- George C. Cummings
- George C. Hammer
- George C. Hammer Amphitheatre
- George Chase
- George C. Haun
- George C. Pardee
- George C. Perkins
- George C. Potter
- George E Aitken
- George Earl
- George E. Grant
- George E. McCrea Memorial Park
- George F. Allardt
- George Fisher
- George Fitzgerald
- George Fogg
- George Fotheringham
- George Hart
- George H Garthorne
- George Hofstetter
- George Hyde
- George J. Ainsworth
- George Kelly
- George M. Blake
- George McCrea
- George McCrea House and Indian Campground
- George M. Johnson
- George Moran
- George Posey
- George P. Scotlan
- George R. Morrison
- George's Auto Repair
- George's Laundry & Dry Cleaners
- George S. Pierce
- George Sterling
- George T Burtchaell
- George Turner
- George Van Haltren
- George V. Arth & Son
- George W Dornin
- George W. Flick
- George W. Reed
- George Wyman
- Geo. W. Fountain
- German American
- German Evangelical Lutheran Zion Church
- German Methodist Episcopal Church
- German Societies
- Gernhardt-Strohmaier Building
- Gertrude Belle-Oudry
- Gertrude Stein
- Geso Mural
- Geta Japanese Restaurant
- Get Connected! Oakland
- Get Goes Mobile Café
- Get Involved!
- Get Involved with Oakland Wiki
- Getting EveryoneOn: Creating An Inclusive Digital Society
- Ghazal Indian Cuisine
- Ghirardelli House
- Ghost Investigation
- Ghostride the Volvo
- Ghost Riding
- Ghost Ship Fire Crackdown
- Ghost Ship Mural
- Ghosttown
- Ghost Town Farm
- Giant Burger
- Giant Burger Mural
- Gibbons' Point
- Gibson Branch Library
- Gibson Family
- Gibson Terminal
- Gifford Apartments
- Gilda Gonzales
- Gilkey Manor
- Gil Stancourt Lighting Studio
- Ginn House
- Giorgetti Products
- Giraphics mural
- Giraphics mural/2016 Restoration
- Girl Mobb 34th Street Mural
- Girl Mobb Super Wall
- Girls Incorporated of Alameda County
- Girl with Hose Mural
- Girola Building
- Give Back Mural
- Give Love Mural
- Gladding-Chickering House
- Gladstone Building
- Gladys Copland
- Gladys H. Barndollar
- Glen Avenue
- Glencairn Apartments
- Glendonia Apartments
- Glen Echo
- Glen Echo Creek
- Glen Echo Creek Stairs
- Glen Echo Park
- Glenfriends
- Glen Highlands
- Glen Kohler
- Glenn Burke
- Glenn E. Dyer Detention Facility
- Glenn Kaplan
- Glenview
- Glenview Branch Library
- Glenview Cottage Industries Show
- Glenview Elementary
- Glenview Junior High School
- Globe Hotel
- Globe Theater
- Glossary
- Glow Glass Studio Walls
- Glynn Washington
- Goapele
- Goats
- God Bless the Rats Mural
- God's Gym
- Godwin Taylor
- Golden Associates
- Golden Chinese New Year Mural
- Golden Gate
- Golden Gate Baptist Church
- Golden Gate Branch Library
- Golden Gate Community Association
- Golden Gate Congregational Church
- Golden Gate Cracker Company
- Golden Gate District WWI Memorial
- Golden Gate Donuts
- Golden Gate Hotel
- Golden Gate Junior High School
- Golden Gate Recreation Center
- Golden Gate Recreation Center mural
- Golden Gate Second Saturdays
- Golden Lotus Mountain
- Golden Lotus Vegetarian Restaurant
- Golden Rule Flouring Mill
- Golden State Milk Products
- Golden State Ostrich Farm
- Golden State Warriors
- Golden West Brewing Company
- Golden West Hotel
- Gold Star Streets
- golf
- Gondola Servizio
- Gone!--Baby's Gone (film)
- Gone Swet Gone Mural
- Gonzales Architects
- Gooch Block
- Good Hope Masonic Lodge Hall
- Good News Cafe
- Good Samaritan Cathedral Church of God in Christ
- Goodwill Industries
- Googie and Friends Annual Golf Tournament
- Google bus
- Gordon Pratt
- Goser Bird Mural
- Gospel Auditorium
- gowinifred
- Grace Community Methodist Church
- Grace Hortense de Fremery
- Grace Methodist Episcopal Church
- Grace Street Catering
- Graffiti
- Graffiti Abatement Project
- Graffiti Ordinance
- Granada Apartments
- Granada Theatre
- Grand Army of the Republic (historic)
- Grand Avenue
- Grand Ave Social Club
- Grand Bakery
- Grand Central Hotel
- Grand Central Lodging House
- Grandjean-Burmian-Alzina Garage
- Grand Lake
- Grand Lake Coffee House
- Grand Lake Farmers' Market
- Grand Lake Sew and Vac Center
- Grand Lake Theater
- Grand Oaks Restaurant & Sports Lounge
- Grand Performance Mural
- Grand Perkins Market
- Grand Theft Auto Wall
- Grandview Apartments
- Graneton-Brownell Building
- Granillo and EK Mural
- Granny Goose
- Grant Miller Mortuary
- Grants Available for Home Repairs
- Grant School
- Graphic Traffic
- Grass Valley
- Grass Valley Elementary School
- Grateful Dead House
- Gravy Train!!!!
- gray loft gallery
- Gray Shop
- Graystone Apartments
- Great China Restaurant
- Great Communities Collaborative
- Great Distress Under the Heavens mural
- Great Earthquake of 1868
- Great Egg Hunt
- Greater Cooper A.M.E. Zion Church
- Greater Saint John Missionary Baptist Church
- Great Estates In April
- Great Flood of 1862
- Great Oakland Public Schools
- Great Wall Chinese Restaurant
- Great Western Power Company (Historic)
- Great Western Power Co. - Touchstone Climbing
- Great Western Power Station
- Greek American
- Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension
- Greek Orthodox Church
- Greek Orthodox Church of the Assumption
- Greenbelt Alliance
- Green Bicycle Pathway (Supersharrow)
- Green Book
- Green Day
- Greenhood and Morans
- Green House Calls
- Green Ladies Mural
- Green Papaya Deli
- Greenstreets
- Greg Foster
- Greyhound Bus Station
- Greyhound Bus Station Mural
- Griffin One
- Grizzly APC
- grocery stores
- Grodin's
- Groove Yard
- Grotto Restaurant
- Ground Gripper Shoes
- Groundscore Collective
- Groupmuse
- Grove Building
- Grove Shafter Dog Play Area
- Grove Shafter Freeway
- Grove Shafter Park
- Grove Street Hotel
- Grove Street Pier
- Grove Street School
- Growing small citrus trees
- Growing Together
- Growing up in Oakland
- Growlers
- Gruener Building
- Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant
- Guadalupe Carlos
- Guaranty Loan and Building Association Building
- Guazapa Auto Repair
- Guest Chef
- Guilherme Gloria
- Gum Kuo Restaurant
- Gum Wah Restaurant
- Gun Buybacks
- Gunshots or Fireworks?
- Gus Vazzana
- Guy Hyde Chick House
- Gwen Jackson Park
- G&W Markets
- Gypsies in Oakland (Historic)
- Gyunu Therapeutics
- Habitat for Humanity East Bay - Silicon Valley
- Hackathons
- Hacker Houses
- Hackerspaces
- Haddon Apartments
- Haddon Hill
- Haddon Hill Cafe
- Haddon Hill Stairs
- Hagstrom's Food Stores
- Hahn's Hibachi
- Hair
- Hair by Tawoda
- Halal Shish Kabab
- Hale Brothers
- Half Moon Cafe
- Hall of Records (Historic)
- Halloween Events 2013
- Hals Carpet & Vinyl
- Hal the Hot Dog Guy
- Hamilton Hall
- Hammer-Bray Company
- Hand of Doom Mural
- Hands for Peace Murals
- Hanifah Walidah
- Hank and Frank Bikes
- Hank the pelican
- Hanlon Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Company
- Han Mural
- Hannah Jayne
- Hansen Coffee
- Hanuman vs 5 Headed Serpent Mural
- Hap Alzina
- Happy Valley
- Harbor Homes Housing Project
- Harbor Homes School
- Harbor House Ministries
- Harborside Health Center
- Hardy Park & Dog Park
- Harlem of the West
- Harlem Quarter
- Harmon Bell
- Harmon Conservatory
- Harmony Missionary Baptist Church
- Harold Anthony Wilson
- Harold Everhart
- Harold French
- Harold Lawrence
- Harold Padeo
- Harre Demoro
- Harriet Davis
- Harrington
- Harrington-McInnis Printers
- Harrington-McInnis Printers Mural
- Harrison and Fifteenth Streets Historic District
- Harrison D Rowe
- Harrison Railroad Park
- Harrison School
- Harrison Square
- Harry A. Jackson
- Harry A. Lafler
- Harry Bercovich
- Harry Burns
- Harry S. Anderson
- Harry W. Bishop
- Harvest Mural
- Harvey C. Binns
- Harvey Clars Auction Gallery
- Haslett Warehouse Building
- Hassler Memorial Fountain
- Hattie DeHart
- Havenscourt
- Havenscourt Tract
- Hawker Fare
- Hawley Investment Company Building
- Hawthorne
- Hays Canyon
- Hays School
- Hayward Fault
- H.C. Capwell
- H.C. Capwell Company
- H.C. Capwell family home
- H. Dombrink Company
- header youth portal
- Head-Royce School
- Heald's Business College
- Healing In Harmony
- Healing Song Mural
- Health and Wellness Mural
- Healthcare
- Health care for low-income and uninsured people
- Heal the Hood at First Friday
- Healthy Living For Seniors
- HEAP Program
- Heart and Dagger Saloon
- Heart and Mind Mural
- Heartwood House
- Heavy Elements Mural
- Hector Reyna
- Hegenberger
- Hegenberger Expressway
- Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon
- Helen MacGregor Plaza
- Helen R. MacGregor
- Helen's Bar-B-Que
- Helen Tanner Brodt
- Heliport
- Hella
- Hella Gay Dance Party
- Hella Massive Colombo Mural
- HellaStorm
- Hella StrEats
- Hella Vegan Eats
- Hello Jack Mural
- Hells Angels Oakland
- Help
- Help/Citations
- Help Shape the City of Oakland's Citywide Public Safety Plan Townhalls
- Help the Local Economy
- Henderson Luelling
- Henrietta Marshall Latham
- Henry A. Butters
- Henry A. Melvin
- Henry A. Schulze
- Henry A. Snow
- Henry Chang, Jr.
- Henry Clay Taft
- Henry D. Cogswell
- Henry Delton Williams
- Henry Durant
- Henry E. Nichols
- Henry Gardner
- Henry Hayes
- Henry H. Haight
- Henry H. Meyers
- Henry Hornbostel
- Henry House - Portland Hotel
- Henry Huntly Haight III
- Henry J. Kaiser
- Henry J. Kaiser, Jr.
- Henry J. Kaiser, Jr. Elementary School
- Henry J. Kaiser Memorial Park
- Henry Kaiser
- Henry Maloon
- Henry Nourse
- Henry P. Dalton
- Henry P. Garthwaite
- Henry Raschen
- Henry Rogers
- Henry Saxtorph
- Henry S. Crocker
- Henry Starr
- Henry Winston
- Henshaw Building
- Henshaw family
- Herbert Anderson
- Herbert Hoover House
- Herbert Hoover Junior High School
- Herbert J. Anderson
- Herbert L. Beach
- Heritage Properties
- Herman Carl Baumann
- Herman Goelitz Candy Company
- Herman Whitaker
- Hermie King
- Hervé Hair Designs
- Hettie B. Tilghman
- H. G. Prince & Company
- H H Watson
- Hickmott Canning Company
- Hidden Genius Project
- Hiero Day
- Hieroglyphics
- Higgins House
- High as a Bird Mural
- Higher Education
- Highland
- Highland Bay View Apartments
- Highland Emergency Medicine
- Highland Hospital
- Highland Hospital Same Day Clinic
- Highland Park
- Highland Park & Fruit Vale Railroad
- Highland Sexual Assault Response Team
- Highland Terrace
- High on Fire
- High Street
- High Street Bridge
- High Street Bridge Self Storage
- High Street Homes
- High Street Presbyterian Church
- High Twelve Club
- Highway 13
- Highway 24
- Highway 260
- Highway 77
- Highways and Freeways
- Hiking
- Hill Castle Apartment Hotel
- Hill Crescent Apartments
- Hillcrest Elementary School
- Hiller Highlands
- hills
- Hill Top Tavern
- Hinds family
- Hinky Dink's
- Hip Hop Heads First Hip Hop Summit
- hipsters
- Hiram Tubbs
- Hiroko Kurihara
- Hiroshi Yoshiike
- His Honor, the Buckaroo
- Hispanic Heritage Month
- Historians
- Historic Building Documentation Project
- Historic Buildings
- Historic Districts
- Historic Districts in Oakland
- Historic Oakland Businesses
- Historic Places
- Historic Preservation
- Historic Rabbit Trails
- Historic Schools
- History
- History Editathon 1
- History Editathon 2
- History Editathon 3
- History Editathon 4 (hackerspaces)
- History Editathon 4 (hackerspaces)/guide
- History Editathon 5
- History Editathon 6
- History Editathon 7
- History Editathons (Planning Page)
- History of Activism in Oakland
- History of Annexation
- History of Immigration
- History of Mexican and Latino Americans
- History of Oakland Hackerspaces
- History Research
- Hive Cafe
- Hive Park
- H. Jones & Company
- H. K. Jackson
- H M Collins
- H.M. Sanborn Nursery
- H & N Auto Repair
- Hodo Soy Beanery
- Holiday Events 2013
- Holiday Fish
- Holiday in Oakland (song)
- Holiday Pop Up at Jack London Square
- Holistic Veterinary Care
- Holistic Veterinary Care Mural
- Hollaback!
- Holla Back! Open Mic Poetry Series
- Holland-Canning House
- Holly Joshi
- Holly Mini Park
- Holly's Mandarin
- Holy Land Restaurant
- Holy Names High School
- Holy Names University
- Home Addresses of Oakland Elected Officials
- homebrew
- Homebuyer Education Workshops
- Homebuyer Workshop
- Home Field Advantage
- Home for Aged and Infirm Colored People of California
- Homeland Security Mural
- Homeless Count & Survey
- Homeless Resources
- Home of Dr. Mills
- Home of Eternity Cemetery
- Home of Peace
- Home of Peace Cemetery
- Homeowner's Rights Fair
- Homeroom
- Homesteading Resources
- Homesteads
- Honest Al's Wall
- HoneyBee3D
- Honeymoon Haven
- Honoring Our Perseverance and Empowerment
- Hook and Bill Mural
- Hook Brothers & Company
- Hooper's Chocolate
- Hoover-Foster
- Hope Fence Mural
- Hope Mural
- Hopkins Academy
- Hopkins Theatre
- Hopkins Town
- Hopscotch
- Horace Mann Elementary School
- Horace M. Wilds
- Horace Potter Ross
- Horace W. Carpentier
- Horry W. Meek
- Hot Chocolate Lounge
- hot chocolate lounge header
- Hotel Athens
- Hotel Avalon
- Hotel Carillon
- Hotel Clay-Ten
- Hotel Crellin
- Hotel Galindo
- Hotel Harrison
- Hotel Lakehurst
- Hotel Merritt
- Hotel Oakland
- Hotel Piedmont
- Hotel Pine
- Hotel Pix
- Hotel Pleasanton
- Hotel Ray
- Hotel Royal
- Hotel Savoy
- Hotels (Historic)
- Hotel St. George
- Hotel St. Paul
- Hotel Sutter
- Hotel Touraine
- Hotel Travelers
- Hotel Vendome
- House of Chicken and Waffles Mural
- "House of Ideas"
- House of Produce Mural
- House of the Home
- Housewives Market
- Housing Consortium of the East Bay
- Housing Justice Mural
- Housing Portal
- Housing Resources
- Housing Tags
- Hovercraft
- Howard A. Jordan
- Howard Automobile – Dahl Chevrolet Showroom
- Howard Gilkey
- Howard Ransom
- Howard Rilea
- Howard Terminal
- How can I help?
- How climate change will affect Oakland
- Howden Building
- How many percentage I can increase in a single family house
- How Oakland Changed the Face of Sports
- How to contract for the city
- How to download video of city government public meetings
- How to edit Oakland Wiki
- How to find out who owns a vacant property
- How to Make a Public Records Request
- https:/localwiki.org/oakland/Users/jnobody
- Huarache Azteca
- Huckleberry Botanic Regional Preserve
- Hudson and Butler Funeral Home
- Hudson Bay Cafe
- Huey P. Newton
- Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale Student Lounge
- Hugh Dimond
- Hugo Weitz
- Human Fly
- Humanist Hall
- Humanity Baptist Church
- Humboldt Park Hotel
- Hume-Willcutt House
- Hummingbee Fence Mural
- Hummingbee Mural
- Hummingbird and Rose Mural
- Hummingbird Mural
- Hummingbird Mural, Market
- Hummingbirds
- Humphrey family
- Hunan Yuan Restaurant
- Hung Liu
- Hunt Canning Company
- Hunters' Inn
- Hunt House
- Hurricane Images Inc.
- Hyman's Women's Shop
- Hy's Restaurant
- IAFF Mural
- I Am Sausal Creek - Soy El Arroyo Sausal
- Ian Sagabaen
- IB's Hoagies & Cheesesteaks
- Icarus Project Support Group
- Ice Cream Man Mural
- Icey Cream
- Ida Louise Jackson
- Ida Louise Jackson house
- Ideal Market Mural
- Ideas to Improve City Council Meetings
- Ideas to Improve Government Transparency
- Identifying Helicopters You Might See in Oakland
- I.D.E.S. Society
- Idle Hour
- Idora Park
- Ignacio de la Fuente
- Ignacio de la Fuente/positions
- "I Have a Dream" Foundation
- ikea
- Ike's Place
- Illegal Dumping
- I Love Dimond Mural
- Il Pescatore Restaurant
- Image Needs Permission
- Image Needs Sources
- Images of 552 over time
- images of oakland 1980s
- I. Magnin Building
- Imogen Cunningham
- Impact Hub Oakland
- Important Projects
- Impressive Views of Freeways
- Ina Coolbrith
- In-Between Heaven and Hell
- Incident 2/22/13
- Income Securities Building
- Independence Square (Historic)
- Independent Community Church
- Independent Iron Works
- Independent Order of Good Templars
- Independent Order of Odd Fellows
- Indian Gulch
- Indian Gulch Trestle
- Indoor Murals
- Industrial Home for the Adult Blind
- Industrial Plastics Service
- Industries of Oakland – 1869
- Inez East Dones
- INFERNO art gallery
- Infinite Potential Mural
- Influenza Plot
- Informal Economy
- Informational Workshops About Food Vending
- Info Sessions on Minimum Wage Law
- Ingo Mayer
- Ingram's Food Products
- Ingress-Abaddon-Oakland
- In Memoriam
- In Memory of King Dream Mural
- Inner Child Accordance mural
- In Search of Sheba: Black Women Artists 2014
- Insect Eats
- Insight Terminal Solutions
- Inspiration from other wikis
- Insta Lube
- Institute of Mosaic Art
- Institute of Urban Homesteading
- Intentional Communities Research
- Inter-City Express
- Internal Affairs
- International Agape Mission Church
- International Boulevard
- International Harvester Company of America
- International Maritime Center
- International Motor Cars
- Internet Sweepstakes Cafes
- Interstate 980
- Intertribal Friendship House
- Intertribal Friendship House Murals
- Intranational International Boulevard: A Street's Atlas
- Intuitivism Mural
- Invented in Oakland
- Invisible Colors Mural
- Iola Soderstrand Grove
- Ira Jinkins Recreation Center
- Ira Wilson Hoover
- Irene Sargent's
- Irie Lion Mural
- Irish American
- Irot
- Irving School
- Irwin, Gurnett, and Company
- Isaac Flood
- Isaac H. Brayton
- Isaac Nicholson
- Isaac Parry
- Isaac Upham
- Isaac Yoakum
- Isabella Apartments
- Isadora Duncan
- Ise Lyfe
- Ishmael Reed
- Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California
- Island Market
- Is Oakland Wiki For Me?
- Israel Kahn
- Israel Knox
- Issues
- Italian American
- Italian Colors Restaurant
- I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you Mural
- It Only Takes a Pair of Gloves Mural
- It's All Good Bakery
- It's Your Move Games & Hobbies
- Iveywood
- Ivy Hill
- Ivy Hill Studios
- I wish I Could Stop Mural
- I.W. Taber
- J4AB
- Jackie Jensen
- Jack in the Box
- Jack Johnson
- Jack LaLanne
- Jack Little British Car Service Building
- Jack London
- Jack London Aquatic Center
- Jack London (bust)
- Jack London House
- Jack London Improvement District
- Jack London Oak
- Jack London Square
- Jack London (statue)
- Jack London Village
- Jack of All Trades
- Jack's Night Market
- Jackson Arms Apartments
- Jackson Brothers Pharmacy
- Jackson Furniture
- Jackson Lake Hospital
- Jackson's Liquors
- Jack Soo
- Jack Vance
- Jacob Greenhood
- Jacob Samm
- Jacobs House
- Jacorey Calhoun
- Jade Mural
- Jaguar Night mural
- J. Allec Dyeing and Cleaning
- Jamaat-us-Salam
- James A. Folger
- James A Johnson
- James Batchelder
- James Canning
- James de Fremery
- James Dods
- James Dunn
- James E. Blethen
- James Gamble
- James H. Latham
- James H. Long
- James H. Pedgrift
- James 'Jim' Copes
- James Larue
- James Larue, Jr
- James Leon de Fremery
- James Maxwell Men's Wear
- James M Bassett
- James M. Camp
- James McGivney
- James Moore
- James Moore/Positions
- James P. Edoff
- James Placheck
- James Presho
- James Presho House
- James R. Capell
- James Smilie
- James Syhabout
- James T. Drew
- James T. Moran
- James T Wallace
- James W Nelson
- James W Shanklin
- James Yimm Lee
- Janani Ramachandran
- Jane Brunner
- Jane Brunner/Positions
- Jane Jacobs Walk
- Janet Apartments
- Janet Lee
- Jan Henne
- Jan Steckel
- January events
- Japanese American Community
- Japanese Garden
- Japanese Independent Congregational Church
- Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church
- Japanese Seventh-Day Adventist Church
- Jason Kane Anderson/Positions
- Jason Kidd
- Jason "Shake" Anderson
- Jason Shiga
- Jasper Driver
- Jasper Most
- javascript
- Jay Fredkin
- Jay Nash
- Jayne Williams Holmes
- Jay's NicNac's Murals
- Jayson Landeza
- Jay's Training Grounds
- Jazz at the Chimes
- J. B. Ford
- JC Bayview Investments
- JC Cellars
- J.C. Gilson
- J C Millan
- J C Wilson
- J. Douglas Allen-Taylor
- Jean Apaydin
- Jean Quan
- Jean Quan Allegedly Uses Cell Phones Illegally
- Jean Quan Gets Letters
- Jean Quan Music Videos
- Jean Quan/Positions
- Jean Quan Recall
- Jean Quan's Schedule
- Jean Quan's Staff Leaving
- Jean Quan Takes Walks
- Jean Quan Writes Letters
- Jeff Camilosa
- Jefferson
- Jefferson Dog Play Area
- Jefferson Square
- Jeff Norman
- Jenkins Original Bar-B-Que
- Jennie Prentiss
- Jenny Lind Hall
- Jenny Wren Stores
- Jensen Creamery Machinery Company
- Jeremiah J. Hanifin
- Jeremiah Sanderson
- Jerri Lange
- Jerry Amaro
- Jerry Brown
- Jesse E. Wysinger
- Jesse Fuller
- Jesse Schafhirt
- Jesse Wall
- Jesse William Ford
- Jessica Jirsa
- Jessica Mitford
- Jessie Head Cunningham
- Jess Mowry
- Jet Martinez
- Jet Martinez Mural
- J. Eugene Freeman
- J. E. Whitcher
- Jewish American
- Jewish Cultural Experience Mural
- J. H. E. Partington
- J.H. Medau Dairy
- Jihad Mural
- Jill Broadhurst
- Jill Broadhurst/Positions
- Jim Dexter
- Jim Hines
- Jimi Evins
- Jim Knuppe
- Jimmie Stanislaus
- Jim Pollard
- Jim's Deli Mural
- Jim Tobin
- Jingletown
- Jinho "The Piper" Ferreira
- Jin Sing Restaurant
- Jintian Liang
- J.J. Fish and Chicken
- J. J. Kelly's Marble Works
- J. J. Kennedy
- J. J. Krieg Company
- J. J. Newberry Co. Building
- J M Dillon
- J. Mora Moss House
- J. M. Walker
- jnobody
- jnobody3
- Joaquin Alejandro Newman
- Joaquin Miller
- Joaquin Miller Abbey
- Joaquin Miller Community Center
- Joaquin Miller Dog Play Area
- Joaquin Miller Elementary School
- Joaquin Miller Park
- Joaquin Silveira
- Joatter
- Job Corps
- Jobs Portal
- J. O'Connor Company
- Joe Coto
- Joe Gross
- Joel J. Parrott
- Joe Morgan
- Joe & Rose Shoong House
- Joe Shoong
- Joe Tuman
- Joe Tuman/Positions
- Joey Colombo Garage Mural
- Johansson Projects
- John A. Forbes
- John Allyn
- John Archibald MacDonald
- John A. Wilds
- John B. Felton
- John Braddock Watson
- John Breuner Furniture Company
- John Brodie
- John Burris
- John B. Williams
- John B. Williams Plaza
- John C. Ainsworth
- John Carl Warnecke
- John Casey
- John C. Houlihan
- John Clark
- John C. McMullen
- John C. McMullen House
- John Coffee Hays
- John Cox Mortuary
- John Debo Galloway
- John Edgar McElrath
- John Eugene Mauerhan
- John Falls
- John Flores
- John F Mullins
- John Forrest
- John F. Slavich
- John F W Sohst
- John Galen Howard
- John Garber
- John George Psychiatric Pavilion
- John Gill Lemmon
- John Hackett
- John Hargraves
- John H. Dohrmann
- John Hobart
- John H. Reading
- John Hudson Thomas
- John J. Allen
- John J. Donovan
- John J. Valentine
- John Kelsey
- John Knox McLean
- John L. Clayton
- John L. Davie
- John Lee Hooker
- John Lewis
- John L. Howard
- John Lorimer
- John Madden
- John McCann
- John McElroy
- Johnna Watson
- John Paul Edwards
- John Perkins Center for Community Transformation
- John P. Irish
- John P. Maxwell
- John R. Glascock
- John Roloff
- John Ross Browne
- John Russo
- John Ryle MacGregor
- John Scott Barker
- John S. Najarian
- Johnson Electric Washer Co.
- John S. Tibbals
- John Swett Elementary School
- John Towle
- John T. Wright, Jr.
- John Vickery
- John W. Dwinelle
- John W. Ehle
- John W McClymonds
- John W. Tompkins
- John Ziegenbein
- Jonas Building
- Jonathan Hunt
- Jon Carroll
- Jones' Bazar
- Jones "Pinto" Field
- Jonestown Memorial
- Jong Ga House
- Jon Stitch
- Jordan Printing Company
- Jose Barlow Benavidez
- Jose Cha Cha Jimenez
- Jose Luis Buenrostro
- Joseph A. Mayhew
- Joseph Becht
- Joseph B. McChesney
- Joseph Borroughs
- Joseph B. Scotchler
- Joseph Catucci
- Joseph C. Laney
- Joseph Edy
- Joseph Emery
- Joseph E. Morgan
- Joseph E. Smith
- Joseph Herzog
- Joseph Knowland
- Joseph L. Willcutt
- Joseph McAvoy
- Joseph McCall
- Joseph Mora Moss
- Joseph N Corlies
- Joseph P. Dieves
- Joseph R. Knowland
- Joseph S. Myers
- Joseph S. Myers House
- Joseph W. Josselyn
- Joseph W. Knowland
- Jose Vicente Peralta
- Josh Hamilton Appreciation Night
- Josh Johnson
- Joshua Mays
- Joshua P. Garlick
- Joshua Rose
- Josiah Merrell Mansion
- Josiah Stanford
- Josiah Winslow Stanford
- Josie de la Cruz Park
- Journey of Wellness Mural at LifeLong Medical East Oakland
- Joyce Boykin
- Joyce Gordon
- J.P.M. Davis
- J's Ice Cream
- J's Mexican American Food
- JT Carrothers
- Juan Bautista Alvarado
- Juan Carlos Angulo
- Juanita Hotel
- Juanita Matthews
- Judah Leon Magnes
- Judi Bari
- Judson Manufacturing Company
- Judy Juanita
- Judy Salamon
- Juhu Beach Club
- Julia Morgan
- Julia Morgan School for Girls
- Juliet Fish Nichols
- Julius G. Kellersberger
- Julius S Wixson
- July 31st Sierra Club City Council Candidates' Forum
- July events
- Jumoke Hinton Hodge
- Jump'n Java Coffeehouse
- Jump Rope Mural
- June 19 2013 Safe Oakland Series: Gerald Chaleff
- June 25, 2013 Transparency Hearing
- June 4th District 2 Forum
- Junebug slim
- June events
- June Rutledge
- Juneteenth Events 2013
- Juneteenth Events 2014
- Junge's Lunch Room
- Junior Center of Art and Science
- Jurgens Block
- Justice for Alan Blueford
- Justice for Oscar Fruitvale Mural
- Justice for Oscar Grant Mural
- Justice for Trayvon Mural
- Justin Kanalakis
- Justitia Davis Scott
- JustMyNeighbors
- J V B Goodrich
- Jwalt
- J. W. Dutton
- J. West Martin
- J. W. Pearson
- J. W. Phillips
- J.W. Scammell
- J.W. Tucker and Sons
- Kahn's Department Store
- KaiserAir
- Kaiser Center
- Kaiser Foundation School of Nursing
- Kaiser-Frazer dealerships
- Kaiser Hospital mural
- Kaiser House
- Kaiser Oakland Emergency Department
- Kaiser Permanente
- Kaiser Permanente Oakland Farmers' Market
- Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical Center
- Kaiser Roof Garden
- Kamala Harris
- Kamdesh Afghan Kabab House
- Kam Land Bakery
- KangNam Pho House
- Kansai
- Kapiolani Cottage
- Kapor Center entrance mural
- Karaoke
- Karma Kitchen
- Kasper's Korner
- Kassenhoff Growers
- katabatik
- Kate Kirkham
- Kate Sessions
- Kathleen Winsor
- Kathy Kramer
- Katie McLane
- kayasattva.com
- Kayvan Sabeghi
- KDIA Radio Station
- K&D Market murals
- Keak da Sneak
- Keeping Ducks in Oakland
- Keep it Fresh mural
- Keep Oakland Beautiful
- Keep the Amazon Green Mural
- Kefa Coffee
- Kefa Coffee mosaic
- Kehlani
- Keith Debro
- Kelsey's Escape Mural
- Ken Houston
- Ken Houston/Positions
- Kennedy Tract Park
- Kennedy Tunnel
- Kensington Apartments
- Kent McNab
- Kepner Apartments
- Kerry's Office Supplies
- KES Fitness Mural
- Kessler & Kessler - The Vauban Building
- Keva Mattress Company
- Kevin Blackburn
- Kevin Blackburn/Positions
- Kevin Choice
- Kevin Grant
- Key Realty Company
- Key Route Basin
- Key Route Inn
- Key Route Inn Florist
- Key Route mural
- Key Route Plaza
- Key Route Plaza mural
- Keyshia Cole
- Key System
- Key System Building
- Key System Mole and Ferry Terminal
- KGPC Radio Station
- Khadafy Washington Foundation for Nonviolence
- Khamani Griffin
- Khana Peena
- Kid Ory
- Kijani Grows
- Killing My Lobster's video - Oakland!
- Kilovolt Coffee
- Kilumbo Warriors Mural
- Kim Huong
- Kim Huong murals
- Kim's Backyard
- Kim's Nails
- Kincaid's
- Kinetic Arts Center
- Kingdom Building Outreach Ministries Mural
- King Estate
- King Estate Open Space
- Kingfish Pub and Cafe
- King Junior High School
- King Kog Bike Shop
- King Narcisse
- king's gym
- Kingsley Wightman
- King's Market
- Kingston 11
- King's X Bar
- Kirkham Graffiti Wall
- Kirk Morrison
- Kiss My Black Arts
- Kiss My Black Arts Mural
- Kiss My Black Arts Mural (San Pablo Ave @ Market St)
- Kite Mural
- Kitty Kelly Epstein
- Kiva Zip Loan Program
- Kizmet Academy
- K. Leroy Hamman
- Klinkner Hall
- Klinknerville
- KLS Radio Station
- KLX Radio Station
- Knights of Honor
- Knights of Pythias
- Knights of the Golden Rule
- Knowland Park
- Knowledge is Power mural
- Know Your Ancestors Mural
- Know Your Rights
- Know Your Rights/Renters
- Knox-Buckley House
- Knucklehead Santa
- Koffee Pot
- Koi and Lotus mural
- Kona Club
- Koncepts Cultural Gallery
- KONO Neighborhood Clean-Up
- Kool Kyle
- Korean Community Center of the East Bay
- Korean Drummer Mural
- Korean Youth Cultural Center
- Koreatown Northgate
- Kostum
- Kozy Cafe
- KQED Article: "Stay Out of East Oakland and West Oakland"
- Kraft-Phenix Cheese Company
- Kraken Con
- Kreayshawn
- Kristi Holohan
- Kroll Apartments
- KTOP survey
- Ku Klux Klan
- Kwik Way Drive-In
- Ky Ebright Boathouse
- Kyle Thomas
- KYOM Dance Group
- KZM Radio Station
- La Armadura de Dios Mural
- La Belle Apartments
- Labor History
- La Borinquena Mex-icatessen
- La Ceiba
- La Christa's
- La Clede House
- la clinica alta vista
- La Clinica de la Raza
- La Clinica de la Raza mural
- Lactarius rubidus
- Ladies Relief Society
- Ladies' Relief Society Children's Home
- Ladybug Hotel
- Lady Day Mural
- La Escuelita Elementary School
- La Estrella Mural
- La Estrellita Cafe Restaurant
- Lafayette Elementary School
- Lafayette Square Park
- La Finca Tortilleria
- La Frontera Mural
- La Grande Apartments
- La Hacienda Taqueria
- Lake Camera Shop
- Lake Chabot
- Lake Chabot Golf Course
- Lake Chalet
- Lake Chalet eucalyptus
- Lakefield Apartments
- Lake Heights Apartments
- Lake Merritt
- Lake Merritt Apartments
- Lake Merritt Bandstand
- Lake Merritt BART station
- Lake Merritt Beauty Supply and Salon Mural
- Lake Merritt Bioblitz
- Lake Merritt Boating Center
- Lake Merritt Boat Landing
- Lake Merritt Boulevard
- Lake Merritt Breakfast Club
- Lake Merritt Channel Re-Opening
- Lake Merritt Dental
- Lake Merritt Drownings & Near-Drownings
- Lake Merritt/Fish Die-offs
- Lake Merritt Floating Christmas Tree
- Lake Merritt History
- Lake Merritt Hotel
- Lake Merritt Institute
- Lake Merritt Joggers and Striders
- Lake Merritt Labyrinth
- Lake Merritt Monster
- Lake Merritt Pizza
- Lake Merritt Rowing Club
- Lake Merritt Sailboat House
- Lake Merritt Station Area Plan
- Lake Merritt Super Market
- Lake Merritt Taqueria Sinaloa
- Lake Merritt United Methodist Church
- Lake Merritt Uptown District Association [LMUDA]
- Lake Merritt Weed Warriors
- Lake Merritt Wild Duck Refuge
- Lake Park Retirement Community
- Lakeshore
- Lakeshore Avenue
- Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church
- Lakeshore Cafe
- Lakeshore Highlands Portals
- Lakeshore Homes Association
- Lakeshore Lounge
- Lakeshore mural
- Lakeshore Produce
- Lakeside
- Lakeside Apartments
- Lakeside Horticultural Center - Kitchen Garden
- Lakeside Hotel
- Lakeside Lounge
- Lakeside Palmetum
- Lakeside Park
- Lakeside Park Garden Center
- Lakeside Roof
- Lakeside Temple of Practical Christianity
- Lake Temescal
- Lakeview Bicycle
- Lakeview Branch Library
- Lakeview Elementary School
- Lakeview School Mural
- Lakewood Apartments
- La Mexicana Restaurant
- La Misa Negra
- Lamp Post Bar
- Lampwork Lofts
- La Nana Salon & Flowers
- Lancaster family
- Lancaster's Sporting Goods
- Land Action
- Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board
- Landvale Bridge
- Lanesplitter Pizza & Pub
- Laney Coding Club
- Laney College
- Laney College Art Center mural
- Laney College Carnival
- Laney College Mural
- Laney College (neighborhood)
- Laney College Theater
- Laney Flea Market
- Langston Walker
- La Nopalera Mural
- La Oaxaqueña Mural
- Lapham Company Building
- La Placita Commercial Kitchen
- Larchmond and Croydon Apartments
- Larkin Arms Apartments
- Larry Graham
- Larry Lionel Young, Jr
- Larry Lionel Young, Jr/Positions
- Larry Reid
- Larry Reid/Positions
- Larue's Wharf
- Las Palmas
- Las Palmas Super Burrito and Seafood
- Latham-Ducel Fountain
- Latham Fountain
- Latham-Glenn Mansion
- Latham Memorial Fountain Unveiled
- Latham Square
- Latham Square Building
- Latham Square Bus Shelter
- Latham Square Flagpole
- Latham Square Pilot Project
- Latino urbanism
- LaTonda Simmons
- LaToya London
- Laundry Farm
- Laundry Farm Railroad
- Laurel Art Garden
- Laurel Book Store
- Laurel Cyclery
- Laurel Cyclery mural
- Laurel District History
- Laurel Elementary School Murals
- Laurel Lounge
- Laurel Lunar New Year Lion Dancing
- Laurel Refrigeration
- Laurel Smile Dentistry
- Laurel Street Fair
- Lauren Napolitano
- Laurentine Hamilton
- LaVerne Williams
- Lawn Conversion Rebates
- Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- Lawrence F. Moore
- Lawrence P. Crouchett
- Lawrence Sledge
- Laws
- Laydie X
- Layonna Vegetarian
- Lazear Field
- Lazear Park
- Lazear School
- LCA Architects
- LCA Bylaws
- L. C. Firestine Ford
- L. C. Perez
- Lead contamination
- Leamington Hotel
- Leander G Cole
- Leaning Tower of Pizza
- Learn How to Patch Your Bike Tube Event
- Learn-to-Swim Classes for African-American Kids
- Leaver House
- Le Chateau
- Le Cheval
- LED Lights
- Lee's Donuts
- Lee Susman
- Lee Ya-Ching
- Left Coast Garden Wholesale mural
- Legacy mural
- Legal Portal
- Legal Resources
- Legal status of county parcel records
- Legendary Locals of Oakland
- Legendary Palace
- Legionnaire Saloon
- Lehnhardt's Candies
- Leilah Kirkham
- Leimert Bridge
- Leimert Building
- Leisure Arts Club
- Lemkau's Market
- Lemmon Herbarium
- lemons
- Lemos Brothers
- Lena M. Wysinger
- Lena's Soul Food Cafe
- Lena Verderano Reynoso
- Lenehan Architectural Glass
- Len Raphael
- Len Raphael/Positions
- Leo Apartments
- Leona Canyon Regional Open Space Preserve
- Leona Heights (neighborhood)
- Leona Heights Park
- Leona Heights Sulfur Mine
- Leona Lodge
- Leona Mural Project
- Leona Quarry
- Leonard H. Thomas
- Leonard Verbarg
- Leon Meyer
- Leon Olson
- Leon Powe
- Leo's Music Club
- Leo's Music Mural
- Leo's Professional Audio
- Leova Rainey
- Leo Zeff
- LeQuiVive Gallery
- LeRonne Armstrong
- Leroy R. Goodrich
- Leslie Apartments
- Leslie Golden
- Les Manning
- Lester A. Pelton
- Lester G. Burpee
- Let's Go Oakland Mural
- Lettie C. Schubert
- Let Us Forgive Mural
- Levi Stevens
- Leviticus Lyon
- Lew F. Galbraith
- Lew Hing
- Lewis G. Clinton, Jr.
