The American Legion of Honor was founded in Boston, MA, in 1878, with the first council in California created in 1881. The Legion was a fraternal, social and beneficial secret society primarily made up of men but also included a small percentage of women members. One of the main benefits of the Legion was the provision of insurance, but the organization ran into financial difficulties, and was dissolved in 1904-1905. Other than similar names, the organization is not related to the American Legion, which was founded by veterans of World War I in 1919.
American Legion of Honor Councils - 1887
Listed below are the four American Legion of Honor Councils in Oakland from the 1887 City Directory:
American Legion of Honor
- Council No. 192 — Meets at G. A. R. Hall, 1419 Thirteenth Street, second and fourth Wednesdays each month. James Hill, Commander; Wm. I. Bailey, Vice-Commander; Mrs. E. B. Farrington, Secretary.
- Union Council, No. 168 (East Oakland) — Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall, 555 East Twelfth Street, second and fourth Friday evenings. Mrs. Anna Liese, Commander; Mrs. M. J. Hamilton, Secretary.
- Council No. 1889 — Meets at Kohler's Hall, 1506 Seventh Street, first and third Wednesdays each month. Win. J. Pettigrew, Commander; C. T. Jenkins, Secretary.
- Unity Council, No. 194 — Meets at Masonic Hall, corner Willow and Seventh Streets, second and fourth Mondays each month. W. S. Snook, Commander; Geo. W. Snook, Secretary; Dr. A. G. Anthony, Treasurer.