The Knights of Honor was a fraternal organization which ...
In 1887 the Knights of Honor met at the following locations in Oakland:
Clinton Lodge No. 2019 — Meets at Washington Hall, 307 East Twelfth Street, second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. J. H. Hayes, Dictator; Wm. H. Wood, Reporter; Geo. H. True, Treasurer.
Golden State Lodge No. 2058 — Meets at Pythian Hall, 1056 Broadway, second and fourth Tuesdays each month.
Ivanhoe Lodge No. 1889 — Meets at Kohler's Hall, 1506 Seventh Street, second and fourth Thursdays each month. Wm. Wilkinson, Dictator; T. H. McDonald, Secretary; N. B. Hoyt, Treasurer.