- Lewis Mahlmann
- L.H. Woolley
- Libby Schaaf
- Libby Schaaf/Events
- Libby Schaaf/Positions
- Liberate Space Mural
- Liberating Ourselves Locally
- Liberty French Baking Company
- Liberty Hall
- Liberty Hall (Western Market Building)
- Liberty Ornamental Iron Works
- Libraries Planning Page
- Library Advisory Commission
- Libros Libres
- Life Garden/Black and Brown Unity Mural
- LifeGivers Mural
- Life in Motion Bodywork
- Life is Living
- Lighthouse Charter School
- Lighthouse Mosque
- Lightship Relief
- Ligure Club
- Lillian Evelyn Moller Gilbreth
- Lillian Love
- Lillian Paley
- Lillian Remillard
- Liminal Art
- Lincoln Elementary School
- Lincoln Highlands
- Lincoln Highway
- Lincoln Park Junk Boat
- Lincoln Square Barber Salon
- Lincoln Square Park
- Lincoln Square Park Murals
- Lincoln Square Recreation Center
- Lincoln Square Recreation Center Mural
- Lincoln Theatre
- Lindbergh Apartments
- Linden Park
- Linden Street Brewery
- Linden Street YWCA
- Line 26
- Line 51 Brewing
- Lineman's Club
- Lin Jia Asian Kitchen
- Link Dennis'
- links to muni finance info
- Lion Creek
- Lion Creek Crossings Technology Center
- Lion Door Mural
- Lionel J. Wilson
- Lion Mural
- Lions Center for the Blind
- Lions Pool
- Lisa Klein
- List of Businesses Closed for Burning Man
- List of Communities to Reach Out To
- Litterati
- Littlefield Concert Hall
- Little Girls' Christian Association
- Little Saigon Moon Festival & Night Market
- Little Shin Shin
- Little Stars Mural
- Livecams
- Live from Oakland Mural
- Live Learn Love mural
- Live Oak Memorial Pool
- Living in Oakland
- Llewellyn B. Dutton
- Lloyd Ferguson
- Lloyd Hotel Building
- LMI.net
- L N Cobbledick
- Loakal Art Gallery & Boutique
- lOAKal Music
- Loard's Ice Cream
- Lobbying in Oakland
- LoBot Gallery
- Local 20 Mural
- Local Birthday Deals
- Local Businesses
- Local History Editathons
- Local Organizations
- LocalWiki Launch
- Localwise
- Locke Building
- Locke House
- Lockpickgate
- Lockwood Business Is Blooming Florist
- Lockwood Gardens
- Lockwood-Tevis
- Lo Coco's Restaurant
- Logan Street
- Lois De Domenico
- Lois the Pie Queen
- Loma Prieta earthquake
- Longfellow
- Longfellow Businesses
- Longfellow Community Association
- Longfellow Editathon
- Longfellow Mural
- Longfellow School
- Longfellow to Fruitvale Bike Route
- Long Haul
- Long Live Oscar Grant Mural
- Longs Drugs Stores
- Long-Time Businesses
- Lon Simmons
- Looking
- Lords Dragon Mural
- Lorenzo Alexander
- Lorenzo Lynch
- Los Cocos Salvadorean Restaurant
- Los Mexicanos market
- Los Rakas
- Lost and Found Beer Garden
- Lost and Found Mural
- Los Tres Potrillos Mural
- Louis de Rome
- Louise Jorgensen
- Louis Leimert
- Louis R. Wicker
- Louis Saroni
- Louis Schaffer
- Louis Siegriest
- Love, Art & Music are the Universal Language Mural
- Love Letter to Oakland Mural
- Love Letter to Oakland No. 2 Mural
- Lovelle Mixon
- Love Oakland
- Love Oakland Group
- Love On The Rocks/0
- Love On The Rocks/1
- Love On The Rocks/3
- Love On The Rocks/5
- Love Our Lake Day 2013
- Love our Lake Day 2014
- Love Our Neighborhood Day
- Love's Pagan Den
- Love Your Enemies mural
- Love Your Neighbors - Help End Gun Violence
- Love Your Parks Day 2013
- Love Your Parks Day 2014
- Lowell J. Hardy
- Lowell J. Hardy, Jr.
- Lowell Junior High School
- Lowell Park
- Lower Bottom Playaz
- Lower Bottoms
- Lower Dimond
- Lower Hills
- Lower Rockridge
- Low Income Housing
- Lowriders
- Loyal to My Soil mural
- L&S Super Burritos & Sea Food
- Lucasey Manufacturing Corporation
- Lucia Howard
- Lucia Kleinhans Mathews
- Lucky Donuts
- Lucky Dragon Café
- LuckyLo
- Lucky Supermarket
- Ludovina Peralta Ivey
- Luigi's Bohemian Grotto
- Luis Maria Peralta
- Luka's Taproom & Lounge
- Lulu Chapman
- Lunar New Year Events
- Lungomare
- Lupita's Pupuseria
- LuQman
- Lurie Company/Gariot Building/Nucleus House
- Lusk Cannery
- Luso-Brasilian Garden
- Luther Burbank Elementary School
- Luther M. Hudson
- Lux Theatre
- Lydia Flood
- Ly Luck Restaurant
- Lynette McElhaney
- Lynette McElhaney/Events
- Lynette McElhaney/Positions
- Lynn
- Lynn Breedlove
- Lyon family
- Lyon Storage and Moving
- Lysander Stone
- m0xy Mural
- Mabel Mayer
- Mabel Thomas
- MacArthur BART Citizen's Planning Committee
- MacArthur BART Station
- MacArthur BART Station Murals and Mosaics
- MacArthur Boulevard
- MacArthur-Broadway Shopping Center
- Macarthur Carwash Taco Truck
- MacArthur Freeway
- MacArthur Garage Brewery
- MacArthur Lane
- MacArthur Maze
- MacArthur People Mural
- MacArthur Transit Village
- Maccabee Temple
- MacDermot family
- MacDermot Mansion
- MacDonough Theatre
- Mac Dre
- Mac Dre Mural
- Mac Dre RIP Mural
- MacFarlane's Candy Company
- macksmack
- Mack Webber
- Maclise Drugstore Building
- MacMarr Stores
- Mac th Brush
- Madden & Sheedy
- Made in America (film)
- Madison Harvey, Jr.
- Madison Park Apartments
- Madison Park Financial Corporation
- Madison Square Park
- Mad Oak
- Mad Pride Mural
- Madre Maiz Mural
- Madrid Gardens Apartments
- Madrone Hotel
- Madrone Path
- Magill Apartments
- Magnavox Company
- Magnolia Hall
- Magnolia Street wooden animal sculptures
- Magnolia Terrace
- M.A. Gunst and Company
- Mahershala Ali
- Mahogany Eucalyptus and Land Company
- Main Arteries
- Main Attrakionz
- Main Library
- Main Library Teen Zone
- Maisa
- Make a Mural with Precita Eyes
- make oakland better now!
- Make Westing
- makeya
- Making Faces Mural
- Makkeweks
- Malaquias Montoya
- Malcolm X Jazz Festival
- Malcom X Festival Announcement Mural
- Malonga Casquelourd
- Malonga Casquelourd Center for the Arts
- Maly Donut & Burger
- Mama Buzz
- "Mama's Babies" (film)
- Mama's Royal Cafe
- Ma Me House Vietnamese Cuisine
- Mandana Plaza Park
- Mandela Foods Cooperative
- Mandela Parkway
- Mandela Partners
- Mandela Transit Village
- Manhattan Marble Company
- Manifesto Bicycles
- Man Must Wak Mural
- Manna Foods Inc
- Mannequin Madness
- Manos de Oro
- Mansion House
- Manual Training and Commercial High School
- Manuel Ruben Delgado
- Manzanita Head Start Job Fair
- Manzanita Park
- Manzanita Recreation Center
- Manzanita SEED School
- Maple Hall
- Map Mural
- Maps of Oakland
- Mara Hruby
- Marc 49
- Marcella Ford
- March 21, 2009 Incident
- March 22, 2014 North Oakland Town Hall on Public Safety
- March 22nd Oakland Tech Mayoral Forum
- March 7, 2013 Teaching Matters Event
- Marchant Calculating Machine Company
- March events
- March Fong Eu
- Marcus Books
- Marcus Books Murals
- Marcus Foster
- Marcus Foster Building
- Mardonia Apartments
- Margaret Apartments
- Margaret Burnham Cottage Candies
- Margaret Carnegie Library
- Margaret Gordon
- Margaret Wythe
- Margot Prado
- Marguerite Apartments
- Marguerite Ogden
- Marian Simpson
- Maribel
- Marica Restaurant
- Mariely Beauty Salon
- Marilian Apartments
- Marilla Wilson
- Marilyn King
- Marilynn O'Hare
- Marilyn Washington Harris
- Marin Way Murals
- Mario Juarez
- Marion E. Wildy
- Marion Wong
- Marjorie (Wilson) Honoré
- Mark Bode
- Mark Bode Mural
- Mark Bulwinkle
- Mark Curry
- Marketing Materials
- Market Street
- Market Street Seventh-Day Adventist Church
- Markham Elementary School
- Mark Hopkins
- Marks Building
- Mark Thompson
- Markus Hardware
- Marlborough Apartments
- Marriott Mural
- Marsha Jean Corprew
- Marshall Curtis
- Marshall "John Marshall" Athletic Field
- Marshall "Major" Taylor mural
- Marshall Steel Company Cleaning Plant
- Marshawn Lynch
- Marston Campbell Park
- Martin Luther King Cultural Corridor Entrance
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Branch Library
- Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural Corridor
- Martin Luther King, Jr Elementary Murals
- Martin Luther King, Jr Elementary School
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Oratorical Fest
- Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline
- Martin Luther King Jr Regional Shoreline Cleanup
- Martin Luther King Jr. Way
- Martin M. Hoffman Co.
- Martland, Peart and Elkington
- Marty Paich
- Marvel Smith
- Marvin Jackmon
- Marvin X
- Mary Bowles Building
- Mary Canning
- Mary E. Butler
- Mary Ellen Bamford
- Mary Ellen Pleasant
- Mary E. Snell
- Mary Help of Christians Church
- Mary Isabel McCracken
- Mary Jane Thompson
- Mary J. Bradley
- Maryland Apartments
- Marymont and Upright
- Mary Moore
- Mary Morris Lawrence
- Mary Philanda Finney Cole
- Mary Roach
- Mary R. Smith
- Mary Rudge
- Mary Sanderson-Grases
- Mary Smith Home for Friendless Girls
- Marzano Restaurant
- Masala Cuisine
- Masjid Abu Bakr
- Masjid Al-Iman
- Masjid Al-Islam
- Masjid Al-Salam
- Masjids
- Masjid Tasbeeh
- Masjidul Waritheen
- Masonic Temple
- Mathematica Policy Research
- Mathew de la Montanya
- Matilda Cleveland
- Matilda E. Brown Home Ladies' Home Society of Oakland
- Matthew R Bronner
- Matt Nichols
- Mauerhan House
- Maurice D. Lewis
- Maurice Jones-Drew
- Maury Diggs
- Max Baer, Jr.
- Maxine Blackburn
- Maxine Hong Kingston
- Max Kauffman
- Max Kauffman Mural
- Maxwell Hardware
- Maxwell Park
- Max W. Koenig
- May 14th - Acts Full of Gospel Church Mayoral Forum
- May 21st- 100 Black Men of the Bay Area Mayoral Forum
- May 6th- OASIS Mayoral Candidate Meet & Greet
- May 7th Redwood Heights Mayor's Race Candidate Forum
- May 8 2013 Safe Oakland Series: Andrew Papachristos
- May 9th, 2013 Public Safety Town Hall for Youth
- Mayan Reinterpreted Mural
- Maybeck High School
- May Day Stop Police Terror Port Shutdown
- May Dishcrawl
- May events
- Mayfair Apartments
- Mayflower Doughnuts
- Mayme C. Netherland
- Mayoral Campaign Events
- Mayoral Candidate Positions/Candidate Positions
- Mayoral Candidates and Cocktails
- Mayor Jean Quan 2014 Listening Tour Survey
- Mayor Schaaf's Budget Survey
- Mayors of Oakland
- Mayor's Summer Job and Educational Resource Fair
- Mayway building
- Mazda Apartments
- McCauley-Woolsey
- McClymonds
- McClymonds High School
- McClymonds Mini Park
- McConnell Athletic Field
- McDonald's
- McElroy Fountain
- McElroy House
- M C Garber
- MC Hammer
- McKeen Apartments
- McKee, Tashiera and Wahrhaftig
- MC Man
- McMann Apartments
- McMullen Building
- McNally's Irish Pub
- McNary-Morgan-Greene and Jackson Mortuary
- McNeill's Men's Shop
- McWethy and Greenleaf
- Meadow Brook
- Meanwhile in Oakland...
- Measure A1
- Measure AA
- Measure CC
- Measure DD Community Coalition
- Measure DD Public Art Program
- Measure EE
- Measure G
- Measure N
- Measure O
- Measure T
- Measure X
- Measure Y
- Measure Z- 2004
- Measure Z- 2014
- Measure Z Cannabis Clubs
- Media
- Media Enterprise Alliance
- Medical Arts Building
- Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
- Medical Marijuana Evaluations
- Mediterranean Garden
- Meet and Greet with Councilmember Lynette McElhaney
- meetgeraldine
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2012-07-25
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2012-08-22
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2012-09-05
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2012-09-13
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2012-10-11
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2012-12-13
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-01-24
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-02-28
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-03-07
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-03-14
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-03-21
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-03-24
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-03-28
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-04-04
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-04-11
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-04-25
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-05-02
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-05-09
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-05-16
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-05-23
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-05-30
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-06-06
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-06-13
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-06-20
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-06-27
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-07-11
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-07-18
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-07-25
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-08-08
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-08-15
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2013-09-26
- Meetings/Oakland Wiki/2014-01-16
- Meetups
- megabus
- Mega Lee
- Meg Allen
- Mehserle Verdict Protest
- Melba Apartments
- Melba Stafford
- Mellana Cafe
- Mel Ramos
- Melrose
- Melrose Baptist Church
- Melrose Branch Library
- Melrose Heights
- Melrose High Hopes Crime Prevention Council
- Melrose Leadership Academy
- Melrose Lofts
- Melrose Meat Market
- Melrose Methodist Church
- Mel's Drive In Restaurant
- Melvin Black
- Melvin C. Chapman
- Melvin Johansen
- Memorial Park (historical)
- Memorial Tabernacle Church Community Garden
- Memories of You, Me and Her Mural
- Men of Influence
- Men of Tomorrow
- Mental Health
- Mentone Apartments
- Mercantile Box Company
- Merchants' Exchange of Oakland
- Merchants Saloon
- Merguire-Ritchie Chevrolet
- Merle Apartments
- Merriewood
- Merriewood Stairs
- Merritt
- Merritt Avenue Apartments
- Merritt College
- Merritt Queen
- Merritt Restaurant & Bakery
- Merritt Station Cafe
- Merry Tramps of Oakland
- Mer Tranquil
- Mesh Network
- Messob Ethiopian Restaurant
- Metropole Hotel
- Metropolitan Golf Links
- MetWest high school
- Mexicali Rose
- Mexicali Rose Mural
- Mexicali Rose Outdoor murals
- Mexican American Liberation Art Front (MALAF)
- Mexican Baptist Church
- M. Hoffschneider
- Miami Apartments
- Michael Barber
- Michael Coffee
- Michael Colbruno
- Michael Johnson
- Michael Johnson/Positions
- Michael Morgan
- Michael Sydnor
- Michal Migurski
- Mickey Moore
- Micro's Market
- "Mid-Century Monster" sculpture
- Middle Harbor Shoreline Park
- Miebach Apartments
- MIGHTYminnow
- Mi Grullense
- Miguel Masso
- Mike Bam Tyau
- Mike "Dream" Francisco
- Mike Dream Memorial Mural
- Mike Henderson
- Milano Restaurant
- Millard Apartments
- Millennium House
- Miller and Warnecke
- Miller Avenue Branch Library
- Miller Creamery
- Miller Milling Company flour mill
- Miller's Garden
- Miller-Sweeney Bridge
- Millicent Kittredge Blake
- Mills Act
- Mills College
- Mills Hall
- Millsmont
- Mills Tabernacle
- Milman Parry
- Milton Bowens
- Milton Shoong Building
- Milton S. Latham
- Mind, Body and Soul Mural
- “Mind Your Money” Financial Planning Day
- Ming Quong Home
- Miniature Golf Courses
- Minimum Wage Ballot Measure
- Minimum Wage Ballot Measure/Candidate Positions
- Minora Kibbe
- Mi Pueblo Food Center
- Mirabeau Restaurant
- Mi Ranchito Market
- Mi Rancho
- Misconduct By Elected Officials
- Misconduct Portal
- Miss Bisbee's School
- Missed and Favorite Businesses of the Past
- Miss Effie
- Miss Field's Seminary
- Miss Horton's School
- Mission 2 Burn Mural
- Mission Creek Oakland Arts Festival
- Mission Motel
- Miss Mabel Weed
- Miss Merriman's School
- Miss Oakland
- Mistah F.A.B.
- MLK Café
- MLK Day Events
- MLK Day of Service at the Gardens at Lake Merritt and Lakeside Park
- Mme. de St. Germain's Oenophile Store
- Mobile Food Events
- Moby Dick Mural
- Modern Safeway Stores Office & Warehouse Building
- mold
- Mollie Conners
- M&O Market murals
- Monica's Brittle Chips
- Monica Stewart
- Monitors' Reports
- Monster Mural
- Montano Velo
- Montclair
- Montclair Branch Library
- Montclair Clarion
- Montclair Construction & Structural Inc.
