Iveywood and the Iveywood Extension are subdivisions in Elmhurst District of Oakland. The land was originally conveyed to Ludovina Peralta de Ivey (1828-1917) from her father Ignacio Peralta in 1865.
Iveywood enjoyed the advantages of the metropolis, with a school system, police protection, and mail delivery. Iveywood Extension is located in the warm belt of the eastern portion of Oakland. Every lot in the Iveywood Extension is covered with full bearing fruit trees, cherries, apricots, plums and pears.1
The residents of two Iveywoods, could travel by the electric railway to the center of Oakland in about 15 minutes and less than 45 minutes to the business center of San Francisco.
The Peralta Land Company were the exclusive agents for Iveywood and The M.T. Minney Co. of Oakland were the exclusive agents for the Iveywood Extension.