Xolo is a fancy taqueria in downtown Oakland (although some might call the region Uptown) across the street from the Fox Theatre and next to the restaurant Flora. Located in the Floral Depot Building, it is the baby of the fancy Temescal Mexican restaurant Restaurante Doña Tomás1.
They are open pretty late (until 10PM on M/Tu, 11PM on W/Th, and 12AM on Fri/Sat) and have good vegan/veggie options (++ for vegan pozole and ensalada tacubaya, or mushroom burrito). They are a little pricey, but there are not many places where a person can find vegan pozole in Oakland.
They also have very cool window displays with little cactuses and stuff!
Links and References
- Xolo, the taqueria from Flora and Dona Tomas, opens today San Francisco Chronicle April 18, 2011
CC SA-BY Our Oakland