Free Utopian Projects is an evolving series of curated, free, socially interactive installations, events and pop-ups.
Each project concentrates on the economy, the environment and building community by offering art and objects for free. In exchange we ask patrons to consider the possibilities of a Utopian free economy that bypasses monetary exchange – think about the abundance of things, the ecological and economic impact of sustainable art practices. Consider the definition of art and the role and responsibilities of galleries/gallerists and artists in the community. Consider the value of objects, the value of art, art materials, stuff - the value of memories, sentiment and stories - and the value of sharing.
Free Utopian Projects now has a permanent location in Oakland: Free Oakland UP
A multi-purpose art space offering free original art along with household objects, decor, books, plants, tools; odds'n'ends, etc. (one item per person per visit = a whole new shopping experience! hmmmm, what to choose, how do you choose?)
Part Art Gallery featuring curated solo and group exhibitions; part gift shop; and part drop-in community art studio filled with sustainable art materials and featuring The Baggie Challenge.
This permanent Free Utopian Project is made possible through the generous donations of patrons like you, either of art and objects or financial gifts.
Accepting donations of giftables, garden items, vintage and antique items, small furniture, art and craft supplies, and sundry items - sorry please no clothing, broken appliances, or large furniture.
Also seeking proposals for art exhibitons. All physical objects must be offered free to the public, but you are welcome to explore the meaning of free (as in free to watch videos, free to look at wall murals, free workshops, free performances...) Please email enquiries to
2809 MacArthur Blvd. Oakland, CA 94605
(in the Loard's Ice Cream shopping plaza)
Other information
Add any other contact information available or any other information that is relevant.