Peter Yuan Liu was a 2014 Oakland mayoral candidate. He received 453 first place votes and was eliminated in the 6th round.
Running for CA Governor 2018. He has created a plan for the world to be a safer place, for ordinary people rise to be political and business leaders regardless if theyʼre poor and uneducated. Political Positions here. Campaign song made by Wesley Woo of Oakland, CA, (from) Shit_to_Rich_(Final_Edit).mp3
Liu on ballotpedia. Smartvoter. Mr.Conservative. EastBayCitizens.Twitter. SF Chronicle. Jimmy Kimmel Live! GoFundMe
Quick Jump to: Campaign Statement ⸱ Community Empowered Safety Plan ⸱ Photos ⸱ Frequently Asked Questions ⸱ “CESP5” ⸱ Campaign Signs ⸱ “rise of terrorism” posting ⸱ Emails (public safety) ⸱ Emails (rigged process) ⸱ More emails ⸱ Media mentions
Candidate Questionaires: Bay Area Reporter (LGBT community) ⸱ Alameda County Green Party ⸱ Make Oakland Better Now! ⸱
Campaign Statement
LIUforMayor2014.pdf (PDF of flier)
- Poor immigrant arrived to the U.S. at age seven in 1987.
- Educated in the Oakland Public Schools from Bella Vista to Oakland High, Class of 1998.
- Graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz with B.A., History. Minors in Legal Studies and Education. 2002.
- United States Defense Information School, Fort Meade, Maryland. Diploma in Journalism.
- 100% service-connected combat Army veteran at 23.
- Insurance agent for ten years.
- Owner of many residential and commercial real estate properties.
- A self-made multimillionaire at 33.
I am the Worldʼs Smartest Leader. As we speak, CESP5, a game that enables ordinary people to be prosperous in the lands of capitalism, is spreading like wildfire across the world. Any community, business and political leader from any city in the world should have enough courage and thinking ability to adopt my Community Empowered Safety Plan because it will work if correctly implemented. Every step of this plan will greatly minimize crime risk and increase business activity in the city for a more prosperous future. This plan is not based on theory, but on real life experience. With CESP, world peace is achievable and I will prove it to the world in a timely fashion when leaders of all regions in the world make CESP the standard protocol. I bet my life on it so let it be in Godʼs hand.
God asked me to lead people to a world of peace and prosperity in 2003. I was a low ranking soldier on the battlefield in the Middle-East with bloods on hand, a sinner. Peace.pdf At the time I didnʼt comprehend the task and God has put me through trials and now the understanding is complete. World peace and prosperity can be achieved with “Community Empowered Safety Plan”.
Community Empowered Safety Plan
- New police chief will readily issue conceal carry permit to lawful city business owners, their workers or residents age 21+ who have clean background - Reality is the police canʼt protect them neither in peacetime nor a riot.
- For every person caught with an illegal gun (stolen, serial scratched off, ineligible felon, etc.) obtain search warrants ASAP for their residences to get more illegal guns, find fingerprints on those guns, match in FBI databases for suspect straw purchasers for more potential arrests.
- Install mandatory surveillance in medium and high crime areas. Surveillance footage will be accessible real time via internet to lawful city residents with login and password.
- New policing strategy involve more community participation. Each officer will setup and advise a neighborhood watch that has about 7 to 25 volunteer members led by a team leader voted by the members. They will meet once a month to discuss issues affecting the neighborhood and the officer will be present as needed to give advice. Once the city declares an emergency, all neighborhood volunteers will be notified to prepare for best course of action to protect themselves or neighborhood which includes evacuation orders.
- Start a business center to teach small businesses entrepreneurship to city residents. “How to brainstorm a business suitable to the individual, how to make a business plan, obtain a business license, market their services or products, etc.”
Camp Doha, Kuwait.
Camp Arifjan, Kuwait.
Basra, Iraq.
Camp Arifjan, Kuwait.
Ziggurat of Ur, a 5,000 yr old temple in Iraq.
Fort McPherson, GA.
Son at Oakland Childrenʼs Fairyland
I am not running for the prestige, wealth nor power. What inspires me to run for Office of Mayor of Oakland in 2014 is my son, he is nearly two years old. If I am mayor, I have 4 years to make the Oakland public schools safer and raise the education standards. Spouse always nagging me to buy a house in Alameda, Castro Valley, etc., but I donʼt want to. I want my child to be able to go to the same public schools I went to and be proud of it. I am not going to escape from the problem.
I will also lead by example. If it is the crime that we have to deal with, Iʼll be the first in the front lines with my officers. I am willing to lay my life down for a better future for all who lives in this city. I am running without any monetary donations and I rely on the good will of the people to spread my message. If you agree with what I am doing, please email your friends this website. Feel free to print this webpage and post it anywhere where it is legal. People can email me at with whatever questions they have, even if it is not campaign related. If youʼve helped me in any way, please email me to let me know. Thank you in advance for your support. Together, weʼll make Oakland better than our neighbors. ^_^ Be sure to check out the FAQ sections once in awhile, I get new questions on a regular basis.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why are you running a campaign without any monetary donations?
I became a self-made millionaire because Iʼve been frugal and efficient. If I run a successful campaign on less than $1,000 without the fancy excess, who do you think would make the best budgeter for the City of Oakland? -
How much does your Community Empowered Safety Plan cost?
It cost nothing additional to the city budget because the plan is self funding. The small fees for the concealed weapon permits for residents will fund the surveillance cameras. The fees from students at the business center will provide for compensation from various local business owners to teach their trade to residents. Each officer will magnify their effectiveness by setting a neighborhood watch at no additional cost neither. -
Why do we need a neighborhood watch and surveillance?
Big Brother is what we need. Our police are way understaffed. We need to shift the bulk of patrol duties to the residents and electronic surveillance. This would put less stress on our officers and they can perform anti-crime measures. They will be a proactive anti-crime force rather than a passive reactive. With active engagement in solving crimes rather than in passive defense mode, we will achieve a safer, happier and more efficient city. Some people are concerned that surveillance equals a police state, however, surveillance in Oakland merely acts as extended ears and eyes of the public. Surveillance here works both ways since residents have access to it. This can both prevent police misconduct and crime from happening. -
How do you plan to be victorious on less than $1,000 for campaign?
They say politics is a rich manʼs game, that candidates who say to themselves that if they donʼt get monetary donation over X amount then he/she will not run. I will destroy that notion. I will let people know that politics should be an honest personʼs endeavor, regardless if you are rich or not. This is not a game, our sons’ and daughters’ future is at stake. It is too great of a loss to us if we donʼt have effective leadership to motivate our residents and businesses into protectors of our loved ones. Therefore, with less than $1,000, I will print thousands of fliers, I and my volunteers will put those in businesses’ windows. Together, we will march around the city, going business to business, asking permission to display our flier. Each flier shall get the attention of at least 40 registered voters. When they see our message is dear to them, they will spread it by word of mouth. When the media gets ahold of our message, they will surely do what is right and of interest to people. I will walk hundreds of miles despite pain, meeting many people along this journey and carrying their strengths to victory. -
Wouldnʼt it be dangerous for so many people eligible to be potentially carrying concealed weapons in Oakland?
It would not be dangerous, in fact, it would be much safer from my experience as a war veteran. Emergency 911 response time in Oakland can be 30 minutes or more, are you going to take that kind of a chance to rely on police? People who are eligible to carry concealed are good people trained in their weapons. Naturalized citizens took an oath to protect the United States against all foreign and domestic enemies, we cannot uphold the oath if we are defenseless when criminals start shooting. If you are misinformed, thinking a gun ban in the city would make you safe, then you are dead wrong because terrorists and criminals love gun bans. We want ourselves and neighbors to be able to defend our children and not hide behind a tree. Calling the police after-the-fact when victims are dead donʼt make Oakland safe. If you are a patriot, you would do right by the 2nd amendment and arm yourselves against enemies. It is better to have a gun never needing it, than not have it when you need it. Also, having a large numbers of good armed citizens would greatly deter crime. -
How can we help as volunteers?
There is a pdf flier, LIUforMayor2014 you can download and email it to any Oakland businesses, political candidates from anywhere in the world (They are free to adopt the Community Empowered Safety Plan), residents, friends, family, whoever that will benefit from this knowledge. Ask them to print the flier and post it to their window if they believe in a world where their sons and daughters are safe from criminals. I highly encourage for those who wants to take a step further, go run for political office using my strategy and my plan. May God give you strength to rise and defend you, your sons and daughters’ freedom. Amen. -
Whatʼs your assessment of other mayoral candidates?
As of Feb. 17, 2014, none of them offers a concrete plan on how theyʼll solve problems. Even if they do have a plan, they are tight lip about it like their grandmotherʼs secret recipe. They all depend on photo ops, talk a good feel empty substance talk to the local populace, with signs and slogans that doesnʼt mean anything. They mostly align to progressive ideas that will turn Oakland into a mini-Detroit. They have nothing to run on other than dressing up in special appearances to ask for donors to shovel up more cash. By my standards, they are not leaders. Dan Seigal wants to raise minimum wage to $15/hr, that will kill off small businesses. I donʼt want Oaklanders to aspire to minimum wage. I want them to be the new class of entrepreneurs, starting small businesses across the city. No matter if you are homeless, poor or rich, uneducated or Phds, you can still start a business which you love doing. This is the land of opportunity. It takes for someone like me who rise from the poor to rich and found success in business to lead others on the same path to prosperity. Bryan Parker banned me from his Facebook page after one posting. Parker claims education is the best weapon against poverty/crime. I disagreed with his assessment saying that even some PhDs live in poverty and default on their student loans. Some of the most high profile white collar crimes are committed by well educated criminals such as corrupted lawyers, politicians, financial bankers, investors, venture capitalists and much more. I told him that no matter if a person is poor or rich, uneducated or PhD, they can always start a business they love doing and earn money. This the land of opportunity. Then I got banned, that shows a lack of tact from Bryan Parker, an appointee of Mayor Jean Quan who also banned me from posting on her Facebook page, go figure. I know how to assess if people are leaders, Bryan Parker and Jean Quan definitely are not leaders, no true leader would be afraid of criticism and then silence critics. -
How are you going to increase the standards of education in Oakland?
First we need to make Oakland a safe place for everyone to live, even the thugs and criminals. If criminals do not repent their ways, they will be taken down one way or another. Once we have a safe place, that would encourage better teachers to move to the city, it will increase property values and usher in a renaissance where arts, education and commerce flourish. Speaking of education, it is not necessary to succeed in life. Education taught by experience and self-taught through books is by far superior to any institutional education. Professors have knowledge in their respective fields, but their ability to think is on par with the students. The ability to think is critical in solving problems. You can have all the knowledge you want, but if you do not possess the ability to think of solutions to problems using the bulk of knowledge you possess, then knowledge is useless. To succeed in life requires a certain attitude to solve problems. A college degree, whether it be a AA, BA, BS, MA, MS or PhD are nothing but a slave paper for asking for a master (employer). The paper merely asks the master to give you a more favorable starting position, it doesnʼt matter how well you served your master or how much you earned, in the end, youʼll find no satisfaction and your accomplishment is only monetary and you still do not have freedom. But freedom is the most expensive thing which you cannot obtain. Because you are not a master of your time and your time is your life, you are not a master of your own destiny. As a slave, you are wasting time at a job that can be spent with your kids. Instead you are at the mercy of people who take care of your kids and you worry about them every day, why it must be like this? It doesnʼt have to be this way. I for one released myself from the slavery of employment long ago and became a master of my destiny, I have freewill and time to pursue whatever I want in life. I do not wake up each morning having hurry to go somewhere to do something to please my masters, there are none. I enjoy myself with my family everyday while making plenty of money with a stress-free lifestyle. Freedom is valuable. All and all, where you start in life doesnʼt matter, it is where you end up that counts. Along the way, the God who gave you freewill, knew how you helped those less fortunate along the way. -
Who are your target voters, when so many in the Bay Area are liberal Democrats who are against your policies?
My target voters are “smart people.” People who have guts to know whatʼs real, what isnʼt. People who know what genuine leadership is about. People who realizes that all good men must be able to defend their defenseless love ones. If they refuse to do this basic duty when the shooting starts, then they are cowards who will run away and hide. Because men have technologically advanced to a point where a gun is the best choice of defense, then common sense dictates you must conceal carry to properly defend yourself and others. Democrat politicians are weak-minded and their policies have failed in Detroit and Chicago for over 60 years in rule. Now those cities have the most liberal gun control measures and are run by criminals from the politicians, police and down to thugs on the street who terrorize the population with impunity. ”Gun-Free Zones” near schools are the stupidest liberal Democrat idea, criminals donʼt care about it and they know those places are perfect for their criminal activities since only law-abiding citizens are disarmed. True leaders donʼt lie like Obama. Democrats speak double tongue with political correctness and apologize later for it. By my standards, Democrat politicians are not leaders, they are weak minded photo ops eccentric and they give false promises with no plan to achieve any of their goals. I let people knows whatʼs real, what isnʼt. I do not sugar coat my speech to appeal to audiences. Iʼll give you the truth on how I solve problems, not false hope. Edward Snowden, Democrat politicians may loathe him, but Snowden is the real leader and hero of the U.S.A whereas Obama is the real traitor. Snowden gave the truth, his service to the United States is undeniable, his loyalty is unquestionable to the masses and he is a fighter of Freedom. Argue whatever you want, but the truth remains, Snowden gave truths and Obama gave lies. Snowden is the leader, Obama the false hoper. I challenged the Democrat establishments to call forth their smartest, honest leaders and politicians to attack the CESP plan and none came because there were none. -
Why are you giving your Community Empowered Safety Plan free to others to adopt?
Why keep it a secret if you have strong conviction that your plan is superior to any plan thatʼs out there. I am at the threshold of a new era of honest politicians, true leaders who use my plan to go win elections efficiently with their own money, with no donations whatsoever. Political donations is akin to bribery, it corrupts and clouds the judgment of politicians. When honest leaders adopt my plan across the world, the world will be a safer place for our sons and daughters. -
Is there any proofs or studies that support the stance that “the solution to gun violence is more guns”?
Look no further than Detroit and Chicago, it has been in Democrats’ control for more than half a century. Those cities has the most progressive gun controls. The cities are literally dark. The cities put up light bulbs in one area and the next day it is shot up by criminals and copper wires stolen by thieves. Any animal in the sky, land and sea have their own defense mechanism. Self-defense is a God given right. We have evolve to technical superiority that fists and knives no longer enable man to defend himself against man or a group of men. A gun is as the best tool available to us for defense and soon in the near future would be overtaken by laser. I know the reality is a sad state, but if there are enough good men who takes arm to defend the defenseless, then weʼll survive with our freedoms intact. Oakland is on a path of destruction like Detroit and Chicago if Democrats get their way. The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is what gives citizenry the power to oppose tyranny of government and criminal organizations. The police are people, they are no different than you and I except they choose it as an occupation. They are citizens like you and I, but with a gun. To rely on them for every protection is no better than being armed yourself. Think of it this way. You and five of your friends are watching a movie at home. An intruder breaks into your house and held you hostage at gunpoint while five of your friends ran into the bedroom and restroom to hide. Your intruder orders all of your friend to come out of the rooms within 5 seconds or else he shoots you dead. The question is, would you rather at least have one of your friends to concealed carried a gun? Or you take the chance to be all raped and murdered. -
Army veteran, what was your position when you were in the Army and why were you disabled?
Military Service Occupation 46Q, journalism. War trauma, 70% mood disorder, 10% back pain, experience of death of soldiers to IED, fell off a HMMWV. Witness death of soldiers, civilians and enemy combatants. 10% from respiratory problems/asthma from air particles in warzone. Deployed there two weeks before Operation Iraqi Freedom started March 2, 2003. I still have some articles on the internet a decade ago. Google “Spc. Petersi Liu” -
Under the CESP #5, you want residents to be the new wave of entrepreneurs and start businesses across the city, sounds like a bold plan, how will you achieve it?
We will achieve it with speed and efficiency of the ideas of hundreds of people. We invite hundreds or maybe a thousand job seekers and unemployed to a convention with their resumes, we will then group them into zip codes, we then split the people of the zip codes to groups of 7+ (odd number for voting purposes). We then have each participant to brainstorm for 10 minutes a business idea with a description on paper what they might have experience on or knowledge of. Each will then introduce their idea to their group. Then once all the ideas are heard, then the group votes on which person have the best idea, the person whoʼs best idea is selected as the founder and leader of a new company, the rest of the members are co-founders, then the group looks at the resumes, then vote on who will be the secretary, treasurer, etc, they will design a business plan revolving their idea. They will be working unpaid but individual efforts are tracked until the business gets off and makes money, then they will allocate the profits to reinvest in the business or pay out as income. Each individual in a group has a choice to stay in the business or not, their efforts will be monitored by the groupʼs leaders and they can be voted out if they donʼt contribute to the effort. This is how capitalism works. If the groupʼs first business does not make money, they can always try another business idea. I had two failed businesses before I found one that works for me, so do not be afraid of failure, experience teaches you. Once we have many new businesses in the city down the road, the city will have increased tax revenues to give residents better services. Anyone in the world can use my concept to start businesses because it is easy, do-able and it works. Use the plan to get the desired wealth you want, then helped those less fortunate. We cannot depend on lying politicians and corporations who claim to create jobs, neither does education gives you job. All people in the world who are unemployed or underpaid must rise to be the new class of entrepreneurs to create their own jobs through seer determination and creativity. Once the world understands this easy-to-understand concept of capitalism, then there will be an economic revival of the poor and underclass. Through their efforts in teamwork, weʼll have safer and better communities across the land. -
Do you really believe the poor and uneducated can become honest leaders and politicians?
Absolutely, people who plays the game CESP5 and wins, already demonstrate all the leadership traits necessary to solve real life problems. Smart people are problem solvers. Dumb people do not solve problems, they create problems for others to solve. Also, all politicians who are advocating education as means to success are wrong, quite the opposite. The truth is education does not grant you a job nor success in life. Having a formal degree like a Ph.D. does not mean youʼre smart. Iʼve heard stories of Ph.D. working for minimum wage. A person with a Ph.D. may have more knowledge, but anyone can get the same knowledge from the library for free. I donʼt care if you have the worldʼs knowledge at your fingertips, if you do not have the thinking ability to use those knowledge to solve problems, then youʼre not smart. Formal education makes a person lose many years of productivity, be stressed and burden with student loans and debts. What gives you a job and success is your thinking ability. Your thinking ability can only be increased when you solve real life problems. There is no better way to solve real life problems than starting a business with a group of people. Once you start a business, youʼve created your own job. Your job is to find solutions to problems, then use your thinking power to translate the solution into profits. Once your business is profitable and youʼve become millionaires, then you can employ any people, even those with Ph.D. Therefore, people with college degrees are not more successful compared to people without degrees. People with degrees just think they are smarter, but in reality is not true. Your thinking power determines if you are smart. The journey of running a business is a process of self-education, you will learn about leadership, honesty, teamwork, responsibility and integrity, all of which maybe lacking in a university setting. At any university, there are vast amounts of students who cheat on papers and tests, spending leisure time fooling around, solve imaginary problems and learn about a bulk of knowledge that is non-essential to success. Iʼve been there before, I know. Self-education by experience and self taught at a public library for free is far superior to any institutional education. Therefore, do not underestimate people who are poor and without degrees. There are people younger than me, without college degrees, who have thinking abilities far surpassed mine and I am already at the top 1% of thinking power. -
You said Obama is not a leader, a false hoper and a lying politician, howʼd would you deal with the issue of Russia invading Ukraine if youʼre the President of the United States?
Tell Russia that if it invades Ukraine, then the United States would take North Korea. Then follow it through with real action, what needs to be done, be done. -
How will teaching the game, CESP5, make communities safer?
CESP5 is a game that teaches people how to be rich the legal way, without depriving the life and property of others. It will lessen criminal activities and create safer communities. Criminals do crime because one of three motives, 1. for money, 2. to impress someone and/or 3. for lust, hate or entertainment. All these motives can be offset by CESP5. If you want money, you create a successful business. If you want to impress someone, you can be an affluent business and/or political leader in your community. If you seek love, when you attain success, be known to others as responsible, then you have many options. -
When you are the foremost leader of the world and all leaders from states down to the local level adheres to the Community Empowered Safety Plan, how would it enable peace and prosperity?
Peace and prosperity in the world is very achievable, CESP will achieve that objective by eliminating crime throughout society everywhere. CESP will enable a world without discontent, because everyone is free to be leaders in their own community through their determination to succeed, no longer will there be an excuse for them not to participate in the the economy because through CESP, they have the power and knowledge to make their own jobs and rise to be honest business leaders and politicians. CESP is a plan that gives people a chance to be on a righteous path. Leadership, honesty, teamwork, responsibility and integrity are all superior to selfishness, deceit, greed, hate, irresponsibility and envy. For all people who have selfishness, deceit, greed, hate, irresponsibility and envy, CESP will convert them to the path of righteousness. If you are the head of a household, you are a leader, you must know teamwork, you must know responsibility, you must have honesty and integrity in the family or there will be no peace and prosperity in your household. Your family will break apart because there will be nothing holding it together. Just like a world is a household, we must hold it together with leadership, honesty, teamwork, responsibility and integrity, all these combined is real love. -
Whatʼs your take on domestic violence?
