The park in the evening. (photo by mk30)
Para español (castellano): Peralta Hacienda Historical Park (es)
Peralta Hacienda Historical Park in the Peralta district (between Fruitvale, Dimond, and Laurel) of Oakland, California, on the east side of San Francisco Bay, is a six-acre park known as the "Birthplace of Oakland." Peralta Hacienda Historical Park is not only one of the most significant historical sites in the East Bay as the first Spanish-speaking settlement in the Oakland area, it also gives voice to the community today through its events, exhibits and programs, which share the story of Fruitvale's dazzling diversity with visitors from region, state and nation.
The focal point of the park is the 1870 Italianate Victorian farmhouse , the Peralta House Museum of History and Community. A city and state landmark, the house is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is on the National Park Service Juan Bautista de Anza Historic Trail.
Address: 2465 34th Avenue, Oakland, California
Phone: 510.532-9142
On its webpage, Peralta Hacienda Historic Park describes itself as a place dedicated toward promoting:
"understanding, historical healing and community amid change and diversity. We present and interpret the untold history of the Peralta rancho and the stories of the Fruitvale community today, giving voice to the many cultures that have created - and are still transforming - California. The six-acre park and historic house form an arts and educational hub for local families and youth, and regional center for historical inquiry and discovery."
Park History
Friends of Peralta Hacienda Historical Park (Friends) has worked since the late 1970s to establish the six-acre park, which opened to the public in 1996. Friends has lobbied successfully for over $6M of state and local funding to create the park, parcel by parcel, throughout a 20-year period.
The goal was: 1) to create open space in a district with the lowest per capita open space in Oakland and the highest percentage of children; and 2) to rescue and interpret the history of the once vast Rancho San Antonio, a 45,000 acre land grant to Luis Peralta in 1820, and the historic Antonio Peralta House which stands on the site.
The park was chosen as one of ten projects nationwide to receive funding for planning from The National Endowment for the Humanities in 1999. Eminent historians, landscape architects, museum and interpretative experts, educators, Friends' staff, and community representatives all came together to develop a new design for this historic landscape which reflects its regional and national significance, and to begin to plan its interpretive programs.
With completion of the house restoration in 2001, Peralta Hacienda Historical Park entered a new phase of development that focuses on landscape development, creating exhibits for the Peralta House and interpretive programs for the whole site.
Friends of Peralta Hacienda Historical Park offers an environment for the enjoyment of the community, where neighbors as well as visitors from the region, state, and nation can be actively involved in its historical and natural features through performances, celebrations and educational workshops and programs. The City of Oakland, the Fruitvale community, and Friends of Peralta Hacienda Historical Park are proud to be part of the development of this historic site and look forward to its future evolution.
- Aztec Danza Dance – Weekly ceremony and performance open to the public.
Tours of the Peralta House Museum of History and Community: Led by lively community tour leaders. Enter the past through the five senses. Contact us if you are interested in being a museum guide! You will learn all about the history of this community. The museum is free to Fruitvale residents and kids under 16, and $5 for others. The museum also contains a changing community exhibit. Now showing is Home and Away, about the effect of incarceration on people in this community.
Historic Core, Museum without Walls: Diverse community members tell their stories in this outdoor exhibit open during daylight hours.
Community gardens. A farm in Fruitvale cultivated by many cultures! Lead by the Mien community, traditional and seasonal foods are grown and harvested.
Food Distribution: PHHP offers free food distribution through a food pantry and a hot meals program.
Volunteers and staff work hard to give out healthy, delicious, and nutritious groceries to our neighbors and communities.
School Field trips: These are fun, hands-on curriculum-based 3-hour experiences. Peralta Hacienda offers two highly acclaimed Hands-on History Trips. Ohlone Daily Life focuses on the first peoples of Northern California, while Peralta Rancho Life immerses students in the later Mission and Rancho periods.
Welcome to Wildlife This free program is a weekend opportunity for K-9 grade youth
Summer Camp ACE: Arts, Culture and Environment: Weekday free summer camp at Peralta Hacienda with field trips to other nature sites and museums, reading, free lunch and outdoor games every day. Kids 5-15 get to explore, play, learn, make things, and really enjoy their summer in this free camp with outstanding educators. Please also contact us if you are interested in being a teen intern for this camp. Teens receive science education training and learn valuable job skills.
We also rent the charming Center for History and Community and Peralta House Museum for your retreats and social occasions. Contact for more info.
Events: We have frequent arts and cultural events. The community center is also open for private rental Visit for updates on events.