- Montclair District
- Montclair Elementary School
- Montclair Farmers' Market
- Montclair Firehouse
- Montclair Gateway Mural
- Montclair Golf Course
- Montclair Improvement Club
- Montclair Methodist Church
- Montclair Methodist Church/The Church That Dares
- Montclair Observation Tower
- Montclair Park
- Montclair Parking Garage murals
- Montclair Park Mural
- Montclair Railroad Trail
- Montclair Realty Company
- Montclair Recreation Center
- Montclair Restaurant Walk
- Montclair skateboard ramp
- Montclair Swim Club
- Montclair Village
- Montclair Women's Club
- Montclair Women's Cultural Arts Club
- Montclarion
- Monte Bell Apartments
- Monte Cresta Apartments
- Monte Monteagle
- Montera Middle School
- Monte Vista Food Center
- Montezuma Apartments
- Montgomery Ward & Company Building
- Montgomery Wards store fire in 1961 or 1962
- Monthly Events
- Moore Apartments
- Moore Dry Dock Company
- Moor Hotel
- Morcom Rose Garden
- Morgan Kroesen Thornburgh
- Morgan Plaza Park
- Morningside Apartments
- Morning Star Baptist Church
- Morrie Turner
- Morris Plan Company
- Morse House
- Mosaic Art
- Mosaics at the Institute of Mosaic Art
- Mosaic Tile Trash Cans
- Mosaic Tile Trash Cans near the Main Library
- Moses Chase
- Moshe Kasher
- Mosswood
- Mosswood Dog Play Area
- Mosswood Maternity Home
- Mosswood Park
- Mosswood Park Airplane
- Mosswood Park/Memories
- Mosswood Park Octopus Mural
- Mosswood Recreation Center
- Most Exciting City
- Motels on MacArthur Boulevard
- Mother Earth, Father Sky mural
- Mother Ethiopia mural
- Mother Mary Ann Wright
- Mother Mary Ann Wright Foundation
- Mother Peace
- Mother's Cookies
- Mother's Day High Tea
- Mothership Hackermoms
- Motor Tech Auto Repair
- Moulin Rouge Theatre
- Mountain View Cemetery
- Mountain View Cemetery/Other
- Mountain View Cemetery/Tulip Exhibition
- Mountain View Cemetery Women's Walking Tour
- Mount Davis
- Mount Moriah Baptist Church
- Mount Vernon Park
- Mouse Squad of California
- Moved Buildings
- Movies About Oakland
- Movies Filmed in Oakland
- Movies in the Park 2013
- Movimiento Salvadoreno Mural
- Moyles-Kappenman Building
- Mr Ef and 7Seas Mural
- Mr Green Bubble
- Mr. Mack
- M. Robinson Baker YMCA
- Mr. Pawn
- Mr. Pizza Man
- Mrs. Addie E. White
- M.T. Minney Company
- Mua
- Mulkey's Furniture
- Muller Brothers
- Multimedia Sites about Oakland
- Multi-Tech Locksmith
- Municipal Boathouse
- Municipal Code
- Municipal Government (1876)
- Municipal Government (1887)
- Mural at the Foothill Square Wells Fargo branch
- Mural Groups
- Mural in Progress
- Muralists
- Mural Lane
- Mural on Telegraph
- Mural Portal
- Murals
- Murals and Girls
- Murals of Life 'N Hope
- Murals of Life N Hope-Official
- Murals that need pictures
- Muri-Ell Apartments
- Murphy's Express
- Museum of Children's Art
- Museums
- Mushroom cloud city mural
- music
- music history
- music mentioning the town
- Music Scene
- Music Venues
- Mutual Creamery Building
- Mutual Stores
- M. Vincent
- M W Fish
- M W Upton
- Mycena abramsii
- My City Oakland (poem)
- my local line
- My Page
- Myra Knox
- Myran Bros., Inc.
- Myron & E
- Myron T. Dusinbury
- mystic
- My Town Fan Club
- NACA American Dream Event
- NAGtv Media Broadcast
- Najoe Hair Braiding
- Naming of Oakland
- Nancy Nadel
- Nancy Nadel/Positions
- Nancy Sidebotham
- Nancy Sidebotham/Positions
- Nan Yang
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Narragansett House
- Narratives on Race in Oakland
- Narwhal Mural
- Nate Miley
- Nathaniel Gray
- Nathan Oliveira
- Nathan W. Spaulding
- National
- National Dollar Stores
- National Girls and Women in Sports Day
- National Guard Armory
- National Industrial and Orphans' School of Beulah Heights
- National Lodge
- National Night Out 2013
- National Night Out 2014
- National Night Out 2015
- National Register of Historic Places (Oakland)
- National Women's History Month programs at Merritt College
- Nation's Giant Burgers
- Native American Health Center
- Native Juice Co
- Natividad Ramos
- Natural Landmarks
- Nature
- Nature Mural
- Nature Vegetarian Restaurant
- Nautilus Group
- Navlet's Nursery
- Nearby LocalWikis
- Necklace of Lights
- Neecha Thai
- needs and imprtance
- needs everything!
- Needs Formatting
- needs images
- Needs Map
- Needs Mike
- Needs Oakland Connection
- Needs Original Content
- Needs Sources
- Needs Work
- Negawatt Alley
- Negotiated Settlement Agreement
- Negro Business League
- Neighborhood Champions Awards Ceremony
- Neighborhood Crime Prevention Councils (NCPC)
- Neighborhood Groups
- Neighborhood Guard
- Neighborhoods
- Neil C. Whyte
- Neill Sullivan
- Neldam Restaurant
- Neldam's Danish Bakery
- Nelson Apartments
- Neon Lights
- Neptune Society
- Nerd Nite East Bay
- Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives
- Networks
- Never Been Idle Mural
- Never Satisfied Mural
- New and Emerging Events Micro Grant Program
- New Bea's Hotel
- New Car Care Automotive Mural
- New Deal - WPA and PWA
- New Era, New Politics Walking Tour
- New Gold Medal Restaurant
- New Industries of Oakland – 1920
- New Lucky's
- Newman Tool, Die & Machine Works
- New Oakland Free Market
- New Shanghai Cafe and Terrace Bowl
- New Smart Parking Meters
- Newsom Apartments
- Newsom Brothers
- New St. Paul's Community Baptist Church-St. Paul's Swedish Lutheran Church
- New Tin's Market Mural
- Nextdoor
- Nexus of the Universe
- Ng Poon Chew
- Nguyen Vietnamese Cuisine
- Nia Wilson mural
- Nicholas Petris
- Nick Kuszyk House Mural
- Nick's Liquors Mural
- Nick's Pizza
- Nicolas Heidorn
- Nido Kitchen & Bar
- Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library
- Nieves Cinco de Mayo
- Nikki Fortunato Bas
- Nile Hall
- Nimitz Freeway
- Nina Cell Phone Mural
- Nina Solano Way Mural
- Nina Wright
- Ninjas
- Ninna Restaurant
- Ninth Annual March to End Poverty
- Nipsey Hussle mural
- Nishioka family
- Nite Owl
- Nixie Agency
- N.L. Buck
- NMOS14
- Nnegest Likké
- Noble Company
- NO BONZO Oh Well and GATS Mural
- No Color Lines mural
- NodeSchool Oakland
- Noel Gallo
- Noel Gallo/Events
- Noel Gallo/Positions
- Nofog Corporation
- Nonabel Apartments
- Non-Profit Organizations Directory
- Noodle Eater Mural
- Noodle Theory
- No One
- Noone and Smooi Fence Mural
- No One Dragon Mural
- Nora Mobile Spanish Cuisine
- NorCal
- Norcal Health Care
- Normal School
- Norman Deveaux
- Normandie Place
- Norman Marks Health Club
- Norris "Tip" O'Neill
- Northern Lights Film & Video
- North Field
- Northgate
- North Oakland
- North Oakland Branch Library
- North Oakland Church of Christ
- North Oakland Community Charter School
- North Oakland Day of the Dead Celebration
- North Oakland Emergency Community Meeting
- North Oakland Farmer's Market
- North Oakland Gang Injunction
- North Oakland Go Club
- North Oakland Land Trust
- North Oakland Missionary Baptist Church
- North Oakland Regional Sports Center
- North Pole Club
- Northside Coin Laundry
- Northside Supermarket
- North Stonehurst
- Northwest Hills
- Norwegian Danish Methodist Episcopal Church
- No Statik
- Notable Buildings
- No there there (webcomic)
- Not In Oakland
- Not Landmarks but Should Be
- November 3rd 2014 Head-Royce Mayoral Candidates Forum
- November events
- No Worries: Filipino Vegan Cuisine
- npm
- Nsubordinate Zine Release Party
- Nuestros Barrios Mural
- Numi Organic Tea
- Nunu's Desserts
- Nunu's Giraffes
- Nurseries
- Nymphs Mural
- Oakand is Proud Power to the People Block Party
- Oak Center
- Oak Center Cultural Center Presents Art. Love. Community
- Oak Center Neighborhood Association
- Oak Center Stride - A Community Walk for Health
- Oak Glen Park
- Oak Glen Park neighborhood
- Oak Hillside Cleaners
- Oak Knoll Country Club
- Oak Knoll - Golf Links
- Oak Knoll Naval Hospital
- Oak Knoll Neighborhood Association
- Oakland
- Oakland 2019-20 budget
- Oakland 5 year official fiscal projections
- Oakland Academy
- Oakland Advertising Club
- Oakland Aegis
- Oakland Airport Connector
- Oakland Airport (neighborhood)
- Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum
- Oakland All Nations Mural
- Oakland and Surroundings (book)
- Oakland Animal Services
- Oakland Answers 2014: OpenOakland
- Oakland Army Base
- Oakland Army Base Project
- Oakland Army Induction Center
- Oakland Art Enthusiast
- Oakland Art Gallery
- Oakland Artists (visual)
- Oakland Asian Community Safety & Awareness Fair
- Oakland Asian Cultural Center
- Oakland Athletic League
- Oakland Athletics
- Oakland Auditorium
- Oakland Auto Body
- Oakland Auto Camp
- Oakland Ave - Harrison St
- Oakland Avenue Apartments
- Oakland Aviation Museum
- Oakland Ballet Company
- Oakland Bank of Commerce
- Oakland Bank of Savings
- Oakland Bank of Savings Building
- Oakland Bar Association
- Oakland Baseball Club
- Oakland Benevolent Society
- Oakland Bike Swap
- Oakland Bird Watching
- Oakland Bittners
- Oakland Black Cowboy Association
- Oakland Bloggers
- Oakland Book Festival
- Oakland Boosterism
- Oakland Brewery
- Oakland Brewing and Malting Company
- Oakland Brewing Company
- Oakland Brick Company
- Oakland, Brooklyn and Fruitvale Railroad
- Oakland Brown Dog
- Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal
- Oakland Business and Professional Women's Club
- Oakland Business and Professional Women's Club Mural
- oakland business assistance center
- Oakland Cable Railway
- Oakland California FamilySearch Center
- Oakland California Temple (Mormon Temple)
- Oakland California Towel Company
- Oakland California Youth Outreach
- Oakland Call-Post
- Oakland Campaign Reform Act (OCRA)
- Oakland Carnival Festival
- Oakland Catholic Worker
- Oakland Celebration Mural
- Oakland Cemetery (Historic)
- Oakland Chamber of Commerce
- Oakland Chamber of Commerce Building
- Oakland Chicano Moratorium
- Oakland Chinatown Oral History Project
- Oakland Chinatown StreetFest
- Oakland Christmas Pageant
- Oakland City Center
- Oakland City Council Meetings
- Oakland City Hall
- Oakland City Hall/1869
- Oakland City Hall/1877 Fire
- Oakland City Hall/1879
- Oakland City Hall/Historic
- Oakland City ID Card
- Oakland City Jail
- Oakland City of Dreams Mural
- Oakland Civic Orchestra
- Oakland Civility Mural
- Oakland Clearing House Association
- Oakland Climate Action Coalition
- Oakland Clippers (soccer)
- Oakland Club
- Oakland Coalition of Congregations
- Oakland Coliseum Murals
- Oakland College of Medicine and Surgery
- Oakland Commercial Club
- Oakland Community Fund
- Oakland Community Land Trust
- Oakland Community Organizations
- Oakland Community Pools Project
- Oakland Community School
- Oakland Community Stage
- Oakland Commuters
- Oakland Conservatory of Music
- Oakland Consolidated Street Railway
- Oakland Convention Center
- Oakland Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Oakland Cotton Mills
- Oakland Cream Depot
- Oakland Crimespotting
- Oakland Cultures Mural
- Oakland Daily News
- Oakland Dance Association
- Oakland Data Day 2014
- Oakland Department of Transportation
- Oakland Digital Arts & Literacy Center (ODALC)
- Oakland DMV Office
- Oakland Doughnut Mural
- Oakland Dragon Boat Festival
- Oakland Dreamin' Mural
- Oakland Dreams Mural
- Oakland Drops Beats
- Oakland Drops Beats murals
- Oakland-East Bay Gay Men's Chorus
- Oakland Economic Development Council
- Oakland Educational Society
- Oakland Effect
- Oakland Emiliano Zapata Street Academy
- Oakland Emporium
- Oakland Enquirer
- Oakland Estuary
- Oakland Examiner
- Oakland Exposition Building
- Oakland Expositions
- Oakland Family Search Library
- Oakland Feather River Camp
- Oakland ferryboat
- Oakland Ferry Services (Historic)
- Oakland Fire Department
- Oakland Fire Department Chiefs
- Oakland Fire Department/Line of Duty Deaths
- Oakland Fire Dept. ARFF Crash Units
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 1
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 10
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 12
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 13
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 14 (closed)
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 15
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 16
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 17
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 18
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 19
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 2
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 20
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 21
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 22
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 22 (historic)
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 23
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 24
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 25
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 26
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 27
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 28
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 29
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 3
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 31 (demolished)
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 4
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 5
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 6
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 7
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 8
- Oakland Fire Dept. Training Division
- Oakland Firestorm 1991
- Oakland Firestorm Mural
- Oakland Floral Depot building
- Oakland Flouring Mills
- Oakland Food Policy Council
- Oakland Fortune Factory
- Oakland Forum
- Oakland Free Market
- Oakland Fresh School Produce Markets
- Oakland Fusion Murals
- Oakland Garage Building
- Oakland Garden School Mural
- Oakland Garden Street
- Oakland Gas Light Company
- Oakland Gnomes
- Oakland gone viral
- OaklandGood
- Oakland Grand Prix
- Oakland Greek Festival 2013
- Oakland Greek Festival 2014
- Oakland Greenway
- Oakland Green Youth Arts and Media Center Mural
- Oakland Grill Mural
- Oakland Grown
- Oakland Guard
- Oakland Guardian Angels
- Oakland Halal Meat & Produce
- Oakland Hall of Fame Mural
- Oakland Harbor Development Company
- Oakland Harbor Light
- Oakland Harbor Training Walls
- Oakland Hebrew Benevolent Society
- Oakland Heritage Alliance
- Oakland High School
- Oakland Hills
- Oakland Hills Tennis Club
- Oakland Historical Landmarks
- Oakland History
- Oakland History Center
- Oakland History Murals
- Oakland Homicides
- Oakland Hospital
- Oakland Hotel Company
- Oakland House
- Oakland Housing Authority
- Oakland Housing Tenants' Union (historic)
- Oakland Hymn
- Oakland Ice Arena
- Oakland Ice Center
- Oakland Ice & Cold Storage Company
- Oakland Illustrated Guide
- Oakland Incorporation (Historic)
- Oakland in Minecraft
- Oakland Inner Harbor (Historic)
- "Oakland" in Other Languages
- Oakland in Popular Memory
- Oakland International Film Festival
- Oakland International High School
- Oakland Internet Cat Video Festival 2013
- Oakland in the News
- Oakland Invaders
- Oakland Iron Works
- Oakland is an urban dystopia
- Oakland is a Village
- Oaklandish
- Oaklandish Innovator Awards
- Oakland Islamic Center
- Oakland Is Mural
- Oakland is Proud Block Party
- Oakland is Under Surveillance Mural
- Oakland JKD School
- Oakland Judges
- Oakland Judo
- Oakland Kitchener
- Oakland Kosher Foods
- Oakland Land Bank
- Oakland Larks
- Oakland Laundry Company - Calou's Linen Service
- Oakland Lawn Bowling Club
- Oakland LGBTQ Community Center
- Oakland Library (Historic)
- Oakland Light Opera Association
- Oakland Local
- Oakland Local Column Ideas
- Oakland Local Column Idea/Teaching with Oaklandwiki.org
- Oakland Local column: Using Oakland Wiki as a free web platform for small organizations
- Oakland Lodge of Perfection
- Oakland Long Wharf
- Oakland looking like other places
- Oakland Lot Mural
- Oakland Lumber Company
- Oakland Main Post Office
- Oakland Maker City
- Oakland Makers
- Oakland Map Jam
- Oakland Marine Stadium
- Oakland Market Mural
- Oakland Marriott City Center
- Oakland Merchants Leadership Forum
- Oakland Metro Operahouse
- Oakland Military Institute
- Oakland Morehouse
- Oakland Motor Club
- Oakland Motorcycle Club
- Oakland Motordrome
- Oakland Movement Festival At Tassafaronga Park
- Oakland Municipal Band
- Oakland Mural by Jurne
- Oakland Mural Festival/2018
- Oakland Museum of California
- Oakland Music Festival
- Oakland Nationalist Club
- Oakland Nature Friends
- Oakland News Now Blog
- Oakland Newspapers (Past & Present)
- Oakland News Sources
- Oakland Nights Live
- Oakland Nights Live May Trivia Segment
- Oakland Nights Live Presentation
- Oakland North
- Oakland Oaks
- Oakland Oaks (ABA)
- Oakland Oaks (ABL)
- Oakland Oaks (disambiguation)
- Oakland on other wikis
- Oakland Opera Lecture Club
- Oakland Optimist Club
- Oakland Palestine Solidarity Mural
- Oakland Parks and Recreation
- Oakland Parks Coalition
- Oakland Parks & Recreation Foundation
- Oakland Peace Center
- Oakland Pergola and Colonnade
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- Oakland Pickle Factory and Vinegar Works
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- Oakland Police Department Lapel Cameras
- Oakland Police Department/Line of Duty Deaths
- Oakland Police Department Radios
- Oakland Police Department Urban Shield 2013 Protest Documentation
- Oakland Police Officers' Association
- Oakland Police Sex Scandal
- Oakland Police Survey of Sworn officers
- Oakland Population (Historic)
- Oakland Post
- Oakland Post-Enquirer
- Oakland Preserving Company
- Oakland Pride
- Oakland Pride Film Festival
- Oakland Privacy Working Group
- Oakland Produce Exchange
- Oakland Produce Market
- Oakland Project
- Oakland Property Taxes
- Oakland Public Library
- Oakland Public Library Computer Education
- Oakland Public Library Teen Zone
- Oakland Public Museum
- Oakland Public Policy Day
- Oakland Raiders
- Oakland Railroad Company
- Oakland Readers
- Oakland Real Estate Associates
- Oakland Real Estate Board
- Oakland Reconstructed: Realizing Utopia
- Oakland Redevelopment Agency
- Oakland Redistricting Commission Ballot Measure DD 2014
- Oakland Rental Housing Crisis 2015-2016
- Oakland Rental Market
- Oakland Residents
- Oakland Restaurant Association
- Oakland Restaurant Week
- Oakland Rising
- Oakland Riviera
- Oakland Roadster Classic Car Show
- Oakland Roots
- Oakland Running Festival
- Oakland, San Leandro, and Haywards Electric Railway
- Oaklandscape Mural
- Oakland Scavenger Company
- Oakland Scenic Tour
- Oakland School Board Ebonics Resolution (1996)
- Oakland School for the Arts
- Oakland School Police
- Oakland Scottish Rite
- Oakland Scottish Rite Revealed Tour
- Oakland's Downtown Equinox Observatory
- Oakland Seals
- Oakland Seminary for Young Ladies
- Oakland Sewn
- Oakland's Geographical Extremities
- Oakland Sister Cities Program
- Oakland's Mother of the Year Award
- Oakland's Not for Burning (book)
- Oakland Social Settlement
- Oakland (song)
- Oakland Souvenirs
- Oakland Speedway
- Oakland Spirit Orchestra
- Oakland SPOKES Bike Lounge
- OaklandSpringRising
- Oakland Spring Rising
- Oakland Spring Rising 2015
- Oakland State of Mind Mural
- Oakland Stay Mural
- Oakland Stompers
- Oakland Street Directory (1887)
- Oakland Style Video by NYT
- Oakland's Unhoused Older Americans
- Oakland Sunshine
- Oakland Super Hero Mural Project
- Oakland's Veterans
- Oakland Symphony Orchestra
- Oakland Tabernacle (Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church)
- Oakland Tech Mural
- Oakland Technical High School
- Oakland Tech Upper Campus
- Oakland Temple
- Oakland Tenants' Union
- Oakland the Beautiful (song)
- Oakland: The Story of a City
- Oakland Times
- Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company
- Oakland Title Insurance Building
- Oakland Tivoli Opera
- Oakland Tool Lending Library
- Oakland Towing
- Oakland Treehouse Mural
- Oakland Tree Mural
- Oakland Tribune
- Oakland Tribune Midwinter League
- Oakland Trivia
- Oakland Trotting Park
- Oakland Trust for Clean Water and Safe Parks (Measure DD)
- Oakland Underground
- Oakland Underground Film Festival
- Oakland Unified School District
- Oakland Unified School District Adult & Career Education
- Oakland Unite
- Oakland United Beerworks
- Oakland Unseen
- Oakland Urban Paths
- Oakland Veg
- Oakland Vegan Beer and Food Festival
- Oakland Vegan Dine Out
- Oakland Veg Week
- oakland vloggers
- Oakland Water Company
- Oakland Waterfront Company
- Oakland Wharves (Historic)
- Oakland Wheelmen
- Oakland Wholesale Grocery Company
- Oakland Wiki 2014 Mayoral Election Team
- Oakland Wiki Awards
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- OaklandWiki Consortium
- Oakland Wiki Day at Peralta Hacienda
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- Oakland Wiki volunteers/Future events
- Oakland Wiki Volunteers/meeting notes
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- Oakland Working for You
- Oakland Writers
- Oakland Yacht Club
- Oakland Yellow Jackets
- Oakland YIMBY housing platform
- Oakland Youth Poet Laureate Program
- Oakland Youth Poetry Workshop
- Oakland YWCA Building
- Oakland Zoo
- Oakland Zoo Gondola
- OakMayor2014
- Oakmore Highlands
- Oakmore Professional Building
- oakmtg
- Oakmtg 2014 Mayoral Candidate Forum
- oakmtg Connections
- oakmtg Mayoral Candidate Forum Planning Page
- OakNado
- Oak Park
- Oak Park Terrace
- Oak Port
- Oaks Motel
- Oaksterdam
- Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum
- Oaksterdam Gift Shop
- Oaksterdam Hydroponics
- Oaksterdam Mural
- Oaksterdam Raid
- Oaksterdam University
- Oakstop
- Oak Street Park (Historic)
- Oaktastic: Keeping the Town Classic
- Oaktoberfest
- Oak Tree
- Oak Tree Farm Tract
- Oakwiki Metadata
- Oasis Clinic
- Oasis Food Market
- Obasi Davis
- Obediah Summers
- Observation Place
- Observation Place/Memories
- Occidental Street peacock
- Occupy Oakland
- Occupy Oakland Fliers
- "Occupy Oakland:The Little Revolution That Couldn't" (book)
- Oceanus Mural
- O C Kirk
- October 10 2014 Deep East Oakland Mayoral Summit
- October 12th 2014 St. Paul's Episcopal Church Forum
- October 16th 2014 Education Forum
- October 17th 2014 LWV Mayoral Forum at City Hall
- October 1st 2014 BWOPA/TILE Mayoral Forum at Merritt College
- October 20th 2014 LWV Mayoral Forum at Hiller Highlands Club
- October 22nd 2014 East Oakland Building Healthy Communities Mayoral Forum
- October 27th 2014 AIA Mayoral Forum
- October 29 2014 Oakland Sports Mayoral Forum
- October 2nd 2014 Hunger and Poverty Issues Candidate Forum
- October 4th 2014 Pastors of Oakland Town Hall Meeting
- October 6th 2014 Mayoral Forum at Montclair Presbyterian
- October 6th 2014 Oakland Latino Network Council Candidates’ Forum
- October 8 2014 PANIL Mayoral Forum
- October 8 2014 Persons with Disabilities Mayoral Forum
- October 9 2014 Lake Merritt Independent Senior Living Mayoral Forum
- October 9th 2014 LWV Mayoral Forum at ProArts at Frank Ogawa Plaza
- October 9th 2014 Town Hall with Kevin Blackburn for City Council District 2
- October events
- Octopus Garage Mural
- Odd Fellows' Cemetery Association
- Odell Sylvester
- Ode to California Mural
- O.D. Hamlin, Jr
- ODOG (Oakland Dog Owners Group)
- Offering of Peace, Love, and Abundance Mural
- Office of African American Male Achievement
- Officer Involved Shootings
- Officer Willie Wilkins Park
- Official Flower
- Official foods of Oakland
- Off the Grid
- O.G. Bubblegum Headquarters
- Ohana Cultural Center
- Ohgane Korean Restaurant
- Ohlone
- Ohlone mural
- OIHS Murals with CCA
- Oikos University
- Oikos University Shooting
- Olander's Saloon
- Oldani Art Studio
- Old Building Portal
- Old Building Portal Tags
- Old Downtown YMCA Building
- 'Older Ladies' by Donnalou Stevens
- Old Oakland
- Old Oakland Farmers Market
- Old Oakland Mosaic Tile Trash Cans
- Old Survivor Redwood Tree
- Old Weang Ping
- Ole Ole Burrito Express
- Olie Fielding Snedigar
- Oliver Ellsworth
- Oliver Lynch
- Oliver Manufacturing Company
- Olivet Institutional Baptist Church
- Oliveto Cafe & Restaurant
- Olympians
- Olympic Hotel
- Olympic Park
- Omar Club
- Omar Daza-Quiroz
- OMCA Family Drop-in Workshop: HistoryMakers/ScienceMakers Series
- Omni Commons
- Once Upon A Time, Happily Ever After Project
- One Kelton Court
- One Love Mural
- One Love West Africa Mural
- One West Oakland: Community Impact Series Part 1
- One West Oakland: Community Impact Series Part 2
- Opal Palmer Adisa
- OPD Best Practices Review
- OPD Calls for Service Map
- OPD Command Post
- OPD Community Satisfaction Survey
- OPD Crowd Control Policy
- OPD Open House
- OPD Open House 2014
- OPD policy on contact with mentally ill persons
- OPD Recruiting
- OPD Staffing
- OPD Staffing/Candidate Opinions
- OPD Successes
- Open Data Day
- Open Data Day Oakland #oakmtg Editathon Topics
- Open Data Policy
- OpenDisclosure
- Open Government Bill of Rights
- Open Government/Learning Platforms
- Open Letter: What's the Plan?