Domestic violence, on a small scale, without intention to destroy, like slapping the face is tolerable only to a degree. Violence occurs when a person looses control of their emotion and it can be sudden. They may regret the action right afterwards. The offender can increase their emotion control by stress release by hitting hard objects like steel. Then learn why they lose control in the first place. If it is due to alcohol, then drink less amount of it. If it is the lost of ability to think, argue or reason then think of situations where you should be cool headed. Almost all arguments are trifle stuff that no violence should even occur. People get angry and upset over small things, and a person with mastery of control their emotions will not be affected by small negative emotions. The use of violence should only be used to defend/protect your love ones, not hurt them. 1. If there is immediate physical danger to me or my family. 2. to disable/disarm an attacker to save a victim. -
Why do you create CESP and spread it to the people in the world?
I wasnʼt born welcomed to this world. I was born as the 2nd child in a One-Child-Policy in China. The government forced my mother at full pregnancy to drink a black liquid to induce labor to abort me. My grandmother, who happens to be at the rural village hospital, saw me born as a boy so she immediately took me away. As the result of this incident, my fatherʼs salary was reduced 20% and his pension forfeited by order of the communist regime. My mother had disclose this to me several years ago. So now I have an objective, I will ascend to be a world class leader and destroy all the unfair laws of the world and to bring justice and peace for all children who comes into this world. -
What would the world be like if every leader adopts the CESP?
There would be economic equality, everyone who wants work, will have work. Crime will be very very rare. People would be honest and responsible. Business leaders and politicians ethnical. Everyone have equal chance to rise to be community, business and political leaders. Currently, the theory of practice is that keeping at least 5% of the population unemployed and looking for work would maintain a good work force at minimum wage. With a pool of potential job applicants, people at the middle or lower tier jobs are very vulnerable and exploited because their jobs are very very replaceable. Unless of course youʼre of the rich class with education from an “elite university” and be the rulers of corporations. Education and elitism that university produces are false good products of society, it adds no value to the workforce. I welcome any Ph.D. from Harvard, Yale or any university to challenge my assessment any day, because my thinking ability has already surpassed 99.999999% of people on Earth. I am offering real solutions to the worldʼs major problems of poverty, crime and corruption, leaders of the world take heed. -
How would you restructure the higher education system of the world to be more efficient?
Right now, the higher education system is very inefficient and its degree system is obsolete, replaced by licenses. The worldwide university system currently wastes the time of people in their youth, their most productive years saddled with student loans and debt. I would redesign to eliminate all universities and their degree programs. What would replace it would be universal knowledge database libraries online, can be operated by any government or private entity, which anyone with online access can freely self-taught any knowledge they want to know for their careers, for a sum of money that is reasonable and not excessive like todayʼs university system. Once the person thinks they have enough knowledge of an area of expertise, then they can apply for a government test to get a license in their study. So for instance, a person who self-studies the mechanical engineering material at home, if stuck on material understanding, can be tutored by other engineers in his/her family, friend or paid tutors. If the person passed and given a license, then he/she can pursue their career. If that person after a few years decides that mechanical engineering is too stressful, he/she may self-teach laws of his/her own state and then take a bar exam. So therefore, an open system of knowledge is available to people and they can switch careers easily. A smart person with powerful thinking abilities can be holding licenses as a medical doctor, engineer and lawyer. These licensing exams will be state sponsored, and the exams can take days and be administered by groups of professionals, and each prospect will be tested on their thinking ability and knowledge expertise. A person can hold several career qualifications and they can do it within a year or two of study rather than decades under the current system. Under the current system, a person who wants a medical doctorate, a law degree and engineer degree will have to do 4 years of undergrad degree science, 3 years of medical school, 2 years of on-site training, 3 years of law school, 2 years of training, 2 years of engineering. All these years are a waste if they failed the state license for their medical board, bar exam or engineering license. Therefore, todayʼs universities’ degree system does not meet the challenges of the people and universities themselves are dinosaurs, they take up valuable land and all can be replaced by servers and people can study comfortably in their own communities where they grew up, no more separating from their loving families and friends. Also, the products of todayʼs universities are terrible, from B.A. to Ph.Ds many are snobbish, unethical and they lack thinking abilities to solve real life complex problems. If these university professors were smart, we would be living in a Utopia by now. What a shame, even Ivy League colleges are nothing more than playgrounds for the rich and the wealthy, in reality none of their professors and students are smart. Each can write a hundred page essay of why I am wrong, but they are no more productive than clowns and are outclassed by comedians. Just for fun, I went to all the Ivy Leagues’ Facebook pages and spammed this. Then I granted myself the title of “Worldʼs Smartest Leader.” Letʼs see who is stupid enough to come challenge me for the title. -
What do you think of Democrat bloggers at who screamed obscenity because of your pro-gun agenda?
Those Democrat bloggers are the most vile, insincere and stupidest creatures on American soil. I applaud illegal immigrants for their hard working habits, with that said, the Democrat bloggers are far worse than illegal immigrants. The Democrat political establishment that rely on these democrat bloggers are full of thieves, cowards, liars, losers, thugs and gangbangers. Democrats politicians are the most dishonest and ignorant and their support base is not much better off. All of them are not leaders, they came from Ivy League universities and act like prima donnas, they are photogenic and act like they care about the poor, but in reality they really donʼt give a shit about the poor nor the working class. Democrat politicians will bankrupt cities so they can line their own pockets full of cash along with their families and friends. As for their anti-gun agenda, those same Democrat politicians have conceal gun permits and they will use it for self defense. These hypocrite Democrat scumbag politicians just donʼt want average citizens to have conceal carry in the effort to make themselves more safe while they take bribes from special interests and ask for donations. This is the truth. In the future, with Godʼs help, we will dismantle the Democratic Party establishment and bring order and justice to the people, for too long theyʼve been misled by false hope and deceit. -
Whatʼs your view on K-12 education?
K-12 education in the United States is far behind in the world simply because we do not teach children to teach themselves. All children are born with a desire to self teach themselves through their own discovery, let them be children and play, let them have freedom to discover their own ways to solve problems. They are born to be creative, each have magnificent imagination, it is through their imagination that new ideas to solve world problems are formed by their dreams. Unfortunately, this imagination is imprisoned in schools with kids sitting still in classrooms like zombies. They glance over the clocks to check when it will be recess so they can play. The classroom subjects are too repetitive, too limited and unchallenging, kids get bored fast. We need to change this unproductive environment of learning which is not learning at all, and there is no music in the classroom. Higher education is crap too, all the world universities are crap. A person who self teaches himself/herself can learn all of the bachelor degree subjects in less than one year. The reason for 4 years to learn the education of a bachelors degree is just ridiculous because colleges needs tuition money to supply their administrations, professors and buildings, so they stretch it to four years all the while the students party away, get drunk and have freedom to do “kids stuff” they missed doing in K-12. If our children learned at a young age to be self taught, their thinking ability will outclass any of their college professors. That is why college is obsolete and CESP5 is superior because it self teaches real education. -
Who is your choice for the President of the United States in election 2016?
Former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell. I was a journalist at Third Army Headquarters in Fort McPherson, GA, Feb. 2003, when he gave that speech in front of the U.N. Iʼve sent him the message asking him to run for President, he needs to redeem himself by running with the ”Community Empowered Safety Plan.” Powell is not a community organizer, he is an honorable man, unlike any lying Democrat politicians. -
What is wrong with society today and how you will improve it?
Society in general has gone astray, misled into a path of individualism, of selfishness, of immoral behavior to do as one pleases without regard to others. We can divert to the path of righteousness with teaching our young kids in middle school about leadership, honesty, teamwork, responsibility and integrity. All these combined are true love. We teach children that despite their background, there is ability within them to do great things throught the Community Empowered Safety Plan. We live together for a common cause, to raise a civilized people each person having leadership abilities ingrained since they were young, to be able to stand in the world and be proud of their actions, to achieve unity by love of their society. A world where there is no crime because everyone can achieve success. Those who achieve success will help others less fortunate to achieve success too, weʼll live in a peaceful world where war is obsolete, divorces will be low, real love is high and hate crime will perish. World peace is achievable in our lifetime, of society great and small when all the leaders adopt the CESP. -
What do you say to leaders who do not accept the Community Empowered Safety Plan?
Then they must show a greater plan than CESP, otherwise they are pathetic for not following whatʼs righteous and just. There are leaders that are really misleaders and they mislead their state into a path of destruction. Such as Obama, he has the thinking ability of a high schooler despite being Ivy League educated. Way before Obamacare, there was Cash for Clunkers, I knew then and there the man is an idiot who does not practice frugality and waste taxpayers money. Obama is representative of all Democrat politicians and they are pathetic liars and cheats. For they are limited in mind and service to their party, which outweighs their representation of people. They are not free thinkers and are slave minds, they would not adopt CESP out of their free will because their party will dismiss and ostracize them. Therefore they are not leaders, because they do the opposite, they are misleaders. I for one lets CESP to be freely adopted all leaders in the world, see if they are wise and courageous enough to follow the Worldʼs Smartest Leader. -
Why do you consider yourself to be the Worldʼs Smartest Leader?
I am the most powerful thinker of solutions to real life problems. Under my guidance, people around the world, regardless of their background, are playing and spreading the CESP5 game, which self-educate, enlighten and greatly increase our thinking abilities to be future community, business and political leaders. Together, we are the new era of worldwide leaders based on honesty, teamwork, responsibility and integrity. We rise for world peace, creating a world free of crimes, safety for everyone in our communities, thus the plan is called “Community Empowered Safety Plan.” World peace starts at the community level. Once all the communities in a city is in compliance with CESP, then the city will be safe and it will rise in commerce and productivity with many new businesses. Tax revenues will increase as a result. A safe city then can offer better services and expand in population. Once all the cities in the world adopt CESP, there will be world peace. -
If you think god asked you “to spread the plan to the world” then you shouldnʼt be in a position governing people.
God has a plan for everyone. Youʼre not on Earth by random, you have a higher purpose. I do not govern people, it is people who will govern themselves. I am powerful not because I am strong, but that even when I am weak and no longer on Earth, I still give power to others through the workings of this plan. Thus, this plan is called “Community Empowered Safety Plan”, it is not power with a single individual, but a community. At no point will I have control over your lives nor others, you all have free will to do as you please, the God who gave you this free will, will know howʼd you help others. -
Why should voters elect you?
I came to Oakland as a poor immigrant, been through the public schools, went to college, went to war, came back home and realized there wasnʼt any job for me so I created my own company and became a millionaire. From my experiences, I created the “Community Empowered Safety Plan” to address safety, commerce, jobs and education. The plan is actionable, self funding, even a middle schooler can understand it. -
How would you improve street safety and responsiveness of the police?
Under CESP#3, medium and high crime areas are fitted with surveillance, these cameras are connected to the internet and the public can access it real time to see whatʼs going on in their neighborhood. If they see a crime happening, they can call police from the safety of their homes without going outside to the streets. This will save on police responsive time. -
Whatʼs your stand on Core Curriculum in Education?
Whatever Core Curriculum is, it is obsolete. CESP5 is superior because it self teaches education necessary to succeed in life, leadership, honesty, teamwork, responsibility and integrity. K-12 education in the United States is far behind in the world simply because we do not teach children to teach themselves. All children are born with a desire to self teach themselves through their own discovery, let them be children and play, let them have freedom to discover their own ways to solve problems. They are born to be creative, each have magnificent imagination, it is through their imagination that new ideas to solve world problems are formed by their dreams. Unfortunately, this imagination is imprisoned in schools with kids sitting still in classrooms like zombies. They glance over the clocks to check when it will be recess so they can play. The classroom subjects are too repetitive, too limited and unchallenging, kids get bored fast. We need to change this unproductive environment of learning which is not learning at all, and there is no music in the classroom. If our children learned at a young age to be self taught using the library, computers, etc. their thinking ability will outclass any of their college professors. When kids are in middle school, they should play the CESP5 game, do fundraising, handle real currency, using their math skills to solve currency exchange between hands. They will learn crucial skills earlier on. If they steal money, they will learn the consequences. If they succeed in making profit, they will feel confidence. If they lost time or money while fundraising, they will learn how to be more efficient. If they see others succeed where they failed, they will adapt new strategies. With CESP5, our thinking ability are increased by solving real life problems. -
Oakland: Whatʼs your stand on the Domain Awareness Center DAC?
It is a great idea. This works in conjunction with CESP#3. The requirement that I add to DAC is that its surveillance of public areas are accessible real time to the public and police. This will further public trust as DAC can prevent crimes and police misconduct. -
How can Oakland revitalize the economy without squeezing out the working and middle class?
Economic revitalization under CESP5 will be inclusive of all residents willing to participate. The middle class, the underpaid and unemployed will be the economic revival. With CESP5, the knowledge of capitalism in an easy actionable form, ordinary working middle class residents will easily become leaders of groups of people who start new businesses across the city. -
Oakland: How will you work to keep sports teams in Oakland?
The city does not have any leverage at this point. If they decide to move elsewhere, it is their choice. However, when I am mayor of this city, under the CESP, I will turn Oakland into an economic powerhouse that rivals the Hong Kong of China. At that point, sport teams from the west coast of the United States will be begging to come play here at the “model city” and they will pay a premium to the city for that honor. Until then, if there are no teams staying, our stadium will be played by local high schools and community colleges. -
How is your campaign going?
There is great demonic influence in the big Bay Area newspapers, namely the San Francisco Chronicle, and Oakland Tribune,, they are bias and they readily do stories on liberal/progressive Democrat candidates and go out their way to ignore conservatives. This is shoddy, rigged and unprofessional journalism as they have became the mouth piece of the left. They failed as investigative, credible journalists to see both side of the stories. Also, both these news organization practice un-American extreme censorship, when people put comments, if has to be filtered by an ”editor” before it is posted and any posting that hurts Democrats’ feelings are void. They are Democrat political pundits masquerading as journalists. I put my journalism integrity over theirs any day of the week. -
How would you make healthcare more efficient?
The Affordable Healthcare Act does not work because health insurance is bullshit. We should take out the middle man, no health insurance companies, straight health care. No health insurance agents, no insurance health industry personnel, no health claims adjustors, no claim reps. Just doctors, nurses and hospital administration. People would pay directly for costs after treatment. Local government official at the county level oversees that healhcare costs are reasonable and that medicine prices are reasonable, if complaint arises, done through quick arbitration process within the government. This would cut healthcare costs considerably because for every man working in the healthcare insurance industry can be instead working as nurses, doctors or admins. This would also eliminate price gouging for services and medicine. -
So you want Oakland to be an experiment where citizens go around with loaded pistols?
It is not an expriment, a whole country of Switzerland have gun permits with many lawful citizens conceal carry. I understand liberals have irrational fear of guns, but Switzerlandʼs annual rate of homicide by any means per 100,000 population was 0.70, which is one of the lowest in the world. Oaklandʼs homicide per 100,000 is 26, meaning Switzerland is more than 30 times safer than Oakland. What liberals fear are the gang culture of guns. The lawful gunowners culture prevent gang gun culture from exerting their terror on the population. -
Do we need more police officers in Oakland?
Under CESP, it would work with the existing number of police officers we have. Each officer will setup a 7 to 25 volunteers neighborhood watch. They will monitor surveillance set up in high and medium crime areas. Surveillance is open to the view of the residents in realtime on the internet so it can both prevent crime and police misconduct. This allows residents to report to police via a touch of a keyboard or call 911 from the safety of their homes if they saw a crime happening. With hundreds of new businesses created using CESP5, the city will have additional revenue few years later to hire additional police officers if necessary. -
Whatʼs your take on Sterling with the NBA?
The United States’ ideal of free speech becomes a witch hunt for whites. Sure Donald Sterlingʼs rant is intolerable to liberals, but has the man commited an evil crime as that of Michael Vicks who killed dogs, yet not banned from sports for life. Sterlings’ punishment just not fit the wrong he has done, no victims were slayed because of his private rant. $2.5 million fine is a complete extortion from the NBA whose games tickets are overpriced to the majority of their fan base. It filled the pockets and egos of players who contribute to society of only meaningless entertainment value and thought of heros to the mass of witch hunters. Real heros are people like Snowden, not NBA players. Obama is one of the worthless contributors to this witch hunt and he have time to comment about Sterling while other world leaders are establishing economic and military superiority over the U.S. Him, Jackson and Sharpton are the racist promoters of white witch hunt. It is a sad reality in the United States that people care more about sports than politics, people call for ban of cheating in baseball, boxing, cycling, football, wrestling, etc., then when politicians lied, they are given free pass as if it is business as usual. -
As mayor, how you prevent youths from incarceration and instead seek education?
We have to stop ingraining our youth with the employee mentality and give them the employer mentaility using the CESP5, the power to self educated themselves and the ability to earn wealth without resulting to criminal activities. We should start teaching youth in middle school to play CESP5, create their own businesses such as selling cookies, candies, water, etc. When youth practice business at a young age, they will learn how to handle money and if they steal, will learn there are consequences because they have a reputation to upkeep. As their businesses grow, their reputation will grow and their customer and client base will grow. They will feel confident in their honesty because that will earn them trust with their customers and clients. -
As a leader, how would you handle a crisis of 300 girls abducted by militants in Nigeria?
Arm the citizens, every able man and woman have to be armed. Peace is not free, to achieve peace you must be ready to fight at all times against enemies bent on murder. What is there to prevent such terrorism in the United States if Democrats disarmed lawful gun owners? In Oakland, we are experiencing a disarmed populace being terrorized by gangs. Liberal gun control advocates are not defenders of peace, they will run away and hide like cowards when confronted with murderous enemies. These same liberals who made themselves victims and will go blame police for long response time. God commands people to seek peace, and to seek peace you must be armed. Kill and murder is the same word in Arabic. Thou shall not kill is meant as thou shall not murder in translation. Killing an attacker while defending yourself is not murder. You must protect yourselves, your love ones and come to the aid of victims being attacked. Some liberal asked me, “As a Christian, shouldnʼt you turn the other cheek?” That just refers to someone hitting you on the face without murderous intent. Do not turn the other cheek when their intention is to murder you with weapons. If you do, you will be a victim. -
How you came to believe in existence of God?
When I came to the U.S. at age seven, I was an atheist. My grandmotherʼs friendʼs daughter gave me an English name, Peter. She is a Christian and she took me and my sister to the Bay Area Chinese Bible Church. I went to Sunday school classes and didnʼt really believe in God. Those other kids were listening biblical stories and singing but it were all fuzzy and funny to me. All I knew was that the van came Sundays to pick us up for Church and afterwards drove us back home and gave us free candies like M&M or Skittles. I went to Church for the candies. Fast forward to a dozen year later I am starting Army basic training at Fort Knox, the drill sergeant says, “Today is Sunday, for all those who arenʼt going to religious services, you must stay behind and clean the barracks.” It was an obvious choice to attend Church services. Still didnʼt have faith until I was shipped overseas to Kuwait. Then I worried about myself, what if I died in a war, where else would I go. Once I was in Kuwait, Operation Iraqi Freedom started few weeks later and onward to Iraq, I started to pray out of an abundance of caution. Realizing the possibility of death and danger I prayed to Jesus for my safety. I even cried when I thought about how the Army recruiter told me months earlier, “Donʼt worry about combat Peter. Youʼre just a journalist. Youʼll sit behind a desk and type on a keyboard. No danger will come to you. Donʼt worry about it.” As months go forward in battle, I was wary of death and destruction living in a desert tent. I had thought of suicide with a M16 I was carrying. My supervisor at the time, Sgt. Major Lawrence Stevens of Third Army, sensed my intent and took away the rifle. Prior to this incident, I step foot at the house of biblical Abraham, near Ziggurat of Ur, Iraq, the 5,000 year old moon temple. After my suicide attempt was thwart, God came to me in a vision and commanded me to bring world peace and prosperity. At that moment, I realized God was everywhere. You can see his creations everywhere. There is no other life form in the universe like us, smart as us, no other animal in the world comes even close. God is the composer of our DNA. If we were to evolve into intelligent beings, can we not evolve into immortals? No. Only God can allow this and that is why there is life, death and destruction in this world but not of the Kingdom of Heaven. -
Candidate Joe Tuman twitter May 22, 2014 that he released “the most detailed approach to crime of all the candidates,” whatʼs your take on it?
