Charlotte Therese Hatfield Garthwaite (November 15, 1823 - December 27, 1912) was the wife of early settler and lumberman Harry Garthwaite, and the mother of prominent banker W. W. Garthwaite, Edwin H. Garthwaite, Henry P. Garthwaite, and Mabel Garthwaite Cockcroft. She was the grandmother of Helen Garthwaite Tasheira.
She was born Charlotte Therese Hatfield on November 15, 1823 in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Charlotte married Harry Garthwaite in June, 1851 in New York, and they came to California (via the isthmus of Panama) in 1856.
The Garthwaites were members of First Baptist Church, and Charlotte was devoted to church and missionary work. She was one of the founding members of the local YWCA. 1,2
See also: Garthwaite family
Links and References
- Woman Pioneer Highly Honored San Francisco Call December 30, 1912
- Y.W.C.A. Gathers At Anniversary Breakfast San Francisco Call October 3, 1911
- Charlotte Garthwaite on