Eugene Lastartemay, 1976.
From Temescal Legacies
The East Bay Negro Historical Society (EBNHS) was the predecessor of the African American Museum and Library at Oakland.
It was formally organized July 2, 1965. The seven founding members of the EBNHS were Jesse Ford, Marcella Ford, Madison Harvey, Jr., Eugene Lasartemay, Ruth Lasartemay, E. Harold Mason, and Morrie Turner. Ruth and Eugene Lasartemay started in the 1940s to informally collect stories, memories and artifacts from their church community (Beth Eden Baptist Church).
In 1970, the collections were moved to a storefront at 3651 Grove Street (now MLK, Jr. Way). In 1976, they moved to 4519 Grove Street. In 1982, they were invited into the Golden Gate Branch Library on San Pablo Avenue.
In 1988, Dr. Lawrence Crouchett was appointed executive director, and it was renamed Northern California Center for Afro-American History & Life (NCCAAHL). 1
Links and References
- AAMLO History on
- MS026_B09_939 Towns (Royal E.) Papers, African American Museum and Library at Oakland
- African American Museum and Library materials now available online by Annalee Allen Oakland Tribune November 13, 1924