- OpenOakland
- Open Oakland
- Open Oakland Meeting 12/4/2012
- Open Your Mind, Open Your Heart Mural
- Operation Dignity
- OPIC Career Fair
- OPL’s Teen Design Competition
- OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING: The Secrets To College Success For Oakland Students & Parents
- OPR Spring Break Day Camps
- Optimism
- Oracle Arena
- Oral Lee Brown
- Orange Dell Tract
- oranges
- Ordway Building
- Oregon Block
- Organizations
- Oriental Block
- Oriental Nursery
- Original Kasper's Hot Dogs
- Original Research on Oakland Wiki
- Orley See
- Orpheum Theatre
- Oscar Grant
- Oscar Grant Mural
- Oscar Lovell Shafter
- Oscar Prager
- Oscar's
- Oscar's Alley
- Oscar the Grouch Mural
- Osmanthus
- Ostrander Park
- Otaez Mexican Restaurant
- Other Oaklands
- Otis Spunkmeyer Field
- OTXWest
- Our Lady of Lourdes Church
- Our Lady of Lourdes (school)
- Our Liberation Mural
- Our Mother's Milling Company
- Our Oakland
- Our Redeemer Lutheran
- Our Savior Danish Lutheran Church
- OUSD Student Assignment Center
- OUSD Videos
- Out and About in Rockridge
- Outer Space Mural
- Out of the Closet
- Overland Cafe
- Overland House
- Overland Monthly
- Owens-Illinois Glass Factory
- Oysters
- Ozumo
- Pacific Bowl
- Pacific Boychoir Academy
- Pacific Building
- Pacific Coast Borax Company
- Pacific Coast Brewing Company
- Pacific Coast Canning Company
- Pacific Coast Shredded Wheat Company
- Pacific Female College
- Pacific Gas and Electric Company
- Pacific Gas & Electric Company Building
- Pacific Hospital
- Pacific Iron and Nail Works
- Pacific Nash Company Auto Sales and Garage
- Pacific Press
- Pacific Renaissance Plaza
- Pacific Saw Works
- Pacific States Refinery
- Pacific Tank and Pipe Company
- Pacific Technical College
- Pacific Theological Seminary
- Packard Lofts
- Packrat's Paradise Mural
- Pac Man Mural
- Padded Lilies
- Padre Apartments
- Pages needing Un-Redirection
- Pages that need feedback
- Pagoda Hill
- Palace Apartments
- Palace Candy Shoppe & Bakery
- Palace Theatre
- Palm Knoll
- Palm Terrace
- Palm Trees
- Palo Seco Mill
- Pamela Blake
- Pam the Funkstress
- Panaeolus papilionaceus
- Pandora
- Panera Mural
- Panorama Framing
- Panoramic Hill
- Pantages Theatre
- Paradise Park
- Paradise Park Cafe
- Paramount Theatre
- Parcells Safe Company
- Pardee Home Museum
- Paris Williams
- Park Bellevue Tower
- Park Blvd Plaza Park
- Park Boulevard
- Park Boulevard Branch Library
- Park Boulevard Manor
- Park Boulevard Presbyterian Church
- Park Boulevard Professional Building
- Park Burger
- Park Community Garden
- Park Day School
- Parker Goddard Secretarial School
- Park House
- Park(ing) Day
- Parking Lot Murals
- Park Lane Apartments
- Parklet
- Parklet Pilot Program
- Park Names
- Parkridge Estates
- Parks
- Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission
- Parks Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church
- Parkside Manor
- Park Street Bridge
- Park View Apartments
- Parque Histórico de la Hacienda Peralta
- Parrot Fence Mural
- Parrot Mural
- Parr Terminal
- Partners in Preservation Award 2013-2014
- Partners in Preservation Awards
- Pastimes
- Pathways to Justice
- Patient ID Center
- Pat Kernighan
- Pat Kernighan/Positions
- Patrick Gonzales
- Patrick McCullough
- Patrick McCullough/Positions
- Patten
- Patten University
- Patterson Tract
- Paul Anton Schmitt
- Paul Cobb
- Paul Covel
- Pauline Nusbaumer
- Pauline Powell Burns
- Paul J. Schafer
- Paul Lim
- Paul Lim/positions
- Paul Marcus Wines
- Paul Mills
- Paul Pierce
- Paul Robeson Administration Building
- Paul Silas
- Paul Steindorff
- Paul William De Fremery
- Pawfest 2014 At Dimond Park
- Paws & Claws
- Pay Less Drug Market Centre
- Paz en Ti Mural
- P. C. Frederickson
- Peace and Dignity Mural
- Peace and Love Mural
- Peace is Not Mural
- Peace of Mind Mural
- Peacock Mural
- Pearson's Hardware
- Peck House
- Pedal Express
- Pedalfest
- Pedal Power to the People Mural
- Peerless Coffee & Tea
- Peerless Laundry
- Peets
- Pegasus Books
- Peggy Stinnett
- Pekin Low
- Pendarvis Harshaw
- penrose
- Pentecostes Iglesia Jesucristo E El Senor La Roca Eterna
- People
- People of Oakland Mural
- People's Community Market
- People's Express Company
- People's Grocery
- People's Grocery Murals
- Peoples Water Company
- Pepples Donut Farm
- Peralta Apartments
- Peralta Creek
- Peralta Creek Watershed
- Peralta Elementary School
- Peralta ferryboat
- Peralta Hacienda
- Peralta Hacienda Editathon
- Peralta Hacienda Historical Park
- Peralta Hacienda Juneteenth Celebration 2013
- Peralta Hacienda Mural
- Peralta Hacienda Youth Club
- Peralta Heights
- Peralta Hospital
- Peralta Junction
- Peralta Oaks Park
- Peralta Park
- Peralta Playland
- Perfecting Ministries Mural
- Performance Options Mural
- Performing Arts
- Perine-Gilmour Building
- PermaCities: Oakland!
- Perry Building
- Perry Temple Church of God
- Pervis Atkins
- Pessimism
- Pet Amigos
- Pete Escovedo
- Peter C. Frederickson
- Peter Hegarty
- Peterhof Castle
- Peter Lee
- Peter Moller
- Peter Pumyea
- Peters Brothers Shoes
- Peterson's Grocery Store
- Peter Stackpole
- Peter Sullivan Associates Investors
- Peter T. Conmy
- Peter Thomson
- Peter Van Kleef
- Peter Y. Liu
- Peter Y. Liu/Positions
- Pet Food Express
- Pfrang Brothers
- Phantasm (film)
- Pharoah Sanders
- Phat Beets Mural
- Phat Beets Produce
- Phil Heraty
- Philip Bowles
- Philip-Hilaire Remillard
- Phil Tagami
- Phlo Finister
- Phnom Penh House Restaurant
- Pho 84
- Pho Ao Sen
- Phoenix Iron Works
- Pho Ga Huong Que Cafe
- Pho Oakland
- photos
- photos/1857 looking north on Broadway
- photos/1912 looking south on San Pablo Avenue at 17th
- photos/1925 looking north on Broadway at Latham Square
- photos/1936 accident at 42nd and Grove
- photos/1945 MacArthur at Loma Vista
- photos/1955 San Pablo Avenue at 55th
- photos/1957 looking north on Broadway
- Phyllis Diller
- Phyllis Wheatley Club of the East Bay
- Physicians Building
- Picán
- Pick-Up Basketball
- Pico de Gallo Fruit Cup
- Pi Crew Monster Mural
- Piedmont
- Piedmont Art Walk
- Piedmont Avenue
- Piedmont Avenue Branch Library
- Piedmont Avenue Elementary School
- Piedmont Avenue Elementary School mural
- Piedmont Avenue Lanes
- Piedmont Avenue Neighborhood Improvement League (PANIL)
- Piedmont Baths
- Piedmont Consolidated Cable Company
- Piedmont ferryboat
- Piedmont Floral Company Building
- Piedmont French Cleaning and Dye Works
- Piedmont Grocery
- Piedmont Grounds
- Piedmont Incorporation Proposal
- Piedmont Lake Apartments
- Piedmont Lane
- Piedmont Meat Market
- Piedmont-Oakland Bulletin
- Piedmont Park (Historic)
- Piedmont Piano Company
- Piedmont Pines
- Piedmont Plaza Park
- Piedmont Theatre
- Pie Guy
- Pierce Giants
- Pierre-Nicolas "Peter" Remillard
- Pietisserie
- Pigeon Mural
- Piggly Wiggly Stores
- Pig’n Whistle
- Pilgrim Advent Christian Church
- Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church
- Pill Hill
- Pine Knoll Homes
- Pine Knoll Park
- Pinpoint Gym
- Pinto Park
- Pioneer Beverages
- Pioneer Bicycles
- Pioneer Cigar Factory
- Pioneer Investors - Porter Building
- Pioneer Memorial Methodist Church
- Pioneer Planing Mills
- Pioneer Saloon
- Pioneer Walk
- Pio Pico Bash
- Pipe City
- pizza
- Pizzaiolo
- Pizza Pazza
- Pizza Politana
- Pizza Rustica
- PLACE for Sustainable Living
- Places to Play Basketball in Oakland
- Places to play pool (billiards)
- Places to See Bees
- Places to See Dragons
- Places to See Elephants
- Places to See Helicopters
- Places to See Hummingbirds
- Places to See Mermaids
- Plaid Friday
- Plan Bee Mural
- Plan Downtown
- Planned Parenthood
- Planning Camp 2013
- Planning Code
- Planning Commission
- Planning in and around Oakland
- Planting Justice
- Play Day in the Plaza
- Play Oakland Mosaic Trash Cans
- Playter Block
- Plaza Cafe
- Plaza Drive In
- Plaza Theater Teatro
- Pleasant Valley Court
- Plum
- Plum Bar
- Plymouth Church Towne House
- Plymouth United Church of Christ
- PM Press
- Pocket Libraries
- Point Oakland Firehouse
- Points of Distribution
- Poirier House
- Polaroid Car Mural
- Police Administration Building
- Police Chief Recruitment Survey
- Police Districts
- Police Districts (historic)
- Police militarization
- Police Misconduct
- Police Officer Pardee
- Police Telegraph Boxes/Police Call Boxes (Historic)
- PolicyLink
- Political History of Oakland
- Political Signs
- Politics
- Pollinate
- Pollinator Posse
- Pollo Asado
- Polls and Surveys
- Pollution
- Polygraph
- Polytechnic College
- Pomin's Ivy Corset Store
- Pomo
- Pon Honor Stores
- Pony Express
- Pooh-Man
- Pope & Talbot Lumber Company
- Poplar Park
- Poplyfe
- PoPo the Clown
- Poppy Mural
- PopUpHood
- Porpentine
- Portal
- Portal Mural
- Portal of Portals
- Port Deli
- Porter Hall
- Port of Oakland
- Port of Oakland Board of Commissioners
- Portola Road Race
- Portrait of Derrick Hayes mural
- Port Trucker Resource and Health Fair
- Portuguese American
- Port View Park
- Port Workspaces
- Posada De Colores
- Posey Tube
- Possible Misconduct
- Postal Plus
- Posters
- Post Offices (Historic)
- Post Primal
- Potential things to import
- Potholes
- Pots Over Temescal
- Powderface
- Powerful Women of the Bay 5th Annual Awards Luncheon
- Power Structure and Urban Policy: Who Rules in Oakland?
- Power to the People: The Qilombo Wall
- Precision Motors Mural
- Pre-K Play at Poplar Recreation Center
- Prescott
- Prescott Circus Theatre
- Prescott Community Meeting
- Prescott-Joseph Center
- Prescott School
- Presentation Day at Fairyland
- Present Reflects the Past
- Preservation Park
- Presidential Visits to Oakland
- Preston Decker Allen
- Pretty Lady Cafe
- Pretty Penny
- Previous Surveillance Efforts in Oakland
- Pride and Pedigree Mural
- Primorosa Apartments
- Princeton Apartments
- Principal Industries of West Oakland – 1920
- Prison Realignment in Alameda County
- Privacy activism
- Private Industry Council (PIC)
- Privately-Owned Public Open Spaces
- Private Security in Oakland
- Pro Arts
- Produce Pro
- Progress and Challenges to Addressing Gun Violence in the East Bay
- Progressive Oakland Women Empowering Reform (POWER)
- Prohibition in Oakland
- Project Elefont
- Project Hope
- Proposed Snow Park Dog Play Area
- Protect Mother Earth Mural
- Protect Our Kids, Stop the Arms Trade Mural
- Protests
- Providence Hospital
- Province of the Mists Fight Practice
- P. S. Wilcox
- public bike repair stations
- Public Boards and Commissions
- Public Ethics Charter Reform Measure
- Public Ethics Commission
- Publicly-Owned Private Spaces
- Public Meeting on DAC Privacy Policy
- Public Meetings at Piedmont Avenue Branch
- Public Restrooms
- Public Safety Ballot Measure 2014
- Public Safety Ballot Measure 2014/Candidate Positions
- Public Safety Committee
- Public Safety Events
- Public Safety Events/Archives
- Public Safety Groups
- Public Safety in Oakland
- Public Transportation
- Puff n Stuff Mural
- Pullman Hotel
- Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys
- Purple Heart Patient Center
- Purple Rose mural
- Put a Prayer in the Air Mural
- PW Fonda
- Pyramid Mural
- Pyramid to Moses
- Qilombo (formerly The Holdout)
- QTY Tree House
- Quan Am Tu Shrine
- Quan's Fuzzy Logic
- Queen Ann Apartments
- Queen Anne
- Queer Contra Dance
- Queer History
- Question!
- Quick Fixes!
- Quickly
- Quincy Chase
- Quinn's Lighthouse
- Rabbits Garage Mural
- Raccoons
- Race Forward Oakland
- Race Matters: Putting Race on the Table
- Rad Brains
- Radiance Oak
- Radical Designs
- Radio Beach
- Radner Apartments
- R. A. Doty Star Cars
- Raiderettes
- Raiders and Warriors Mural
- Raiders Week
- Railroad Exchange Hotel
- Railroads
- Raimondi Park
- Raimondi Park Field
- Raimondi's Paint & Wallpaper
- Rainbow Onramp Mural
- Rainbow Park
- Rainbow Recreation Center
- Rainbow Trout Species Identified (California Historical Landmark)
- Raincoat Jones
- Rainy Day Fund
- Raj India Cuisine
- Rally Possum
- Ralph Bunche
- Ralph Bunche Nursery
- Ralph Edwards
- Ralph J. Bunche Academy
- Ralph Kirkham
- Ralph Williams
- Ramen Shop
- Ramon Herrerra Robles Mural
- Ramon Martinez
- Rancho Peralta Park
- Rancho San Antonio
- Rancho San Antonio (neighborhood)
- Randal Metz
- Random Parts Mural
- Rang Dong Restaurant
- Ranked Choice Voting
- Ranked Choice Voting/Candidate Opinions
- Raphael Saadiq
- Raptors
- Rasa Caffe
- Rashid Campbell
- R. A. Shuey Creamery
- Ras Terms
- Ratto's Market and Deli
- Ravazza & Franco
- Rawley T. Farnsworth
- Rawley T. Farnsworth Theater
- Ray Building
- Ray Charles Mural
- Ray Frank
- Ray Law
- Raymond Apartments
- Raymond A. Perry
- Raymond Dabb Yelland
- Raymond Eng
- Raymond House
- Raymond Saunders
- Rayven Justice
- Razor Sharp Barber Shop Mural
- Ready, Set, Connect!
