Public domain image reproduced from Oakland District Handbook by Nancy Curns, 1984 (available at Oakland History Room)Alex Miller-Cole and others are interested in documenting Oakland's forgotten, still-standing, demolished, and closed historic buildings. Please use this entry to share thoughts, plan, and discuss this project.
Great Places to start:
City of Oakland Historic Preservation page:
Oakland Heritage Alliance (site)
Dennis Evanosky's web pages: = Calfornia landmarks in Oakland = national landmarks in Oakland (a short list) + national historic registered buildings
Existing Historic Building Entries in Oakland Wiki:
Pages tagged “historic building”
- 347 - 14th Street
- 4460 Howe Street
- 700 Franklin Street
- 9th Avenue Terminal
- Alameda County Courthouse (1875)
- Ali Baba Ballroom
- Arbor Villa
- Arcade Hotel
- Athenian-Nile Club Building
- Athens Athletic Club
- Bacon Block
- Bartling House
- Bauske House
- Bell Theatre
- Bercovich Building
- Blake & Moffitt Building
- Borland Building
- Borland House
- Bowman B. Brown's Building and Annex
- Bradley Building
- Broadway Bank Building
- Broadway Block
- Broadway Wholesale Cleaners
- Cahill & Sbarbaro Building
- California Medical College
- Camron Hall
- Cathedral of Saint Francis de Sales
- Centennial House
- Central Building
- Central Building & Loan Association Building
- Central Pacific Railroad Depot
- Chabot Woman's Home
- Charles Jurgens Company - Lux Theater Building
- Clarendon House
- Claridge Hotel
- C. L. Dellums apartments
- C. L. Greeno Building
- Cohen-Bray House
- Cole Grammar School
- Cutting Mansion
- Dalziel Building
- Davis Block
- De Domenico Building
- DeLauer's - Kay Jewelers Building
- Dewey Theatre
- Dietz Opera House
- Dille Building
- Dunn Block
- Durant Elementary School
- Earle C. Anthony Packard Showroom
- East Bay Water Company Building
- Elks Club Building
- Elks Hall - Scheeline Building
- Everts Block
- Fabiola Hospital (historical)
- Fannie Wall Children’s Home and Day Nursery
- Farol Apartments
- Financial Center Building
- First Congregational Church
- First National Bank Building - Lionel Wilson Building
- First Schoolhouse
- First Trust & Savings Bank - American Bank Building
- First Universalist Church
- Foulkes Building
- Franklin Theater
- Fraternal Hall
- Fricke Building
- Fruitvale Hotel
- Ghirardelli House
- Gladstone Building
- Grand Central Hotel
- Grove Building
- Hall of Records (Historic)
- Hamilton Hall
- Harmon Conservatory
- H.C. Capwell family home
- Heald's Business College
- Henry House - Portland Hotel
- Higgins House
- Hotel Piedmont
- Hotel St. George
- Humboldt Park Hotel
- Hunt House
- Income Securities Building
- Irene Sargent's
- Jacobs House
- J. J. Newberry Co. Building
- Jonas Building
- Josiah Merrell Mansion
- Kaiser-Frazer dealerships
- Key Route Inn
- Klinkner Hall
- Knox-Buckley House
- Ky Ebright Boathouse
- Lake Merritt Apartments
- Lampwork Lofts
- Latham Square Building
- Leimert Building
- Ligure Club
- Littlefield Concert Hall
- MacArthur-Broadway Shopping Center
- MacDermot Mansion
- MacDonough Theatre
- Mansion House
- Maple Hall
- Margaret Carnegie Library
- Marks Building
- Marshall Steel Company Cleaning Plant
- Martin M. Hoffman Co.
- Mary Bowles Building
- Melrose Lofts
- Merguire-Ritchie Chevrolet
- Metropole Hotel
- Mme. de St. Germain's Oenophile Store
- Moyles-Kappenman Building
- Mutual Stores
- North Oakland Branch Library
- Oakland Bank of Savings Building
- Oakland Chamber of Commerce Building
- Oakland City Hall/1869
- Oakland City Hall/1879
- Oakland City Hall/Historic
- Oakland Hospital
- Oakland Produce Exchange
- Oakland Seminary for Young Ladies
- Oakland Title Insurance Building
- Old Downtown YMCA Building
- Omar Club
- Orpheum Theatre
- Overland House
- Pacific Female College
- Packard Lofts
- Padre Apartments
- Pagoda Hill
- Palm Knoll
- Park House
- Perine-Gilmour Building
- Perry Building
- Peterhof Castle
- Piedmont Baths
- Playter Block
- Plymouth Church Towne House
- Poirier House
- Polytechnic College
- Preservation Park
- Pullman Hotel
- Queen Anne
- R. A. Doty Star Cars
- Railroad Exchange Hotel
- Raymond House
- Realty Syndicate Building
- Reed Building
- Regillus Apartments
- Remar Bakery
- Remillard House
- Resurrection Oakland Church
- Robinson House
- Rudonia Apartments
- Sanford Building
- Schutz Building
- Sevening Building
- Seventh-Day Adventist Church
- Sexton/Favre Building
- Siegriest House
- Snow Museum
- Standeford House
- St. Anthony's Church
- Starline Social Club
- St. John's Episcopal Church
- St. Johns Hospital
- St. Mark Hotel
- St. Mary's Church
- Studio Building
- St. Vincent's Day Home
- Sullivan Building
- Surety Mortgage/Capwell Company Building
- Sweet's Ballroom
- Taft & Pennoyer
- T & D Theatre
- Tepper's Beer Garden
- Thayer Building
- The Centennial
- The Hive
- The Majestic
- The Omni
- Thornton House
- Trowbridge House
- Tubbs Hotel
- Union Machine Works
- Union Savings Bank
- Vernon Rock-Ridge Hall
- Vittorio Alfieri Club
- Walsh House
- West Clawson Lofts
- Westphal Building
- Wetmore Pardee Building
- Wiener Building
- Williams and Slade Building
- Ye Liberty Playhouse
- Young Men's Christian Association of Oakland