A plan has two critical components, control and execution which is seriously lacking in Tumanʼs plan. First, Tuman calls for more police officers, he says, “In order to increase police staffing…we need more money.” In order to get this money he wants to sell surplus public lands and increase business taxes. These two items are beyond the control of the mayor and involves city council, public hearings, etc. Its execution would be complex to a point were residents would oppose land selling, and/or how land would be sold to whom, business would oppose taxes, etc. There are too many external factors beyond the control and execution of the mayorʼs office. Secondly, Tuman calls for practices that work. Sounds good until you look at the details. He wants OPD to have regular patrols to all parts of the city, but he wants them to literally walk on the streets. Oakland is not London. If I was a police officer in Oakland and I need to walk to patrol the streets, I may sooner be a victim of a drive by myself. Fuck this job, Iʼll quit. Imagine yourself to be a police officer and you just turned a corner and saw a sideshow with a car doing donuts in front of you, are you going to run after them? No! If I am not in a patrol car, Iʼd get my ass ran over. Fuck this job. Iʼll quit. Thirdly, Tuman say we need “Special Initiatives for Specific Crimes” such as child prostitution, illegal dumping and sideshows. Then he goes on to explain how we create a complex hostile environment for johns, special unit to check social media for sideshow info and seize vehicles for illegal dumping and sideshows. Which all brings back to Tumanʼs call for more police officers. I have a better solution, just put simple surveillance up in medium and high crime areas to deter those crimes from happening. It is economical too without all that complexity bullshit. Fourthly, Tuman says we need to “Ameliorate the Root Causes of Crime,” it was demoralizing I had to get a dictionary to look up this particular word. All these PhD-less people must be scratching their heads, it means “improve”. Tuman claims “Poverty is at the root of much of Oaklandʼs crime.” This is one of the most ignorant liberal propagandas Iʼve ever heard. When I was poor, I didnʼt go mugging and stealing, neither did any of my friends from poor schools. This assertion is a complete farce and an insult to the poor and excuses crimes attributed to oneʼs social-economic status rather than their lack of morals. This is like other candidates claiming the root cause of crime is poor people lacking BitCoins. It is absurd. Finally, Tuman says ”We Need a Leader and a Plan We Can Afford.” Well, I am the Worldʼs Smartest Leader and my God approved ”Community Empowered Safety Plan” is self funding with absolute control and easy execution anywhere in the world. Checkmate! ^0^ -
Do you still advocate for guns in light of the recent shootings at Santa Barbara and Concord?
God wants all people to seek peace. To have peace, you must be armed at all times against enemies foreign or domestic bent on destroying the peace. Jesusʼs disciples carried swords when they travel to ward against robbers, thieves and murderers. When his disciples travel, Jesus specifically asked if they had carried swords, if they lack swords, he told them to trade their clothing for one. Luke 22:35-38. Therefore, we must be armed to be able to protect ourselves, our love ones and rescue victims. Those who are against being armed are pacifists, they believe that if they are nonviolent, then no violence will come to them. Wishful thinking at best, who will let their women and children get slaughtered while they run for cover being unarmed. The founding fathers of the United States are Christian Protestants. They know about peace and how to maintain peace. Can you imagine them signing the Declaration of Independence without knowing the colonists were well armed and readied to defend their new nation? Just as our founding fathers defend off enemies to secure our peace, we shall do no less and be armed. God commands you to defend the weak. -
Whatʼs your impression of other candidates and what are their chances of winning?
As of May 27, 2014. Mayor Jean Quan - Liar Liar pants on Fire with excess baggage of bad press and negative chance of winning. Dan Siegal - Slick liberal lawyer endorsed by his lawyer buddies from San Francisco eyeing to sue the crap out of Oakland businesses who fails to living up to his $15/hour minimum wage decree, slim chance of winning with mayority lawyers support, minimum wage earners who most likely too lazy to go to polls on election day. Siegal is wasteful spender who knows nothing about frugality, it is an irony for a minimum wage advocate to spend so lavishly on his candidacy announcement ceremony in downtown Oakland where he spent a small fortune on colorful balloons, meaningless “Dan Siegal” signs which only attest to the correct spelling of his name. Bryan Parker - Pro BitCoin progressive prolific spam advertiser, wasteful spender on counter-productive ads online that leads to his campaign website containing no useful information whatsoever. Additionally, Parker plaster campaign signs at blight properties, adding to the blight, would any respectable personʼs name want to be associated with blight? Chance of him winning is like picking 5 numbers correct on a CA Super Lotto ticket. Jason Anderson - Pro BitCoin economy liberal green party endorsed candidate, historically chance of the green party losing is almost 100% certain but it can be different this time, a green party candidate should win sometime but advocating for up to $20/hr minmum wage would scare a lot of business friendly voters. Joe Tuman - Anti-gun right pro-police liberal ObamaCare believer, he released a highly flawed crime plan which is uncontrollable and non-executable, if I show such a plan to any city leader in the world to execute it, theyʼll be asking a lot of WTF questions. He impulsively ran for mayor in 2010, came in 4th place and killed a neighborʼs dog driving at unsafe speed in a residential zone. His chance of winning is better than the rest mentioned before. However, the current most powerful candidate is Libby Schaaf, she is a pretty slick democrat lawyer with secret backing from Jerry Brownʼs network of special interests. Her chance of winning is the greatest unless I, a darkhorse conservative comedian, Worldʼs Smartest Leader with less than $1,000 campaign budget gets help by word of mouth or rumors spread online from viewers like you. =) For all other candidates whom I didnʼt mention, I donʼt know you that well, and thatʼs a good thing. -
What do you think is the root cause of crimes and how do we prevent killers such as Elliot Rodger?
Elliot Rodger is a godless rich liberal youngster with no morals. No money in the world would of save his depraved ass from being a killer. So for all those rich liberals spilling propaganda that the root cause of crime is poverty: your godless sons show otherwise. In the mindset of a rich liberal, they are bias against the poor and attribute crime to poverty. There are greater evils that commit white-collar crimes, these are the real perpetrators of poverty, highly educated indivduals such as politicians, lawyers, financial executives, who operate without morals to the detrimental effect of the people with monetary loss in the billions and they have the corrupt connections to escape justice with impunity in this world until they appear before Godʼs judgement. We are all sinners, God destroys the perfect. God specifically seek sinners to wash away our sins. When you follow the moral teachings of Jesus, youʼll gain strength and with it, courage, to perform extraordinary things and attain love. I was a virgin until I was 31. I was once weak, poor, of average intelligence and clueless about relationships. God showed me the path to a righteous life and all who believes in Jesus will be shown the same path. -
Being an Iraq war veteran, what is your feeling about Iraq now being under seige by rebels?
In 2003, God told me democracy cannot and will not exist there because it is a land where evil slays the wicked. U.S Special forces soldiers are being sent there to die because the commander-in-chief is clueless about war and is a moron in any capacity. The only way to bring peace to the middle east is through my “community empowered safety plan” which allows world cities to gain economic prosperity with an armed populace educated in freedom enterprise and community bond. When CESP spreads to cities in the world, the last cities in the middle east will adopt the plan once it sees other cities prospering. This is what God commands me to do. -
An Oakland woman who was walking alone was jumped, beaten, and robbed of her purse and phone. A man walking with his little daugther saw the incident, yelled and the muggers fled. How would such crimes be eliminated?
Every able good men and women should conceal carry in Oakland. If that man was not there, the woman might have been beaten to death. The man was lucky the muggers didnʼt turn to assault him and his little girl. Surely the man should be wise enough to conceal carry next time to defend his family and rescue victims. The city is under siege by criminals, muggers are out there and they getting away with impunity because liberal politicians disarmed the citizens. Best prepare yourselves, it is what the 2nd Amendment is for. -
Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democrat nominee presidential candidate 2016 just said that people who are pro 2nd amendment gun rights are just a small minority and they are terrorizing the majority population. What do you have to say about that?
Hillary? The stupid bitch came to her husbandʼs adultery defense “definition of is” for lying under oath at his impeachment. Bill is a hero to the stupid liberals, who goes around grabbing the crouches and boobs of plane stewardesses, secretaries, assistants and interns at the White House. Guess who chaired Hillaryʼs campaign in 2008? Pretty boy Gavin Newsom, another liberal hero who bested Bill Clinton by fucking his campaign managerʼs wife while he was still married. If Hillary doesnʼt know where or who Bill is fucking at 3AM, then I donʼt trust the clueless bitch to take an emergency 3AM phone call at the White House. An ambassador and his security detail died on her watch and she doesnʼt give a damn by saying what difference does it make. A bunch of dumb ass liberals at is parading Hillary to be the next president. Her supporters’ bravery are like those pussy Iraqi soldiers who fled their post at the first sight of insurgents. None of Hillaryʼs supporters are brave enough to defend the U.S. Constitution and its people against foreign or domestic enemies. Even if every Hillary supporters have rifles, theyʼll surrender like the French without firing a bullet. If any Hillary supporters get offended by this, I welcomed you to come protest at my hood, just be sure you conceal carry because I am not responsible if you get mugged or beaten while exercising your free speech. -
Give me a glimpse of your future vision if youʼre mayor, how would Oakland be like in 2016?
Because of CESP5, there would be many people who aspire to be successful and wealthy, from middle schoolers to seniors. Regardless of their background, theyʼll participate as leaders of one of thousands of newly created companies and they will see those companies rise from imaginery ideas to reality. They will feel power and influence in their community because they will meet and get to know many people in their communities, creating bonds that emerged as the result of their business interaction. Communities will get stronger in mind, spirit and body because theyʼll be working hard to achieve success in their new roles. With leadership comes freedom of thoughts and the experience of power to change lives. No longer will people be in bondage to a mere job, for they break the chains of cycle of employment and unemployment and step into being free citizens with true knowledge and ability to create the wealth they aspire to.
***** July 2, 2014. I, Peter Yuan Liu, as a U.S. citizen and a war veteran sworn to defend the United States Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic. I declare the President of the United States, Barrack Obama, an enemy to the United States for violating his oath of office, failing to uphold laws and aiding foreign enemies of the republic. *****
***** July 4, 2014. When I, Peter Yuan Liu, am mayor, my first order of business is to get an arrest warrant for the President of the United States for treason against the people and its Constitution. All men are created equal. No president nor man is above the Constitution. Inherent in the Constitution is that the President is not a king nor dictator, he can be charged with crimes from misdemeanors to felonies as like any other citizen. While the President awaits for a speedy trial, the President is incapacitated and the Vice President takes over. If found guilty of a high misdemeanor or felony, the president must be sentenced to jail or prison like any other citizen. Congress must then perform the duties of impeachment. This is what the U.S. Constitution is about, the government is subservient to the people. We cannot allow Presidents such as Nixon, Clinton, Bush and Obama to get away with crimes against the people. If I am to be a leader of this world, I must perform as a leader for all leaders to follow. All mayors of cities and governors of states in the world must declare criminals as criminals when their actions are criminal, even if the criminal is the head of the state. Each executive branch of a government is charged with administering laws. To allow criminals to continue to rule with impunity is the greatest injustice to the people they supposedly serve. *****
*****Aug. 18, 2014. Obama administration is violating Congressʼs Inspector General Act of 1978. Obama and Eric Holder is obstructing justice by not releasing administration records to Inspector Generals investigating current corruption in the Internal Revenue Service, Veterans Affairs, Justice Department, etc. This is absolute high treason, judges and elected officials from all branches of government should condemn this criminal behavior immediately. If they donʼt, they automatically failed their oath and duty to protect the people and the U.S. Constitution.*****
*****Aug. 30, 2014. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and U.S. intelligence warns that terrorist will attack Europe and the United States unless there is ”rapid response.” Obama says he does not have a plan.*****
“CESP5” (Community Empowered Safety Plan #5)
CESP5version1.pdf CESP5version2.pdf (PDF of game rules, print and sell it for $5 or $10 to strangers, test if you have what it takes to be a businessman)
A game for people who want to be Rich. Playing the game teaches by experience: leadership, honesty, teamwork, responsibility and integrity.
created by Rags-to-Riches multi-millionaire Peter Y. Liu
Game Rules
- Choose 7 or more people, preferably people you trust. Give them the game rules. Set a location where to have a meeting if they want to join in the game.
- At the meeting, each person introduce themselves, their name and their phone number and email address. Each person write down the information. Take 10 minutes to brainstorm a business idea and write on a paper. EXAMPLE
- Each person takes turn to share their idea to the group.
- After all the ideas are heard, each idea is put to a vote by the group. Person with the best idea is the founder and President of a company, the rest are co-founders, then they vote on who will be the treasurer, secretary, etc.
- Then the group makes up a business plan, to answer Who, What, When, Where and Why. Who are the company leaders? What is the company name and what does it do? When will they do it? Where is the company located? Why are they running this business?
- How to win the game? You win as a team, you win when the company profits off the idea and proceeds are split according to the hours youʼve put in.
- How to lose the game? You lose as an individual, you quit, you got voted off the company because you didnʼt contribute, stole money or lost trust due to unethical behavior. Your reputation will suffer according to the seriousness of your offense.
- What if the company didnʼt make a profit? Then your group rethink the ideas, vote on it, maybe vote on another leader, maybe change the business name, adjust the business plan then retry.
Print the game rules and sell it for money, it will test your business acumen. Time yourself for 3 hours to see how many you can sell. If you sell it for $5.00, you can claim it is 50% off sale. In 3 hours, see how much money you earned total:
$ per hour (average) | level |
$5 | below minimum wage |
$10 | minimum wage |
$15~$21 | supervisor |
$22~$39 | managerial |
$40~$55 | director, you should film it and post it on YouTube, your skills will shine |
$56~$99 | company executive officer |
$100+ | a seasoned professional with $200K annual salary! |
News Articles:
- Early Candidates for Oaklandʼs Fall Mayoral Race Outline Platforms
- Mayoral Candidate Peter Liu
- Exclusive Self-Made Millionaire Peter Liu, Oakland Mayoral Candidate, Talks Politics and His Game to Make People Rich
- Meet the Pro-Business, Pro-Gun Candidate Who Could Be Mayor of One of Americaʼs Most Dangerous Cities
- Dailykos Blog
Working on my campaign signs.
If any Oakland resident or business owner wants one to display on their window, send me a request on email,, include your name, phone number and address. Every campaign sign is hand painted by I, Peter Yuan Liu, autographed and serial numbered. These signs are very limited in quantity, as I am working on a budget less than $1,000. Currently, this sign is worth about $10 street value, material and labor. This sign has increased value if I win the mayor election, to maybe $5,000. It will further increase in value when I turn Oakland into a first rate city in the world in 2017, worth maybe $30,000. The value will increase exponentially if I successfully run for Governor of California in 2018 and do an excellent job, by 2026 when I leave office, this sign may be worth $1,250,000. Why will it be worth so high? Because by then, I would have proven myself to be the “Worldʼs Smartest Leader.” Offer ends October 15, 2014. Hurry while supplies last. One per neighborhood, first come first served. ^__^
Each one is unique, hand painted by the candidate, Peter Y. Liu. Signed and numbered.
This is the first one created.
One of my neighbor complaining that my campaign sign is too ghetto and scary. I told him it was suppose to.
Detroit police chief James Craig advised the cityʼs residents to carry guns. Photograph: AP/Detroit Free Press - August 17, 2014
I pushed my victory cart around the city, passing out my CESP5 flyers to hundreds of people, teaching them how to be rich in the land of capitalism. I stop by the City Hall at exactly 7PM, passed a few flyers, a mayoral forum was happening inside, but I didnʼt join because the real battlefield of this campaign will be won on streets so I kept moving my victory cart. - August 21, 2014
Emails discussion on public safety
From: | Patrick McCullough <> |
To: | Peter Liu <> |
Subject: | Re: Brown: Another gun law wonʼt solve Oakland violence - Politics Blog |
Date: | Wed, Dec 23, 2015 6:27 pm |
Man, I like you.
On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 12:32 PM, Peter Liu <> wrote:
Brown doesnʼt have a clue how to solve the violence problems neither. You and I, we know how to deal with violence in Oakland. Oakland Leaders…arenʼt leaders, they are misleaders. There is demonic influence over the democratic leadership, starting from Debbie, Hillary, Bernie, etc.
I lost faith in running for Oakland office, the voters are too brain washed, left wing media silenced truths, people failed to understand what is real leadership and what it entails. If I win governorship in 2018, Iʼll crack down hard on these misleaders statewide. There is an urgency for real leadership, hard choices to make. That is why I am teaching people, regardless if theyʼre criminals, to be millionaires, to be rich the legal way, without depriving the life and property of others…this goes for those white collar criminals such as politicians too. All good men must be able to concealed carry to protect their women and children, this is the last resort. Both these actions will bring peace to our communities. Like I said on my text message to your phone, you should run for CA Attorney General or Lt. Governor, there is no hope in Oakland. My CA Governor Campaign Headquarter at 2200 Sonoma Blvd, Vallejo, CA is 6,500sq ft. Youʼre free to use if you run for statewide office.
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Patrick McCullough <>
To: Peter Liu <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 23, 2015 11:20 am
Subject: Brown: Another gun law wonʼt solve Oakland violence - Politics Blog
Brown: Another gun law wonʼt solve Oakland violence
Gov. Jerry Brown made it clear Wednesday that attempts by Oakland leaders to put another gun-control bill on his desk will not be fruitful, saying a new law would not curb the violence plaguing the streets of Oakland.
“I know the problem and I live in the streets of Oakland … whatʼs needed is good police work, support by the City Council, neighborhood watch and leadership with clarity and vision on how to make Oakland as safe as possible,” Brown said Wednesday when asked what Oakland city leaders can seek to address gun violence.
Brown vetoed a bill last year that would have made Oakland the first city in California to require residents to register guns with the city or meet strict new licensing rules. The bill, which was authored by Assemblyman Rob Bonta, D-Alameda, would have allowed Oakland to create stricter gun ownership rules or higher fees than the rest of the state.
Oakland leaders had hoped the bill would help stem gun violence in the city. Bonta said it was needed due to Oaklandʼs “rampant gun violence.”
Brown, a gun owner and former Oakland mayor who has a home in the city, said in his veto message that the state already has the strictest gun laws in the nation and allowing individual cities to enact more restrictive regulations would create confusion.
“What can laws do to solve immediate problems?” Brown said. “I want to say that laws have their role, but in terms of crime and guns and violence, weʼve been at this thing for more than 50 years on this very topic, and weʼve passed a tremendous number of laws. There is something else, itʼs called administering the laws we have and working together in a community. That is where the greatest yield can be found in terms of making Oakland a safer place.”
Sent from my iPhone
Patrick McCullough Campaign
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Saied Karamooz <>
To: Peter Liu <>
Cc: Jason Anderson <>; campaign <>; Bryan Parker <>; organize <>; courtney <>; libby <>; Dan Siegel <>; Sam Washington <>; Kaplan4Oakland . <>; mmcrw40 <>; Wilson Riles <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 6, 2014 8:18 am
Subject: Re: Muslim terrorist
Well said, Mr. McCarthy!
On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:08 AM, Peter Liu <> wrote:
When I accessed the U.S. military secret network SIPR in 2003, I know for certain Muslim terrorists are operating in the Bay Area since at least 2000. These sleepers are operating within the normal confines of society, take specialized jobs in the electricity, water sanitary, security and law enforcement. When the time comes, they will poison the water system, cut off phone networks and electricity. These sleepers could very well be running for public office. These are cold calculating killers and they actively seek new Muslim converts in prison because this evil cult conforms to raping women, little boys and girls. Theyʼll even marry girls as young as 7 to be sex slaves, that is how perverted Muslims are. This evil cult pretends to be a peaceful religion, only fools would believe them. In every country Muslim moved to, they start all kinds of evil. In China, just few days ago dozens of these Muslims got together, armed with knives went on a stabbing rampage killed a lot of people. Same thing is going to happen here, not with knives but with AK47s. Everything I say is 100% truth with God as my witness. People like Saied urges you to deny this as “misinformation”, but you donʼt want to figure this out the hard way do you?
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Peter Liu <>
To: wriles <>
Cc: townmayor510 <>; campaign <>; info <>; organize <>; courtney <>; libby <>; info <>; sam <>; jason <>; mmcrw40 <>; oaklandmayormovement <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 5, 2014 10:38 pm
Subject: Re: My Answer
If it is uncomfortable for you to lie on emails, perhaps you should be honest for a change, it is not really that hard to do. It is not I who preferred to talk on email, you started this politically correct garbage talk on email. Come to think of it, youʼve never talked to me face to face nor interview me for your supposed article criticizing my pro self defense position. I donʼt buy your bullshit lies youʼve and Saied spilled. Misinformation my ass. I was a journalist for the U.S. Army and I put my integrity over yours any day. I deal with the reality at hand, not some fantasy where criminals get free ride raping and mugging while people like you sit on the sidelines being all soft and cute to these terrorists. If you were so effective as a councilman for 8 years and that your method worked, we wouldnʼt be having this discussion.
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Saied Karamooz <>
To: Wilson Riles <>
Cc: Peter Liu <>; townmayor510 <>; campaign <>; info <>; organize <>; courtney <>; libby <>; info <>; sam <>; jason <>; mmcrw40 <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 5, 2014 7:57 pm
Subject: Re: My Answer
Dear Mr. Riles
By a long shot, your assessment of our crime situation and ways to address it are superior to all that has been said to date by anyone. I implore you to be vocal on your perspective on this matter. The curse of educating others, particularly those on this thread, comes with the blessing of intellect, knowledge, and compassion that you possess.
Again, I really hope that you use the various media outlets at your disposal to shed the right light on this issue.
Mr. Liu, your misinformation is only surpassed by your flawed logic.
On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Wilson Riles <> wrote:
Mr. Liu,
It is difficult to talk productively through emails; so this is my last response to you. We are talking pass one another. There is no way we are going to find agreement this way.
Let me say that I hear the emotion in your words about the pain that people are facing everyday because of criminal activity. I know that you do not just feel it for Asian people. I know that you know that most of the crime in Oakland is visited on black, flatlands citizens. I believe that you also feel their pain. As I feel the pain of Asians.
