#CCOAK3A - Economic Development session at City Camp Oakland 2013
See full notes from the session here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xMuKhp8GHsNFB9nOK5Qq-sFDno8qkoy857y29wGsH2o/edit
Add Organizations and initiatives working on economic development here:
- www.oaklandlibrary.org - The public library provides a number of resources for business development, and jobs and skills training. We also host a number of programs to support business owners. For example, ReferenceUSA is one subscription database which provides sales leads.
- Oakland Business Assistance Center -- assists entrepreneurs, as well as existing business owners, great online assessment tools oaklandbac.com a CIty service
- Oakland Merchants Leadership Forum -- merchant leaders gather 4th Thursday at city hall 8:30 am, includes BID/CBD leaders at times, omlf.org
- monthly BID leader meeting organized by the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce oaklandchamber.com
- HUB Oakland
- PopupHood
- Oakland SMDC
- Annie E. Casey Fund
- "Making Connections" proposal and report
- Urban Strategies Council
- Oakland Public Library - research, databases, programs, lead generation
- Planting Justice
- Phat Beets
- Ban The Box
- Youth Uprising
- East Bay Job Developers
- East Lake Business Association
Suggestions for what happens next: