red light camera at Santa Clara and Harrison
photo CC-A from Our Oakland
Update: As of May 20, 2014, none of the red light cameras in Oakland are working as the contract between the City and Redflex has expired. Chief Whent suggested that the contract lapse (when?), and it was never discussed in public safety. A June 11, 2014 article says that Libby Schaaf wants public discussion about it. Noel Gallo is concerned that the cameras don't bring in enough money.
In July, 2013, during the City Council’s discussion of the Domain Awareness Center, Renee Domingo of the Oakland Fire Department stated repeatedly that Oakland had only five red light cameras, and none in residential areas. However, actual observation reveals more, some of which are in residential areas. A New York Times article and map says there 13 red light cameras in Oakland.
View Report (39).pdf An Informational Report from the Office of Chief of Police Detailing the Status of Installing Red Light Camera Enforcement Systems in the City, Including any Obstacles, Issues, or Problems (September, 2011)
Oakland’s red light cameras are run by the Oakland Police Department, according to the city website. A truly transparent operation would list all cameras in use, along with their locations; so far, all Oakland residents have to go on are occasional press releases issued when new cameras have gone online, and a previously-stated intent to operate cameras at a total of 20 intersections throughout Oakland. The City relies on Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc., of Scottsdale, Arizona, to provide and install the camera equipment and software for their red-light program.
Map as of January 2014
map of traffic cameras provided in January, 2014 public safety report (govt doc, in public domain)
Document the cameras you find!
Use this space to document (and map) this slippery slo red light cameras you find in Oakland. (Note: Oakland currently monitors straight-through, left-turn and right-turn red light violations.)
Look for cameras that look like this and this.
This camera is just used to control the signal rather than give tickets to violators. There's a separate page on Traffic Management Cameras, which are far more numerous.
- The biggest revenue generator: I-980 ramp / Northgate Ave / 27th Street
- Santa Clara Ave. and Harrison St. (westbound off-ramp of 580)
- 66th Ave and San Leandro St.
- 36th St. and Market (westbound off-ramp of 580)
- Brookdale and High St.
- Beaumont and MacArthur Blvd.
- 7th St. and Jackson
- Redwood Rd. and Monterey Blvd.
- 38th and Broadway
2007 contract between RedFlex and the City of Oakland for red light enforcement cameras
Red Flex by OaklandPublicRecords
Links and References
- Cameras, cops, and red light-running: Can Oakland solve its collision problem? Oaklandside November 26, 2021