The Independent Order of Good Templars an association formed for the promotion of temperance. The Good Templars' Home for Orphans at Vallejo, Cal. (erected
1869), is sustained by this order.
In 1887 the Independent Order of Good Templars met at the following locations in Oakland:
- Fountain Lodge No. 193 — Meets at Medical Hall, Clay between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, every Monday evening.
- Athens Lodge No. 286 — Meets at Medical Hall every Friday evening.
- Prohibition Lodge No. 412 — Meets at Congregational Church, Chase near Wood Street, every Tuesday evening.
- Brooklyn Lodge No. 384 — Meets at Washington Hall, 307 East Twelfth Street, every Friday evening.
- Oakland Lodge No. 520 — Meets at hall, corner Thirty-fourth and Ettie Streets, every Tuesday evening.