California Genealogical Society 1

The California Genealogical Society & Library is a nonprofit organization which was "organized in San Francisco on February 12, 1898, [and] is one of the premier genealogical resources in Northern California. The Library is rich in genealogy reference materials, both standard and unique, covering people and places in California and the rest of the country. The Society offers research services, online one-of-a-kind genealogical indexes and databases, and a research library housing over 38,000 reference materials from California, the United States, and around the world." 1

"The mission of CGS is to help people trace and compile their family histories. To accomplish this, the Society maintains a library, gathers and preserves vital records, disseminates information through its publications and internet access, and teaches genealogical research methods through meetings, seminars and workshops." 1


2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland, California 94612



Library Hours

Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00; Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Additional Links

California Genealogical Society official website 1

California Genealogical Society and Library blog