- real estate developers
- real estate investors
- Real Time & Space
- Realty Syndicate Building
- Rebecca Kaplan
- Rebecca Kaplan/Positions
- Reber Plan
- Rebirth Mural
- Rebuilding Together Oakland
- Record Stores
- Rector E. Cole
- Recycling, Compost & Trash
- Red Bay Coffee
- Red, Bike and Green
- Red Boy Pizza
- Redevelopment
- redistricting
- Redistricting 2013
- Redistricting Commission
- Redistricting Commission Survey
- Red Light Cameras in Oakland
- Redlining
- Redondo Park
- Red Rock Quarry
- Red Sea Restaurant
- Red Star
- Redwood Day School
- Redwood Heights
- Redwood Heights Elementary School
- Redwood Heights Park
- Redwood Heights Recreation Center
- Redwood Peak Tunnel
- Redwood Regional Park
- Redwood Roundup
- Redwoods
- Reed and Corlett
- Reed Building
- Reed-Henshaw House
- Reenie Raschke
- Refa One
- Reflections of Me and My World 2013
- Re:Generation Church
- Reggie Jackson
- Reggie Warlock Monsters
- Regillus Apartments
- Regina Apartments
- Reginald A. Pearman
- register to vote
- Register Your Bicycle
- Rehab Right: How to Rehabilitate Your Oakland House
- Reich and Lievre
- Reindeer Mural
- Rejuvenation Mural
- Relaxation Center
- Reliance Athletic Club
- Reliance Athletic Club/1888 Members
- Remar Bakery
- Remembering Emilio Myors Mural
- Remember Them: Champions For Humanity Monument
- Remember They See Everything Mural
- Remi Chabot
- Remillard Brick Company
- Remillard House
- Rene Justin Cavasso
- Renel Brooks-Moon
- Renod's
- Renting in Oakland
- Renting with a Pet in Oakland
- Repairing potholes
- Reproductive Health editathon (planning)
- Researching Your House
- Resek Egypt Themed Mural
- Reservoir Hill
- Resilient Oakland Survey
- Resource Directory
- Resources
- Responsible Data Forum
- Restaurant Chu
- Restaurante Doña Tomás
- Restaurant Portal
- Restaurants
- Restaurants/Boilerplate
- Restaurants by Neighborhood
- Restaurants by Style
- Restaurants by Time
- Restaurants by Type
- Restaurants with Compostable Take-out/Leftover Containers
- Restaurant Tags
- Rest in Peace Dream Mural
- Restorative Justice
- Resurrection Oakland Church
- Reverence mural
- Revolution Cafe
- Revolution Foods
- Rhododendron Garden
- Rialto Theatre
- Ricardo Apartments
- Ricardo Orozco
- Richard Aoki
- Richard Apgar
- Richard Arms Apartments
- Richard Jones
- Richard Lee (activist)
- Richard Misrach
- Richard Montgomery
- Richard Partington
- Richard Snell
- Rich City RIDES
- Richclair Apartments
- Rickey Henderson
- Rickey Henderson Field
- Rico's Diner
- Riddim 510
- Rifle Range Creek
- Right Angle Hair & Barber Shop
- Right Away Redi Mix Concrete
- Right Field Bleachers
- Right to Exist Curbside Community
- Riley P. Bechtel
- Ringside Cafe
- Rio California Cafe
- rip big joe
- RIP Jacka Mural
- Rise Above Mural
- Rise and Grind 2
- Rise and Grind Mural
- Rita Sklar
- Rite Aid Montclair Mural
- River Otters
- Riverstone Chiropractic
- Rob Bonta
- Robert Blackburn
- Robert Bobb
- Robert C. Maynard
- Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education
- Robert Colescott
- Robert C. Rishell
- Robert Culp
- Robert Eccleston
- Robert Hartman
- Robert Hickmott
- Robert I Levy
- Robert J. Boyer
- Roberto Costa
- Robert Roche
- Robert Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve
- Robert Simson
- Robert Smilie
- Roberts Rambler
- Roberts Regional Recreation Area
- Robert Treuhaft
- Robert Trujillo
- Robert Warshaw
- Robert Wasserman
- Robert William Edwards
- Robert Winston
- Robert Y. Snowball
- Robin Hood Inn
- Robin Lasser
- Robin Mural
- Robin Perry Athletic Field
- Robinson House
- Rocket Dog Rescue Mural
- Rock Paper Scissors Collective
- Rock Paper Scissors Mural
- Rockridge
- Rockridge BART Station
- Rockridge BART Station mural
- Rockridge Branch Library
- Rockridge Cafe
- Rockridge Elementary School
- Rockridge Market Hall
- Rockridge Masonic Temple
- Rockridge Park
- Rockridge-Temescal Greenbelt (FROG Park)
- Rockridge Woman's Club
- Rockwell Apartments and Nelson Arms Apartments
- Rod & Custom Car Show
- Rod Dibble
- Rod McKuen
- Roger Lee
- Roger's Autoworks mural
- Rogue wave
- Roland W. Snow
- Rollerland
- Rolling Dunes Mural
- Roman Chariot Mural
- Romper Room
- Ronald V. Dellums
- Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building
- Ronayne Sisters Millinery
- Rondal Partridge
- Room 389
- Room to Groom
- Roos Brothers Building
- Roosevelt Hotel
- Roosevelt Middle School
- Root family
- Roots Community Health Clinic
- Roots Run Deep Mural
- Roots, Spirit and Color of the American Dream Mural
- Rooz Cafe
- Rooz Cafe Murals
- Rosalia Labastida de Coney
- Rosamunde Sausage Grill
- Rosa Parks House
- Roselawn
- Rosemary
- Rosenblum Cellars
- Roses
- Rose's Place
- Rosmar Manor Apartments
- Rossell G. O'Brien
- Ross Food Market Murals
- Ross House
- Rosso's Cottage
- Rotary Club
- Rotary Nature Center
- Rotary Nature Center Totem Pole
- Round Table Pizza
- Rowan Morrison Mural
- Roxie Theater
- Royal B. Ford
- Royal Egyptian Cuisine
- Royal J. Kennedy
- Royal Towns
- Roy C. Blackburn
- RPM-Merit Transmission Parts Building
- RRRComputer
- Ruben Llamas
- Ruby Report
- Ruby Room
- Ruby's Garden Local-Grown Kidwear
- Rudolph Coffee
- Rudonia Apartments
- Rudy's Can't Fail Cafe
- Rufus C Vose
- Rumbo Al Sur
- Running Events
- Russell de Lappe
- Russ Meyer
- Ruth Beckford
- Ruth Hackett Lasartemay
- Ruth Love
- Ruth Santee
- Ruth Villasenor
- R.W. Littlefield
- Ryan Coogler
- Sabrina Landreth
- Sabuy Sabuy Thai Cuisine
- Sackett School
- Sacramento Northern Railway
- Sacred Circle Mural
- Sacred Cycles Mural
- Sacred Geometry Mural
- Sacred Heart Parish
- Saddle Rock Restaurant
- Safe Oakland
- Safety Tips
- Safeway
- Safeway on College
- Saffron Indian Cuisine
- Sagamore
- Saied Karamooz
- Saied Karamooz/Positions
- Saigon Deli and Tacos Valparaiso
- Saint Albert's Priory
- Saint Andrews Plaza
- Saint Andrews Plaza Super Heroes mural
- Saint Elizabeth High School
- Saint Leo the Great Catholic School
- Saint Margaret Mary Church
- Saint Mary's Cemetery
- Saint Mary's College
- Saint Paul's Episcopal Church
- Saint Vincent's Day Home
- Salem German Methodist Church
- Sale of the Lot at East 12th and 1st Ave
- Sallie Rutherford Thaler
- Sallie Rutherford Thaler Memorial Fountain
- Salmon M Babbitt
- Salsa by the Lake
- Salvation Army Thrift Store
- Sal Watts
- Sam Bercovich
- Sam Golden
- Samm/Dalton/Cooper Mansion and Cooper Brothers Grocery
- Sam Richardson
- Sam (Sammuel) Washington
- Sam (Sammuel) Washington/Positions
- Samuel B. Bell
- Samuel Bell McKee
- Samuel B. Merritt
- Samuel Hirshberg
- Samuel H. Robinson
- Samuel Martinez
- Samuel Merritt Hospital
- Samuel Merritt University
- Samurai Girl III Mural
- San Antonio
- San Antonio Creek
- San Antonio Park
- San Antonio Sports Complex
- Sanborn family
- Sandre Swanson
- Sanford Building
- Sanford's Restaurant
- San Francisco
- San Francisco and Oakland Railroad
- San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport (OAK)
- San Francisco Call
- San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge
- Sanjiv Handa
- San Leandro
- San Leandro Bay
- San Leandro Border
- San Leandro Street
- San Pablo Avenue
- San Pablo Avenue Church of Christ
- San Pablo Flea Market
- San Pablo Gateway
- San Pablo Hotel
- Santa Fe
- Santa Fe Elementary
- Santa Fe Railway
- Santo Coyote
- San Valentin
- Sarah Abbie Kendall
- Sarah Bush Dance Project
- Sarah Shuey
- Sarah Sunshine
- Sara Plummer Lemmon
- Sasha Fleischman
- Sather Block
- Saturday Morning Bike Ride
- Saturday Stroll
- Sausal Creek
- Sausal Creek (Neighborhood)
- Sausal Creek Restoration Project
- Sausal Creek Walk
- Sausal Creek Water Company
- Sausal Creek Watershed
- Sausal On My Mind Mural
- Savemore Market
- Save Oakland Sports
- S.A.V.E. (Soldiers Against Violence Everywhere)
- Save the Bay
- Savor Oakland Food Tours
- Sax Man Mural
- Sayra Reyes
- Say What Mural
- Saze Mural
- Scam Prevention Seminar for Seniors
- Schilling Gardens
- Schnebly, Hostrawser, and Pedgrift
- Schneider Electric
- School Market
- School Market Mural
- School Murals
- School (Neighborhood)
- Schools
- School Superintendent
- Schutz Building
- Science Box
- Scott Hove
- Scottish American
- Scottish Rite Center
- Scott Olsen
- Scott's Seafood
- Scraper Bikes
- Scrapers
- Scream Sorbet
- Screenprint Mural
- Sculptures
- Seal of the City of Oakland
- Sealrite Company of California
- Sean Doolittle
- Sean Sullivan
- Sean Sullivan/Positions
- Sean Whent
- Search for New Police Chief
- Sears
- Sears Roebuck Building
- Sea Turtle Mural
- Sea-Wolf fireboat
- Seawolf Public House
- Sea Wolf restaurant
- Second Church of Christ, Scientist
- Second Congregational Church
- Second Saturdays
- Second Start Adult Literacy
- Second Start Literacy Program
- Secret Building Facades
- Secret Oakland
- secret page
- Secret Societies
- Secrets of Oakland Public Library
- Section 218
- Security Bank and Trust of Oakland
- Security Cameras in Oakland
- Sedi Bo mural
- SeeClickFix
- Segregation
- Self Determination Mural
- Self Reflection Mural
- Seminary
- Seminary Point
- Senator Apartments
- Senator Theater
- Seneca Reservoir
- Senior Community Town Hall Meeting
- Senior Day at the A's
- Sensory Garden
- Sept 23 2014 District 4 City Council Candidates Forum at Montera Middle School
- September 10th 2014 Refund Oakland Mayoral Debate
- September 11th 2014 Mayoral Candidates Forum
- September 16th 2014 Chamber Mayoral Debate
- September 18th 2014 Temple Sinai Mayoral Debate
- September 29th 2014 LWV Forum
- September 3rd 2014 Chamber District 2 Candidate Debate
- September 4th 2014 Chamber District 6 Candidate Debate
- September 4th Redistricting Meeting
- September events
- Septerhed Mural
- Sequoia Diner
- Sequoia Elementary School
- Sequoia Lodge
- Sequoia Lodge Park
- Sequoia Park
- Sequoyah
- Sequoyah Country Club
- Seraphix Mural
- Serenader Bar
- Serve the People mural
- Sessionfest
- sessionspace
- Seulberger-Dunham Building
- Sevening Building
- Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist
- Seventh-Day Adventist Church
- Seventh Street Pier
- Severin Anderson
- Seville Apartments
- Sewers of Oakland
- Sexton/Favre Building
- Seymour C. Davisson House
- S.G.S. Dunbar
- Shaan North & South Indian Cuisine
- Shade Tree
- Shalom's Cafe and Donut
- Shan Dong Restaurant
- Shangri-la Vegan Restaurant
- Shannon and the Clams
- Shared Housing
- Shared Kitchen Spaces
- shared workspaces
- sharing economy
- Shashamane Bar and Grill
- Shawnee Gibbs & Shawnelle Gibbs
- Sheba Dining
- S.H.E.D. Projects
- Sheffield Branch Library
- Sheffield Village
- Sheffield Village Park
- Sheffield Village Recreation Center
- Sheila E
- Shell Mound Park
- Shellmounds
- Sheng Thao
- Shepherd Canyon
- Shepherd Canyon Field
- Shepherd Canyon Park
- Shereda F Nosakhare
- Shereda F Nosakhare/Positions
- Sherman, Clay & Co.
- Sherman Elementary School
- Shigenori Iyama
- Shimizu Sushi
- Shine a Light Walking Group
- Shine in Peace
- Shirley Apartments
- Shirley's Designs by Veda Ambeau
- Shiva Shakti Mural
- S. H. Kress Co
- Shoong Family Chinese Cultural Center
- Shooting Star Cafe
- Shooting Star CSA (farm subscription)
- Shoreline bike route
- Shoreline Development plan, 1951
- Shorey House
- "Short Survey on Oakland Issues" poll
- ShotSpotter
- Showboat Restaurant
- Shuga Hill
- S. H. Williams
- Siam Bay
- Sidebar
- Sideshows
- Sidewalk Stamps
- Sid Hoff
- Sidney Dearing
- Sidney Howard
- Sidney Snow
- Siegriest House
- Sierra Apartments
- "Sigame" Sculpture
- Signature Development Group
- Silence the Violence Mural
- Silence the Violence Oakland Mural
- Silveira House
- Silver Dragon Restaurant
- Silver Skull Mural
- Simeon P. Meads
- Simona and Lewis Bradbury
- Simon Hardware
- Simpsons in Space Mural
- Sinawik Cabin
- Sinkler Miller Community Health Forum
- Sirens in Oakland
- Si's Charbroiler
- S J Lynch
- Skandia Pacific Oil Engine Company
- Skewers Mediterranean Delight
- Skidmore Owings & Merrill
- Skinner
- Skull Mural
- Skunks
- Skyline Boulevard
- Skyline High School
- Skyline-Hillcrest Estates
- Slim Jenkins
- Slim Jenkins Club
- Slingshot!
- Slip Madigan
- Slow Burn Glass
- Slugs
- Sly and the Family Stone
- Small Business Directory
- small business page
- Small Business Week
- Smartphones Make People Stupid Mural
- Smash Patriarchy Mural
- Smelling Herself
- S.M. Friedman Company
- Smitten Ice Cream
- Smog
- Smoke free housing law
- Smooi
- Snedigar Cottage
- Snell Seminary
- Snow in Oakland
- Snow Museum
- Snow Park
- Snug Harbor
- Snyder Block
- Sobo Ramen
- Sobrante Park
- Sobrante Park (Neighborhood)
- Social Justice Collaborative
- Society of Oakland Pioneers
- Society of Six
- Soderberg map
- Soi Four Bangkok Eatery
- Soil Testing
- Sokhom Mao
- Sokhom Mao/Positions
- Sola Lucy
- Solano Alley Project
- Solano Art Walk
- Solar Trash Compactors
- Solomon E. Alden
- Solomon King (film)
- Solutions for combating police misconduct.
- SomaR Bar
- Sonny Barger
- Sonny Gray
- Sono Osato
- Sons of Norway Bjornson Hall
- Sophie Elkin
- Sopranos Pizzeria
- Soroptomist International
- Soul Beat
- Souley Vegan
- Souley Vegan Mural
- Souls of Mischief
- Soul's Restaurant
- Sources of Data about Oakland
- Southeast Hills
- Southerly/Northerly Signs
- Southern Pacific
- Southern Pacific Passenger Depot (historical)
- Southie
- South Kennedy Tract
- South Oakland Hills
- South Prescott
- South Prescott Park
- South Stonehurst
- Souvenir History & Guide of the Pacific Coast, Watkins & Griffin, 1892, African-American guidebook of California
- Space-Con 2
- Spanish Speaking Citizens' Foundation
- Sparkart Mural
- Spark Plugs Custom Mural
- Spatial Eyes Mural
- SPCA Veterinary Outreach Clinic At Ira Jinkins Recreation Center
- Spectator Books
- speed bump
- Speed's Auto Shop Mural
- Spencer
- Spettro
- Spices 3
- Spiritual Release Mural
- Splash Pad Park
- Spokeland
- Sportsball
- Sports History
- Spring Festival
- Springland Festival & Egg Hunt
- Spring Neighbor Night
- Spring Rare Sour Beer Festival
- Sprouts Mural
- Spurgeon J. Mayfield
- Squats
- Squeak Carnwath
- Squid Fence Mural
- Squirrels
- Stagebridge
- Stage Left Cellars
- Stained Glass Windows
- Standard Auto Parts mural
- Standard Beverages
- Standard Gas Engine Company
- Standard & Strange
- Standeford House
- Stand for Peace in Cambodia Mural
- St. Andrew Missionary Baptist Church
- St. Andrew's Catholic Church
- St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
- Stanford Hotel
- Stanford Laundry Mural
- Stanley Court Apartments
- Stanley Hiller, Sr.
- Stanley Miller
- St. Anthony School
- St. Anthony School Murals
- St. Anthony's Church
- Star Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
- Star-Lights Donuts
- Starline Social Club
- Star Liquors Mural
- Starter Bakery
- Star Theatre
- Startup Weekend Oakland
- State of the Creeks 2014: Erosion Control and Working with the City
- State of the District Meeting for District 3 2014
- State Radio and Music
- State Rifle Range
- States Coffee
- State Senate District 9
- Statue of Joaquin Miller
- St. Augustine's Episcopal Church
- Stay Aware Mural
- St. Columba Church
- STD Resources
- Steamship Vancouver Explosion
- Steinbeck Building
- St. Elizabeth
- St. Elizabeth Church
- Stephanie Benavidez
- Stephanie Yun
- Stephen Curry
- Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr.
- Stephen D. Bechtel, Sr.
