The United Order of Honor was a fraternal organization which ...
In 1887 the United Order of Honor met at the following locations in Oakland:
Fidelity Lodge No. 57 — Meets first and third Wednesdays each month at Shattuck Hall, 453 Eighth Street, corner Broadway. W. W. Moore, President; Chas. F. Smith, Secretary.
Guardian Lodge No. 184 — Meets at Pythian Hall, 1056 Broadway, second and fourth Saturday evenings each month. C. W. Gibson, P. P.; W. A. Knowles, P.; Mrs. E. M. Hanavan,
Secretary; H. H. Skilling, Treasurer.
Oakland Lodge No. 55 — Meets at Shattuck Hall, 453 Eighth Street, corner Broadway, second and fourth Saturday evenings. Mrs. E. Fitzgerald, President; Mrs. N. C. Anderson,
Secretary; A. H. Anderson, Treasurer.
Athenian Lodge No. 128 — Meets first and third Saturday evenings at Pythian Hall, 1056 Broadway. W. B. Moody, President; Mrs. E. M. Hanavan, Secretary.