CC SA-BY Our Oakland
The Rite Aid Montclair Mural (working name until I find the real name) is a mural in progress on the side of the Rite Aid in Montclair Village. The mural is a four-panel image of the banners hanging from the light poles. The mural celebrates Montcair buildings, firehouse, town and nature. Ron Rifkin is doing the graphic design and project coordination and when the mural is done, the images will fit together on the wall like a puzzle.
The mural being painted by the Skyline High School Art Club, designed by Oakland artist Michael Wertz, and coordinated by Pam Consear/Rare Bird of the Montclair Village Association. It's sponsored by Rite Aid and the Montclair Village Association.
An article in the Town Crier says that Pam Consear works with the Skyline High students each Saturday. The owner of the building, Sturtevant Enterprises is also supporting the project.
You can follow the progress of the mural at
2014-03-03 CC SA-BY Our Oakland
2014-03-27 CC SA-BY Our Oakland
CC SA-BY Our Oakland
photo CC BY 2.0 by Sonny Abesamis