Describe German Societies here ... were types of Secret Societies ...
Germania Hall, 832 - 836 Webster Street
Germania Hall Association — Meets first Tuesday in each month; David Vogt, President ; John Martens, Secretary; F. Senram, Treasurer.
Oakland Turn Verein — Meets at Germania Hall first and third Wednesday in each month. P Conradi, President; G. Schmidt, First Secretary; Frank Sanderleider, First Treasurer; W. Levy, Librarian.
German Evangelical Association — Meets at Kohler's Hall, 1506 Seventh Street, every Sunday; services commencing at 10 A. M. and 7 P. M., Rev. C. Griin, Pastor.
Verein Eintracht
Meets every Tuesday evening at Eintracht Hall, 856 Webster. Hans Zoellner, President; Bernard Moeves, Vice-President; Chris. Goerner, Recording Secretary; Ferd. Schroeder, Financial Secretary; Theo Hansen, Treasurer.
0. D. H. S.
California Lodge No. 2 — Meets at Germania Hall every Thursday evening. F. Dahnke, President; C. Blessing, Secretary; David Vogt, Treasurer.
Red Men
Alameda Stamm No. 113 — Meets at Germania Hall every Sunday evening. P. W. Schroeder, O. Ch.; Powell Schubert, W. Ch. ; Otto Sesland, Secretary; David Vogt, Treasurer.