The Ligure Club is an Italian American men's social club established by and for men with family connections to Northern Italy. Founded in the Temescal district of Oakland, the first official meeting was held January 27, 1933.
In 1934 the organization built itself a club at 4799 Shattuck Avenue, with a spacious dance hall, bar, banquet hall, an indoor bocce ball court and other amenities.
By 1962, the Ligure Club had more than 900 members, but flight to the suburbs eroded the membership at a time when social integration was reducing the need for exclusively Italian clubs.
The Ligure Club operated at this Shattuck Avenue location until 1981, when financial issues and dwindling membership forced the club to close the clubhouse and sell the building, and relocate its activities to the Fratellanza Club. The building eventually was turned in to performance venue The Omni, which eventually closed as well.