The Arrasmith Apartments are a small apartment building at 4348 Broadway across from Oakland Tech. They were completed in 1926 by owner and builder M.C. Arrasmith.
When constructed, the building had a 25' by 50' dance floor on the mezzanine, and the apartments featured Marshall and Stearns wall beds.
In 1929, classified ads started referring to them as the Tech High Apartments or Technical High Apartments. Beginning in 1935, they were the Addison Apartments, and in 1937, the Arnold Apartments. 2,3,4
Links and References
- Arrasmith Apts. on Broadway To Open Today Oakland Tribune March 14, 1926
- classified ad Oakland Tribune November 4, 1929
- classified ad Oakland Tribune March 1, 1935
- classified ad Oakland Tribune March 30, 1937