Section 218 is the Oakland City Charter section on non-interference.
Section 218. Non-Interference in Administrative Affairs. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the Council and its members shall deal with the administrative service for which the City Administrator, Mayor and other appointed or elected officers are responsible, solely through the City Administrator, Mayor or such other officers. Neither the Council nor any Council member shall give orders to any subordinate of the City under the jurisdiction of the City Administrator or such other officers, either publicly or privately; nor shall they attempt to coerce or influence the City Administrator or such other officers, in respect to any contract, purchase of any supplies or any other administrative action; nor in any manner direct or request the appointment of any person to or his removal from office by the City Administrator or any of his subordinates or such other officers, nor in any manner take part in the appointment or removal of officers or employees in the administrative service of the City. Violation of the provisions of this section by a member of the Council shall be a misdemeanor, conviction of which shall immediately forfeit the office of the convicted member.
Section 218 is also included in the Code of Conduct for city employees. code of conduct.pdf
Section 218 is at the center of the Ruby Report, the 2012-2013 Grand Jury Report and the censure of Desley Brooks. The Ruby Report stated that the City Council has a "culture of interference."
In March, 2012, City Attorney Barbara Parker issued a memo to all city staff with instructions on non-interference.
Section 218 also came up in 2003, when Nancy Nadel requested the City Attorney's (John Russo) opinion on the issue. At the time, Robert Bobb was the City Manager (now called City Administrator). CityMngrPowers_2003.pdf