The Bee Healthy Honey Shop Mural is a unique mural on the side of the Bee Healthy Honey Shop on Telegraph near 30th. The mural reads "Bee Healthy Honey Shop. It's Local. It's Tasty!" There is a picture of a beekeeper using a smoker on a beehive in a field of flowers. The sky is made of honeycomb shapes.
The mural is not actually painted on the wall like it looks: It's a "mural in a box." If you look closely, you can see that it's made out of square pieces of paper and colored in with markers. You can email for more information (and maybe to buy one?) There is a little sign in the grass that says "mural-in-a-box #1. bee healthy honey shop. acrylic paint pens and ink markers by grozo." (grojo?)
check out how the mural is attached to the wall. photo by greenkozi
photo by greenkozi