[Updated: Tuesday, March 24, 2020]

The elderly, the poor, and the unhoused are some of the most vulnerable to COVID-19. People voluntarily isolating themselves has left many organizations that help them short-handed. Alameda County and the state of California have issued a shelter-in-place order, so some volunteer opportunities are likely to be obsolete. Others are considered essential. Please check with the organization.

Below are some organizations that may need volunteers. But regardless of where you live, remember your elderly neighbors—they are the most at risk, and not all of them may have someone nearby to help.

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  1. Click Edit at the top of the page.
  2. Make changes.
  3. Click Save changes at the bottom of the page.

How to Help

Create or join group or network (direct help)

Start a pod https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j8ADhLEuKNDZ1a_opmzudywJPKMXcNKu01V1xY2MiIA/edit
Podmapping https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-QfMn1DE6ymhKZMpXN1LQvD6Sy_HSnnCK6gTO7ZLFrE/mobilebasic
Neighborly Invitation https://docs.google.com/document/d/1waIh2V3ziWUCXgrBW9O4UaYu8u5oPWx8vvhTcGng_GA/edit?fbclid=IwAR0kJlyPsBoXyH0xnOrR927s5-dwsgl5tLdKfFpZBEDWSjsS_FYpDTg-z1E
SF Bay Resistance- mutual aid https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1hqLnUN22aMoRnKnJJF2CzNP7u-RG5-rhZAz509z9wxE/viewform?edit_requested=true
Oakland at Risk https://www.oaklandatrisk.com/

Volunteer- Groups or Orgs

Name Link Focus Accepting volunteers? Specific Coronavirus needs? Notes
SOS Meals on Wheels https://www.sosmow.org delivering meals to seniors yes    
Lake Neighbors   support for immunocompromised folks unknown yes contact @bethpikegirl on twitter
Alameda County Food Bank https://www.accfb.org/get-involved/volunteer/food-sorting/ food distribution yes yes can volunteer without orientation on specific days
Meals on Wheels of Alameda County https://www.feedingseniors.org/volunteer delivering meals to seniors yes unknown many volunteer opps
Operation Dignity https://operationdignity.org/how-you-can-help/volunteer/ homelessness, veterans unknown unknown  
St Vincent de Paul https://www.svdp-alameda.org/volunteer.htm IPV, meals, job training, homelessness unknown unknown  
St Mary’s Center  stmaryscenter.org at risk seniors and pre-schoolers unknown unknown  
East Oakland Community Project http://www.eocp.net/volunteer/volunteer-opportunities/ homelessness unknown unknown  
Covenant House covenanthousecalifornia.org/volunteer/ homelessness, trafficking unknown unknown  
Building Futures https://bfwc.org/give-support/volunteer-your-time/ Homelessness, housing, IPV unknown unknown  
Project Open Hand https://www.openhand.org/volunteer/volunteer-oakland food distribution yes yes  
various list of senior services seniors unknown unknown various senior groups in Alameda County- some may be accepting/needing volunteers
various list of IPV services IPV unknown unknown various IPV groups in Alameda County- some may be accepting/needing volunteers
East Oakland Collective http://www.eastoaklandcollective.com/volunteer.html food distribution unknown unknown  
City Team https://www.cityteam.org/oakland/ food distribution unknown unknown  
Keep Oakland Housed https://www.keepoaklandhoused.org/connectwithus homelessness unknown unknown  
various list of food distribution locations food distribution unknown unknown various food distribution groups in Alameda County- some may be accepting/needing volunteers
various Local church or faith community various unknown unknown your local faith community may be a direct service provider for many in your community
East Oakland Burrito Roll https://www.eastoaklandburritoroll.org/ distributing food and supplies to unhoused people yes yes  

Donate (Monetary is most helpful at the moment)

Name Link Focus
Masks2all https://www.gofundme.com/f/masks2all Providing face masks to unhoused individuals
Oakland Public Ed COVID-19 Rapid Relief https://www.oaklandedfund.org/give/covid-19/
  • Feeding our students and families
  • Ensuring clean and safe facilities
  • Continuity of learning
  • Supporting Vulnerable Families

 One  Fair Wage




Emergency Coronavirus Workers Support Fund


Feeding America https://www.feedingamerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank A nationwide network of food banks and distributes 4.3 billion meals each year through food pantries and meal programs throughout the United States. Find any local food banks to donate. 
Islamic Relief (USA) http://irusa.org/coronavirus/ Islamic Relief USA is doing its utmost to provide information and resources that may shed light on the virus and related health care, the situation facing our most-vulnerable communities, like refugees and our low-income neighbors, and on how to stay calm amid much of the chaos.  Islamic Relief is committed to give 1.9M towards the efforts to help provide Food, Health, and Financial Assistance.
United Way (USA) https://www.unitedway.org/recovery/covid19?utm_source=211&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=covid19&utm_content=learnmore# United Way helps families and people in need access critical information and services like food, shelter, and more through our United Way network. 95% of your donation will provide relief to those left vulnerable by the pandemic.
United Way (International)

For donations less than $5000: https://www.unitedway.org/get-involved/ways-to-give/worldwide-giving/international-support-fund

For donations more than $5000: https://www.unitedway.org/get-involved/ways-to-give/worldwide-giving/idag


Other ways to help

  • Fill out your census form online! (Save a census worker a trip to your home)
  • Donate blood (urgently needed!)
  • Get takeout from a small business (also check with your favorite local restaurant)
  • Buy a gift certificate from your local small business