Overland House was a hotel and bar at 101 Broadway. The bar is said to have been frequented by Jack London. The hotel was opened in 1874 by James R. Smith, who had previously managed Oakland House, Oakland's first hotel. 1
In 1878 Martin Rigney along with his partner Thomas Burns became the propietors of Overland House. 4
In 1909, it the building was destroyed in a fire. Later that year, work began on a new building to replace it. 2,3
The new building is home to Overland Station, a country bar and restaurant, and one of the locations of the Port Workspaces.
1889 Sanborn excerpt
1912 Sanborn excerpt
Links and References
- The Overland House Oakland Tribune July 29, 1874
- Overland House, Oakland, Destroyed, Loss Being $15,000 San Francisco Call May 5, 1909
- Improvements on Lower Broadway Oakland Tribune August 22, 1909
- Oakland Directory 1878, 1879
- Jack London at Overland House OMCA
- Overland: The Bay Area's New Country Music Hub East Bay Express January 28, 2015
- overlandstation.com Overland Station website
- Fights Battle With Bold Burglar Oakland Tribune July 10, 1912
- On the waterfront — Jack London by Annalee Allen Oakland Tribune June 6, 2009
- Oakland Brevities Oakland Tribune December 7, 1878