Councilmember Noel Gallo, District 5, holds events for his district members. If you attend, please feel free to create a page and add notes!


    1. Wednesday, March 4, 2015 1:30PM – 2:30PM: Monthly Clean Up with Bridges Academy at Melrose (1325 53rd Ave. Oakland, CA 94601)
    2. Saturday, March 7, 2015 9AM – 12PM: Meet at 23rd Ave. & Ford St. in partnership with Straus Carpets (2828 Ford St. Oakland, CA 94601)
    3. Monday, March 9, 2015 1:30PM – 2:30PM: Monthly Clean Up with Heritage Psychiatric Health Facility (2633 E 27th St. Oakland, CA 94601)
    4. Wednesday, March 11, 2015 1:30PM – 2:30PM: Monthly Clean Up with Fremont High School (4610 Foothill Blvd. Oakland, CA 94601)
    5. Saturday, March 14, 2015 9AM  – 12PM: Meet at island media on Park Blvd. & Beaumont Ave. between MacArthur and Chatham in partnership with Glenview Neighborhood Association (GNA)
    6. Wednesday, March 18, 2015 1:30PM – 2:30PM: Monthly Clean Up with Ascend Elementary (3709 E 12th St. Oakland, CA 94601)
    7. Friday, March 20, 2015 2PM – 4PM: Monthly Clean Up with Oakland Charter High School (345 12th St. Oakland, CA 94607)
    8. Saturday, March 21, 2015 9AM  – 12PM: Meet at High St. & Brookdale Ave. in partnership with Melrose High Hopes NCPC Beat 27X 
    9. Wednesday, March 25, 2015 1:30PM – 2:30PMMonthly Clean Up with Learning Without Limits (2035 40th Ave. Oakland, CA 94601)
    10. Thursday, March 26, 2015 4:30PM – 5:30PM: Monthly Clean Up with Manzanita SEED (2409 E27th St. Oakland, CA 94601)
    11. Friday, March 27, 2015 1:30PM – 2:30PM: Monthly Clean Up with Garfield Neurobehavioral Center (1451 28th Ave. Oakland, CA 94601)
    12. Saturday, March 28, 2015 9AM  – 12PM: Meet at MacArthur Blvd & Sheffield Ave in partnership with Redwood Day School (3245 Sheffield Avenue, Oakland, CA 94602) 
    13. Tuesday, March 31 2015, 9AM – 2: 00PM: CESAR CHAVEZ DAY OF SERVICE - Meet at Josie De La Cruz Park (1637 Fruitvale Ave) in partnership with Arise High School

Regular Events:

  • Graffiti Wednesdays: Every Wednesday afternoon Gallo's team works to remove graffiti throughout District 5. 


  • Town Hall Meeting in Fruitvale Saturday March 9, 2013.
  • Service Days:
    • Saturday, July 5 2014: Fruitvale Ave & Foothill Blvd (9AM - 12PM)
    • Saturday, July 12 2014: Seminary Ave & International Blvd (9PM - 12PM)

    • Saturday, July 19 2014: Coolidge Ave & Nicol Ave (9AM - 12PM)

    • Saturday, March 23, Jingletown/Kennedy Tract Neighborhood
    • Saturday, March 30, 35th Avenue from International to Hwy. 580, 9am-12pm. Meet at the corner of 35th Ave. and Foothill Blvd.

    • Saturday, April 6, Bancroft Avenue from High Street to 51st Ave. 9am-12pm Meet at the corner of 46th Ave. and Bancroft

    • Saturday, April 13, 9am-12pm Manzanita School Neighborhood, Meet at corner at E. 27th and 25th Ave in front of the school
    • Sunday, April 28th 9am-12pm Coolidge Ave @ Nicol Park and surrounding streets (note: normally these take place on Saturdays, but this one is on Sunday due to the Public Safety Town Hall on April 27th)
    • Saturday, May 25, 2013, clean-up and beautification project on Fruitvale Avenue and East 27th Street.
    • October Town Hall Meetings
    • October 26, 2013 – 51st Ave and International Clean- up, 9:00 am, Neighborhood Clean Up

    • November 2, 2013- 35th Ave and Foothill Ave Clean- Up, 9:00 am, Neighborhood Clean Up
    • November 9, 2013– High St and Foothill Clean- Up, 9:00 am, Neighborhood Clean Up
    • November 16, 2013- International Ave and 29th Ave Clean Up, 9:00 am, Neighborhood Clean Up
    • November 23, 2013- Fruitvale Ave and E.27th Ave Clean up-9:00am, Neighborhood Clean Up 
  • ​Graffiti Busters:
    • ​Saturday, March 24, 23rd between E 12th and Foothill
  • Tuesday, April 9: Public Safety Committee in the Community, 6pm, Fremont High. 4610 Foothill Blvd. Councilmember Gallo is Chair of the Public Safey Committee and will be holding committee meetings in various, non-City Hall locations. At the meeting, Chief of Police Howard Jordan will report on Oakland’s Short Term Public Safety Strategy and we will hear detailed information on what OPD is doing to reduce crime and violence in our part of town – make sure to attend! This is the first of those meetings. Spanish translation provided.
  • Thursday, April 18th: Noel Gallo and OPD are hosting a Training and Education Session on Sexually Exploited Minors. 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Fruitvale Senior Center, 3301 E. 12th St, #201 (in the Fruitvale Transit Village above Citibank)
  • Saturday, June 15th
    Service Days with Councilman Noel Gallo
    9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
    William Wood Park and Manzanita Recreation Center
    Education Center

    Saturday, June 22nd
    Service Days with Councilman Noel Gallo
    Meet at High Street and E.12th

  • Saturday, August 3rd
    Neighborhood Clean-Up
    Meet at Josie De La Cruz Park
    1637 Fruitvale Ave

    Saturday, August 10
    Neighborhood Clean-Up
    Meet at 35th Ave and International Blvd.

    Saturday, August 10
    Glenview Neighborhood Association
    Park Blvd Median Beautification
    8am - 12pm
    Park Blvd b/w El Centro & Beaumont

    Saturday, August 17
    Neighborhood Clean-Up
    Meet at E. 12th & 29th Ave

    Saturday, August 24
    Neighborhood Clean-Up
    Meet at 35th Ave and International Blvd

    Saturday, August 24
    Fiestas en Fruitvale
    E.12th between 33rd and 35th

    SaturdayAugust 31
    Neighborhood Clean-Up
    Meet at Foothill Blvd. and Fruitvale Ave.

    Thursday, September 5
    District 5 Redistricting Town Hall Meeting
    Cesar Chavez Education Center
    2825 International Blvd.
  • September 14, 2013 – Sheffield Ave and MacArthur Clean- up, 9:00 am, Neighborhood Clean Up
  • September 15, 2013 – Dia de la Independencia 12:00  pm, Festival, De La Fuente Plaza
    • September 21,2013- Oakland Creek to Bay Day, Event, Neighborhood Clean Up
    • September 21, 2013 – Lyon Ave and Harrington Ave Clean - up 9:00 am, Neighborhood Clean Up
    • September 27, 2013- Congresswoman Barabara Lee Leadership Breakfast, Event, Guadalajara Restaurant 
    • September 28, 2013- Bond St and High St Clean up- 9:00am, Neighborhood Clean Up 

See Also: