United Neightions Day at Peralta Hacienda Historical Park is a movement towards communitarianism!
Neightions: Neighbors Nations
communitarianism: extensive and inclusive from different backgrounds not just cultures, but gender, sexual orientation, nationality, race, age, mental ability, physical ability... moving away from the otherisms.
We will be meeting at the Peace and Wellness Garden at Peralta Hacienda on Saturday, September 21, 2013 @1:30P.M. Refreshments provided by the newly formed Oakland Guardian Angels. The garden is located on the back side of the museum near the Kiosk.
2465 34th Ave.
Oakland, California
Welcome Mosaic for Peralta Hacienda
We are starting in Fruitvale, but we want the rest of of Oakland, the rest of the country, and the rest of the world to join us.
Help us build this! Contact beverly@peraltahacienda.org