Ye Olden Oakland Days
(Contributed by Oakland Pioneers No. 49)
How the Oakland Pioneers Started. By R. J. Cavasso
Early last year a few of us pioneers of Oakland, most of whom had lived here from infancy, formed a society of pioneers, which took the name of the "Oakland Pioneers." In all communities much interest always centers around the name "pioneer," for to these early families - now largely represented only by the second generation, then in their childhood - was due the foundation of this great and prosperous community
Some five years ago the writer took up the idea of organizing such a pioneer society, to be composed of those who settled here in the '50s and '60s. For over three years it seemed impossible to get anyone to take an interest in the matter. My side-partner, William E. ("Billie") Blote, with whom I often talked it over, continually told me not to be discouraged, that some day we would meet the right man, and then we would organize such a society of pioneers as the citizens of this community would be proud of. Our idea of the objects of such a society was to gather relics and items of early history, to relate reminiscences and keep a record of same, also to commemorate the memory of the early settlers who started the building of this "My City Oakland." This idea has been incorporated in the organization which was formed.
Well, the day came at last. "Father Blote" - as I always address him - said to me, "Son, go and see Fred Button. I had a talk with him the other day and he seems very much interested in the idea of such a society." I told Father Blote that I would call on Fred and talk matters over with him. I did this, and found him enthusiastic, as he has been ever since as our presiding officer.
The result was that a meeting was held on Friday, January 16, 1920, when temporary officers were appointed, seventeen pioneers of this city attending the meeting. Men, some of whom had not seen each other for thirty or forty years, were present and talked over the days when street cars, gas, electricity and many other modern conveniences were unknown.
Permanent organization was perfected at the following meeting held on February 6, 1920, when a constitution and by-laws were adopted, and nineteen new members were added to the society, making thirty-six charter members.
The membership has now grown to 186 members, and each meeting brings new names for consideration. Two large social entertainments have been given, to which the families of members were invited.
Early in this year the society extended the time of qualification for membership to January 1. 1876, regardless of present residence,