The Golden Gate Cracker Company was a short-lived company with offices in Oakland and San Francisco. It was organized in May, 1906 2 by Charles R. Smith of Alameda who had previously worked for the American Biscuit Company of San Francisco. The Golden Gate Cracker factory was at Cedar and Taylor Streets in West Oakland, an area that is now part of I-880 at the end of 9th Street.
The factory employed approximately 125 people, but in June of 1907, the company declared bankruptcy. 1 Almost $20,000 of their debt was held by Security Bank and Trust of Oakland. They also owed the Eagle Box and Manufacturing Company a large sum. 3James P. Edoff acted as the receiver for the bankruptcy.
Links and References
- Golden Gate Cracker Company is Bankrupt San Francisco Call June 13, 1907
- Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and State Assembly 1906
- Barrel, Box and Packages Volume 12, March, 1907