Today's meeting notes!
March 24, 2013, noon-6p!
Via the Wikimedia Foundation offices in downtown SF. Not the best photo, I do say, but you get the point. :]
Let's face it: No one really wants an 8-hour workday on the weekend! Let's just chill at Vicky's place on Sunday!
Oakland Wiki has been undergoing some truly remarkable changes since we first launched in Julyish. From bikeabouts to civic technology conferences with the city to local history editathons and more, Oakland Wiki has been picking up steam at a truly remarkable rate (try seeing the recent changes addiction page for an idea of what your humble editor means)! A number of volunteers have mentioned the need to sit down and evaluate our origins, where we have come to and where we want to go in the future.
This is a planning page. Here you will have the opportunity to request or schedule a talk, a tea time, a planning session or an editathon. Shy person-accessible--others can present your idea if you're not down to do so!
If you want to participate in the retreat, please sign up for our volunteer list!
Noon-we're done: OM NOM NOM! Come eat lunch! There will be margaritas (virgin and non-virgin alike)!
1ish-6p and beyond! Let's talk about the future of Oakland Wiki! Everyone is encouraged to present on something, request a topic of discussion or just connect with fellow volunteers.
A sneak peek at a few presentations...
Vicky will speak a little about Oakland Wiki's origins in the Local Wiki project and give examples of local wiki projects around the world. She will also go over some of what we've accomplished in the first few months of our life!
Philip will talk about some upcoming awesomeness in the LocalWiki platform and discuss some future plans we have for the broader LocalWiki effort. & more, but he's too tired to type right now.
Potential topics
- I dream of Oakland Wiki being the go-to hub where anyone with Internet access can both find out about their city and feel empowered enough to express what they know. I as an individual only know what I know, and what people in my immediate network know. I really want to explore how we can make Oakland Wiki reach a very broad audience. I'm not sure where to go with this question... ~eek
- Let's get local media to participate so that they can contribute ideas as to ways we can collaborate. For an excellent example of the kind of collaboration I mean, please see Oakland Local's cross-posting of our Black History Month events page!
- Maybe one day could be more editathony and hang out and relaxy? I don't think this should necessarily be a conferency event!
- I'd like to discuss with people some policy-ish issues (ex: Style Guide, Best Practices, etc. In short, HOW WE CAN BEST COLLABORATE) and long term goals and strategies (see 2013 Planning Notes and 2013 Planning Notes 2). - mk30
- If people would find it useful, I'd be happy to give an intro to copyright, licensing, the Oakland Wiki CC-BY license, and what it means for the kind of content we can post on the wiki. (Please see the Best Practices page for background info on this idea). - mk30
- Let's plan future events!