- Stephen Nolan
- Stephens' Restaurant
- Sterling Furniture Company
- Steve Clark
- Steve Hosey
- Steven Arnold
- Steven Tull
- Steven Vogt
- Steve Reeves
- Sticky Fingerz Bar-B-Que
- Sticky Rice Cafe
- Stilt House Mural
- Stingrays
- Stinkfishstink Mural
- St. Jarlath Church
- St. Jarlath School
- St. John's Episcopal Church
- St. Johns Hospital
- St. John's House
- St. Joseph's Academy
- St. Joseph's Home for the Aged
- St. Joseph's Institute
- St. Joseph's Portuguese Church
- St. Louis Bertrand Parish
- St. Mark Hotel
- St. Mary's Church
- St. Moritz Ice Skating Club
- Stock Brothers Seattle Bar
- Stomper
- Stomper in the Town
- Stonehurst Field
- Stonehurst Park
- Stone Quarries (Historical)
- Stop Gentrification Mural
- Stop Global Warming Mural
- Stop Sign Scandal
- Stop Telling Women To Smile Exhibit
- Stop the Draft Week
- Stop the War on Nature Mural
- Storek & Storek
- store murals
- Storm Drain Outlets to Lake Merritt
- Storms of 1962
- Storms of 2017
- Storybook
- Story of Yu Kwan Soon Mural
- Story Readers
- St. Patrick Catholic Church
- St. Paul Lutheran
- St. Paul's English Evangelical Lutheran Church
- St. Paul’s Episcopal School
- St. Paul's Towers
- St. Paulus Lutheran Church
- St. Peter's Parish
- Straight Outta Oakland (2015)
- Straight Outta Oakland 2 (2017)
- Stranded
- Strangers' Plot
- Strategic Policy Partnership
- Strategic Policy Partnership Final Report
- Strategic Urban Development Alliance
- Straus Carpet Mural
- Street cactus
- Streetcolor
- Street Fairs
- Street Level Cycles
- Street Level Health Project
- Street Mystic Mural
- Street Names
- Street Names/Santa Ray
- Streets
- Street Signs
- Street Spirit
- Street Story Mural
- Street Sweeping
- Street Tattoo Mural
- Street Tree Density
- Street Trees
- Street Wisdom
- Strictly Sail Pacific
- Strings Attached Mural
- St. Stephens United Methodist Church
- St. Theresa Catholic Church
- Studio Building
- Studio One Art Center
- Studio One Reading Series
- Studiotobe
- Sturgeon and White
- St. Vartan Armenian Apostolic Church
- St Vincent de Paul
- St Vincent de Paul Mural
- St. Vincent's Day Home
- Style Guide
- Subrosa Coffee
- Succulent Garden
- SudoMate
- sudo mesh
- sudo room
- Sugar Pie
- Suigetsukan Martial Arts School
- Sullivan Building
- Sullivan Management Company
- Sumitomo Bank Building
- Summerfield's
- Summer Fiesta Block Party in Melrose
- Summer Jazz on Sundays
- Sum Yuen Hang murals
- Sunbeam Market Mural
- Sundays in the Redwoods
- Sunglow Apartments
- Sunnyside Cemetery
- Sunrise Mural
- Sunsets
- Sunset Telephone Company
- Sunshine Biscuit Factory
- Sunshine Court
- Sunshine Ordinance
- Sunshine Ordinance (Full Text)
- Sun Sing Pastry
- SuperAwesome: Art and Giant Robot
- Superhero Mural
- Super Juiced
- Supermercado Mi Pueblo Murals
- Super Mercado Mi Tierra
- Surety Mortgage/Capwell Company Building
- Surveillance
- Survey on DAC
- Survey On The Uptown Wayfinding Signage Pilot Project
- Survive Pop Up Mural
- Susan B Anthony Women of the Year Awards 2014
- Susan Cayton Woodson Mural
- Susan Fenton
- Susan H. Snook
- Sushi Salon
- Susie Cagle
- Sustainability
- Sustainable Business Alliance
- Sustainable Economies Law Center
- Sustaining Ourselves Locally
- Su Yon Park
- Swan's Market
- Swap It Oakland
- S&W Building
- Sweet Bar Bakery
- Sweet Marias
- Sweet's Ballroom
- Sweets (Desserts)
- Swett School
- Swimming Pools
- Sydney Ayres
- Sylvester Sims
- Sylvia Gerrish
- Syndicate Water Company
- Taco Bell (Telegraph and W. Grand Avenues)
- Taco Charley
- TacoConf 2013
- Taco Inflation
- Tacos
- Tacos Alonzo
- Tacos El Grullo
- Tacos El Mazatlan
- Tacos Guadalajara
- Tacos Mi Rancho
- Tacos Santa Monica
- Taco Trucks
- Taft & Pennoyer
- Tai Chi for Mind and Body Wellness
- Take Charge of Your Health
- Ta-Ke Sushi Japanese Restaurant
- Talco's
- Taliesin Evans
- TalkOakland
- Taller Tupac Amaru
- Tallest Building in Oakland
- Tally Ho! Books
- Tamales La Oaxaqueña
- Tamarindo Antojeria
- Tanjia
- Tanya Holland
- Tapscott Building
- Taqueria Barajitas Taco Truck
- Taqueria Barajitos Taco Truck
- Taqueria Campos Mural
- Taqueria Los Comales
- Taqueria Reynoso
- Taquerias
- Taqueria Sinaloa
- Taqueria Sinaloa (Main Location)
- Tarea Hall Pittman
- Target Area Advisory Committees (TAAC)
- Tarika Lewis
- Tassafaronga Field
- Tassafaronga Park
- Tassafaronga Recreation Center
- Tassafaronga Village
- Taste of Denmark Mural
- Taste of Temescal
- Tax Returns
- Taylor Fitzpatrick
- Taylor Memorial United Methodist Church
- Taylor's Sausage
- Tazah Market
- TDK Collective
- T & D Theatre
- TD Woolsey
- Team Oakland Cycling
- Team OaklandWiki/History Topics
- Techbridge
- Tech companies in Oakland
- Tech Exchange
- Tech Liminal
- Technology Comes to Oakland
- Technology Commission Proposal
- technotics
- Tech Shuttles
- Ted Wurm
- Teen Dating and Violence Prevention & Awareness
- Teen Inclusion Dance
- Tegner Lodge
- Telegraph
- Telegraph Avenue
- Telegraph Avenue Complete Streets Implementation Plan
- Telegraph Avenue Savings Bank
- Telegraph Avenue Windmill
- Telegraph Beach
- Telegrove Branch Library
- Telephone Exchanges
- Temescal
- temescal alley
- Temescal AT&T Building
- Temescal Branch Library
- Temescal Community Day
- Temescal Community Garden
- Temescal Creek
- Temescal Farmers' Market
- Temescal Flows Mural
- Temescal Insitu mural
- Temescal Mosaic Tile Trash Cans
- Temescal Mural Project
- Temescal Obelisk
- Temescal Pool
- Temescal Spring Skate & Stroll
- Temescal Street Cinema
- Temescal Street Fair
- Temescal to Fruitvale Bike Route 1
- Temple Beth Abraham
- Temple Sinai
- Tenant Justice Campaign
- Tenant Justice Campaign Workshop
- Tenants' Rights
- Tepper's Beer Garden
- Teresa Deloach Reed
- Terraza Palmera at St. Joseph's
- Terrell Lowery
- Terry Alderete
- testfoo
- testing
- T. Gary Rogers Rowing Center
- T G Harrison
- Thanksgiving Events 2013
- Thayer Building
- The 4th Annual Fistup Film Festival
- The Alley
- The Altenheim
- The American Dream (2017)
- The Apollos
- The Art Board Mural
- The Art of Living Black: Open Studios Art Fair
- The Art Party
- The Avenue
- The Beginnings of Oakland
- The Bellevue Club
- The Big Four
- The Bikery
- The Black Panther
- The Blueprint
- The Brick Pig's House
- The Browning Monument
- The Cakeland
- The California League
- The California Polytechnic (Oakland)
- The Campanil
- The Casuals
- The Centennial
- The Center for Tactical Magic
- The City of Oakland Housing Element 2015 - 2023
- The Clorox Company
- The Coffee Mill
- The Colombo Club
- The Color of Power: Racial Coalitions and Political Power in Oakland (book)
- The Combination
- The Compound Gallery
- The Coup
- The CRO Cafe
- The Crucible
- The Curtain Store
- The Cutting Place
- The Den
- The Dock at Linden Street
- The Double Standard
- The Eastern Shore
- The Easter Rabbit Mural
- The Fabric Of Our Culture: A Group Quilt Show
- The Fat Lady Bar & Restaurant
- The first 68 entries created on Oakland Wiki
- The First-Ever San Pablo Stroll
- The Food Mill
- The Forces of Nature Mural
- The Fred T Wood Company
- The Friends of the Gardens at Lake Merritt
- The Fruit Basket
- The Funeral Pyre
- The Gardens at Lake Merritt
- The Good Hop
- The Grand Tavern
- The Grange
- The Grassroots House
- The Grease Diner
- The Great Wall of Oakland
- The Guy with the Gold Bike
- The Half Orange
- The Happy Neighborhood Project
- The Headdress Workshop
- The Hermitage
- The Hights
- The Hike Mural
- The Hills Swim and Tennis Club
- The Hive
- The Hub Building
- The Illustrated Directory of Oakland, California
- the internet
- The Jerry Newson Case
- The Jewel Box
- The Jewish Federation
- The Jubilee
- The King's Daughters Home
- The Knave
- The Lake Merritt Mural
- The Laurel District
- The Layover
- The Layover Murals
- The Lehi
- The Leviathan
- The Lighted Candle
- The Link to Children
- The Little Daisy
- The Living Room Project
- Thelton Henderson
- The Lumpen
- The MADE
- The Majestic
- The Mayor's Job Description
- The Mentoring Center
- The Mixing Bowl
- The Monster Project
- The Montclarion
- The Movement: Oakland Boys & Men of Color Youth Summit
- The New Easy
- The New Easy mural
- The New Parish
- The New Parkway
- The New Parkway Murals
- The Night Light
- The No Bakery
- T. Henry Scheiding
- The Oakland Cambodian Buddhist Temple, Inc.
- The Oakland Food Pantry
- The Oakland Freedom School
- The Oakland Imperials Drum Corps
- The Oaklandside
- The Oaks
- Theodore Gier
- The Olde Depot
- The Omni
- The Owl Drug Company
- The Pallet Space Murals
- The Pancake Queen
- The Parkway
- The People and the Police: Oakland (1974)
- The Percolator Restaurant
- The Periodical Ghost
- The Pines Estate
- The Plant Exchange
- The Pointer Sisters
- The Principal (film)
- The Rare Bird
- The Rare Bird Mural
- The Realty Syndicate
- "There" Sculpture
- There's More to Green Than Money mural
- There's No Place Like Home Mural
- The Riders
- The Rock Steady
- The Rotisserie Deli
- The Roundhouse
- The Sanctuary
- The Sausal Creek
- The Saw Mill
- The Sea Wolf
- The Shop (film)
- The Short Cut (Claremont)
- The Short Cut (Millsmont)
- The Soap Opera
- The "Solid Six" (City Council 1890s)
- The "Solid Six" (Mary R. Smith)
- The Sound Room
- The Spoke Cyclery
- The Star on Grand
- The State of Blacks In Technology Panel
- The Stork Club
- The Stork Club Murals
- The Stride Center
- The Taco Truck
- The Talbot Estate "Edenvale"
- The Tamed Mane
- The Terrace Room
- The Towne Cycles
- The Town Square
- The Toy Shop
- The Track
- The Trappist
- The TreeHouse
- The Tsega Center
- The Twomps
- The Untold Story Mural
- The Variations
- The Vauban
- The Veg Hub
- The Village Tiny House Camp
- The Vulcan
- The Waiting Room (documentary)
- The Zorgos Project
- Thien Pham
- Things Found in Lake Merritt
- Things that happen on AC Transit
- Things that say "Oakland"
- Things that say "Oakland" on them
- Things that would make Oakland more democratic
- Things they have in other cities that we should have in Oakland
- Things We've Learned
- Think College Now
- Third Thursdays on 25th Street
- This is Oakland Video
- Thoi Bao Weekly
- Thomas Brothers Maps
- Thomas Eagar
- Thomas Frazier
- Thomas Gallagher
- Thomas Haag
- Thomas Hill
- Thomas L. Berkley
- Thomas T. Dargie
- Thomas W. Badger
- Thompson Apartments
- Thompson Funeral Home
- Thornhill Elementary School
- Thorn Road Bible School
- Thornton House
- Three Amigos Market Mural
- Three Elephants Mural
- Three Magi Mural
- Three Police Chiefs in One Week
- Three Police Chiefs in Three Days
- Thrift Stores
- Thunderbird Lodge
- Thursday, May 30, 2013: Restorative Justice & Ending Youth Violence
- Tidewater Boating Center
- Tientsin Cafe
- Tierra Mia Coffee
- Tiger Mural at Classic Cars West
- Tiki Tom's
- Tilghman Family
- Time for Change, Increase the Peace Mural
- Timeless Coffee Roasters and Bakery
- Timeline
- Timothy B
- Timothy Leonard Barker
- Timothy L. Pflueger
- Tina Tamale
- Tinkering Monkey
- Tiny Garage Concerts
- tips and tricks
- Tip Top Bike Shop
- TJ's Gingerbread House
- Toast
- Todd Crew
- Tofu Yu
- To Ignore Evil Mural
- Toler Heights
- Tomas Melero-Smith
- Tomas Melero-Smith Park
- Tomas Moniz
- Tom Hanks
- Tom Henderson
- Tom Lovely's Buffet
- Tompkins Roller Coaster
- Tompkins School
- Tom Robinson
- Tom Scantlebury
- Toni Stone
- Tony Fardella
- Tony Lema
- Tony Smith
- Tony the Tiger Mural
- Tony! Toni! Toné!
- Tony Toni Tone's Mindseed Sound Stage
- Tools of Violence Ordinance
- Too Short
- Top Dog
- Topics in Oakland History
- top ten social
- Torii Gate
- Toscana Sourdough Bread
- Tower House
- Tower of Power
- Tower to General John C. Frémont
- Town Bizz Keeps it Trill Mural
- Town Forum on Police-Community Relations
- Town Fridges
- Townsend Apartments
- T.R.A.C.Y's House
- Trader Joe's
- Trader Vic's
- Traffic Management Cameras
- "Tragamon" Sculpture
- Train Stop Trompe L'oeil
- Transform
- Transgender Day of Remembrance
- transmission gallery
- Transparent Language Online
- Transportation History
- Transportation Portal
- Transportation Portal Tag Page
- TranSports
- Trapeze Arts
- Trappist Provisions
- Trash
- Traveling Theater Piece - by Bike!
- Trayvon Martin Mural
- Trayvon Martin Protests
- Treadwell Mansion & Carriage House
- Treasure Island
- Tree Garage Mural
- Tree Planting at Hoover Elementary
- Trees
- Tremont House - Golden Eagle House
- Trestle Glen
- Trestle Glen Apartments
- Trestle Glen Stairs
- Treva Reid
- Tribal Eyes
- Tribune Building and Tower
- Tribune-Schlesinger Home
- Tribune Tavern
- trigger
- Trinity Lutheran Church
- Triple Point Cohousing
- Trip the Light Fantastic
- Triumph the Church & Kingdom of God In Christ
- Trivia Nights
- Tropical Club
- Trowbridge House
- True Boardman
- True Light Church of God
- True Vine Black History Month Celebration
- Trust Your Struggle Mural
- Tsuji Photo Studio
- Tubbs-Henshaw House
- Tubbs Hotel
- Tubman in the Celestial House of Shango mural
- Tudor Hall Apartments
- Tufted Duck
- Tully's
- Tumbleweave
- tUnE-yArDs
- Tunnel under Highway 13
- Tupac Shakur
- Turbo Auto Body Mural
- Turffeinz
- Turffeinznetwork
- TURFinc
- Turfing
- Turfin' Mural
- Turkeys
- Tu Tienda Azteca
- Tuttle Cheese Co.
- Tuxedo
- Twentieth Century Market
- Twitter
- Two Mile Wines
- Two Pitchers Brewing
- "Two Red Lines II" sculpture
- Tyler T. Henshaw
- Typhoid Fever
- Tyrannosaurus Mural
- Tyrone Carney Park
- Tyrone Stevenson, Jr.
