JustMyNeighbors is an Oakland based free service that helps you communicate with the people that live near you.

It's different from typical mailing lists because it uses your home address and the home address of others to automatically connect you with people that live within 1,000 feet of you. Every address has it's own mailing list. 

It's simple to use: You already have the app - it's called 'mail'. Just send an email to neighbors@justmyneighbors.com and the message goes to your neighbors. Your email can include photos and documents.

It's private. Your email address is alway hidden. Your home address is never revealed. On JustMyNeighbors you are known by your first name and your street, like "Kelly on Woodruff." And JustMyNeighbors is a Privacy First service - it will never share your information with anyone. Learn more here.

It's local. The 1,000 foot radius circle keeps your list small and the topics are really about your block and neighboring blocks. 

You are in control: Don't like the current topic? Mute it. Is there someone in your area that consistently sends messages that don't interest you? Mute the sender.

There are no borders. Other services have preset areas with borders. Borders divide. Where there is a border, there is someone on one side and someone on the other. That doesn't make sense in an urban environment. With JustMyNeighbors the people that live near you are always in your neighborhood. We call it "Neighbors Without Borders."

What's it for? It's for whatever you want to discuss with your neighbors:

  • organize a block party
  • get recommendations for painter or handyman
  • borrow or loan tools
  • is that car abandoned?
  • gardening advice
  • and local crime issues

JustMyNeighbors was started in Oakland's Glenview district in February 2009. It's now all over Oakland.

You can register here
