DACA's 1st Annual Culinary Cookoff
The Digital Arts and Culinary Academy (DACA) is a state of the art facility designed to give teens an opportunity to learn and grow, while having a good time with instructors and fellow teens.
DACA is an Oakland Parks and Recreation facility and is located at 5818 International Blvd, Oakland, CA (next door to the Rainbow Recreation Center).
DACA is also known as The Rainbow Teen.
Phone number: (510) 615-5807
Email: info@dacaoakland.com
URL: http://www.dacaoakland.com/
After School Programs & Summer Day Camps that feature:
- Culinary Arts
- Urban Gardening
- Digital Video Production
Digital Music Production
- Audio Production
- The Art of Songwriting
- Beginning & Intermediate Guitar Classes
- Beginning Piano Class