In your previous emails you spoken as if only blacks commit heinous crimes…you clarified that later by saying in Oakland. I was responding to what I got from your earlier emails which only referred to black criminals when I spoke about white criminals in Appalachia.
My point is that “street” crime is almost always closely associated with poverty and oppression. Where there is little poverty and oppression there is little “street crime.” That happens in different parts of Oakland as well as in different parts of the U.S. and in different parts of the world.
A few examples of some one having a gun and saving someone is hardly proof that folks having more guns around will mean more people will be saved from crime. If you look at this more scientifically and less emotionally, we can compare the crime rates in countries where there are more civilians carrying guns with countries where there are less. Generally we find higher crime rates where more citizens are carrying guns. That is a indicator and does not settle the matter since their maybe other factors that correlate both with heavy gun possession and crime. I am not saying that high rates of civilian gun possession causes crime. Canada has high rates of gun possession and relatively low crime. Canada also has much lower rates of relative poverty than the U.S.
I have handled and shot a gun. My father - after teaching me that guns cause more problems than they resolve most of my life - brought a gun into his house when School Superintendent Marcus Foster was killed by the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) in Oakland. I lost a bit of respect for my father. He had a State Police officer who followed him around armed; the person was a fool who pointed his weapon at squirrels on the golf course. If some one wants to kill the President of the United States and they are willing to die, all the guns in the world are not going to stop that.
It is time to look at the facts. Having a gun is hardly a guarantee that you are going to protect yourself or others from criminal acts. I correct myself; I will not say never. But almost never. There is no question that more “fools” like the State police officer who was supposed to protect my father will have guns and that more gun deaths from domestic violence, suicides, and accidents will happen. This is not a plan that a thoughtful Oakland loving mayoral candidate would put forward.
There simply is nothing to which we can attach ourselves, no matter how hard we try. In time, things will change and the conditions that produced our current desires will be gone. Why then cling to them now?
- Master Hsing Yun, “The Indescribable”
On Tuesday, August 5, 2014 3:12 PM, Peter Liu <> wrote:
Horrendous crimes already happens in Oakland, regardless if you allude to the “Wild West.”
Did you ever taught your daughter self-defense and on gun use? Have you ever carried a gun?
Are you condoning the actions of “disturbed people” by not putting up any defense? You rather be unarmed, and let criminals do as they please because of their “background”? You seem to care more for the welfare of the criminals more so than the victim. Self defense is NOT vengeance, NOT revenge. Self defense is at the moment when the crime is active, God commands people to defend themselves. Vengeance is what the God does.
A well regulated militia is armed neighborhood watches, which I promote for the safety of Oakland. Who regulates a “well regulated militia”: The PEOPLE. NOT THE GOVERNMENT. It is the power of the people which grants the governmentʼs existence to service the people. When a government becomes a tyrant, the people no longer lives in a “free-state”, that is when the peopleʼs militia overthrows the unconstitutional government.
Weʼre talking about Blacks’ actions in Oakland, why you go off topic about some Appalachian white groups’ actions, that doesnʼt make any sense. You talk about racism, but you need to understand the actions of black violence causes the institutional racism. The way to solve this issue through my community empowered safety place. 1. Armed populace. 2. Know-how-to-be-successful 3.Taking arms ways from criminals.
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Wilson Riles <>
To: Peter Liu <>
Cc: townmayor510 <>; campaign <>; info <>; organize <>; courtney <>; libby <>; info <>; sam <>; jason <>; oaklandmayormovement <>; mmcrw40 <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 5, 2014 1:40 pm
Subject: Re: My Answer
Mr. Liu,
Citizens carrying guns has never stopped or prevented crimes from taking place. The Wild West, where almost everybody carried a gun, was rife with some horrendous crimes. What is it that you think will be different now? What do you expect to happen that is any different?
I would suggest that you make sure that the mother and the daughter had the proper care and a voice in the trial when this young man is caught.
My daughter was kidnapped, raped, and stuffed in the trunk of her own car. The young man who did it was obviously disturbed. My daughter pulled out the tail lights which caused the car to be stopped by a Regional Parkʼs Ranger (we do not have Rangers anymore); she banged on the truck to get the officers attention and the perpetrator was caught. At the trial she wanted to testify that he should get some help but the DA would not allow it. He is behind bars without any help and will come out worse than when he went in!
Analysis shows that more guns in civilian hands means more domestic violence killings, more successful suicides, and more accidental shootings. It does not mean less crime. It may make some feel safer but this is only a feeling. And vengeance is not justice. It never has been and never will be. Some of those folks you talk about that you think are flowing across the border are doing so out of vengeance for what U.S. foreign policy has done - like put a military base on sacred land.
I believe know that the Second Amendment starts with “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…” Despite what the Supreme Court says I read that as giving no individual the right to have a gun. “The people” in a “well regulated militia” have that right. After all this is the same Supreme Court that ruled at one time that no right of a black man need be ever respected by a white man. The Supreme Court was wrong than, it is wrong now.
I would urge you to learn about the pure white people of Appalachia. They have also been mistreated for generations. They are not black…but alcohol and drug use is rampant (self medication), thievery, rape, and physical abuse of women happens all the time. You cannot get more pure white than these people.
I say letʼs do what works to end these criminal activities. Carrying guns has always failed to do so. Please read the attached document which outlines my solution.
There simply is nothing to which we can attach ourselves, no matter how hard we try. In time, things will change and the conditions that produced our current desires will be gone. Why then cling to them now?
- Master Hsing Yun, “The Indescribable”
On Monday, August 4, 2014 10:02 PM, Peter Liu <> wrote:
Wilson Wiles,
Iʼve noticed youʼve called me a juvenile for my pro gun 2nd amendment stance. Yesterday, a 34 year old black man, Jamala Morris, sneaked into a house in Fremont with a sawed off shotgun, tied a little girl with duct tape and raped her mother. A resident of the house, a man, came into the house and saw the intruder and quickly ran away without aiding the victims. I would like to know yow would you address this issue?
This is why I am promoting citizens be carrying guns for self defense at all times, outdoor and indoor as granted by the 2nd amendment. There are countless Asian women who tells me they were raped, beaten, mugged by blacks in Oakland and did not report to police because didnʼt speak English. Such is the terror blacks unleashed not only in Oakland, but every city in the world where there are blacks. My mother-in-law was chased by black teenagers trying to rob her jewelry. Mark my words, my Asian brethren does not forget the deaths of our innocents, we are increasing relying on the 2nd Amendment rights to protect our women.
Also, as a former Army combat veteran with a secret security clearance, I know for a fact jihad terrorists are coming over the borders to live in the U.S. These sleepers are waiting on orders to mass murder by automatic rifles then flee into the civilian population within 3 minutes. They are currently training at the U.S. country sides. This new breed of terrorists will operate like Boko Haram. I am preparing the citizens to confront this terror. Currently, Oakland police and Alameda County sheriff is not prep to face this kind of terrorism. When they respond, itʼll be too late and all they can do is secure a crime scene where more than one hundred men, women and children are murdered.
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Wilson Riles <>
To: Shake Anderson <>; campaign <>; info <>; organize <>; courtney <>; libby <>; info <>; sam <>; jason <>; oaklandmayormovement <>; peteryliu <>; libby <>; mmcrw40 <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 30, 2014 9:11 am
Subject: My Answer
Fellow Oaklanders, candidates, and friends,
Please forgive my presumption but I have already sat foot on this path to evaluate mayoral candidates anti-crime plans. I have one more to go but thought that first I must respond to the comments that I have received asking where is MY plan. It is not enough to just be critical if you do not have an idea yourself. So before talking about Dan Siegelʼs plan, copied below and attached is my take on the direction that Oakland should take. Please feel free to forward to folks that you think might be interested (this is too long to be printed in the Post).
Before presenting my views on Dan Siegelʼs anti-crime policies, I am going to sum up my understanding of the issue and, consequently, present a direction to move toward sustainable crime reduction. I hope that readers have found my thoughts coherent and helpful. As voters and activists in our community, we should first decide the direction that we want to move as a community; and then choose the candidate that best helps us get there…not the other way round. Our direction should not be dictated by who runs for office, what they can ‘sell’ us, or by just picking partisan sides as if this is a game. This is NOT a game!
It is ASTOUNDING to me that there are so many different conceptions and so much confusion about the nature of crime! Forty-two percent (42%) of Oaklandʼs billion-dollar General Fund budget is spent on police; that does NOT include special funds – like Measure Y or the closed and open officer pension costs. That is a lot of sweat, creativity, and assets of our residents and businesses tied up in a problem that we make worse and more costly by working at cross-purposes.
We suffer from willful ignorance, conscious and unconscious institutional racism, and political shenanigans. We thoughtlessly jump on the latest trends, get lured by State and Federal bait-and-switch promises, fail to penetrate the jurisdictional boundaries among justice agencies, and are sold a bill-of-goods by the incarceration-industrial-complex merchants –as if we are sleep walking. We know the truth but turn away from what is right before our eyes…what we are currently doing is not reducing crime and it never has done so sustainably anywhere. In 1973 the National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Task Force Report on Corrections, stated that “there is overwhelming evidence that correctional institutions CREATE crime rather than prevent it.” It does not take an Einstein to declare our collective behavior INSANE! This collective mesmerizing about the nature of crime is a very obvious symptom of a social psychological illness.
Our emotional and intellectual confusion blocks us from truly hearing or understanding one another enough and from being knowledgeable enough about the subject to find and resolve differences and curtail contradictory impacts. As with any injury our resources and our will are being drained away. Parts of us are giving up and leaving. Outsiders stay away from us…avoiding infection. Some, who live in this City, LIE about where they live…to avoid the crime conversation or because of embarrassment!
Two critical myths buttress the insanity. There will be a hero “on a white horse” or arriving in a black and white police car to save us. And, that race, culture, ethnicity, or economic status contributes to superior or inferior morality – in the same circumstances. Myths are bogus; they are not true. Once we get past those two myths, the circumstances of the families and communities in which various “crimes” manifest come into clearer focus. The salience of these circumstances is revealed by reading The New Jim Crow or most criminology literature. Human behavior arises out of a context of historical trauma, tradition, opportunity, childrearing, and positive/negative institutional pressures.
Mayors have a role but the answer requires a lot more than a good mayor.
REAL community-policing is my answer…POLICING THESE CIRCUMSTANCES and working together to correct them, heal the damage they cause, prevent new damage, and counter negative impacts. What we currently call community policing in Oakland functions CONTRARY to its original design. By legislation community policing was supposed to be about reducing reliance on 911-response policing, a concerted focus on issues of ongoing public concern rather than specific incidents as reported, employing a comprehensive City inter departmental approach to solving neighborhood problems, assisting in the empowerment of neighborhoods by relying on the organization of people in our communities to identify problems, prioritize concerns, and develop solutions which are implemented through the cooperation and collaboration of neighborhood residents, public employees, and public officials.
To get to REAL community policing we may need to change the name of the fifty-five Neighborhood Crime Prevention Councils (NCPC) to Neighborhood Problem Solving Councils or the like. The city paid organizers will have to be retrained specifically in the art and science of community building. When the participants at a meeting are only reflective of a minority portion of the community-in-question, even UN-trained organizers would know that something is wrong. Well trained organizers are alert to the absence of any identifiable neighborhood sector in the room and would find a way to get that sectorʼs input. In our beautiful, diverse, multigenerational community we can find the community-building resources and talent so that every sector can have a clear voice on matters that affect them – if that is a value that we hold. Too much of present day NCPC activity is only about the police and incidents and trends rather than the intent of Council Resolutions 72727 and 79235. Much more “community” needs to be on the agendas.
Neither mayors nor the City bureaucrats can do this work at the grassroots level where it is needed; the City can encourage, assist, and support…mostly by curtailing the Cityʼs role in fostering negative activities. Especially, the City must develop internal policies and police training that restrains officers and discourages a “warrior” mindset. In other words, we should wholeheartedly do what the Court mandated as a result of the Riderscase…because it is the right thing. Someday every police officer will want to be a problem-solving officer. Most especially, the City NCPC organizers must interface with the other relevant public agencies (Parks and Recreation, Libraries, Human Services, Office of Economic and Workforce Development, OUSD, Peralta Colleges, Juvenile Court, the DA, the Public Defender, the Probation/Parole agencies, the Social Services Agency, the behavioral unit of County Public Health, the Housing Authority, etc.) and private businesses.
The comprehensiveness of the approach needed dictates that historical harm healing, immediate restorative justice practice, and crime prevention cannot be left to any one Department of the City, especially not the police department. Responsibility for sustaining a system that births criminality lands on almost everyone except our babies. We need to all get in gear.
Thank you,
Wilson Riles
There simply is nothing to which we can attach ourselves, no matter how hard we try. In time, things will change and the conditions that produced our current desires will be gone. Why then cling to them now?
- Master Hsing Yun, “The Indescribable”
Email about a rigged endorsement process by Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Saied Karamooz <>
To: Patrick McCullough <>
Cc: Peter Liu <>; ikos-read <>; BruceQualls <>; bleslie <>; isaac <>; lailan.huen <>; <>; Kaplan4Oakland <>; Jtuman7643 <>; DanMSiegel <>; bryan <>; Courtney Ruby <>; Jason Anderson <>; mmcrw40 <>; wilson4oakland <>; nannystu <>; sonofoakland <>
Sent: Sat, Aug 16, 2014 11:05 am
Subject: Re: Oakland Chamber Candidate Forum, Questionnaire, and Endorsement Process
Dear OakPAC
The Oakland Mayor Movement is a fully self-funded campaign as it is determined to prevent any conflict of interest whatsoever, if elected. Given the input from the other candidates, I urge you to consider dropping your requirements of $50k and minimum of 50 donors. I will await your kind response.
Saied Karamooz
On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Patrick McCullough <> wrote:
I agree with Peter. One of the reasons I am eschewing professional campaign consultants and endorsements is that I distrust the current process and havenʼt believed it would be honorable to seek total immersion in it.
Iʼve started and owned several businesses, excelled in business and economics in college, and see entrepreneurship as vital to economic development. So, to exclude at least two worthy candidates who actually have business background — rather than the candidates who merely accept money from people with business background, merely because they havenʼt shown a propensity to drink from the corrupt trough should be an outrage to any person who dares believe in the American dream. To hell with their endorsement.
On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Peter Liu <> wrote:
Isaac Kos-Read,
OakPAC is a disgrace for sending this absurd Candidate Questionnaire. The criteria to participate in your endorsement process requires “a campaign bank account and campaign treasurer, with at least 50 donors and a total at least $50,000 raised or be among the top five candidates by these measures in the race.”
That criteria alone cuts off 66% of candidates, so that tells me your endorsement process is rigged. Whoever created this questionnaire is unwise and Iʼll published this questionnaire along with a strong criticism condemning it on my campaign website. The Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce should be ashamed.
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: ikos-read <>
To: lailan.huen <>; Libby <>; jason <>; Jtuman7643 <>; DanMSiegel <>; ‘Bryan Parker’ <>; courtney <>; peteryliu <>; townmayor510 <>; oaklandmayormovement <>; mmcrw40 <>; pat4oakland <>; wilson4oakland <>; nannystu <>; sonofoakland <>
Cc: ‘Qualls, Bruce’ <>; ‘Barbara Leslie’ <>
Sent: Fri, Aug 15, 2014 3:10 pm
Subject: Oakland Chamber Candidate Forum, Questionnaire, and Endorsement Process
Dear City of Oakland 2014 Mayoral Candidates:
On behalf of the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce (OMCC), Oaklandʼs largest business organization with the longest history of engagement in civic affairs, I am writing with some updates and notifications regarding our candidate engagement process for the November 2014 election.
If you would be interested in seeking the endorsement of OakPAC, a Political Action Committee of the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, attached please find an endorsement questionnaire. It is due back by Monday, August 25, at 2 PM.
Based on review of the questionnaire and related information, OMCC will extend invitations to a Mayoral Candidate Forum focused on business and job creation scheduled for Thursday, September 11, from 7-9 PM at a location TBD. This candidate forum will be co-sponsored by the Oakland African American Chamber of Commerce, Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, Oakland Vietnamese Chamber of Commerce, and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Alameda County.
This information will also be utilized by OakPAC to determine who will be invited to interview with the OakPAC Board of Directors from 8 AM to 1 PM on Thursday, September 11, and Friday, September 12. We will notify candidates regarding interviews, dates, and times as soon as possible after processing of candidate questionnaires. OakPAC will consider multiple, “ranked-choice” endorsements where applicable, though we reserve the right to do sole endorsements as well. The OakPAC endorsement will come with a financial contribution, generally of the max allowed for 1st choice candidates and some lesser amount for any other candidates.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of this information and please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions, or would like additional information.
Respectfully Yours,
Isaac Kos-Read
Public Affairs Consultant
Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
510-292-5715 (mobile)
Candidate Questionaire (Bay Area Reporter, LGBT community)
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Cynthia Laird <>
To: peteryliu <>
Sent: Fri, Aug 15, 2014 2:41 pm
Subject: BAR candidate questionnaire
August 15, 2014
Dear Candidate,
The Bay Area Reporter, northern Californiaʼs oldest and largest newspaper serving the LGBT communities, will make candidate and ballot measure endorsements in the November 4, 2014 general election. We invite you to participate with us in this process by filling out and returning the enclosed candidate questionnaire if you wish to be considered for endorsement by the B.A.R. Please return the questionnaire no later than August 28.
If you have any questions, I can be reached at the contact information below.
Cynthia Laird
News Editor
Bay Area Reporter
44 Gough Street, Suite 204
San Francisco, CA 94103
415-829-8749 (direct)
415-861-5019 (office)
CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE - Oakland mayor’s race
Candidate’s name:
Political Party affiliation:
Date of birth: Month: Day: Year:
1980 -
Please specify your sexual orientation and/or gender identity:
Why do you think the B.A.R. should endorse you?
What is your background and what are your qualifications for this office?
What is your position on the ballot measure to raise the minimum wage from $9 to $12.25 by March 1?
What is your plan to address public safety in Oakland?
Currently, the city has approximately 677 police officers, which is an increase from when Jean Quan took office in 2011 but a decrease from the 776 officers that were on the force in 2010. Some say the Oakland Police Department should have at least 1,000 officers. How many sworn officers should be on the force? How would you pay for future police academies?Community Empowered Safety Plan
New police chief will readily issue conceal carry permit to lawful city business owners, their workers or residents age 21+ who have clean background - Reality is the police can’t protect them neither in peacetime nor a riot.
For every person caught with an illegal gun (stolen, serial scratched off, ineligible felon, etc.) obtain search warrants ASAP for their residences to get more illegal guns, find fingerprints on those guns, match in FBI databases for suspect straw purchasers for more potential arrests.
Install mandatory surveillance in medium and high crime areas. Surveillance footage will be accessible real time via internet to lawful city residents with login and password.
New policing strategy involve more community participation. Each officer will setup and advise a neighborhood watch that has about 7 to 25 volunteer members led by a team leader voted by the members. They will meet once a month to discuss issues affecting the neighborhood and the officer will be present as needed to give advice. Once the city declares an emergency, all neighborhood volunteers will be notified to prepare for best course of action to protect themselves or neighborhood which includes evacuation orders.
Start a business center to teach small businesses entrepreneurship to city residents. “How to brainstorm a business suitable to the individual, how to make a business plan, obtain a business license, market their services or products, etc.”
The city of Oakland recently awarded $1.3 million to fund LGBT youth programs. This was after there was anger in the community that out of $10.5 million in the Oakland Fund for Children and Youth, only $48,187 had been allocated for LGBT-specific programs. What will you do to ensure that LGBT youth programs continue to receive an adequate share of funds in future years?
CESP5version1.pdf (PDF of game rules, print and sell it for $5 or $10 to strangers, test if you have what it takes to be a businessman)
A game for people who want to be Rich. Playing the game teaches by experience: leadership, honesty, teamwork, responsibility and integrity.
created by Rags-to-Riches multi-millionaire Peter Y. Liu
Game Rules
Choose 7 or more people, preferably people you trust. Give them the game rules. Set a location where to have a meeting if they want to join in the game.
At the meeting, each person introduce themselves, their name and their phone number and email address. Each person write down the information. Take 10 minutes to brainstorm a business idea and write on a paper. EXAMPLE
Each person takes turn to share their idea to the group.
After all the ideas are heard, each idea is put to a vote by the group. Person with the best idea is the founder and President of a company, the rest are co-founders, then they vote on who will be the treasurer, secretary, etc.
Then the group makes up a business plan, to answer Who, What, When, Where and Why. Who are the company leaders? What is the company name and what does it do? When will they do it? Where is the company located? Why are they running this business?
How to win the game? You win as a team, you win when the company profits off the idea and proceeds are split according to the hours you’ve put in.
How to lose the game? You lose as an individual, you quit, you got voted off the company because you didn’t contribute, stole money or lost trust due to unethical behavior. Your reputation will suffer according to the seriousness of your offense.
What if the company didn’t make a profit? Then your group rethink the ideas, vote on it, maybe vote on another leader, maybe change the business name, adjust the business plan then retry.
Print the game rules and sell it for money, it will test your business acumen. Time yourself for 3 hours to see how many you can sell. If you sell it for $5.00, you can claim it is 50% off sale. In 3 hours, see how much money you earned total:
What are specific things the city should do to attract more businesses to Oakland? Are tax credits an option you support?
The reauthorization of Measure Y, the Violence Prevention and Public Safety Act, a parcel tax and parking tax, is up for renewal by voters this year. In the past, questions have been raised about accountability of the funds and how much of the money is actually spent on police officers and community policing efforts. If elected mayor, what would you do to make sure that the money is spent at the levels for the areas which it is intended?
List some of your major endorsements.
Please provide contact information of the person in your campaign we should contact for any follow-up to this questionnaire.
Position in campaign: CANDIDATE HIMSELF
Phone: 510-517-3423
Candidate Questionaire by Alameda County Green Party
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Peter Liu <>
To: tinakimmel <>
Sent: Thu, Aug 14, 2014 7:04 pm
Subject: Re: “RSVP”!: Oakland Mayor Questionnaire, from the Green Party
Green Party Questionnaire for Oakland Mayoral Candidates
Dear candidate,
For the upcoming November election, the Green Party of Alameda County will again be making endorsements and publishing them in our Voter Guide. 20,000 copies will be printed and distributed in northern Alameda County, and copies will be sent to all Green Party members.
To assist us with our decision-making process, we would appreciate it if you would fill out the questionnaire below and return it no later than August 23. In addition, please be aware that in order to provide our readers with additional information, we are planning to post your questionnaire responses to our our website. Also, PLEASE REPLY BACK NOW to this e-mail, so we know that you have received this message!
Thank you,
Greg Jan
Green Party of Alameda County
Please email your responses to:
In the subject line, please include “Oakland Mayor”
If it is not possible for you to email, please mail your responses to:
Oakland Mayor
c/o Green Party of Alameda County
2022A Blake Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
Please respond by Saturday, August 23, 2014
Phone: 510-517-3423
Note: You may respond to any question with a link to your website or other posted positions. For the yes/no questions, please answer yes or no and if you wish to add to your answer, feel free to do so.
Motivation: Why did you choose to run for City office?
To bring world peace to this world using the “Community Empowered Safety Plan” as commanded by God.- New police chief will readily issue conceal carry permit to lawful city business owners, their workers or residents age 21+ who have clean background—Reality is the police can’t protect them neither in peacetime nor a riot.
- For every person caught with an illegal gun (stolen, serial scratched off, ineligible felon, etc.) obtain search warrants ASAP for their residences to get more illegal guns, find fingerprints on those guns, match in FBI databases for suspect straw purchasers for more potential arrests.
- Install mandatory surveillance in medium and high crime areas. Surveillance footage will be accessible real time via internet to lawful city residents with login and password.
- New policing strategy involve more community participation. Each officer will setup and advise a neighborhood watch that has about 7 to 25 volunteer members led by a team leader voted by the members. They will meet once a month to discuss issues affecting the neighborhood and the officer will be present as needed to give advice. Once the city declares an emergency, all neighborhood volunteers will be notified to prepare for best course of action to protect themselves or neighborhood which includes evacuation orders.
- Start a business center to teach small businesses entrepreneurship to city residents. “How to brainstorm a business suitable to the individual, how to make a business plan, obtain a business license, market their services or products, etc.”
Program and Priorities: Elected office provides the opportunity to proactively lead by placing new ideas on the agenda for consideration and development. What are some specific ideas you intend to pursue if elected? What do you believe are the main priorities for the City?
“CESP5” (Community Empowered Safety Plan #5)
CESP5version1.pdf (PDF of game rules, print and sell it for $5 or $10 to strangers, test if you have what it takes to be a businessman)
A game for people who want to be Rich. Playing the game teaches by experience: leadership, honesty, teamwork, responsibility and integrity.
created by Rags-to-Riches multi-millionaire Peter Y. Liu
Game Rules- Choose 7 or more people, preferably people you trust. Give them the game rules. Set a location where to have a meeting if they want to join in the game.
- At the meeting, each person introduce themselves, their name and their phone number and email address. Each person write down the information. Take 10 minutes to brainstorm a business idea and write on a paper. [EXAMPLE][2]
- Each person takes turn to share their idea to the group.
- After all the ideas are heard, each idea is put to a vote by the group. Person with the best idea is the founder and President of a company, the rest are co-founders, then they vote on who will be the treasurer, secretary, etc.
- Then the group makes up a business plan, to answer Who, What, When, Where and Why. Who are the company leaders? What is the company name and what does it do? When will they do it? Where is the company located? Why are they running this business?
- How to win the game? You win as a team, you win when the company profits off the idea and proceeds are split according to the hours you’ve put in.
- How to lose the game? You lose as an individual, you quit, you got voted off the company because you didn’t contribute, stole money or lost trust due to unethical behavior. Your reputation will suffer according to the seriousness of your offense.
- What if the company didn’t make a profit? Then your group rethink the ideas, vote on it, maybe vote on another leader, maybe change the business name, adjust the business plan then retry.
Qualifications: Please give a brief summary of your background and qualifications for the office of City. If you are a current City Government elected official, what issues can you point to in your time as an elected official that have had a positive impact?
I am a service connected Army war veteran. Under the trials set by God, I went from being poor at age 24 to being a multimillionaire at age 33. When I came back to Oakland in 2004, there was no jobs for me as a journalist. I tried for two years searching in futile attempts. Everything I was taught in the public schools and the University of California did not prepare me for the real world, I had to work from scratch, creating companies and failing two businesses before I found one that works for me, being an insurance agent. As an insurance agent, I’ve spoke to people as young as 16 years old newly licensed drivers to 70+ year old seniors who have massive wealth. From all I learned to create my own system of practical education call CESP5 so that all who follows it will led to success. -
Local groups: Are you affiliated with any of the active Oakland groups? Such as TOLA, Make Oakland Better Now, Block by Block, Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, GO Public Schools, OCO, or any other. Describe your involvment and why you feel this group is worthy of your support.
Local activities: Other than local politics, are you involved in any other Oakland based community activities that you would like to share with us? This can range from volunteering in your school to being in your church baseball league.
I volunteer for University of California, Santa Cruz for recruiting activitities and help Oakland High Alumni association with their career day for graduating high school seniors. -
Budget: If you were on council for the next budget in 2015 how would you act differently from the council members dealing with the budget in 2013? What do you think is the cause of the current budget crisis?
Inefficiency, fraud and abuse of the retirement pension system. -
Youth: Describe the condition of youth in Oakland? What would your priorities for youth be for Oakland government and how would they get implemented and paid for?
Youth in Oakland are directionless. Their education is non practical. I am a product of OUSD, I went to Bella Vista Year Round, Edna Brewer and Oakland High. I’ve used less than 5% of what was taught there, even those basic 5% on math I could of easily learned myself at a local library. Public education would be obsolete when people follow my program CESP5, it is self-education by real life experience.
Because of CESP5, there would be many people who aspire to be successful and wealthy, from middle schoolers to seniors. Regardless of their background, they’ll participate as leaders of one of thousands of newly created companies and they will see those companies rise from imaginery ideas to reality. They will feel power and influence in their community because they will meet and get to know many people in their communities, creating bonds that emerged as the result of their business interaction. Communities will get stronger in mind, spirit and body because they’ll be working hard to achieve success in their new roles. With leadership comes freedom of thoughts and the experience of power to change lives. No longer will people be in bondage to a mere job, for they break the chains of cycle of employment and unemployment and step into being free citizens with true knowledge and ability to create the wealth they aspire to. -
Police: How do you think our community policing is going and what are the next steps? Describe the current relationship between the residents and the Oakland Police. Do you suggest any changes? Do you support Restorative Justice programs and how should the city be involved, if at all.
Community policing and Restorative Justice is something created out of thin air and it is not practical. What is practical is an armed citizenry able to fight terrorist and rioters. When I accessed the U.S. military secret network SIPR in 2003, I know for certain Muslim terrorists are operating in the Bay Area since at least 2000. These sleepers are operating within the normal confines of society, take specialized jobs in the electricity, water sanitary, security and law enforcement. When the time comes, they will poison the water system, cut off phone networks and electricity. These sleepers could very well be running for public office. These are cold calculating killers and they actively seek new Muslim converts in prison because this evil cult conforms to raping women, little boys and girls. They’ll even marry girls as young as 7 to be sex slaves, that is how perverted Muslims are. This evil cult pretends to be a peaceful religion, only fools would believe them. In every country Muslim moved to, they start all kinds of evil. In China, just few days ago dozens of these Muslims got together, armed with knives went on a stabbing rampage killed a lot of people. Same thing is going to happen here, not with knives but with AK47s. A quote from Sen. Dianne Freinstein acknowledges that these people carry U.S. passports. Also, Pope Francis urged an armed response by a professional military to handle the extremists in Iraq. The clear message here is: don’t be a pussy and arm yourselves. If you’re not ready to defend your family, your homeland and the U.S. Constitution, then don’t stand in the way for those who will. -
Development Projects: What are your thoughts and views about the West Oakland Army Base, The upper Broadway-Valdez Triangle, Oak to 9th and other projects?
Extra unused public space should be converted to public housing for rent on the cheap. These new houses will use sustainable materials such as Earth adobe, shipping containers, long term tents, etc. -
Police Misconduct: What are your thoughts and how do you feel Oakland should deal with it? How would they get the Oakland Police past the current oversight under Judge Henderson?
As mayor, I’ll put out an executive decree stripping any enforcement by the corrupt federal government judgeship oversight. Judge Henderson is an unconstitutional dictator and a complete failure to serve the public interest on his fail oversight experiment, he needs to held responsible for this failed experiment. An arrest warrant for the judge for overstepping his authority if he attempts to upsurp the executive branch. -
Housing & Gentrification: Increasing rents, dislocation, and gentrification have been in the news. What policies do you advocate to assure that Oakland tenants are protected and that Oakland remains an economically and racially diverse city?
Tenants are already protected by tenant rights law. Currently, many tenants are abusing their landlords, using every possible means to stay until they are evicted by the Sheriff. Not only did they willfully destroy the premise prior to leaving, the courts’ monetary judgement against tenant are almost never enforced. This corruption needs a speedier solution. I will installed a court primarily to decide on tenancy issues within 2 weeks, this step will release the clogged judicial system for more important issues. Also, I will use all public lands available to create habitable living spaces, even if it meant government sponsored tent cities with fuctional utilities, renting will be very cheap at those places. -
Environment: What do you think the Oakland City government should be doing about the environment?:
Convert public parks to fruit, vegetable growing plots rentable to residents, like minifarms. Residents can sell or trade their their fruits and vegetables. -
Satisfaction of Residents: How do you think the average resident feels about city government? How would you rate the satisfaction level?
Average residents feel the government is corrupt, ineffective and provides no guidance. -
Accountability: How do you propose making yourself accountable and accessible to the citizens of Oakland?
I am accessible, but I must warn people, I am fully armed at all times. I am combat veteran with bloods on hand. -
Do we need an Oakland Progressive Alliance akin to the one in Richmond, and if so, who should be members?
No. What we need is an armed populace. -
Governance: What kind of relationship could you have with other office holders? Who do you see as a working majority on council and who can you work with?
None. I am not their friend. I am there to instill fear. If other office holders overstep their ethnics, take bribes, etc, they’ll know me as Overseer Liu. -
Endorsements: Who has endorsed you so far? Who do you expect to endorse you? Who do you endorse in the other City races? Include your #2 and 3 choices for your own race and note that this year the City races are Mayor, Council seats, School Board seats and City Auditor.
God has endorsed me. -
Campaign Funding: How much money do you currently have for this race? How much money do you plan to raise? Where will the money come from? Describe sources of financial contributions for your campaign that you would refuse to accept (if any).
I will use less than $1,000 to defeat all other candidates. I accept no donations whatsoever. -
Checks and balances: How do you view current the relationship between the Council and Mayor? Any comments on the same question for the Auditor and City Attorney? Are there any changes they would propose to the city charter?
I view the council as corrupted, incompetent and too pussy to do the right thing. We need strong leaders, those who can defend the U.S. Constitution against enemies foreign or domestic. What we have now are pussies who talks about gun control (anti-Constitution 2nd amendment) , they are inevitable victim of crimes. -
Money in elections: Does Oakland need campaign finance reform? If so, what kind?
Money corrupts the integrity of government officials. All elections should be funding by the candidates themselves. Asking around for donations are akin to asking for bribes, money is money. - Anything Else? Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
Here is another 50 questions people asked about me on this website:
Yes or No questions (follow with an explanation if you want to add one)
— Do you support the renewal of Measure Y? Donʼt Know.
— Do you support the minimum wage proposal? I want people to aspire to be multi-millionaires like me, using CESP5.
— Are you in favor of a police commission? No. Those are by far useless.
— Do you support Dan Kalbʼs proposal on oversight and transparency? No. The Mayor should be the primary oversight, then secondary citizens with the open record of government accessible by City Clerk. That is why electing an honest person is crucial. We already have an “ethnics commission” that is totally corrupt.
— Are you in favor of receiving public complaints against police officers at the Civilian Police Review Board? No.
— Would you vote for using eminent domain to abate foreclosure crisis? No.
— Do you support Ranked Choice Voting? Yes.
— Would you support Proportional Representation? No.
— Do you support diverting people from prosecution if they participate in a restorative justice program? No.
— Do you support Community Choice Aggregation? Donʼt know what the heck it is.
— Would you vote to allow more grey water systems? Donʼt know what the heck is a grey water.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire.
Greg Jan
Green Party of Alameda County
(Please reply to: by Saturday, August 23 ).
Posting about rise of terrorism by Royal Red on
This is happening…..why is it so wrong for us to speak out? Consider sending this on to others.
Hard to argue with this:
A Germanʼs View on Islam - worth reading. This is one of the best explanations of the Muslim terrorist situation I have ever read. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not long, easy to understand, and well worth the read. The author of this email is Dr. Emanuel Tanya, a well-known and well-respected psychiatrist. A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true #$%$, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.
‘Very few people were true #$%$,’ he said, ‘but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too BUSY to care. I was one of those who just thought the #$%$ were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come.’
‘My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.’
‘We are told again and again by ‘experts’ and ‘talking heads’ that Islam is a religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.’
‘The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers.’
‘The hard, quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the ‘silent majority,’ is cowed and extraneous. Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. Chinaʼs huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists MANAGED to kill a staggering 70 million people.’
‘The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet. And who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery? Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were ‘peace loving’?
‘History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they donʼt speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.’
‘Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.’
‘Now Islamic prayers have been introduced in Toronto and other public schools in Ontario, and, yes, in Ottawa, too, while the Lordʼs Prayer was removed (due to being so offensive?). The Islamic way may be peaceful for the time being in our country until the fanatics move in.’
‘In Australia, and INDEED in many countries around the world, many of the most commonly consumed food items have the halal emblem on them. Just look at the back of some of the most popular chocolate bars, and at other food items in your local supermarket. Food on aircraft have the halal emblem just to appease the privileged minority who are now rapidly expanding within the nationʼs shores.’
‘In the U.K, the Muslim communities refuse to integrate and there are now dozens of “no-go” zones within major cities across the country that the police force dare not intrude upon. Sharia law prevails there, because the Muslim community in those areas refuses to acknowledge British law.’
‘As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts - the fanatics who threaten our way of life.’
Extend yourself a bit and send this on. Let us hope that thousands world-wide
read this, think about it, and send it on before itʼs too late, and we are silenced because we were silent!!!
Questionaire sent by Make Oakland Better Now!
Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire
Candidate: PETER Y. LIU
Note: Please limit your answers to 250 words except where the question indicates a different word limit.
1. Please state your position on the following November ballot measures along with a brief (No more than 30 word) statement supporting your position.
Measure Z: Public Safety (Parcel tax for police, fire and violence prevention programs)
Measure CC: Public Ethics (Restructuring of Public Ethics Commission and mandatory funding for its staff)
Measure DD: Redistricting (Citizens’ redistricting commission for City Council boundaries )
2. As of May 31st, the OPD had 649 sworn police personnel, and projected that it would have 681 by July and 716 by December, 2014. 63 of these officers are funded by Measure Y, which expires at the end of this year, and 35 by Federal grants, which, if not renewed, will expire next year. If the voters elect you in November, how many police will Oakland have as of the end of 2018? If you plan to either maintain current levels or increase them, describe how you will fund police (a) if Measure Z succeeds and if it fails; (b) if current grants for police are renewed or replaced and if they are not.
No need for more Police under my plan because Iʼll have armed civilians and neighborhood watch members more than 4,000 of them (each police officer set up armed neighborhood watches, 7~25 members each)
3. OPDʼs difficulty in achieving the authorized sworn staffing level appears to be exacerbated by high attrition and low morale, as shown by the departmentʼs internal polling ( and itʼs loss of officers only months after they complete their training. How will you solve OPDʼs attrition and morale problems?
Police will have armed poplace and neighborhood watches as backups. As long as we have an armed populace and neighborhood militias, weʼll keep our city safe even if there low numbers of officers.
4. OPD has been under Federal Court supervision for close to twelve years. While Oaklanders have repeatedly been told that the end is in sight, in late July, Judge Henderson stated that Oaklandʼs disciplinary processes have violated Court orders, and that continuing the same practices will “undermine any confidence in the sustainability of the reforms that have been and continue to be achieved.” Then, on August 14, the Judge criticized the Cityʼs recent inability to sustain through arbitration an officer termination in connection with response to the Occupy Oakland protests. (Source: The Court opined that Oakland could not be in compliance with two NSA tasks if internal investigations were inadequate and “discipline is not consistently imposed.” Many people believe the Monitor has repeatedly imposed requirements on Oakland that far exceed the literal requirements of the NSA, and that as a result of the Monitorʼs shifting standards, Oakland may never be able to extricate itself from Court supervision. As Mayor, to what extent would you be prepared to oppose continued and changing demands from the Monitor, and what is your plan to end the era of Court supervision?
Judge Henderson is an unconstitutional dictator. His failed oversight experiment cost a lot of government waste. He needs to be arrested.
5. According to the Public Works Department, Oakland is on an 85-year repaving schedule, meaning a street that is repaved today wonʼt be repaved again for 85 years. Further, according to Public Works, maintaining the existing pavement condition on Oaklandʼs streets would require an estimated $28 million annually, while the amount allocated annually has been less than $6 million in recent years. Sixty percent of the Cityʼs curb ramps are non-compliant or non-existent. The total needed to rehabilitate Oakland streets is over $435 million. How do you plan to reverse the ongoing deterioration of our streets and sidewalks? If you are elected, when will Oaklanders see a difference?
Deteriorated streets stay in poor neighborhoods. Streets in rich neighborhoods will be paved with Gold every 15 years.
6. The extent to which the City faces unfunded liabilities and what should be done about them has been a contentious issue in recent years. As recently as last December, the City Administrator projected that for the three fiscal years beginning July 1, 2015, Oakland faces all-funds budget structural shortfalls totaling $795 million if it addresses its deferred capital expenses and deferred liabilities, and $342 million if it does not (Source: December 12, 2013 Update to Five-Year Financial Forecast, Attachment D, Do you believe Oakland faces a financial shortfall, and if so, how will you address it if elected in November?
File for bankruptcy, wipe the debt off. Those retirees are living like fat cats, no more pension system. We need money to repave the streets with Silver every 85 years in middle class neighborhoods.
7. Operation Ceasefire has been described as the centerpiece of Oaklandʼs violent crime reduction effort. We understand that funding for its manager has been dependent on grant funding and that there is an insufficient number of case managers to maximize Ceasefireʼs success. Do you plan to expand Operation Ceasefire? In what respect? Where specifically do you intend to allocate resources and staffing?
Operation Ceasefire is a crappy program, who ever came up with this program needs to be shot.
8. What is your understanding of the relative responsibilities of the Mayor and City Administrator as established in the Charter? What are the duties of each? What is the Councilʼs responsibility in this regard?
The mayor tells the city administrator how to grow the weed. The city administrator then grows the weed. Then the council members smokes the weed to see if it is good or not. If the weed is good, the city admin continues to grow the weed, if it is bad, each city council member grow their own weed to see if they can come up with something better. Once they are convinced they have a better weed, theyʼll aim for the mayorʼs office next election.
9. If the voters elect you in November, will Oaklanders see changes in the following from City Government? If so, what changes and why?:
Management - YES, IT WILL BE FUN
Strategic Planning - YES, CESP WILL BE COOL
10. In 2012-2013, Oakland contracted with Strategic Policy Partners (Robert Wasserman et al) to present a comprehensive public safety plan. Strategic Policy Partners made a large number of recommendations, some of which have been implemented and some of which have not. (The reports are here:,, If the voters elect you in November, please state whether Oakland will implement the following recommendations (We are looking for a “yes” or “no” answer as to each recommendation, with explanatory narrative not exceeding 25 words for each recommendation):
Call for Service Reduction strategy;
Expanded investigation capacity in each of the Cityʼs 5 policing districts, so that each district has an investigative sergeant, 3 investigators, and 3 to 5 police officers.
Increased sworn police personnel to a ratio of 2 officers for every 1,000 in the population (i.e., 800).