- UAW 2865
- Uber
- Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles
- Ultimate Grounds
- Una Kelly Aiken
- Unbuilt Oakland
- Uncle Bobby
- Uncle Willie’s Original BBQ & Fish
- under construction
- Underdog Mural
- Understanding the New Health Care Law for the Creative Arts Community
- Under the Sea Mural
- Unemployment Insurance
- Unenforced
- U-Next Barber Shop
- Union Construction Company
- Union Diesel Engine Company
- Union French Bakery
- Union Iron Works
- Union Machine Works
- Union Pacific Laundry
- Union Point Park
- Union Savings Bank
- Union Savings Bank - Easton Building
- United Ancient Order of Druids
- United Brethren Church
- United Canneries Company
- United Nations
- United Nations Mural
- United Neightions Day
- United Order of Honor
- United Roots Oakland
- United We Grow Mural
- Unity Council
- Unity High School
- "Unity" Sculpture
- Universal Negro Improvement Association
- University High School
- University of California
- Unknown Officer 2
- Unknown Officer 3
- Unknown Officer 4
- Unknown Officer 5
- Unknown Officer 6
- Unleash the Power of Age: Senior Town Hall Discussion
- Unofficial Mayors
- Unpopular Articles about Oakland
- Unpopular Articles about Oakland by the New York Times
- Unusual Things You Might Hear in Oakland
- Unusual Things You Might See in Oakland
- Uploading Images
- Upon the Closing of a Child’s Eyes, Sleeping Giants and Titans Rise Mural
- Upper Broadway Improvement Project Presentation
- Upper Dimond
- Upper Rockridge
- Upper San Leandro Reservoir
- Uptima Business Bootcamp
- Uptown
- Uptown ArtPark
- Uptown ArtPark Opening
- Uptown Body & Fender
- Uptown Kitchen
- Uptown Oakland Farmers' Market
- Uptown Station
- Uptown Studio
- Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone
- Urban Agriculture Policy
- Urban Farms
- Urban Farm Tours
- Urban foraging
- Urban Furniture
- Urban Habitat
- Urban Landslides
- Urban Landslides/London Road
- Urban Landslides/McKillop Road
- Urban Landslides/Merritt Avenue
- Urban Landslides/Park Boulevard
- Urban Landslides/Redwood Road
- Urban Legend Cellars
- Urban Legends
- Urban Modernism Mural
- Urban Paths
- Urban Promise Academy
- Urban Promise Academy Mural
- Urban Releaf
- Urban Renewal
- Urban Services YMCA
- Urban Shield
- Urban Strategies
- Urban Strategies Council
- URGENT CARE (test)
- Ursula Faucit
- usagain
- Users/aboutherfilms
- Users/AlanKurtz
- Users/Alissa
- Users/allaboutgeorge
- Users/amirbey
- Users/andI
- Users/andrewalden
- Users/andrewguenthner
- Users/andrewpcone
- Users/Anita
- Users/Antonettep
- Users/arilikeairy
- Users/bayreporta
- Users/berkeleygarages
- Users/bethtop
- Users/bikemandan
- Users/blakdawg
- Users/bot
- Users/bowdidge
- Users/britta
- Users/Bumble
- Users/CapnHec
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- Users/cellary
- Users/cfarivar
- Users/connor.rowe
- Users/CoralAtlas
- Users/cottonjenny
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- Users/demands
- Users/dennisevanosky
- Users/dgomez
- Users/diwu118
- Users/DomenicHolme
- Users/Douglaswittnebel
- Users/eatdrinkoakland
- Users/ebcoho
- Users/eddietejeda
- Users/editician
- Users/eekim
- Users/eekiv
- Users/elisabeth
- Users/ellenrocs
- Users/EM Che
- Users/EmperorIceCream
- Users/emsterdamsel
- Users/escover
- Users/FiveOneWhoa
- Users/GarrettRobinson
- Users/geekeasy
- Users/Gene
- Users/Gene/archive
- Users/Gene/sandbox
- Users/glock
- Users/gowinifred
- Users/greenkozi
- Users/greenkozi/hills project
- users/greenkozi/practicedogpark
- Users/GreenRosettas
- Users/h0ke
- Users/harryseverin
- Users/hehmke
- Users/hestekaren
- Users/HiMYSYeD
- Users/HiMYSYeD/Archive
- Users/HiMYSYeD/sandbox
- Users/hymanmarco
- Users/isaacs
- Users/isalix
- Users/isalix/Main/2
- Users/ismenelik
- Users/j
- Users/jakl
- Users/jarios
- Users/jazz
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- Users/JL
- Users/jlib
- Users/jlord
- Users/jonbritton
- Users/jonj
- Users/josephoese
- Users/joseph.wright
- Users/judi
- Users/juul
- Users/JWanderer7
- Users/jwentwistle
- Users/Katmo
- Users/kball45
- Users/kellyfelkins
- Users/keyrouteken
- Users/Kilo-Weasel
- Users/kkr
- Users/klob
- Users/laneycodingclub
- Users/lenraphaelcpa
- Users/libbyschaaf
- Users/littledots
- Users/lsmith
- Users/magdalena
- Users/marionc
- Users/Marshallse1
- Users/MattLeonard
- Users/mattsenate
- Users/mattsenatebot
- Users/mcplanner
- Users/meetgeraldine
- Users/mfb
- Users/MGs4me
- Users/mhburchard
- Users/Mike
- Users/Mike/msg archive
- Users/Mike/sandbox
- Users/mikeubell
- Users/Mike/Where the Bodies Are Buried
- Users/MikioSugiyama
- Users/mk30
- Users/mk30/frontpagetest
- Users/mlbgrl21
- Users/mlinksva
- Users/morganfletcher
- Users/MrGuttaGrimey
- Users/MsDuctTape
- Users/mstc
- Users/mtk
- Users/mtominaga
- Users/mvattuone
- Users/mystique
- Users/NAParish
- Users/nfroio
- Users/Nik
- Users/NIMBY
- Users/norbertIII
- Users/nplanchon
- Users/oaklandcyclist
- Users/OaklandDove
- Users/Oaklandnative
- Users/OaklandStudents
- Users/one-time-throwaway-account
- Users/Ornithopter
- users/palmerm
- Users/PatrickTM
- Users/pbarnett
- Users/pcjr
- Users/pdangler
- Users/Peteforsyth
- Users/phara
- Users/philipb
- Users/PhilipFriendlyRobot
- Users/piedbilledgrebe
- Users/piedmonthistory
- Users/pipiraydiamond
- Users/piscesruby
- Users/ploebus
- Users/policyhobo
- Users/Proconsul
- Users/QTYTreeHouse
- Users/raines
- Users/raventony
- Users/rEALME1975
- Users/RebelMusic
- Users/rhodafry
- Users/richcjackson
- Users/Ricodukes
- Users/Riesylvain
- Users/rik
- Users/rmelton
- Users/Rockridger
- Users/romyilano
- Users/roseave
- Users/rubaa
- Users/rudyard
- Users/saintlennybruce
- Users/sameers
- Users/SampledAntonym
- Users/scott
- Users/sethvincent
- Users/Seven
- Users/sjs
- Users/sokanomx
- Users/Soul
- Users/spjika
- Users/Spokes
- Users/Stacey
- Users/stevepepple
- Users/Strobe
- Users/studiodeb
- Users/substack
- Users/tdlove5
- Users/teenuh
- Users/TerryCarroll
- Users/timesync
- Users/tmay
- Users/toconnor
- Users/trio
- Users/TSA
- Users/Tuffyoak
- Users/tunabananas
- Users/tvol
- Users/Unk
- Users/ustye
- Users/vanlenning
- Users/vasatmalongacenter
- Users/VB
- Users/victoriab
- Users/vidican
- Users/vielmetti
- Users/volbur
- Users/waltz
- Users/workforce
- Users/writingbymatt
- Users/yar
- Users/Yehoshua
- Users/Yudron
- Users/zapatur23
- U.S. Highway 50
- USS Maine Torpedo Port
- USS Oakland
- USS Potomac
- US Spring Service Murals
- Uter Bedlam Mural
- Uter Free Montgomery Mural
- Uter Solano Way Mural
- Utility box
- Utility Consumption Tax
- UTI Production
- Utopia Manor Apartments
- Uzen Japanese Cuisine
- Vacant Lots
- Vada Pinson
- Valdez Triangle District
- Valentines Day Meeting
- Valentine's Fine Foods
- Vallance Nursery
- Valley Auto Garage
- Valva Realty
- Van Buren Tower
- Van Chau
- Vanderkar Building
- Vander Naillen's School of Engineering
- Vantage Point Park
- Van the Stove Man
- Vator
- VBN Architects
- Vegan Tacos
- Vegetarian and Vegan Friendly Eats
- Vegetarians and Vegans
- Venetia Apartments
- Venga Paella
- Venice Mural
- Venue
- Venus Mills
- Verdese Carter Park
- Vernon Dent
- Vernon Heights
- Vernon J. Sappers
- Vernon Rock-Ridge Hall
- Verona Path
- Vertigo Interiors
- Vespertine Circus
- Veterans Memorial Building
- Viaquadrome
- Victor Garcia
- Victor H. Metcalf
- Victor H. Metcalf House
- Victorian Garden Gala Luncheon & Free Tours
- Victorian Legal Center/Law Offices of Warren B. Wilson
- Victorian Row
- Victor J. Bergeron
- Victor M. Rios
- Victor Shattock's Basement Railroad
- Victory Burger
- Vida Blue
- Vida's Fish Market
- Video Room
- Vien Huong Restaurant
- Vienna Chemical Steam Dyeing Works
- Vientian Café
- Village Bottoms
- Village Bottoms Cultural District
- villagecraft
- Villa Nova Apartments
- Villa Site and Development Company
- Villa Site Sales Company
- Vintage Car And Truck Show
- Vintage Mural
- Viola Frey
- Violet Whitney Kiteley
- Vireya Display Garden
- Virginian Restaurant
- Virginie Elinor De Fremery Gorrill
- Virginie Therese Herckenrath De Fremery
- Visioning Town Hall: What is our community vision for the 880 Underpass at Broadway
- Visiting Oakland
- Visit Oakland Center
- Vista Grande Apartments
- Visual Element Murals
- "Vitality" Sculpture
- Vittorio Alfieri Club
- Viva Voce Cafe
- Vogue Mural
- Vogue TDK
- Vogue Wall of Fame Piece
- Volunteer Fair to Support Oakland Youth
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Voter initiatives
- VoxBody Studio
- Voyage to the Underworld Mural
- Vrooman family
- Vue46 Building
- Vue du Lac Apartments
- Vulcan Mural
- Wade Johnson Athletic Field
- Wade Johnson Park
- Wadswith Apartments
- Waer Damage Restoration in Oakland
- Wakefield Building
- Walden Pond Books
- Walgreens
- Walking in Oakland
- Walking the Invisible City
- Walking Tours
- Walk in the Wild
- Walk Oakland Bike Oakland
- Walk of Fame
- Wallace Everson
- Wallace O Buckland
- wall beds
- Wallford Apartments
- Walsh House
- Walter Blair
- Walter "Brownie" McGhee House
- Walter Butler
- Walter Hawkins
- Walter H. Leimert
- Walter Hood
- Walter H. Ratcliff
- Walter J. Mathews
- Walter J. Petersen
- Walter Loving
- Walter Manuel
- Walter P. Frick
- Walter R. Easter, D.D.S.
- Walter Reed
- Walter Van Dyke
- Wanted
- Wanted Pages
- Wanto Co.
- Ward Boundaries (Historic)
- Warehouse Bar and Grill
- Warehouses
- Warmer Waters Mural
- Warren A. Bechtel
- Warren Barrios Wilson
- Warren M. Watson
- Warren Olney
- Warrior Man
- Warriors Mural
- Wartime Civil Control Administration Station
- Warwick Apartments
- Washburne R. Andrus
- Washington Brewery
- Washington Elementary School
- Washington Hotel
- Washington J. Oglesby
- Washington Square (historical)
- Waste Management of Alameda County
- Wa Sung Community Service Club
- Waterfront Warehouse District
- Watermelon Rock
- Waters family
- Waters & Sons Creamery
- Water Supply
- Water War (Historic)
- Water Writes Mural
- Watson A. Bray
- Waverly
- Waves and Lady Mural
- Wayne Apartments
- Wayne-Lake Apartments
- Wayne Tucker
- Way to Life Foods
- W. C. Morse Building
- Weapons of Mass Distraction Mural
- We are Oakland International
- We Are The Ones We've Been Waiting For Mural
- Wearing the Suit Mural
- weather
- Weaver Apartments
- Webster
- Webster Apartments
- Webster Street Bridge
- Webster Street Bridge Disaster (1890)
- Webster Street Cemetery (Historic)
- Webster Street Tube
- We Do It for the Culture Mural
- Weekly Crime Reports
- Weekly Events
- Weeks and Day
- Weger Arms Apartments
- We Got Your Back mural
- Weight of the Red White and Blue Mural
- Weinstock-Nichols Company
- Welcome to Afrikatown Mural
- Welcome to Oakland Mural
- Welcome to West Oakland Building
- Weldon Cooke
- Weldonian Band and Majorettes
- Welsh Presbyterian Church
- Wendy Cross
- Wendy Dutton
- Wentworth Boot and Shoe Company
- Wentworth Holland
- Wesley Arms Apartments
- We Stand On Their Shoulders: Black History Month Awards Celebration!
- West Clawson Lofts
- West Coast Macaroni Factory
- West Coast Negro Baseball Association
- WestEd
- Western American
- Western Baptist Bible College - First Independent Baptist Church
- Western Canning Company
- Western Fuel Company
- Western Fuse Factory Explosion
- Western Laboratories
- Western Outlook
- Western Pacific Depot
- Western Service Workers Association
- Western Service Workers Association Mural
- Western Town Play Area
- West Grand Avenue
- West Grand Hotel
- Westlake Middle School
- West Oakland
- West Oakland 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
- West Oakland BART Station
- West Oakland Branch Library
- West Oakland Chicken Farm
- West Oakland Church of God
- West Oakland Community Education Expo
- West Oakland - Demographic Decline
- West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project
- West Oakland Green Initiative
- West Oakland Grown Harvest Festival
- West Oakland Health Center
- West Oakland Holistic Community Health Fair
- West Oakland Home
- west oakland job resource center
- West Oakland Job Resource Center Orientation
- West Oakland Jobs Center
- West Oakland Middle School
- West Oakland Mural
- West Oakland murals of the Black Panthers
- West Oakland Mutual Loan Association
- West Oakland Planning Council
- West Oakland Project Area Committee
- West Oakland Redevelopment
- West Oakland Redevelopment Project Area
- West Oakland Senior Center
- West Oakland Specific Plan
- West Oakland Specific Plan Community Meeting
- "West Oakland Stories" Film
- West Oakland Trash Pile
- West Oakland Urban Farm and Park
- West Oakland Works
- West Oakland Youth Center
- West of Market Boys
- West Park Annex Apartments
- West Park Apartments
- Westphal Building
- Westside Building Material
- West Side is the Best Side Mural
- Wetmore House Group
- Wetmore Pardee Building
- W. F. Stone Shipbuilding Yards
- W. F. Stone & Son
- What have we been up to?
- What Is It? Where Is It?
- What should we do about gentrification?
- What's wrong with my house?
- wheatpastes
- Wheel Service
- Where Neighbors Meet Mural
- Where's my bus?
- Where to Watch the A's in the 2014 Playoffs
- Where to Watch the World Cup?
- Whitaker House
- White Brothers Mill
- White Building
- White Elephant Mural
- White Elephant Sale
- White Flight
- White Horse Inn
- White House
- White Log Tavern restaurants
- White Supremacy
- White-Wallace Company
- Who Are We: Exploring Black Identities Discussion
- Whole Brew World - Bay Area Brewery Tours
- Whole Foods Market Oakland
- Whole Foods mural
- Who Made Oakland? (book)
- Whoridas
- Who's moving to Oakland?
- Who Stole The Sun Mural
- Why are there helicopters right now?
- Why Oakland Wiki?
- Wickham Havens
- Wickham Havens Incorporated
- Wiener Building
- Wiki Community
- Wiki Community/Churches
- Wiki Community/Educators Portal
- Wiki Community/Local Businesses
- WikiGuide
- Wilcox Block & Annex
- Wild and Scenic Film Festival
- Wilda Vale Tract
- Wildfire Prevention Assessment District
- Wild Food Walks
- Wild Oakland
- Wild Wild West Mural
- Wiley Manuel
- Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse
- Wilhelmine Henriette Suermondt de Fremery
- Wilhelmine Yoakum
- Willem Cornelius Bastian De Fremery
- Willem de Fremery Mansion
- Willemina Ogterop
- William A Donaldson
- William Arthur Newman
- William A Walter
- William B. Hardy
- William "Bill" Patterson Park
- William B. Ingersoll
- William B Pringle
- William Bratton
- William Byron Rumford
- William Cavalier and Company
- William C. Jurgens
- William C Little
- William C. Nicholls
- William Corbett
- William Corlett
- William D Heitmann
- William Dobson
- William Dow
- William D. Wood
- William D. Wood Park
- William E Barnard
- William E. "Billie" Blote
- William Edward Dargie
- William Edward Schirmer
- William E Miller
- William English
- William F. Boardman
- William F. Clawson
- William F. Knowland
- William Gagan
- William G. Henshaw
- William G. Lutkey
- William Graves
- William Gwin
- William Harwood
- William H. Bovee
- William H. Chickering
- William H. Edwards
- William H.H. White
- William Hillegass
- William H. Mead
- William H. Quinn
- William H. Quinn House
- William H. Weeks
- William J Baccus
- William J. Dingee
- William J. McCracken
- William J. Moorehead
- William Keith
- William Knowles
- William Letts Oliver
- William Lovering Locke
- William Metcalf
- William M. Watts
- William Penn Mott, Jr.
- William Peyton Day
- William Pierce Johnson
- William Purnell
- William R. Davis
- William R. Pittman
- William Russell Everritt
- Williams and Slade Building
- Williams Block
- Williams Chapel Baptist Church
- Williams Dairy
- William Shorey
- William S. Snook
- William Stokes
- William Taylor
- William Watkinson
- William Watrus Crane, Jr.
- William W. Dames
- William Wong
- Willie Ellis
- Willie Fisher
- Willie Keyes Recreation Center
- Willie Steele
- Willie Wilkins
- Willie Williams
- Willis C. Lowe
- Willowbrook Dairy
- Willow Mini Park
- Wilshire Heights
- Wilson House
- Wilson Riles, Jr
- Winchell's Donuts
- Windsor House
- Wine
- Wine and Roses Mural
- Winedale Company
- Wine on Piedmont
- Winsor Hotel
- Winston's Bakery
- Without words & without kneeling
- Without words & without kneeling/0
- Without words & without kneeling/1
- Without words & without kneeling/11
- Without words & without kneeling/13
- Without words & without kneeling/15
- Without words & without kneeling/17
- Without words & without kneeling/19
- Without words & without kneeling/21
- Without words & without kneeling/22
- Without words & without kneeling/3
- Without words & without kneeling/5
- Without words & without kneeling/7
- Without words & without kneeling/9
- wizards
- W.J. Gurnett
- W. K. Owen
- W. M. Watson Company
- W. N. Jenkins Jeweler
- Woman in Pink mural
- Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
- Woman stabbed in west Oakland Park
- Women and Girl Workers of the Civil War 61-65
- Women Filmmakers
- Women in Aviation
- Women in Tech
- Women in the Construction Trades Orientation
- Women of Distinction
- Women of the Year Celebration
- Women's Art and Industrial Club
- Women's History
- Women's History Month/2013 Events
- Women's History Month/2018 Events
- Women's History Month Trivia Night
- Women's History Walking Tour
- Women's Suffrage in Oakland
- Wonderland Park
- Wong's Auto Service
- Woodland
- Woodmen of the World
- Woodminster
- Woodminster Amphitheater
- Woodminster Cascades
- Woodminster Market Mural
- Woodminster Musicals
- Woods Bar & Brewery
- Wood Street Pocket Park
- Wood Tavern
- Woody Johnson
- Woody's Mask Mural
- Words By Roads
- Workforce Investment Board
- Work it Out Mural
- Workshop Weekend
- World Ground Cafe
- World Hepatitis C Day
- World Savings Bank
- World Water Day at Lake Merritt
- Wortham Fears
- W. P. Williams Cycle Co.
- Wright F. Kelsey
- W.R. Thomas
- W.W. Camron
- W. W. Garthwaite
- www.kayasattva.com
- Wysinger Family
- Xavier Timoteo Martinez
- Xicana Moratorium Day event
- Xochitl Guerrero
- Xolo
- Xyclo
- Yancie Taylor
- Yarn Bombing
- YaYu Ethiopian Restaurant
- Ye Liberty Playhouse
- Yellers
- Ye Olden Oakland Days
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 10/10/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 10/16/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 10/17/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 10/2/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 10/23/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 10/24/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 10/30/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 10/31/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 10/3/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 10/9/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 11/13/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 11/14/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 1/1/1922
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 11/20/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 11/21/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 11/27/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 11/28/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 1/15/1922
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 1/16/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 11/6/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 11/7/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 12/11/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 12/12/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 12/18/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 12/19/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 1/2/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 12/25/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 12/26/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 1/23/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 12/5/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 1/29/1922
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 1/30/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 1/9/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 2/12/1922
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 2/13/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 2/19/1922
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 2/20/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 2/27/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 2/5/1922
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 2/6/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 3/11/1923
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 3/13/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 3/20/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 3/27/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 3/6/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 4/10/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 4/17/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 4/3/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 5/1/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 5/22/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 5/29/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 6/12/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 6/5/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 7/11/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 7/17/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 7/18/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 7/25/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 7/31/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 7/4/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 8/1/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 8/21/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 8/22/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 8/28/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 8/29/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 8/7/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 8/8/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 9/11/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 9/18/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 9/25/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 9/26/1920
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 9/4/1921
- Ye Olden Oakland Days - 9/5/1920
- Ye Old Hut
- Yerba Buena Island
- Yia Yia's Sandwiches Mural
- Ying Suey Restaurant
- Yoga
- YogaLove
- Yogofina mural
- Yoshie Akiba
- Yoshi's Oakland
- Yo Soy Trayvon Martin Mural
- Young Gifted and Black
- Young Lords
- Young Men's Christian Association of Oakland
- Young Oakland
- Young Women's Christian Association of Oakland
- Your Black Muslim Bakery
- Your Market Produce Buying Club
- Youth Alive!
- Youth Artists
- Youth Curfew
- Youth Employment Partnership
- Youth Leadership Council
- Youth-Led Organizations
- Youth Movement Records
- Youth Poet Laureate Award Ceremony 2013
- Youth Portal
- Youth Portal/About Youth Portal
- Youth Portal/Things to Do
- Youth Radio
- Youth Services Directory
- Youth Services Directory/A-B
- Youth Services Directory/All
- Youth Services Directory/Athletics
- Youth Services Directory/C-D
- Youth Services Directory/Education
- Youth Services Directory/E-F
- Youth Services Directory/Employment
- Youth Services Directory/Family Support and Counseling
- Youth Services Directory/G-H
- Youth Services Directory/Health
- Youth Services Directory/I-J
- Youth Services Directory/K-L
- Youth Services Directory/Leadership
- Youth Services Directory/Media and Arts
- Youth Services Directory/Mentoring
- Youth Services Directory/M-N
- Youth Services Directory/O-P
- Youth Services Directory/Q-R
- Youth Services Directory/Social and Recreational
- Youth Services Directory/S-T
- Youth Services Directory/Suggested Tags
- Youth Services Directory/U-V
- Youth Services Directory/Volunteer
- Youth Services Directory/W-X
- Youth Services Directory/Y-Z
- Youth Tennis Advantage
- Youth Together
- Youth UpRising
- Youth Ventures Joint Powers Authority
- Ysabel Manor Apartments
- Yuen Hop Co
- Yummeee Ice Cream & Pastries
- Yusuf Bey
- YWCA Blue Triangle Club
- Zac Carey
- Zachary's Chicago Pizza
- Zach Houston
- Zarsion Holdings Group
- Zendaya
- Zennie Abraham
- Zezao mural and boat
- Zimmerman's Gardens
- Zine Type
- Zip Codes
- Zoe Ann Olsen
- Zombie Village
- Zoot Suits Pachucos
- Zorah Apartments
- ZZA's Trattoria