Expansion of the Ceasefire initiative.
Redesign of community policing, so that the entire Police Department, not just PSOs, are focused on community relationship building.
Measurement of the state of community / police relations.
Moving restorative justice practices into the community, to address neighborhood disorder and minor crimes in a manner that brings community into the process and prevents future crime and disorder occurrences.
Appointing a Director of Community Improvement who will be responsible for coordinating collaborative action by city agencies, community groups and state and federal partners, to address both quality of life issues and crime.
Appointing a team of representatives from the community to work with the Director of Community Improvement, the Police Department and other government agencies to insure community coordination.
Bringing Security Ambassadors into the crime reduction strategic plan and require advanced training to those who patrol downtown areas, so they are active and have the ability to intervene in minor situations that impact public security.
11. In early 2010, Oaklandʼs Finance and Management Committee received a presentation from staff and visiting personnel from the City of Baltimore concerning CitiStat, a leadership strategy a mayor can employ to mobilize city agencies to produce specific results. (More information is at ). CitiStat involves use of a round-the-clock 311 reporting system for any request for city services other than policing. It uses data in a manner similar to ComStat. High level city management uses the 311-generated data and benchmarks and regular meetings to hold departments accountable, judge successes and failure, reveal what agencies are doing and not doing to achieve benchmarks and provide the best possible services to residents. Explain your familiarity with CitiStat and whether you believe such a program can and should be implemented in Oakland. If you do not believe it should be implemented in the near future, explain why. If you think it should, explain what you will do to implement it and when this will be accomplished.
ZZZZzzZz..…Whatever CitiStat or ComStat is, it is CRAP. Just use my CESP.
12. Oakland has room to improve its policies in the areas of crime reduction, budget processes, street maintenance, and economic maintenance. What cities can Oakland learn from, and adopt or emulate policies from with respect to these subjects? What policies from other cities would benefit Oakland?
13. Do you support the following policies and, briefly, why or why not?
A. Creation by Charter amendment of a Rainy day fund as recommended by MOBN! and the Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)?
B. Annual polling of city residents on their satisfaction with city services? What would you do with that information?
C. Conducting a police resource deployment study to determine the number of officers actually need by OPD and how they should be deployed?
D. Will you support the preparation of a comprehensive public safety plan?
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Peter Liu <>
To: oaklanders <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 26, 2014 11:42 am
Subject: Re: Make Oakland Better Now! Questionnaire
hi Savannah,
Here is my attach answers.
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: oaklanders <>
To: peteryliu <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 26, 2014 10:21 am
Subject: Make Oakland Better Now! Questionnaire
Hello Mr. Liu,
My name is Savannah Carnes and I am an intern at Make Oakland Better Now!
I wanted to confirm that you received the questionnaire that MOBN sent to your campaign email ( on Thursday, August 21st. Unfortunately there was a slight typo in the email we sent you. We asked for your response by Thursday September 10th— the correct deadline is actually Thursday September 11th. If you have not received the questionnaire or if you have any questions, please contact me at Additionally, please let me know if this listed email is not the best way to get in touch.
Thank you,
Savannah Carnes
Make Oakland Better Now!
More email (& Facebook)
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Peter Liu <>
To: doakley <>; greg <>; ccnnewsrelease <>; pturntine <>; dsmith <>
Cc: lailan.huen <>; Libby <>; jason <>; Jtuman7643 <>; DanMSiegel <>; bryan <>; courtney <>; townmayor510 <>; oaklandmayormovement <>; mmcrw40 <>; pat4oakland <>; wilson4oakland <>; nannystu <>; sonofoakland <>; zennie <>; CJohnson <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 10, 2014 7:27 pm
Subject: Doug Oakleyʼs libelous news article without factual basis.
Doug Oakley, Gregory McConnell and Oakland Tribune,
I am here to give you a stern warning about this libelous news article by Doug Oakley. Doug as a reporter accepted whatever false statements came out of Gregory McConnellʼs mouth. Iʼve never even met this liar who said “All 15 of them say we gotta address public safety, and you ask them how and they say ‘weʼll get to that later.’ If you ask them how many cops we should have they will say 800 to 1,000, but when you ask them how they are going to do it, the conversation ends.”
I am one of the 15 candidates and Iʼve never said “weʼll get to that later” regarding public safety. Doug as a reporter, didnʼt even bother to verify if this libelous statement was true or not. The fact that the Oakland Tribune reported this news piece as-is without proper verification hurts all mayoral candidates’ image.
Also, this poll from the Jobs and Housing Coalition is totally bias, left out half of the eligible candidates’ names out to list them as “others”.…really.…that in of itself is so fucked up that a journalist shouldnʼt even report it.
”You are looking to hold on to your base and trying to secure the second-place votes of your opponents, so the strategy is not to say anything with clarity because you donʼt want to offend anyone,” McConnell said. - ANOTHER FALSE STATEMENT BY MCCONNEL. If you look at my website: I offend a lot of people including Obama, Hillary, Newsom, Democrats, etc, as LIARS.
Oakland Tribune promptly needs to publish an apology both from Doug and Gregory for publishing this fake ass news article which is really a pro-Kaplan propaganda.
Peter Liu,
Real journalist certified by the United States Defense Information School.
Oakland poll: Rebecca Kaplan whips Jean Quan in mayoral election
By Doug Oakley
Oakland Tribune
OAKLAND — Mayoral candidate Rebecca Kaplan would win the race over 14 challengers, handily beating runner-up incumbent Jean Quan if the election were held this month, according to a telephone poll of 400 voters released Wednesday.
The poll, commissioned by the nonprofit Jobs and Housing Coalition from Sept. 2 to 8, shows Kaplan getting 61 percent of the vote to Quanʼs 39 percent in a ranked-choice voting scenario.
Ranked choice comes into play when none of the candidates receives 50 percent of the vote plus one.
”A lot of people know Kaplan and a lot of people like her as a person and now they need to decide if they like her as a mayor,” said Gregory McConnell, president of the Jobs and Housing Coalition.
Ranked choice comes into play when none of the candidates receives 50 percent of the vote plus or minus 4.9 percentage points.
He said none of the candidates are saying anything really original or groundbreaking because, in addition to trying to get votes for themselves, they also are trying to get the second and third choices of people voting for other candidates.
”You are looking to hold on to your base and trying to secure the second-place votes of your opponents, so the strategy is not to say anything with clarity because you donʼt want to offend anyone,” McConnell said. “All 15 of them say we gotta address public safety, and you ask them how and they say ‘weʼll get to that later.’ If you ask them how many cops we should have they will say 800 to 1,000, but when you ask them how they are going to do it, the conversation ends.”
More revealing about Quan is the question asking voters if they would vote for Quan or someone else. Just 16 percent said they would re-elect her and 69 percent said they would replace her. Fifty-seven percent said they disapprove of her job performance and 31 percent said they approve.
The poll shows that people think Oaklandʼs quality of life has improved a little bit and people are a little less worried about crime, but “nobody gives Quan credit for that. Everybody is running a popularity contest and with Jean Quan, a lot of people donʼt like her,” McConnell said.
Just 31 percent of those polled said Oaklandʼs quality of life has improved in the past few years, but last year that number was even lower at 16 percent. In an open ended question asking what are the major issues facing Oakland, 63 percent said crime, which is down from 70 percent last year. The economy followed crime with 37 percent and education with 29 percent.
In general, the poll showed 44 percent of those contacted said Oakland was going in the wrong direction, while 41 percent said it was going in the right direction and 15 percent didnʼt know.
Of the five candidates running for City Council in District 2, the poll has Dana King winning with 52 percent of the vote followed by Abel Guillen and Andrew Park, both with 17 percent of the ranked-choice votes.
In a ranked-choice vote for the three candidates of the District 4 race, the poll predicts Jill Broadhurst winning with 52 percent of the vote over Annie Campbell Washington, who gets 37 percent of the vote.
And in the District 6 election, Desley Brooks takes the seat with 57 percent of the vote over runner-up Shereda Nosakhare who gets 22 percent in a ranked-choice scenario.
Contact reporter Doug Oakley at 925-234-1699. Follow him on Twitter at
⸺Original Message⸺
From: hele1 <>
To: Peter Liu <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 14, 2014 9:47 am
Subject: Re: Oakland Mayoral Forum & GOTV @ Acts Ful Gospel Church
According to IRS pastors are not to endorse. They can jeopardize their 501c3. They gave me a publication number and asked me to submitt to them a list of the pastors who endorsed. That was not right what Bishop Bob did
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Peter Liu <>
To: zennie <>
Cc: hele1 <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 14, 2014 8:46 am
Subject: Re: Oakland Mayoral Forum & GOTV @ Acts Ful Gospel Church
This is why God instructed me not the attend that mayoral forum sponsored by the Acts Full Gospel Church. All the candidates the pastors endorsed attended Oakland Pride, a LGBT festival where they set up a booth to promote the very sins God detested. So it be known they are all wicked and the pastors are fakes.
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Peter Liu <>
To: zennie <>
Cc: hele1 <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 10, 2014 5:31 pm
Subject: Re: Oakland Mayoral Forum & GOTV @ Acts Ful Gospel Church
I can assure you it is not fear. My courage has been tested in the battlefield where Iʼve seen death in the hundreds, there is no fear that I havenʼt overcome by the grace of God. Do not take it as an insult.
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Zenophon Abraham <>
To: Peter Liu <>
Cc: Helena Straughter <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 10, 2014 5:23 pm
Subject: Re: Oakland Mayoral Forum & GOTV @ Acts Ful Gospel Church
Peter, that wasnʼt the Lord talking - it was your fears. Do the debate. The problem is that you are in the race, but youʼre acting like you donʼt want to be in it. You canʼt have it both ways. Itʼs insulting to Oakland, Oaklanders, and the Office of The Mayor of Oakland.
Please re-consider and do the debate.
On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 8:17 PM, Peter Liu <> wrote:
I pray to the Lord and the the answer is no. I respectfully decline this debate invitation. If anyone have questions, email it and I shall answer it. I do not have skype neither.
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Helena Straughter <>
To: Peter Liu <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 10, 2014 2:28 pm
Subject: Re: Oakland Mayoral Forum & GOTV @ Acts Ful Gospel Church
The CEDP5 and the game rule is the same subject Professor Guy Forkner at Merritt College have been talking about doing over the past year.
I know the poor and uneducated can become honest leaders and politicians. I read Zennie email indicating you are disable. So what do I need to do so you can be part of the mayoral forum. I think Acts have a ramp to the platform but i will check on that anything else I need to check on?
Should I include your name in the debate?
Helena Straughter - State Democratic Elected Delegate- 2009-2012
African American Caucus Director Regional 6
From: Peter Liu <>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: Oakland Mayoral Forum & GOTV @ Acts Ful Gospel Church
God asked me to lead people to a world of peace and prosperity in 2003. I was a low ranking soldier on the battlefield in the middle-east with bloods in hand, a sinner. At the time I didnʼt comprehend the task and God has put me through trials and now the understanding is complete. World peace can be achieved with “Community Empowered Safety Plan”. Read about it at;
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Helena Straughter <>
To: zennie <>
Cc: info <>; gwade8899 <>; Nancy Sidebotham <>; Peter Liu <>; Shake Anderson <>; Don Macleay <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 10, 2014 10:39 am
Subject: Re: Oakland Mayoral Forum & GOTV @ Acts Ful Gospel Church
Thanks Zennie,
I was telling Nancy the City of Oakland had the contact information on the form 410. I talked with them last week they started removing the information. Therefore, it is hard to make contact with everyone. If the other candidates will be participating I need them to send me only their title position. I will have more churches on board before the event. Also I need to send them the logistic/overview of the event but I will not send it to them unless they send me a message saying “ I am on board for the Mayoral Forum.
Peace & Blessings all the time
Helena Straughter - State Democratic Elected Delegate- 2009-2012
African American Caucus Director Regional 6
From: Zenophon Abraham <>
To: Helena Straughter <>
Cc: “” <>;; Nancy Sidebotham <>; Peter Liu <>; Shake Anderson <>; Don Macleay <>
Sent: Sunday, March 9, 2014 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: Oakland Mayoral Forum & GOTV @ Acts Ful Gospel Church
Hey Helena,
Thanks for the email! I contacted Oakland Mayorʼs Race Candidates Nancy Sidebotham, Peter Liu, Jason “Shake” Anderson, and Gregory Wade about the debate, and am introducing all of you to each other via this email. Folks, the debate is set for May 14th from 6 PM to 9 PM and Helenaʼs in charge of it; Iʼm just helping to get the word out about it.
So that would be 10 of the 13 candidates; weʼre missing Margaret Wrigley-Lawson, and Charles Ray Williams, and thatʼs because I donʼt have contact information for them, yet. I also copied Don Macleay, the unofficial head of the Oakland Green Party, in case Shake misses the email.
On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 10:34 PM, Helena Straughter <> wrote:
Please see attached Press Release of our Mayoral Forum & GOTV.
Please confirm you have received this email and hope you will help us get the word out
Peace & Blessing all the time
Helena Straughter - State Democratic Elected Delegate- 2009-2012
African American Caucus Director Regional 6
Zennie Abraham, Jr.:
Executive Producer:
Chairman and CEO:
Chairman and CEO
Sports Business Simulations
Phone: 510-517-7565
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Peter Liu <>
To: bryan <>; rmnagel <>
Cc: doakley <>; ccnnewsrelease <>; pturntine <>; dsmith <>; lailan.huen <>; Libby <>; jason <>; Jtuman7643 <>; DanMSiegel <>; courtney <>; townmayor510 <>; oaklandmayormovement <>; mmcrw40 <>; pat4oakland <>; wilson4oakland <>; nannystu <>; sonofoakland <>; zennie <>; CJohnson <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 15, 2014 8:51 pm
Subject: Re: REMINDER: Temple Sinai of Oakland cordially invites you to attend our Non-Partisan Forum for Mayoral Candidates, Thursday, September 18, 2014
As a lawyer, you probably should have told pastors gathered at the Full Acts Gospel Church that IRS strictly forbids religious organizations from engaging in political activity such as endorsing candidate or else the IRS will be stripped of their 501(c)3 status…but it is too late now. This goes for those Rabbis at Temple Sinai too. ^o^
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Peter Liu <>
To: bryan <>; rmnagel <>
Cc: doakley <>; ccnnewsrelease <>; pturntine <>; dsmith <>; lailan.huen <>; Libby <>; jason <>; Jtuman7643 <>; DanMSiegel <>; courtney <>; townmayor510 <>; oaklandmayormovement <>; mmcrw40 <>; pat4oakland <>; wilson4oakland <>; nannystu <>; sonofoakland <>; zennie <>; CJohnson <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 15, 2014 8:33 pm
Subject: Re: REMINDER: Temple Sinai of Oakland cordially invites you to attend our Non-Partisan Forum for Mayoral Candidates, Thursday, September 18, 2014
I love being offensive, it is my style, thatʼs my promotional material. You can relate to me as Iʼve heard rumors from the news you were beating a girlfriend a long time ago. I wasnʼt always so offensive. But war changed me man. It is no secret, I killed multiple people just to survive in this world, didnʼt even knew their names. Was it sin? No. It was self defense.
But promoting LGBT activity is definitely a sin, a deadly one. Oakland is becoming like San Francisco, a city of awful sinners nearly a quarter of people with HIV, AIDS, etc., being homeless, dying on BART elevators with their feces smeared on walls. A grave sin. San Francisco is a dirty city, full of urine on streets as gays parade. These people that you are so fond of are intentionally spreading HIV, clogging up MediCal and ObamaCare. San Francisco tourists are scared and they should be. Those Rabbis and Pastors will have a hard time explaining to the Lord how low theyʼve sunk.
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Bryan Parker <>
To: Peter Liu <>; rmnagel <>
Cc: doakley <>; ccnnewsrelease <>; pturntine <>; dsmith <>; lailan.huen <>; Libby <>; jason <>; Jtuman7643 <>; DanMSiegel <>; courtney <>; townmayor510 <>; oaklandmayormovement <>; mmcrw40 <>; pat4oakland <>; wilson4oakland <>; nannystu <>; sonofoakland <>; zennie <>; CJohnson <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 15, 2014 7:24 pm
Subject: RE: REMINDER: Temple Sinai of Oakland cordially invites you to attend our Non-Partisan Forum for Mayoral Candidates, Thursday, September 18, 2014
I have hesitated sending this note during your many outbursts during this Mayoral context. While I know you may start hurling insults and attacks at me, I can no longer sit silent as you continue to disrespect this process.
I am offended by many of your tirades, but none more than this. Let me share a couple of thoughts with you. I would hope you would reflect, and if you decide to continue to participate in the run for Oakland Mayor, you will show greater respect for the office you seek.
- I assume your “PS” as to sins and pride mean you equating being gay, lesbian, bisexual or trans-gender as a sin. (A) To call that statement offensive is an understatement. (B) There is a 15+% LGBT population in Oakland. How can you be Mayor of such a city where you hold such views toward a material part of our cityʼs population. (C) It is no sin. Last I checked it was legal to love and marry anyone you want in the state of CA. That should be the US standard, but that is another matter.
- The standards were very clear on this forum. Why not protest sooner. Most of our forms have allowed anyone to participate. One, Wellstone, where Joe Tuman and I were excluded, for not being perceived as progressive enough, we showed up, politely stated our case and were allowed to participate. Why not try that approach. Maybe you would have even found support from this group. When your state you case in the child like manner you stated your case, and offend the LGBT community, including our at large council-member who is a member of that community, how do you expect to find any support.
- Your effort. If you are really interested in pursuing this office, I expect to hear from you more than to complain about a forum. (A) I have seen no promotional materials from you. (B) I do not see you at any festivals where I see the other candidates. (C) I can not recall one Oaklander whose door you have knocked on or who you have called. Any one of these items, or raising money or having a consultant, which I do not believe you have done, as a single item do not make a serious candidate, however, taken in sum, and not seeing you meet any of them, suggest you are not taking this campaign seriously. If you are not taking it seriously, how do you expect any of us, the voters of Oakland or the organizers of these events to take you seriously either.
Before you threaten legal action, remember Peter, you are a “public” figure now. Standards for what people can say and be actionable are much higher. I have heard a number of unflattering comments directed at me. Additionally, I am a lawyer, barred in NY and in CA, and would be happy to explain this to you.
I think you should apologize to everyone for your offensive statements, stop your tirades and start acting like a serious candidate if you want to be taken seriously.
You may reach me at 510.529.5015 if you wish to discuss further as I will not go into a war of words over email and further waste the groupʼs time. Perhaps I am being presumptuous, however, I feel others may have similar thoughts so I left the ccʼs in tact.
Bryan Parker
— Original Message —
Subject: Re: REMINDER: Temple Sinai of Oakland cordially invites you to
attend our Non-Partisan Forum for Mayoral Candidates, Thursday,
September 18, 2014
From: Peter Liu <>
Date: Mon, September 15, 2014 5:46 pm
Robin Nagel,
Just because there are independent polls, doesnʼt mean it is impartial. What kind of “independent poll” did you guys rely on? Who did it, what was the script they used and their method? If you can provide us with the polling and script info that youʼve used to exclude candidates from this mayoral forum, thatʼll be helpful to determine if youʼre naïve about Oakland politics.
I got call Sunday Sept. 14, 2014 from 510-727-5016 asking me to verify my Oakland address and that she is doing a “polling”. Then she tells me about Oaklandʼs rank choice voting and proceed to ask me which seven candidates Iʼm putting on my list.
She then names the choices, Kaplan, Quan, Bryan, Courtney, Tuman, Schaaf or Siegel.
”Which one will you put as your 1st choice? She asked.
”None of them, there are 15 candidates and I am voting for Peter Liu,” I said.
”Sorry, he is not on our list. Who is your second choice,” She replied.
”None,” I said.
”Sorry, we have to end this.” She murmurs.
Peter Liu
P.S. I really donʼt care about joining a mayoral forum at the “Temple,” as it is being desecrated by candidates fresh off Oakland Pride who promoted the very sins God detested. ^_^
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Robin Nagel <>
To: Robin M. Nagel <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 15, 2014 4:55 pm
Subject: REMINDER: Temple Sinai of Oakland cordially invites you to attend our Non-Partisan Forum for Mayoral Candidates, Thursday, September 18, 2014
Attention: Oakland Mayoral Candidates
Dear Candidate,
Temple Sinai of Oakland previously reached out to you about our Non-partisan Mayoral Candidates’ Forum on September 18, 2014 when we first invited you to “save the date.” This public event is co-sponsored by the East Bay Jewish Community Relations Council. In the spring, and again in late August, we noted criteria that would apply in selection of candidates who would be invited to speak as a panelist at the Forum.
Our criteria for participation as a panelist are:
• Filing of all required campaign documents
• Establishing a campaign website
• Receiving at least 5% of likely voters in current independent polls
We monitored independent polls through Labor Day. According to the information available to us in late August and at this time, you do not meet all the criteria we established for participation as a speaker.
If you would like to distribute your printed campaign materials to attendees on the evening of our Forum, we will have tables available for that purpose in our social hall. This occasion of a reception will follow the Forum, at 9:00 PM. We will open our doors (Webster Street entrance, at 28th) at 6:30 PM on September 18so that you may set up your table.
Please reply no later than Wednesday noon, September 17thto Robin Nagel, Forum Ad Hoc Committee chair ( if you choose to do so. We hope you will join us for our informational and social reception, following the Forum panel. We look forward to welcoming you and would like plan accordingly.
We appreciate your engagement in this electoral process in behalf of the City of Oakland, and wish you the best possible outcome from your efforts.
Rabbi Jaqueline Mates-Muchin Robin M. Nagel
Acting Senior Rabbi Temple Sinai Social Action Committee
Myrna David Sue Bachman
East Bay Regional Director, JCRC Women of Temple Sinai
Prepared by, and kindly reply to:
Robin M. Nagel
Social Action Committee
Temple Sinai
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Peter Liu <>
To: zennie <>
Sent: Tue, Sep 16, 2014 12:57 am
Subject: Re: Peter Liu: Oakland Mayorʼs Race Candidate Says Heʼs Anti-Gay, Killed People
Its night time. Phone is on silent mode. Kids are sleeping. It is a war on terrorism, I was a soldier in a battlefield in the middle east, had to defend against terrorists dressed as civilians.
Let me explain, gay activists, Democrats, are just wicked, the reason for ObamaCare is to cover these Democrats with pre-existing conditions. ObamaCare government subsidy is jumping 8x over ten years because of the cost to care for the LGBT community and illegal aliens. This ensures that Democrats politicians will have a freebie voters base who gets free cellphones, section 8, food stamps, social security disability.
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Zenophon Abraham <>
To: Peter Liu <>
Sent: Tue, Sep 16, 2014 12:34 am
Subject: Re: Peter Liu: Oakland Mayorʼs Race Candidate Says Heʼs Anti-Gay, Killed People
You did not return my phone call. You need to explain yourself.
On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 2:41 AM, Peter Liu <> wrote:
Zennie…youʼve a taken a photo from and didnʼt even attribute the source…Amabelle Ocampo.
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Zenophon Abraham <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Mon, Sep 15, 2014 11:22 pm
Subject: Peter Liu: Oakland Mayorʼs Race Candidate Says Heʼs Anti-Gay, Killed People
Peter Liu: Oakland Mayorʼs Race Candidate Says Heʼs Anti-Gay, Killed People
Zennie Abraham, Jr.:
Executive Producer:
Chairman and CEO:
Chairman and CEO
Sports Business Simulations
Phone: 510-517-7565
(SF Chronicle subsequently did a full coverage of 2014 Oakland mayoral candidates with video interviews and Peter Liu's footage was used by Jimmy Kimmel Live!)
-Original Message-
Byrne Trapper,
I need an official reply from the San Francisco Chronicle within 48 hours or else I'll wage an information war against your news organization, your company's claim to truth and credibility as a news organization is at stake.
Peter Liu
-----Original Message-----
From: Byrne, Trapper <>
To: Peter Liu <>
Cc: audiencepanel <>; Books <>; Chronicle Business Department <>; Datebookletters <>; Metro Desk <>; natfor <>; Abney, Andrea <>; Addiego Jr, Walter <>; Adolphson, Sue <>; Alexander, Kurtis <>; Allday, Erin <>; Asimov, Nanette <>; Atkins, Lacy <>; Baker, David <>; Baker, Kenneth <>; Bauer, Michael <>; Beck, Bernie <>; Behr, Andrea <>; Bennett, Lynne <>; JBerton <>; Blanchard, John <>; Blot, Jennifer <>; nbowles <>; Bonne, Jon <>; Brown, Brad <>; Bulwa, Demian <>; Burr, Elizabeth <>; Cabanatuan, Michael <>; Carroll, Jon <>; mcollier <>; Colliver, Victoria <>; Compton, Laura <>; Cooney, Steve <>; Cooper, Audrey <>; Cote, John <>; Crescibene, Chris <>; Crumpacker, John <>; Dayton, David <>; de la Fuente, David <>; Devera, Michelle <>; Egelko, Bob <>; Epstein, Jack <>; Evangelista, Benny <>; Fagan, Kevin <>; Fay, Bernadette <>; Ferguson, Jon <>; Fimrite, Peter <>; Finz, Stacy <>; Fitzgerald, Tom <>; Fong, Christopher SFC <>; Garchik, Leah <>; Garofoli, Joe <>; Gonzalez, Carlos SFC <>; Go, Kristen <>; mgray <>; Guadan, Deborah <>; Guthrie, Julian <>; ehafalia <>; ahendrix <>; Hertz, Leba <>; Hilton, Spud <>; Ho, Vivian <>; Hodge, Barry <>; Houser, Linda <>; Hu, Janny <>; Huet, Ellen <>; Hurwitt, Rob <>; liversen <>; Jacques, Joseph <>; Jaramillo, Barbara <>; Jenkins, Bruce <>; Johnson, Allen <>; Johnson, Chip <>; Johnson, Jay <>; Jones, Carolyn <>; Jungerman, Eric <>; Kane, Will <>; Kazakoff, Lois <>; kkeane <>; Kepka, Mike <>; Kilduff, Marshall <>; King, John SFC <>; Knight, Heather <>; Kosman, Joshua <>; Kroichick, Ron <>; Kroner, Steve <>; Lagos, Marisa <>; LaSalle, Mick <>; Lee, Henry <>; Lewis, David <>; Link, Geoff <>; Lloren, Jason <>; Lochhead, Carolyn -- Chron <>; Lundgren, Mark <>; Macor, Michael <>; Massa, Mike <>; Matier, Phil <>; Matthews, Allen <>; May, Meredith <>; McMurtrie, John <>; Mencher, Brooks <>; Miller, Bob <>; Millner, Caille <>; Mina, Frank <>; Morgan, Miriam <>; Murphy, Dave <>; Nevius, CW <>; Nolte, Carl <>; O'Rourke, Tim <>; Ostler, Scott <>; Pederson, Warren <>; Pender, Kathleen <>; Perlman, David <>; Petterson, Karen <>; Robertson, Terry <>; Ross, Andy <>; Ross, Andrew S. <>; Said, Carolyn <>; Sams, Reid <>; Saracevic, Alan <>; Saunders, Debra <>; Schulman, Henry <>; Shea, John <>; Simmons, Rusty <>; Slusser, Susan <>; Espinosa, Suzanne <>; Steinberg, David <>; Stienstra, Tom <>; Suzuki, Lea <>; Tafur, Vic <>; amtraum <>; Trumbull, Todd <>; Tucker, Jill <>; Van Derbeken, Jaxon <>; Van Niekerken, Bill <>; Vaziri, Aidin <>; Wandell, Deb <>; Ward, Brant <>; Welsh, Jillian <>; White, Meredith <>; Whiting, Sam <>; Wiegand, David <>; Wildermuth, John <>; Wong, Erick <>; Yip, Russell <>; Zinko, Carolyne <>; Marinucci, Carla <>
Sent: Sat, Mar 22, 2014 11:15 am
Subject: Re: news feature
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 22, 2014, at 10:04 AM, "Peter Liu" <> wrote:
Carla Marinucci claims SF Chronicle simply does not have the manpower to cover a mayor campaign across the Bay Bridge, Is this true? Are you guys that worthless? I am a real journalist and I am about to do a story on you guys.
Peter Liu
World's Smartest Leader
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Liu <>
To: CMarinucci <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 1:52 pm
Subject: Fwd: news feature
I just read your article, Democrats on Rand Paul's Berkeley fans: 'Who are these folks?'
And you have time to get advice from Newsom? Newsom's moral authority does not exceed that of an average pimp in San Francisco. "The issue of privacy is the issue of our time," Newsom said. Newsom wants privacy when he is fucking someone's wife while he himself is still married. "From a political perspective, Democrats, particularly, should pay attention to it," Newsom said. Democrats should pay attention to this fucking loser Newsom, who didn't solve jack shit about the homeless people in San Francisco despite his campagin pledge while wasting hundreds of miliions of dollars in taxpayers money. What a stupid fuck, and you have the time for him? And you must be cheering for him to run for governor in 2018 huh? Well I got news for you, I'll be his opponent and bitch slap him morally and intellectually on the national stage. "This guy is not shooting from the hip," Newsom said. "He's very intentional, very strategic - and he's not someone I am quick to dismiss." Newsom will be the one dismissed, he is a glorified example why Democrats are dirtbags, he is worst than Clinton. Democrats' message to young voters about Paul, should it come to that, would be "What you see is not necessarily what you get," Newsom said. Newsom is the last person on Earth that would have moral authority to judge others.
Is SF Chronicle just a mouthpiece for the liberal Democrat agenda or is it a real news organization? I can't even imagine that any ethical journalist would ask Newsom to judge others when that motherfucker have no credibility whatsoever. Yes, you can quote on this. I am the most honest politician ever and I say it like it is.
Peter Liu
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Liu <>
To: CMarinucci <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 9:11 am
Subject: Re: news feature
Let me teach you something, the first rule of journalism is that everything you say to a journalist is on the record. You've just flat out lied to me that the SF Chronicle cannot cover all "13 candidates" which there are 16 now. Am I requesting you to do all candidates? No.
You have now until Nov. 4 to cover any of 16 candidates. When I was in the journalism business, I can sufficiently cover 4 candidates in a day if I want to. I don't care if your newspaper was a single person operation, you have hundreds of days left to cover it. If you get on my bad side, I'll take your journalism integrity to task.
I am a real journalist, I'll write an article entitled "SF Chronicle Lacks Manpower to do Real Journalism." Then underneath, quote award winning journalist Carla Marinucci admits don't have manpower to cover a simple mayor campaign across the Bay Bridge. Then I'll specifically name stories that SF Chronicle does focus on, which have no news worthiness whatsoever.
I don't need luck Carla, as the World's Smartest Leader, whoever gets in my way will get intellectually bitch slapped aside. Democrat politicians are like birds of a feather flocking together and they'll all get shot down as a group. You might have interviewed many of these losers who can't even give straight answers to simple questions, just like that retard Obama who depends on political correctness and gets his ass handed on the world stage. Politics is not about a game of luck. So as you ponder who is worthy for a news story, I suggest you interview someone who really gives a damn about Oakland or else its crimes will spill over to San Francisco and then it'll be too late to blame voters' decision on some clusterfuck Democrat. Yes, you can quote me on this.
So you decide.
Peter Liu
-----Original Message-----
From: Marinucci, Carla <>
To: Peter Liu <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 12:01 am
Subject: Re: news feature
Good luck with your campaign.
Carla Marinucci
Senior Political Writer
San Francisco Chronicle
415-298-2932 cell
415-777-6064 w.
Politics blog/
On Mar 20, 2014, at 11:20 PM, "Peter Liu" <> wrote:
You must be tired of working for a second rate newspaper lacking manpower to do any real journalism. I was a journalist too, woke up at 6:30am in the morning to take helicopter flights to various locations, it is so boring. There is a better way of making a living, try my game CESP5, people are playing it around the world, it will help you live a better life in the long run.
“CESP5” (Community Empowered Safety Plan #5)
CESP5version1.pdf CESP5version2.pdf (PDF of game rules, print and sell it for $5 or $10 to strangers, test if you have what it takes to be a businessman)
A game for people who want to be Rich. Playing the game teaches by experience: leadership, honesty, teamwork, responsibility and integrity.
created by Rags-to-Riches multi-millionaire Peter Y. Liu
Game Rules
- Choose 7 or more people, preferably people you trust. Give them the game rules. Set a location where to have a meeting if they want to join in the game.
- At the meeting, each person introduce themselves, their name and their phone number and email address. Each person write down the information. Take 10 minutes to brainstorm a business idea and write on a paper. EXAMPLE
- Each person takes turn to share their idea to the group.
- After all the ideas are heard, each idea is put to a vote by the group. Person with the best idea is the founder and President of a company, the rest are co-founders, then they vote on who will be the treasurer, secretary, etc.
- Then the group makes up a business plan, to answer Who, What, When, Where and Why. Who are the company leaders? What is the company name and what does it do? When will they do it? Where is the company located? Why are they running this business?
- How to win the game? You win as a team, you win when the company profits off the idea and proceeds are split according to the hours you’ve put in.
- How to lose the game? You lose as an individual, you quit, you got voted off the company because you didn’t contribute, stole money or lost trust due to unethical behavior. Your reputation will suffer according to the seriousness of your offense.
- What if the company didn’t make a profit? Then your group rethink the ideas, vote on it, maybe vote on another leader, maybe change the business name, adjust the business plan then retry.
Print the game rules and sell it for money, it will test your business acumen. Time yourself for 3 hours to see how many you can sell. If you sell it for $5.00, you can claim it is 50% off sale. In 3 hours, see how much money you earned total:
$ per hour (average) | level |
$5 | below minimum wage |
$10 | minimum wage |
$15~$21 | supervisor |
$22~$39 | managerial |
$40~$55 | director, you should film it and post it on YouTube, your skills will shine |
$56~$99 | company executive officer |
$100+ | a seasoned professional with $200K annual salary! |
Peter Liu
-----Original Message-----
From: Marinucci, Carla <>
To: Peter Liu <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 20, 2014 5:55 pm
Subject: Re: news feature
I think there are 13 people running for Oakland Mayor, and about half of them are in your situation. Unfortunately, we simply don't have the manpower to cover you all. If your campaign does something we need to know about, please email me and we'll see if we can cover.
Thanks and good luck,
Carla Marinucci
Senior Political Writer
San Francisco Chronicle
415-298-2932 cell
415-777-6064 w.
Politics blog/
On Mar 20, 2014, at 2:29 PM, "Peter Liu" <> wrote:
Would you like to do a news feature about me? I am running for office of mayor of Oakland on less than $1,000.
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Peter Liu <>
To: doakley <>; ccnnewsrelease <>; pturntine <>; dsmith <>; lailan.huen <>; Libby <>; jason <>; Jtuman7643 <>; DanMSiegel <>; courtney <>; townmayor510 <>; oaklandmayormovement <>; mmcrw40 <>; pat4oakland <>; wilson4oakland <>; nannystu <>; sonofoakland <>; zennie <>; CJohnson <>; rmnagel <>; “”\”da dana\”” <”da dana””
Sent: Wed, Sep 17, 2014 2:10 pm
Subject: Reality is terrorists are coming to the Bay Area, many of them are already here.
To the leaders of Oakland,
Despite our differences, I want to acknowledge to you the seriousness and the dangers of terrorism activity that will happen in the Bay Area and the task the future leaders must take on to counter these activities. I was not merely a journalist for the U.S. Army, but a soldier on the battlefield who killed terrorists dressed as civilians. They would approach you like civilians at day or night to get their approximate 200 ~ 300 feet range and they will shoot at you. They will put dead animals on the road with cavities filled with home made explosives to stop convoys and remotely detonate it. They filled cars, trucks, buses with unsuspecting passengers loaded with bombs. These war photos are from the war on terrorism a decade ago. Since then, these terrorists became much more sophisticated.
These are steps that must be taken to make properly respond to terrorist activity.
1. Armed the good citizens and legal residents as granted by the 2nd Amendment. This is public safety measure. If we donʼt have this, then weʼll end up like Nigerians towns being slaughtered like sheep by Boko Haram.
2. The city establish a local militia. Each police set up a neighborhood watch with 7~25 men/women. This is necessary to counter armed teams of terrorist who does drive by shootings. This would absolutely discourage violent riots as there would be up to 4,000+ men to act upon a moments notice to defend the city.
3. Surveillance at intersections of the streets to properly track vehicles engaged in terrorism or crime accessible to the public. For example, if a squad of terrorists killed people, we need to track the vehicles as it speeds to different locations in the city.
Without these measures in place. There will be no chance that the Oakland Police or Alameda Sheriff can stop a terrorist attack until the enemy runs of ammunition/explosives, then they fight with machetes. These terrorists are seeking death, they are suicidal and they will do the maximum damage they can until death.
Peter Liu
⸺Original Message⸺
From: Peter Liu <>
To: lana <>; isaac <>
Cc: tdrummond <>; doakley <>; ccnnewsrelease <>; pturntine <>; dsmith <>; lailan.huen <>; Libby <>; jason <>; Jtuman7643 <>; DanMSiegel <>; courtney <>; townmayor510 <>; oaklandmayormovement <>; mmcrw40 <>; pat4oakland <>; wilson4oakland <>; nannystu <>; sonofoakland <>; zennie <>; jill <>; CJohnson <>; bryan <>; rmnagel <>; dana <>
Sent: Thu, Sep 18, 2014 8:44 am
Subject: Oakland Chamber of Commerce discrimination
Ken Houston, another mayoral candidate, called me yesterday and told me he was trying to join the Oakland Chamber of Commerce mayoral forum but the security guard stopped him at the door saying it was on “Invite-only based on name recognition.” Nancy and Patrick expressed the same. None of those seven candidates at the forum spoke out against this unfair discrimination, they just go with the flow on how other candidates be treated. That right there tells me they lack courage, decency and leadership. As I have fought in battle for the democracy of this nation, it is falling into oligarchy. May this is be a lesson for your leadership skills, as possible future councilmembers looked on. Merely giving excuses like the forum is too crowded, not enough time, etc. are just that, excuses, those special interests could of expand their event time by another hour to accommodate just as easily. Good leaders donʼt make excuses. You either stand firm on principles or youʼll be aimless in the wind, make excuses after excuses like Obama.
Peter Liu
Questions from
Candidate Provided Statement:
Peter Y. Liu is a father, service-connected Army war veteran, insurance agent, commercial & residential real estate investor, and rags to riches self-made multimillionaire. Came to Oakland as a poor immigrant in 1987. Went through the Oakland Unified schools at Bella Vista, Edna Brewer and Oakland High. He has a bachelors from the University of California and a journalism diploma from the United States Defense Information School. Using his “Community Empowered Safety Plan,” people as young as teenagers gain practical experience in leadership, honesty, teamwork, responsibility and integrity by being founders and co-founders of new businesses. No longer will people aspire to a mere job, they will have practical knowledge and ability to create the wealth they aspire to. I am pro 2nd Amendment conceal carry for all legal residents with clean background. Surveillance at medium and high crime areas, accessible to the public via internet.
Candidate Question Responses
Question 14: What candidates besides yourself do you urge Oakland voters to support with their 2nd and 3rd choice votes for mayor? Please explain your choices.
For my 2nd Choice, Patrick McCullough. He doesnʼt accept special interest money and is generally an honest type. For 3rd Choice, Ken Houston or Nancy Sidebotham would be a good fit.
The important thing here is this: Peter Liuʼs campaign spent less than $400 on his entire campaign, didnʼt accept any donations whatsoever, and he got nationwide attention with the help of readers on Twitter and this Oakmayor2014 website. He made some other candidateʼs $400,000+ special interest infused mayoral campaign looked like crap in comparison. Peter is on fire on Twitter, internet blogs, and many websites even before Jimmy this campaign. SF Chronicleʼs video of candidate Liu on YouTube has nearly 15K views, more than all the other of candidates combined, times 5. Liuʼs Kimmel segment YouTube video has nearly 60K views and it was broadcasted to 1.3 million live viewers. KITS Live 105.3 FM endorsed Peter Liu, the first public radio station ever to get involved in politics because they thought my campaign was worthy of respect and we did an excellent interview together. No other mayoral candidate even comes close to his popularity and he gained fame with fans emailing him in the hundreds asking how they can support his campaign…even some local bay area fans wanted him to being running for the CA governorʼs office instead. Josh Daniels, the operator of this Oakmayor2014, who I accidentally encounter at Chinatown, asked me for a photo with him, as like many other local residents when I walked in town. People asked me how they can spread my wisdom around and to that, I send the CESP5 game rules, in which they can operate CESP5 conventions, charge $20~50 entrance fees. If there is one hundred people show up, thatʼs $2,000~$5,000 in fees. Youʼll never attain a multi-millionaire status working $15/hr. When a society adopts the CESP, no longer will people result to crime for personal gains. CESP5 teaches people how to be rich the legal way, without depriving the life and property of others. It will lessen criminal activities and create safer communities. Special thanks to Josh Daniels and Phil Tagami for the Oakmayor2014 website, Dave Prosper @ThatWorstMan and Susie Cagle @susiec on twitter for their role in tweeting about my campaign back in February 2014 and @Greenkozi and others for editing my campaign website,
Lastly, my family, relatives, & friends thought I was crazy when I started this campaign, not anymore.
Question 13: How does Oakland fit into the Bay Areaʼs struggles with gentrification, now and in the coming years?
There is no such thing as gentrification, purely a made up term for the weak to feel victimized so they can falsely blame others for their own failure to own property or pay fair market rate rent. These self professed victims then go vandalize Google buses, riot against banks, public & private property, stopping urban traffic and promote physical violence against their imaginary oppressor. All good men must be concealed carry against this wanton violence. These self-processed victims, most are Dimwitcrats voters, are not logical creatures, they thrive on emotional hate and are controlled by their real oppressor, the Dimwitcratic party. These Dimwitcrats voters feel society owe them things, they think they deserve all the free stuff such as section 8, free Medicaid, food stamps, EBT, cellphones. They never once thanked the real people who gave it to them, the hard working middle and high class taxpayers who does not qualify for any of the freebies. It is the Dimwitcrats politicians who steal from the rest of society to provide their voter base with so many freebies that they are addicted to it. They lost all personal resolve to build themselves into productive citizens, as soon as their income exceeds an arbitrary poverty income level, they immediately become poorer by losing all the freebies benefits. They see no incentives to work their way out of poverty. So when Dimwitcrat voters get “displaced” due their own failure to pay mortgage payments or rent, they blame the rest of society for not helping them enough. Therefore Dimwitcrats tries endlessly to pass absurd pro tenant ordinances to appease their voters base to keep them content while being poor and dependent on them. Dimwitcratic party do not want to see their voter base to advance their social economic status. As long as they are poor, they can be used and controlled. Dimwitcrats loathe business because it promotes self independence. With self independence, people have the ability to think for themselves and that is a Big No No. When I am mayor, we as a people would end this vicious demonic influence of the Democratic Party. For all who follow my CESP5 path to success, especially those who are weak, will rise up to be stronger and stronger. They will free themselves of addiction to freebies, purchase their own homes, be the next generation of newly minted millionaires in Oakland. When I was poor, I was a Dimwitcrat voter. Not anymore. Kiss ma Butt. =)
Question 12: If elected, what will you do to bridge the digital divide in Oakland and increase access to the internet, computer hardware, and computer literacy programs to all Oaklanders?
Not sure if the “digital divide” is such a bad thing, I donʼt think kids are suffering because of it, but Iʼll bridge the gap in Oakland with condoms. You see, what it means is 95% of the kids up in the Oakland hills be clicking on porno sites at an earlier age versus 50% of flatland kids be hooking it up with the real thang so they need contraceptives. I live in the flat lands, when I was 13, we didnʼt have fast ass internet such as Cumcast, yeah itʼs Cumcastic. What we had was slow ass AOL 56K modem, but I was still clicking on the “I am over 18” tab like a lab monkey. We use to wait for a jpeg to load in a minute or two. I was a nerd, trading dozens of 3.5” floppy disks each filled with 1.2MB of salacious photos to other nerds in school. Now I reminisce, what fucking losers we were, other male classmates who did not have internet access at home be bangin hot chicks in school. While we wasted time looking at a god damn 14 inch CRT, those other dudes be focusing on their “Mac” skills with their inches. Know what I am sayin. (REMINDER: all this shit happened before I accepted Jesus okay)
The lesson here is this: when your son says “Mommy, Daddy, I need internet access for homework.” This really translates to: “I am gonna masturbate online while my parents at work yo.” If you have a daughter, fuck, I wouldnʼt even think about letting them access the internet with all these kids “sexting” these days and even some horny teachers got involved in it too. Seriously, I lived in the wrong generation.
Kids from that flatlands are smart nowadays, if they wanted internet access, they can just easily ask for a neighborʼs WiFi password. If that fails, just pretend you go over to yo neighborʼs house to say hello and use a cellphone to snap a photo of their WiFi routerʼs password sticker usually on the bottom side. If that failed, hack into one of the neighborʼs WiFi router. Some clueless adults actually leave their WiFi unsecured with no password for login. Once you get a connection, make an aluminum foil dish to boost the signals. I know thatʼs what I would do if my parents canʼt afford internet access
Computer hardware is cheap nowadays, a small USB/HDMI android computer that can fit on the palm of your hand can be purchased with less than $50. You stick it into a HDTV and it becomes a computer. If you donʼt know how to do it, just ask a computer nerd from school, heʼll be your best friend if you showed him how to get a girlfriend.
Question 11: What would you do as mayor to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety and infrastructure in the City of Oakland?
These bicyclists need to learn what the fuck is a red light. If it is red, you suppose to STOP. Iʼve seen their asses numerous times ride through the red like theyʼre Rambo. Total fucking idiots. At one time I felt like running their ass over with my Toyota, but this is not San Francisco and I am too cool for that.
An alternative form of transportation I support is horses. I am an animal lover and those ponies are cute. With my trusty horse sidekick, HORSEY, Iʼll ride like a western cowboy slinging revolvers and my horse shit all over Oakland grass patches as natural fertilizer for the trees and flowers. I am an environmentalist too. Now you may think horses are kinda old fashion, not up in the Oakland hills, those people call themselves equestrians with stables the size of a three-car garage. We all need to learn to ride horses so we can stop paying outrageous gas prices.
Another reason why horses are better than bikes is no one today is crazy enough to want to steal a horse, they may get a hind leg kick to the face then it is game over. Youʼve seen how easy it is to steal a car in Grand Theft Auto and Gone in 60 Seconds. You try that with a horse, it might bite your head off. MEEEeeeeehh.
Having more horses means itʼll create more businesses in Oakland, such as horse shoe making, romantic horse carriage rides around Lake Merritt, urban stables, pony salons, most beautiful horse show and urban street horse races. I rather watch an illegal gambling of home-grown horses racing through the streets than lame pro sports. Really.
Just imagine yourself riding a horse, running pass an obnoxious Segway scooter ride, you can literally trample on his ass and bounce at the same time. I like that feeling. We must get more horses. Vote Liu.
Question 10: Please describe your criteria for accepting and rejecting campaign contributions.
There is no criteria for Liu, I donʼt accept any donations whatsoever. I didnʼt became the worldʼs smartest leader by accepting handouts. Politicians who peddle money from special interests are worst than dirty street beggars and they get no respect from me.
We got luxury politicians filling up their bank accounts to shamelessly promote their lies on TV. One of these fat cats is Jerry Brown, he got over $20M from special interests in his campaign funds. He just mettle in Oakland politics. He is a failure who gives driver licenses to illegal aliens, taxpayer funded scholarships to them.
In the effort to save a delta smelt fish, he drained reservoirs to the Pacific instead of channeling it to farmers. Now we have this entirely man-made water disaster. Now Jerry is promoting prop 1 and 2 so taxpayers pay for “water bonds” so water utility companies who donated to his campaign gets free taxpayers subsided new reservoirs while claiming drought and price gouge “over-water-use-limit” fee charges on unsuspecting water customers and farmers.
As former Oakland mayor, his 10K plan was a major fail as developers belly up and condos sat vacant for years in legal limbo. This guy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his policies are all failures. We have a good Bay Bridge that was replaced by an inferior one that overrun cost in the billions, with water leaks, metal, corrosion and $100M+ repair bills. The unions and contractors involved in the new bridge all paid into Brownʼs campaign fund. Also, Brown did nothing for the crime rate in Oakland while he was mayor because he is incompetent.
As governor, he unconstitutionally infringe on gun rights and seize guns from lawful owners when “a relative complains.” He may be popular to the uninformed, because liberal media is always on his side. But make no mistake, Brown is an asshole.
Now, getting back to these mayoral candidates who accepted money from polluters, they are following the Jerry the nasty ass Democratʼs blueprint path. They give fake promises like Obamaʼs hope and change. Once in office, they will displace capable city workers with their friends and relatives with remaining openings to their campaign staff. Then special interests will call them for special favors, supplementing gifts and under-the-table money with promises for future political donations. This is the Democratʼs standard operating procedure. Vote Liu into office to put these rogue bitches in check. ^__^
Question 9: Has the City of Oakland made decisions that are in the public interest in regards to the cityʼs three professional sports teams?
I donʼt give a fuck about professional sports. Theyʼre only good for useless entertainment value. What I do care about is that these teams donʼt leech off of pubic taxpayers to pay for their shit. Donʼt expect the taxpayers to build a stadium for your ass, you purchase the land and build it on your own dime motherfuckers. If you get offended by what I say, well fuck you too then.
What possibly is there a “public interest” for grown men to play ball merely to distract the populace from the real problems of society?
There are people starving on the streets. Kids murdered on the sidewalks. People on welfare wearing the latest Nike Air Jordon paying high priced baseball, basketball and football tickets.
The City of Oakland should have no business in messing with private business enterprises. Professional teams are large corporate businesses. There are many small businesses in Oakland, I didnʼt see the City of Oakland subsidizing their rent and shit, why they doing it for professional sports teams…Doesnʼt make any sense. If youʼre a professional sports team fan and think it does make sense, then your head needs to be examined by a professional neurologist for any sign of brainwave activity. You mind as well be one of those broke ass professional sports players, who canʼt even manage money even if their court ordered child support payment was due.
If I am mayor, people from all over the Bay Area will follow my CESP5 path to riches. In the years to come, weʼll be minting new millionaires like a big chocolate factory. Crime and hunger would be so rare in Oakland because my Community Empowered Safety Plan resolved those issues decisively. We, together, create a society so economically powerful and rich that professional sport franchises will be begging at our mercy to come play in Oakland. Theyʼll be glad to have the honor to play here and pay us a hefty premium for the rights to do so, this would be of “public interest.” The Oakland Coliseum will be as great as ancient Romeʼs Colosseum in the days of gladiators, minus the sewer backups.
Question 8: What would you do as Mayor to improve the performance of OPD and the relationship between the community and its police force? Would you keep the current Chief?”
The federal monitor, Judge Henderson is corrupted as Eric Holder, both them are treasonous enemies of the U.S. Constitution and its people. Vicarious liability is the greatest injustice in the United States’ judicial system. It is created out of sheer greed by trial lawyers to increase their pockets by creating frivolous lawsuits to target businesses, corporations and governments. One of the most notable frivolous lawsuit settlement in history is where an old lady gets $2.7 million jury award for a “too-hot” coffee she accidentally poured on her own thigh at McDonalds. Even though the case was settled for less than that amount, such a case is laughable anywhere in the world.
The “Riders Case” should not be a liability of the City of Oakland. The cops who got caught, served their time, just like any criminal. Their debt to society should be paid with jail time and the cops’ assets seized under civil trial settlement after the conviction of criminal conduct. There are countless people who got murdered by non-police in Oakland, did the victims’ families get any monetary settlement for their lost?
Vicarious liability and comparative negligence ruins many legit businesses, can potentially bankrupt local governments. A rogue employee may well intentionally do harm for the profit of a friend. Criminal enterprises can easily plant new police hires, then have them abuse fake victims, videotape it as police brutality using an IPhone then intentionally file a lawsuit with evidence in hand. These criminals will succeed, the same trial lawyers will go on to be judges appointed by treasonous criminals such Obama.
Judge Hendersonʼs failed experiment cost taxpayers a lot of money. He should be held responsible for overstepping his authority by stepping over the separation of powers. As mayor, I will issue an arrest warrant for Judge Henderson for malfeasance, practicing dictatorship in disguise.
To increase the performance of OPD, they should be less burden with security patrols and focus on solving existing crimes. We need to shift a bulk of patrol duty to the citizens who should at very least be able to defend themselves against criminal elements. All good men should concealed carry to protect women and children. Each police officer set up an armed neighborhood watch with 7 to 25 volunteers. The neighborhood watches form a well-regulated militia, about 4 thousand volunteers, as declared in the 2nd Amendment, to defend the city.
Question 7: What experience and expertise do you have that qualifies you for the task of overseeing the City of Oaklandʼs budget?
I can count from 1 to 10 with my fingers so a 10 digit number is no problem for me. I am the worldʼs smartest leader, give me a trillion dollar budget and Iʼll do it like Picasso.
My household budget is in the millions. I have never handled a large organization budget, but with the way the City of Oakland is handling money, I am not surprised if they wipe their ass with new $100 bills. I am convinced some of these wicked motherfuckers took bribes from special interests to steal millions of taxpayers money, and Iʼll weed their ass out sooner or later, these bitches canʼt hide from me. Iʼll go after them like a pack of blood hound on a wound deer, the scene will be uglier than Urban Shields. “Git Yo ass dOWn on the Flo! Whose mOney you tOok, saY iT noW! U gOT 5 seconds. Five! Four! Three! Two!” .… “Congratulations, youʼre on candid Youtube!”
To answer these other lame questions: I have never filed bankruptcy and I have no outstanding federal nor state taxes.
Question 6: How would you evaluate the handling of the cityʼs garbage contract? Should it have been handled differently?
The city has no business giving out a contract when it is fully capable of collecting garbage on its own merit. When I worked for the City of Oaklandʼs Parks and Recreation summer youth program back in 1994, males as young as 14 years old like me was already collecting dirty garbage, putting it in a truck and dumping it for the City of Oakland. Was paid minimum wage $4.75 an hour. Back in those days, I picked up used condoms and even .22 LR ammunition half hidden inside tree trunks at the parks, nothing has changed since. When I was 16 years old, I was part of the cityʼs Team Oakland summer program. We were put in teams of 4 or 5, dressed in green t-shirts then we hit the streets and parks collecting garbage getting paid $5.25 an hour.
If the Oaklandʼs Parks and Recreation are handling the garbage at the parks for so many decades, the city is fully capable of handling residential garbage and recycling. If I was mayor and the current garbage contract is to expire, I would just expand the Oakland Parks and Recreation to collect residential garbage and perform recycling operations too. Then rename the “Parks and Recreation” to the “Clean Environment Department.” This would save residents money because the cityʼs aim is not to generate a profit. We then give preference in hiring Oakland residents to fill the ranks of the new department.
The Clean Environment Department will also enforce environmental ordinances. If people are caught illegally doing graffiti, the Clean Environment officers will force them to be non-voluntary workers collecting garbage on the parks and streets as a “community service.” If a company or person does illegal dumping, we would fine them and force them to remove graffiti as a “community service.” If any dirty officials or city workers got caught accepting bribes, theyʼll be forced to sort plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and handle compost material as a “community service.” When johns are caught soliciting prostitutes, weʼre not going to shame them by immediately posting their photos online, thatʼs just too harsh. The Clean Environment Officer will have them de clog drains and sewer pips, then pick up used condoms at the parks. We videotape all the offenders and post it on YouTube. Yes it will be so fun. ^__^
Question 5: Do you think the City of Oakland needs more housing? If so, what would you do to ensure that more housing is created in Oakland?
We absolutely need more housing. The city is jammed packed with illegal aliens under Democratic Party rule and it will only get worst under traitorous Obama who will unilaterally and unconstitutionally declare amnesty to appease their voting block. This will flood Oakland with more illegal aliens by the busload as they are secretly dumping them in the Bay Area right now. There are Oakland warehouses full of them sleeping in cots coming out in the early morning to stand near City of Oakland sponsored day laborers signs to and from Home Depot.
This is one of the reasons why the Alameda County Sheriff declared not to enforce illegal immigration laws because this is what Democrat politicians wanted, free votes on election day by the illegal aliens since filing a voters registration does not require proof of citizenship, no proof of identity and poll workers are not permitted to ask for any of these proofs under false pretext of discrimination. There is no legal residency proof needed to purchase or rent real estate too.
As I look at the foreclosed houses being listed in the Bay Area, more than half of the houses have coding issues. These houses have extra rooms built without permits by previous tenants, owners or squatters. The real population of Oakland may be in the 700,000 whereas the official census may show 450,000. One landlord told me one of his tenants harbor a dozen illegal alien relatives in a two bedroom one bath house.
What is the fastest way to build Oakland housing that is cheap, environmentally safe, fire-proof, affordable, earthquake resistant, withstand any natural storms and bullets fired from an AK47?
Earth Adobe, dome shaped houses made of soil straight from the land it is built upon, by far the cheapest and strongest material for housing. It does not corrode, it does not crack, it does not fade and it is very strong and may last hundreds of years. It is like building massive sandbag castles with shapes and size that can fit your imagination. Such examples can be found at Cal-Earthʼs website
Adobe house can be built in a few days by a team of four people and teams can be easily trained to build adobe houses, it is way simpler than traditional housing. Therefore, when I am mayor, Iʼll order housing code enforcement to be halted for adobe housing as we experiment in building prototypes that is safe, energy efficient, can withstand magnitude 7.0 earthquakes, fires, floods, bullet proof, etc.
Question 4: Describe your relationship with the Oakland City Council. Do you have their support? How will you work with the council to achieve your goals as Mayor?
The Oakland city council is corrupted and incompetent to the core. It rear its ugly head with the city garbage contract process, shady at least and illegal at worst. I am not their friend. Their support is not needed because my “Community Empowered Safety Plan” does not require the council for implementation. I am there to instill fear in the council, with watchful eyes like a cat watching blind mice play. When I pierce their deception, corruption, and/or bribery, that is when I pounce. Theyʼll know me as Overseer Liu. To achieve my goals, if any councilmember obstructs me in any way that is unreasonable, Iʼll intellectually bitch slap them until they go home crying. Even a grown man will have thousand tears drip like piss. Iʼll video tape it in HD with my brand new cellphone holding it ten inches from their forehead then post it on YouTube.
Question 3: Do you believe that Oakland should contract with an independent budget analyst who is neither elected nor on the city payroll?
First, just because there is an independent budget analyst, doesnʼt mean theyʼre impartial, they most likely already established connections in the corrupted Oakland city government to be awarded a contract in the first place. Secondly, they can secretly be bribed and there is less oversight on them than an elected auditor. Thirdly, it is a waste of money too to contract an independent budget analyst when you have members of the public doing the same thing for free. Some of these concerned citizens are certified public accountants vying for future attempts at the position of city auditor like the two current candidates we have for the city auditorʼs office. Lastly, based on my investigative jounrnalism experience, the oversight of government contractors are very lacking, the quality of their performance is seldom audited by anyone because once the contracts are awarded, they can be half way across the world doing their analyst by themselves at a beach in Costa Rica or subcontracted the work to a college student in India and we wonʼt know a damn thing about it. As a reminder, look how FEMA, IRS, and the U.S. Defense contractors lost billions of taxpayers money and none of the Inspectors General nor hired independent analyst knew where the money went, even after decades mysteries are still unresolved. When I am mayor, when these corrupt Oakland government entities try to “overspend” (like they usually do), they would require to give valid reasons to the city auditor and the mayor before permission is granted.
Question 2: Do you support the Lift Up Oakland $12.25/hr minimum wage ballot measure (Measure FF)? Explain your position.
Fuck minimum wage. I want people aspire to be multi-millionaires like me using my method, CESP5.
Did god created you to be flipping burgers and getting harassed by your boss all day long? NO!
People need to wise the fuck up because education institutions had failed them just like how they failed me. They taught you to be slaves, as mere employees. None taught you how to be employers, the masters of society. You didnʼt know how to build businesses so you feared the unknown.
I was jobless once, been to dozens of interviews dressed in suits and ties only to be rejected. I couldnʼt find a job for two years. I was called a “piece of shit” by a relative because I didnʼt have a job despite my college degree. That man, being three years older than me, said if I kneel down to him and that I would follow whatever he says, then perhaps Iʼll go on a right direction. I didnʼt kneel. I cried, but I didnʼt kneel. That moment was the coldest experience of failure, it gave me the determination to succeed. I had come to the conclusion that since no employer will hire me, I must start my own business. I start from scratch. I failed two businesses before becoming an independent insurance agent. I spoke with clients from 16 years old newly drivers licensed to seniors with massive wealth. From combining the techniques of millionaire clients and from my own business experience, I developed the CESP5 method and used it. By the grace of God, I am giving this knowledge free to people, without them kneeling in front of me… because I am one cool dude with the right attitude.
Question 1: What are your top three priorities, and what specific steps would you take toward achieving them in your first 100 days in office?
- Each week weʼll have thousands of people come to CESP5 conventions with their resumes. We group these people by zip codes, then into groups of 7 or more. They exchange their contact information and business ideas within their group and then vote on it. The person with the highest voted idea is the president and then they vote who among them will be the treasurer, secretary, etc. They will then devise a basic business plans that answers who, what, when, where, and how. Who are the leaders of the company? What is the companyʼs name? What will they do? When will they do it? How will they do it? Where will they be located? Once these questions are answered, theyʼll have a general idea of their new endeavor and they will figure ways to fund the operation. People coming to this convention will leave with a job to do.
- Iʼll order the police chief to start issuing conceal carry permits to eligible gun carrying legal residents. Iʼll train each police officer to set up armed neighborhood watches with the capability to ward off terrorist attacks and riots. These neighborhood watches will be the well regulated armed militia as stated in the 2nd Amendment. The leader of these neighborhood watches are voted by the member among themselves. When the city encounters an emergency of terrorist attack or riots, all the neighborhood watches will be alerted by police. Using this neighborhood watch system, we have the ability to call four thousand armed citizens to defend the city. If a dozen armed terrorists with AK47s start mass killings, residents will be have the preparations in place to deal with it real time. Donʼt flee to the mountain like pussies, use your 2nd Amendment rights.
- Within 100 days, we will set up surveillance in high and medium crime areas, funded by the conceal carry permits issued to the populace. We install first at places with the most violent crimes in the city, then weʼll move the operation to medium crime areas. All the surveillance will be accessible to the public real time via internet, especially to the neighborhood watches. Our aim is to have a safe city, we will remove surveillance when it is no longer needed because there wouldnʼt be a medium or high crime area.
Media mentions
Jimmy Kimmel speaks about my campaign on his show.
On front page of Singtao Oct. 3, 201
Here is a video of Jerry Brown, who endorsed Libby Schaaf and she called him a hero. He lied like a bitch on TV.
Here is a video of Barbara Box, who endorsed Libby Schaaf and she called her a heroine. She lied like a bitch on TV.
Oakland is dangerous. My dog "Mealy" got stolen from Fruitvale district. <.<